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<br /> I cov�TS 96— -
<br /> , I 1. �aymM►t�. Bo+row�r pr��a to m�k• �7! ps y�nta on th� c�cur�d d�bt wMn du�. Uni�ai Barrow�r u�d l�nd�r �pna ottMrwis�. �ny ---
<br /> � p�Yment� l.s�M� r�ww Irom Borrowor or lur 6wru�v,w'� pwwfii w�:l da ap�l�sd fust to Rny�mounts Bosraw�r avw� en tM s�ciK�d d�At
<br /> •xcluNw of i�t�rNt a principa�,ucond to intw��t.�r►d tMn to prinCip�l.It paiilal pnpaYm�nt of tt�Na+r�d d+bt cccur�tor��ty[oaiw�►,i:w�i =
<br /> rot nduc�a acCUa�ny schstlul�d WY���(�I Y�1L�i`lH Wi�u��!{���G�in luil.
<br /> � I 2.CIr4+r Apdnat Tiq�.Bo+row�r wili pW aM tlix��,tia�ttm�nt�,u►d ot►►w ci�up���ttributsbN to th�proparty whrn dw ond w�l�d�f�nd tiW
<br /> � to tttia pro�aotY a°�fiat�ny clNrt:�w1!kh Wqi+kl impalr tha I{�„ol tl�dNd of trwt.l��r m�y r�quw�So+row�►to uslpn my�iphtf.cl�lms or .
<br /> tNia+w�wnict��orrowM may haw�p�kist pM��wh0 suOpM labot w matsNala to imWov�a m�w�liw�tt�p+o�a+lV•
<br /> 1 3. Mww�nc�.BOI�OWAt WHI kMP tF1��OpNty in�lK�d ti�xi�► iWihY iCCipiNLii t3 lGitiit �t Sorrawu's exg�nst anc! tor Lender'a Mnsfit. An �.
<br /> � {niur�nc�policla�s ahs11 Inclucy�tt�ndKd nwrtp�p�tiausi in f�vor of 4��►d�r.Lsnd�r wIW G nam�d s�bs�payM a u ths Insund on�ny cuch
<br /> i wuw�nta po1kY.Jtny inatu�nt�DrocNtN may b��p�d w,ttan Lo+�dw'a dWaatWn.to althu tho��staaUon a n��ir ot tM dsm�ed proDSrtY �
<br /> _ , or to 1h�s�curW d�bt.It Unaw rpuirw matp�in�w�na.8araw�r�M�to malntxtn wch truw�tw w{onp as L��de►r��quirss. =
<br /> " 1 4.r.wr..w� wv.rw..w+u Y..�+th�nrm�rty in aoad mnLt7nn�d maic�tll r�o�ks rwso+vWv�NCUaa�V. �
<br /> � 8.Exp«uN.Bo+r�wK�y►N�to p+Y�ll L�nM+'��xpsruw.inckidinp�uson�bk attorn�ys'fpo.if Borrowk W�ako�ny covananto tn thla de�d �-
<br /> , I of trwt a i��rW oW�fl�tlan oacursd Cy this d�ad of trust.Borrowa w�l1 pay t1+�i��mcwN�to l��w p�avid�d in Cown�n4 9 of thts d�od of �
<br /> uwt. �
<br /> � 0. Ptb�6�a�iN IntKMU.Unt�s�Borrow�r fw�t obt�lna ls�'�writtM cons�nt.Borrow�r wip not m�k�a pKmit any cha�y�s to any prlor =-
<br /> fs�cwiry int�ru��. Borrowa w�ll puform a11 ot Borrow�'i oWq+tloru undu a�ny prior mortpaya. d�ad of trust ot otMr t�cunty wn�rt»nt, �
<br /> � incfudirp Borrow�'�cov�+unU to malu paym�nt�whWt dw.
<br /> 7.Aul�r�t af R�nb�e�d Protk�.8orrowe atat9ns to Und�t th��unts�nd ptolitc of tM{xoporty.U�kca Barrow�r and l�nd�r h�v�rprNd —
<br /> otMrw�a i�wrlti�p, 6orrow�r mry coll�ct w+d�at�tn tM tant�as lorp s�BarowW i�not in datault. If Borrow�e d�t�uRo, Und�r. L�nde'e
<br /> ap�nt, w • court �ppotnt�d r�c�iv�r mav ak� postuilon and man�y�tM pro�»rty�nd collect tha nntt. Any nnts L�ndv colNcts shall b�
<br /> i �ppli�d ('wst to ttM costs of marupinp th� prop�rty, includ+�o cowt coati�nd attorn�ya bas, cammissiooa to r�nta!�nta, and any otMr
<br /> n�causrY r�UtW�xp��.TM rwnsl�tinp�nwunt ol�MU wa!tMn applY to paytnW�U on th�ucut�d d�bt as prov�d�d In Cav�rw►t 1.
<br />`; ± �,��sNwW�•�qxloe�k�nw;pl�xpd tJ�it p�v�iop��nta.8nerowuapr�a4 to eompty with the provl�bns of my k�ea it thi�de�cl of truat i�oo —
<br /> a qualwld. It thia Msd of trust la on�u�it in a condomintum or a pl��rwd unit d�wiopr.»nt,Borroww will pwtorm sU of Borrowa'�dutNo
<br />'h und�r th�cov�nu�q,by-Iaws,a r�putstion�of th�oor�domk+kun a plaivrd unit d�wbW►�K• _
<br /> '� 9. Autl�a�ity of L��to P�to+m ta�*cwM• �f Bo+row�r fila to�rt orm a�y of Barow�r'a dutNS w�da thia dNd of trucL L�ndw m�Y =--
<br />,j pWtoem tM duti�a or eaus�th�m to D�p�rform�d.L�ndw nwy slyn�orroww'�n�rt►�ap�y My amount if rNUSSUy fa pwtamanrw.If any
<br /> coruuuctlon on cMpropwty is di:cor�tinwd or not cxrl�d o�ln�r�asonsbt�msruNr,L�r�may do what�wr ia rwc�uuy to prot�ct l�ndw's
<br />'� s�curity intsrut in thr Property.Thi�may w�ckid�cortfpl�tinp tM consVuetion.
<br /> � 1 L:+.:::':4�i'��ra!a r.Kc:m��!!not r!ecMxfs lsntls•kom�wrcisina any of it�oiMr rioht�tu�tM law or thy dMd of uuat.
<br />'� Any�rtwunta paid by L�r�dw to protect I.�nder'a s�cauity intK�it wiN b���cur�d by this dNd of uu�t. Such amounts wiU Ds dus on d�nw�d
<br /> � �nd wiU bw htwut irom tM daU of th�paYm�nt unti pald In tuN at tM intsnat raU in�ft�ct o+�th�s�cund d�bt•
<br /> * 10. Gfwlt� Aee�ado+►. If Borrovwr f�it� to m�k��ny p�ym�nt wh�n dw a bntkt eny cownant� und�► thk dNd of vust a a�y
<br /> oWipatio�sscw�d by this dNd of Vuot w any prior mortpsp�or dNd of uust. UndK m�y�ccskr�ts th�maturity ot th�s�cur�d d�bt and
<br />�,� duru�d irrun�diat�paym�nt and inay Invok�ttw povwr of�aM and�ny otMr ntn�din p�►mitt�d by applica6l�law.
<br /> 11.R�qwst br Malic�ot D�tault.It is hw�Dy rpwstad that copi�s o}ttN notiai of dstwlt and saN b�ant to�sch p�rson who is a party
<br /> � h�r�to.�t ths addnsn ot�ach such pwson.ai wt torth f��in. _
<br /> � 72.PowM of SaM.lf ths L�ntie invok�s th�pow�at ssl�,tM TrustN shsll i'r�t ncord b tM offia of tM��pista o}dNds of�ae�county
<br /> wMnin ths trust prop�rty or som�pxt or P+rcN tt�►aof is skwt�d s notwv of d�twlt cont�in�tM ir►tormatlon rquk�d by law.Th�Trust�s
<br />:�• sAstl ako m�il coplu of tM notic� ot defsult to th� Borrowa►,to each pe�on who 1�a party fi�r�to, �nd to otMr p�rsonc u pruuibsd by
<br /> �pppcab� law. Not Iau than on� month aftw th�TnutM r�corda tM notis� of d�twti,or two rtwr�Uu if tM mist prop�rtY u not In iny
<br />� i�corpoat�d ci'.y a villape�nd i�ucwi in farminp op�raYions carriW on by tM trusta,th�Trusts�sh�ll piw public notia pf sal�to tM p�rrons
<br /> u�d in tM mxx+er pnsaibv!Dy sppplicabN law.Trwt�,without d�mand o�Bortovwr.sh�11 s�ll tM propWty at puWic auction to th�Wplw�t
<br /> bitkl�r.If�equksd by th�Fum Hom�ttud Rotsctlon Act,TnutN shNl off�r th�propKty In two s�psnt�tal�s u rpuirod by sppGcaW�law.
<br /> � TruttN may postpon�saM of�Il or any parcN af th�propsrty Dy public anwunc�m�nt at ths tim�and plsu of�ny pnviwaly sct��i�d sals.
<br /> � I.��d�r a its d�siprw msy purchss�tM p�opwty at any saN.
<br /> .. _ - vµrit i �v�jw'�w.:2 27S.'�'..:j"..:w�'..:..'�•T�.�..�w�b�ll it_twwr tw�lu�NNnhMM TnNtfM'R f1Mf1 Of1fN/�Y1fl0 i}I�OfDD�f�V.T�f�CJtl�t COfIVIfNd Ifl ,_..
<br /> �,� T;u;.aa'c�a�d shalf 6e pruna iacle evidience o!the mrth of ths statsiriints cont+��d tt+K.In.tru�t.�sfial!appty tM�procNds ot the ssM in tM
<br /> folbwinp ord�r: la) to sll �np�nsas of tM sal�, inctudinp. Dut not IimitW to, rKSOna� TrustN's t�u, naconabl� attorrny'� fMS and
<br /> „� r�ttatertwrn fws:(b)to aY wms sacunol by this dad of uucL W�d(cl ttr ba�anc�.if any,to tM psrsons I�ps1lv�ntitbd to�oceiva it.
<br /> �� �i���_At L�r►dw's optio�►.this deed of vust may be forselos�d in th�manrwr proviG by applicaW�law to►toncbsur�of mortaayes
<br />���
<br />""�' 14.�� L��r may�r tM propwty to incp�ct it if L�od�r pives Borrower noUce b�forNw�d.Tfw notic�muat tut�th�natonabb
<br /> �_� cau�a Ta l.�+idi�'s insp�ction.
<br /> t 5.Ca�d�em�tlon.BorrowK a:s',pns to Lende►thep►oce�de of ar�y awKd or ctaim fa dsmages conrbct�d with�corxJv�er�ation a othsr taicky
<br /> s� of all a any part ot tM�opKty.Such pvocwds wiY b�appliad as provided in Cownu►t 1.This assipnm�nt ic subJ�ct m th�tarms of any pdor
<br /> —a�� s�CUritY�N�n�+q.
<br />�j 16.W�.6Y exxclslny sny rsmedy avail�bt�to Lsnd�r,Unde dw�r.ot piw up any riyhts to lat�r us�any othe nmsdy. By not�xecislnp
<br /> =,1 ariY r�dY upon Borrow�►'s d�tautt.Le►dw dow not waiw anY rqht w tsiar cons�tM�w�t�d�twtt if it happ�ns apaLi.
<br />:�� 77. Jotnt and S�v�nl �y Co-sl��r, Sueeaasors�nd As�ipn��ound. AN dutiu undx thta ds�d of trust �n I�t and avK�l. Any
<br />���� 8orrowK who casiy� this di�d of trust but daa not co-sl�n tM undK_ Iyiny Gbt inaurtNtn(s) dws so ontS+to�rant snd conwy thst
<br /> Bortowsr's intersst i�the prop�rty to ths Tnut�s wsdsr ths tsrms of this asd of trust.M addi8on,auch a Borowe spnsa that tM L�ndK�nd
<br /> � any othor Borrow�r und�►thi�dNd of trust m�y�xund,modify a m�k�any oth�►char�pss in tM tKms of tl�is dud of uust or th�s�ar�d
<br /> d�bt wittwut that 8orro�wu's conce�t rnd witFwut r�asirp that Borrow�r tro�n tM i�rms of thi�dNd of trust.
<br /> TM duti�s and b�rrfits ot this dNd of Vusi�h�U btnd and b�rwfit th�wccassors and ats+pns of Undu and Bwrowa.
<br /> 18.Mod��.Unlsss ott�rwise nquired by law,�ny notic�to Borrowsr thsll M piven by dee�wrinp it a by,maiGrp it by certifisd mail�ddntssd to
<br /> � Borrow�at th�Grol�ertY ac3dr�ss or any�othe�ddr�ss that 6orrow�r has 9rvsn to L�ndK.Borrovwr w�ll p'iw sny raiics to Lend�r by areifi�d
<br /> �, mail to L�ndw'a aAdnss on psp�1 of UNs dMd of Vust,u to any oUw addruo wNch L�ndu tus d�sfpnsUd. Myatlw aotiu to L�nd�r shall
<br /> _� b�sr►t to Und�r's addnss w staUd on paq�1 of this dwd of trust.
<br /> My notice aful!b�dNn�d to hsw bwn yiwn to Borrow�r a L�nd�r wh�n piwn in tM rtaruwr stat�d�bow.
<br /> ;;-�� 19.TnnstK of t!N hop�tty a�6w�3a1 Mar�st in tM botrow�r.M aN or any p�rt of th�prop�rtY Of Mfy{fltKHt Ifl it K SOId O�Lr�IMfAREd
<br /> � � Wit�lOUt L.��IdM't pfi0� WfitUI1 COI1Nf1L LN1f1M rtqy dMtilld irt1lTl�di�t� piy�Mfll OS t11�NCYf�d d•bt. Und.r may stso a.mana tm�r+.dfat•
<br /> payrtwnt if th� BorcowK is not a mtural p�rwn u�d s bsnsficial Fnt�r�st in th�BonowK u soid a trantfwnd. How�vw. LWxiw msy not
<br /> d�mand paym�nt in th�sbov�situstiona if it b prohibitsd by fedual law as of th�dat�of this dNd of trust.
<br /> ��:
<br />: _�,i f 2?.R*e�nvey�t�Y,When*.he ob�inrtbn Fscured by thts dssd of trust hu ba�o psid. and L.�nd�r hu no iwttwr obiigatio�to mak� sdvanc�s
<br /> ..o� und�r th�mttrwn�nU a�prserNnts sscund by ttws d�ed of uust, th�Truttw cha!!,upon writt�n nqwst by th�Urx1�r,nwnv�y tM trust
<br /> --� propKty Th�LsndK shsll d�liwr to tM Borroww,a to BorrowK'a wcc�sso�i�int�►asL the trust d�sd and tM rots or ottwr�vid�na of th� _
<br /> t obLpatbn so utisfwd.6onow�r shaU Wv a�W ncordation costa.
<br /> � 3 � 21. Sueeuaa TnutM. Lender, st Lsnda'c optan, msy rsmovs Trustee end �ppoint a succescor truste� by first, miiGny � wpy of the
<br /> substitution o}uuct�s�s rsqu'w�d by�pplicaCte Isw,and d»n,by tili�p the substitution ef trust�e fa rocord in ths officc of ths rpktx of d«ds
<br /> of�ach county in whieh the uust prop�rty,or sortw part thsreof,is sitwt�d.The successor truste�,without conwya�ce of th�prop�rty,shaU
<br /> wccNd to all tM paw�►,duti�s,authority and tiW of ttw Trustw nam�d in ttN dNd of mut snd of any suecessu trustw. . -_
<br /> � wr��a�
<br /> aa►,�a svsruu.wc..sr.cw�w.�w s�ao�n.aooaa�-sa�n iow+ocv-►�ra►�a»rs,
<br />