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<br /> 5. 1i�rrd ur f'ru{�ty� lwunux�. &aruwrr �twll i,u��� ttk iwp��a��nkuts iww ��xi�tiug w• hcreaRer cr�:tai un th�
<br /> Pruperp iiuureJ :�aii�.�t li�.� b� lin, hat.arJ� iikl;►�ied within�he tenn 'exee�xiucf cu��er�e" :ux1 any �uhc:c hazards. iaciuding
<br /> fla�d.ar flcKxlin�, f��r Khi�h l�iuicr rcquirec incur;uxr. 1'his inwrwxc stull t+e nuintai�x�1 in �hc wnuuntc:►nd fi�r the periai�
<br /> that [.c�xlcr rcyuin,s. Thr in+ur,uxr carricr pruviJiu�tl►r iiuur;�kc�iwl! br�•tx�Kn h� &ar�►wcr wbj�tt t.� l.en�icr'�uppr��v�l
<br /> whirh �iuU ikN t+c unr�:►wiwhly wi�l►Itic;:1. ff B.�r�uw•cr fail+ tu mriivain ro��r.►�;c�ka.rit�al atwvc. Q.c�xk:r nuy, at L.c�xler's
<br /> optic►n,c�btain co��erage tu prcuect l.erui�:r's riFhts in the Pn�perty in ac�cc�r��:uur witfi psr�;r�pl� �.
<br /> All in.ur�ukc(1l1JIL'{C� :i111) RI1CK'�JS st�ll bc.w�tipt.�l� tu I.eixkr wxl alull iiklu+i� ��ta+�darJ �ix�rt�agc:lausc. Lcndcr
<br /> � Slldjl��'C Iiti�I�i1i IO fl(li(�Iik^PftliCli�8iia1�iI1►tiL'���. If iA'I1J��ilijLlfC��4S�i1lIKl'i Vf.11{�tttt�i��tii��;�'vl (:i Z.a:Pw�T ia��i��:.i�.i:1�
<br /> paid prcmiun�.c a�x1 rcnew•al�xuires. In the eti�ent uf locc, B+�rruwrr Jull�lve p�umpt nwiee t��the insura�xe wrrier wxl Le�uler.
<br /> Lcixic�n�y n�ke pra�f��f lo�.�if�uu n�,ulo prom�tly by Bomuw•cr.
<br /> Unles�Lender and Iiorruu�er�uhcrw•isc agr�e in w•riting, insurance pnxced.shall he applied to reatorstion or repair of the
<br /> Property d:unaged,if the re�turatiun or repair is eco►u�nucally f.asible and l.ender's security is ev�t Ie.�uiuJ. If the restoratian or
<br /> repair is iwt econc�mically fea�ibte ed Lencler's cecurity would bc Iesseru�d,the incurance praeeds shall be applie.�i to tlu sunu
<br /> tiecured by this Securit}� In.uwnent, wtu:ther or not then due, with uny excess paid to Be�rrawer. If Bc�rcaWer abandons the
<br /> Pmpcny,or claes not a��.�uer within 30 days a �u►tice fmm I.endtr that thc insurance carrier h:u offerc�d to settle a rlaim,then
<br /> Lender nuy collect the inauraixe procecds. Lendcr n�y use the proceods to rep�ir or restose the Property or to pa}r sums
<br /> securcd by this Sccurity Instrun�ent,whether a�not then due. The 30�day period wiU bcgin a�hen the nc�tice is given.
<br />-. Unlesc Lender and Bormw•er otherwise abree in writing, any applicatian af proceeds to prir.cipal shall not extend or
<br />- poatpc�ne the due d�te of thc nu�nthly puyments referrai ta in para�rnphc 1 anci 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> �'9 under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lende�, Borrawer's right to any inccirarur policies and prceeeds t�sulting from
<br />_� d�mage cn the Property prior to the acquisitian shall p�ss ta Lender to the extetu of the sums secural by this Secarity Instrument
<br />_.� inm�diately prior to the acquicitio�.
<br /> i 6.Occupaacy,Preservalloa.Aiaiaie[wuce aad Protectiot�of tde Property;Borrow•er's i.oan Applicsiioa;Leaselaltls.
<br /> i �i1�ta.':.::.«�!w:apy.wi«,{iSh.:.:�3 w�:,i�`iC{'ia��.�ay d�'Josio�vc�'s'yiiiCiwlj icaiu'cik.c 1'viiiii�Slsiy u'ays di�ei iric ciica.iiii0u oi
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as liorraa•er's principal residence for at least one year uftu
<br /> � the date of occupalu:y, unle�c Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which conseat shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br />_� extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's cofurol. Borrower shaU not destroy. datnage or impair the
<br />, Prc>peny, allow the Propeny to deterioratc, or wmmit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defaalt if any forfeiture
<br /> action or procexding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgn�ent could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> — Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security inter�t. Borrower may
<br />— cure such a def�ult and rei�tate,ac provided in parrgruph 18,by causing the actian or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />= that, in Lender's good faitb determinalion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> impaimient of the lien created by this Security 1►utrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borevwer shall also be in default if
<br />- Sorrower,during the Ic�an Appiicatian pn��ess,gave materially false ur inaccurate infomiation o+r statenients to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with any�naterial infomiation)in com�ection with the loan evidenced by the l�ote, ituludiag,but not limited
<br /> to,represeotations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence.If this Security Iruuurnent is on a
<br /> ___ lPavtu►1�1, Rnrmu�x chall mmnlv with AI� tiw nmvicj�►nc �►f tlw Iracr. if Rnrr�wrr acnuirrc fe+r. titk t� t}►P PmneKy, the _ .
<br />= Iraad�old and the fee tiQt shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> — 7.Protectioa oi Leader's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenunts and agreements contained in
<br />— this Secutity instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly afi'ect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankn�ptcy,probate, for wndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce l�ws or re$ulations), then Lender rnzy do at3d
<br /> pay for whalever is necess�ry to protect tht value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Praperty. Lendtr's actions rn�y
<br /> inclwle paying any sumc secured b�• a lien which has priority over this Secueity Instrurnent, appearing in rnurt, paying
<br /> rcasonable attomeys'fees and enter►ng on the Property ta make re.�aits. Aitlwugh Lei►der may take ac:tion under this paraYraph
<br /> 7.Luxler does not have to do so.
<br /> Any atnounts disbuned by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unlecs Borrower ancl Lender:.gree to other tennc of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate ,nd st�all be payable, w it� �terest. upon notice from Lender W Borrower re,�u�ti_n�
<br />._ Pzyment.
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insur�nce.If Lendcr required mortgage insurazticc as a corulicion of malcing the lo�n secured by this Security
<br /> Tnstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to ma;ntain the mortgage insurance in effect. lf, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses nr ceases to be in effect.Borrower shail pa,y che pre:niums required to
<br /> obtain coverage substanti�lly equivalenE to the mortgage insur�ance Freviously in effect, at a cost substantially equivaler►t to ttte
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage inwrance previously in effoct, from an altema2e mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> _ substantially equivalent mortgage inwrance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month�sam equal to
<br /> — one-twtlRh of the yearly mortgage incnrance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance wvenge lapsod or ceased to
<br /> be in effect. I,ender will aceept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Fo�aa.30?S 9190
<br /> Paq3W6
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