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<br /> COVENANTS �'+ 't��5 —
<br /> I
<br /> i 1. P�y�::a• Earrowar a�reas to make �I! paymentF on ttw� sscur�d d�bt wh�n dw. U�c� Bor�ow�r and 4�ndar aprw othNwisa, any �
<br /> paYnH�ta L�ndar rsaiv�a from BorrowH a t�r Borrowar'� Wrwfit will b��paliad fkst to any am.xints Bo�rowM awu on ttM cscur�t cl�ht -
<br /> �xclu:lw ot int�rnt or pri�cipd,s�cond ta int���t,�nct tMn to principal.�t puds!pr�pay�w+u of ths se�uiad debt occun for�ny����on,it w�N
<br /> nai rsduc�o►uccus�any sclydul�d PrY�i w�1�tM sacur�d d�bt{s p�ld in fuM. _
<br /> 2.CIaN►w Ap�+at Tili�. Borrowx►wtll pay aN t�x�s,us�ssma�t�,�nd utMu chuQaa�tuibutaW�to tMp+op�ity who�dw a�d wil!d�f�nd titN _
<br /> difu�is��s w«hlcl+�Batowu maY�►+�++Wy�k�tt u1D+��aW'��u+PPN��w�twlili to unp�ov�otyrt�antak'u�i tMrP+op�RY���^y riphtt.clahMa a _
<br /> ' � 9.kuwanc�. Borrow�r wlll kNP tl» propKtV Int�x�d u^d�r t�rmo acc�p(aWa to L�ndw at Borrow�r's �xp�n�� �ntf tor L�nd�r'a b�n�fit. AN _
<br /> -a ;,K�yr�nca polic4�a ct�W inclucta i atand3rd 1Q�CI�U6�If1 1�VOt Ot L��d1�.Und�t WiU Fi�(qrtlid ii biY paYN�aa th�in�ursd on�ny wch =
<br /> ,��tM si�XidAd�bt�j W�i�puw�a mmortpp�incuraiu�t Borro�w�aprNS to miinta ntsuch i�srurinw�for a�rfo p u L nd�r pukic�tY =
<br /> .� �.1'topKty.nwrowar ww awy�iw w W+�:y i��yvwi�.:r�.:�:�.:r.3�:�a:«r.�.'..:s::anab!y n�cssssr,.
<br /> � 5.Expa►ssa.E3orrawer aQrN�tv paY su l�ndK'��xpsnsw.includjnp naconabt��ttorn�yo'f��s,if Borrow�r brsaks any cov�nants in thla dNd
<br /> of trwt a in�ny otAqation s�ctu�d bY tAls d��d ot Vwt.&urowu wfU pay tM��amount�to L�nd�r�a provid�d i�Cov��ant 8 of tNc dasd ot _
<br /> trutt.
<br /> 8.Prior S�cwiri Int�+�ab.Unl�s�Borruw�r firat obt�l�c L�r't writt�n coru�nt,Borrowor wilt�wt mak�or p�rmit �ny chmp�c to any prlor
<br /> acurity i�tu�a�s. BorrowK will p�rforro all ol BorrowW's oblipatioM wxiw any prb+matGa�� d�eQ of trust or other esc�:r�ty apreement, _
<br /> I inckWir�p Borroww'f cownanU to cnsic�paY�L wh�+►du�.
<br />� 3 { 7.Asalpnn�►t of Rw►ts�nd ProRb•Barruw�r�csipna to Under th���nt4 and profitc of tM property.UNe�s Borrow�r�nd lu�r haw apra�d -
<br /> � othHwa� tn wrltlny, Barrow�r may colNct and r�Uln tM r�ntc as iorq as ButowK i�not in detautt. It BorrowK d�fwhs, L�nd�►, L�nd�r'o
<br /> �� ayor�t,or �caut+ippoint�d r�c�iwr may tak�posassion��d m�nap�tha propsrty and colNct th�r��t�. Any nnta L�nd�r colNctc chall b�
<br /> ' ��c�c�cxy roist�d axpa tnsas f The�irtu�i�ln0�mou^4 0}rMts wiU tMn app1Y to paYam�nta on tM sic�u�d dabt as provid�d inwCovoiunt lany othM
<br /> - t
<br />` �' 8.Lw�AW�L•Co�dortw�ium�:Planwd ikRt Wwlopn�t�•.8orrowsr aqnes to compIy with tM provicbna ot aoy laasa if this de�d of trwt is on
<br /> s lass�hold. If thls d�ed of t�uct la on a unit in a condominium or a pan�ud unit dawbpment. Bortowu wiU penorm aU o4 Eor�ower'a duties
<br /> wxl�r tl»cowi+�ants,by-laws.or npulstiau of th�condomin+um w plann�d wwt dewbpmant.
<br /> 9.Authority of l��to P�+fom�ior Ronoww• If Borrow�r faita to psrfo+r.e any o�8orrowa's dutiss under thls dMd of uuct, L�nda►may
<br /> p�►fum tM duti�a cwt�tMm to 6�p�rtormed.l�nd�►n+aY stfln Borrovrr s nam�apa Y�y a+�nt if noc�ssary fa p�rfamsnc�.If a�y
<br /> cautructan on e!w prop�rty i�dioco�tirw�d w not cuHed on rn a rusonab�maru�.L�ndK maY do Wh+Ur+►w M�csuy to prot�ct L�rid�r'a
<br /> = acurity intKSSt in th�Prop�rtY.TAi�may includ�comPlstina tR�consuuctian.
<br />`�k L«�r'c faiku�to pKform will not pr�ctud�L�ndv irom�xucis:y ai�y of itc othu riph�w^.�:r th:!:u or thls d�s!c!trt�st_
<br />�_� Any amounts ps�by L�nder to protsct Und�r's s�curity intaaat witl b�seaxsd by thii dNd of trust. Such amounts wil!b�dw on d�mar�d
<br /> and wiU b�ar int�c�at from th�dat�of ttr DsVm�nt until patd in tuB ae UM int�.�st nt�in�ffsct oo tfw sacur�d d�bt.
<br /> �' 1p, p�fwtt�nd AeeNKWwi. If BorrowK fsi4 to maks a�y paymsnt wM»dw a bn�k� any cown�nt�und�► tlas d�sd of Vust o► �ay
<br /> j ob(ipatbn eaeursd by thk dood oT trust a any prior mortyaS„er ds�d of uuot, L�nder msy�ccoMnt�th� msturity of ttw s�ax�d d�bt �nd
<br />� � dMnu�d irtun�disU WYm�nt and maY introk�tM Puwsr of sab and�ny otM►r�m�tll�s P�rmiRfad bV aAD���law.
<br /> '� � /1.R�qu�tt fa Node�of Whuit.It is h�r�by rpwst�d that copies of tM noticss of dafa�and ule b�s�nt to�sch pason who la a party
<br /> hueto.�t the addr�ss of uch wch peraan.u ut torth IwNn.
<br /> 12.Poww cf Sak.If tM l�+b�r invoks�th�p^.war of s�b,tM T�usts�sh.11 tirst ncord i�th�offic�of tM nplrt�r of dNdt of ach county
<br /> ��� whenin tM tnut property a som�part o►Parcet thereof is sitwt�d s notic�of default cor�talnir�ths infamatio�rpukW by Iaw.The TrustN
<br /> �sll atso mail copka of tha notic�of dafautt to tM Borrovwr,to each p�rson who is�paRy h�rato, and to otl�p�rso+u up��scrib�d by
<br />� appticabN law. Not I�ss than on� month attw tM TrustM ��ds th� �otic�of d�fwlt. or two month� if th�mut prop�rty is not in any '
<br /> � w�o�ryoat�d c�ty or villaq�a+id is us�d in i�vmkp op�raYans cartird on by th�vustor,tM TrustN shsll p'rv�pubNc notic�of aa to th�peaon�
<br /> a�;,,tn.m,n�..a•su�.a ny�apppticsbb law. TrustN,wiN+art dema�d on Borrowa,cAa�t sdl ths propWtY�t pu6llc auction to tM AipMtt
<br /> �� bidd�r.If nquind by tM Fum Hom�st��d Prot�ctiaf Act,Trus:N shall off�►th�propenY ie two s�puat�ssMs�s�puind by applicaG�taw.
<br /> � T�xlw�or�'rtsY dalo»maY W+���e+���Y•�n�sal����amaxx�nt at tM wt+�and PI�of sny DnWou�1Y eclydubd saM.
<br /> -- Upo�r t af pa�n�nt of th�pric�bid.TrustN shatl dNivK to tns ptucnusr trust�s`s dwd wnv�yuy s�n�.puM:.�.���:::�;:.i:::u.Y�:»�.'.Li
<br /> 3�� t'rust�s'�shsA b�ptirt►a facle�vid�oi tM uutA of Mc staarn�nu wntaiMd thwain.TrustM s�uu appiy t:►a Dtacaad:of tYA ca�a in ttw
<br />;� folbwirp ord�r. (�) to dl �xpencei of ths cds, Inct:idiop, Dut not qmited to, n�tor►�b;e TrustM's fas, nssonabN attorn�y� t� and
<br /> �� r�instaiwrrnt tMS:lb)to all swru s�eurul by this dNd of uust.and(c)ttw bslanc�,if sny.Lo th�p�rwnf I�pally�d to naiw it.
<br /> �:P� 13.For�own.At l.�ndu'a optbn,thls d��d of Vust may bo toncbsed in tM mamer provide by applk+bN law for fa�closun af mxtpapu
<br /> :� on nsl prop�rty.
<br /> _� 14.6rp�c8o�ti L�rxb►►nay�ntar t1r P�oPKN to intPe�it if L�nd�►pivss Barowa nodc�b�tonhand.Th�notics must st�t�tM reaco�abN
<br />�a caus�tor L�nd�r'�incpsction.
<br /> � tg,Cq�d�tion.Borrowa a�sip�+s to L�nd�r tMprocNdc of a�y award or daim tord�rt��s conn�et�d with a cond�mnsUon or otM►takinq
<br /> �� ot aIl a sny part of th�prop�rty.Suah ProcNds wi11 br aPA►ied as Provlded in Covenant t.TAis sssipnrnmt i�subJect to the tKrtu of rny prior
<br />:�si s�ctritY spr»�sNCit
<br /> � 16.Waiwr.By sxarc._ sny romedY�vs�ilsbN to Under.Und�r dw�not�iw up any riqMs to IaUr ua��medy.6y not�zeciskg
<br /> - - any rsrtwdy upon Bortova�r'a detwlL Lsnd�►d�c not waiva anY�Dht w Ista conc+d�r th�owr.t a d�fwlt fi it a0ain.
<br /> 17. 3dnt�nd S�vKd . Co-slpMn: Su�cMwn �nd A�sip^� Qax�d. Atl duti�s u+d�r th13 de�d of traut x�Ja�t �r�6 avanl. Any
<br /> Bor�owK who co-siy�s this a«a of vust but dos� nat co-s�pn ths urxf�rIyin� d�bt i�stru�nt(s) das so oniY to prant snd conwy that
<br /> `�' BortowK's inta�st in th�prop�rty to tM Tnutes under th�t�rms of this dMQ of truat.In adS+tion,tuch�Borcow�r a,�nes that the Lend�r snd
<br /> any oU►K BonowK und�r thla dNti af uust may�xnnd,mod'+f�+or mak��ny otMr ch�npn i�th�tKrtu of this dwd of uuat or th�s�cur�d
<br /> `� dWt without tAst 8orro�w�r'a conu+►t and witlbut r�asinp that esorro�war hom th�t�►ma of this dMd o!�uuu.
<br />,.� TM dutiN�nd b�fits of dw�dNd of Vust sh�l!bind and b�rwfit t!r wcc�swrs�nd�ssipna of Und�t and 8arcwK.
<br /> 18.Nods�.Unlscs oth�rwis�rs�uind by I�w,mY notic�to Borrow��shstl b�piv�n by d�ihnrinp it a by mailirrp it by artified mail addnss�d to
<br /> Bortow�r at th�aop�rty addracc a snY ottwr addrue that Bortowv has piwn to L�ndK.Borrow�►w�ll p'�w u�y notic�to L�nd�r by c�rtifl�d
<br /> � mail to UnQw'�addr�ss on W0�1 of this dNd of trust,a to any otha�ddnss which LsnQ�r h+s d�siGMted.Any ott.er notia to Lsnd�r stwH
<br /> b�uni to L�bK's addnss as statad on psQ�1 of thi�dMd of uust.
<br />>�� �y nouc.a,aw a a..m.d w nsw a.o aw�w eonow«o.�..�a«wn.n���«,�V,.ma�stat.d abo�•.
<br /> �, 19.Tranaf�r of 1M PrapKtY or�B�id Mn�nst in th�Boeow�r.If aIl or any pan of the prop�rry or�ny interest in it es so{d or v�rufarnd
<br /> _�� without Undw's pr'av w►itt�n cons�nt, l.�nE� may d�msnd knrtwdiats payment of th� secursd d�bi.L�r�r may afco C�mand imrt�fiat�
<br /> & paym�nt if tM Barow�r is not a natursl p�roo+�and s Mneficlal int�nst in t1w Barcwsr is cold or uansfwnd. How�wr. L�idar may not
<br /> `' t d�mind paynwnt in th�abow sitwtiotx i:it u prottibind by f�G�nl law as of th�daU of this d�ad�f trutt.
<br />� _i"'ai
<br /> y� �p.R�amnyane�.WAen the obliyation tecured by thie dssd of trust has i�ae��{wid.�tor�der h:t na:�.uih:r oh'»Q:ii�..�to s�.kc:..':�r.�:
<br /> W�d�►tf�Instrum�nts or Nrtwnts s�currd by thls dwd of uust,th�TructN shs11,upon urtitt�n rsqwst bY tFi� Und�r,reconvsy thr truct
<br /> � ptoy�rty.TM Ur�r shall�wr to th�Borrowsr,a to Bortow�r's wee�tsor in int�r�sL ths trust dsed and ths naU or oU»r evidenoe¢f ths
<br /> obMp�UOr►so satisfid.Barowar�f►a!t p�Y W►y recerdation cosu.
<br /> ` ` 21. Suec�swr T�ustM. L�ndu, at L�nd�r'sop tlon, maY remove TrustN �nd appoint a succ�stor Vus¢e� by first, r.saillrq s copy of the
<br /> � wbstinrtion of trust�e u nquind by appGcabt�law,ar.�thar+.by filinp ttt�wbttitutto^of trustN for r�eord io tM offia cf ths rspttter of ds�dc
<br /> of�aCh eounty i+�whicfi tM Vwt property. a soms part theraof,is situat�d.The suceessor vuste�,withovt conwy� ot th�prop�ty,shW
<br /> sucued to�II th�poww,dutlss,wtlwrity snd titb of the Truste�na+rwd i�th�dNd of Vust and of any wcaswr trwtw.
<br /> j
<br /> I
<br /> � (pap.2 ur 2/
<br />., j MMKFlK SYfTk7�15.WC..ST.CLOUD.W16i]0111-WOSq•2i111 F011Y OCRNT(iME N1fA1
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