�.' �i � V i`r . ��y�e`}rlT��7.� '}t;j::4�^-'i� :r . ' ' '�,t��4��j�� ''i''�1 -
<br /> � -«- ['•�:, �r
<br /> , ;,,t ...�. .r. !;'��.t i , � 4:� '�: �, •� ----
<br /> i! ��i� �9�� . ,',` � ':ii;: ,i..' •'��V�?Z{ ` 7�`+li:� .�1 �. .i �ti-.-� 'I' bi r���SrY i.r'�i �ct -
<br /> _. :. .u..i.Y.11�o�_I' g y..,; .r t'�Wr. IlIN�:�r s� :1� � < « i i�y! 5��.�{t�}�. ���4, .
<br /> . ;�. •�7' - -�.n..,�..aG�li4Y� F�:F.d�� .. - ... � .h01tt��;�aZA�1�U' . 1��y.�o.�r �v.r��t r. ..,�n.i'M�7�a . Sti- ,.....yA!(�� 'C
<br /> A• : ''�h...., �t1 . ...�, �-_.� - � • .;�•,, .' ,. • � . i -ef. � r-
<br /> . �'.. iJ - .._ . "'' � �"�KI+F/rc'hc^�... ,. �..ar.�� �, . .. ,�:-.��
<br /> ��� ..�3 � .- . . . . _ . '—_'_
<br /> r�►f�.•Iw� �
<br /> � ..�. __ __ _ __ _ " W �I�i 1:
<br /> .ewV
<br /> ` : ' 92-- 102 (�� --T;,..�.;��_. -
<br /> ,. TcXi�THER WITH:dl thc improvcmcnl�now�x hcr�uf�cr crec�cd un thr pru�xriy.and ull cuticmcn�,. n�uiicifiinccti. �..�'�..--�-- -
<br /> ' �. uad rxturcx now nn c�rcuftcr A pun�f the propeny. All replu�:emrm+und uJJi�inn+�hall ul.ru tk covcred hy ihin Sccurity �-��•�=�-v���
<br /> . " Inx�rumcnl. All af thc foregaing ir:rel'crred to in ihis Srcurily Imuumcnt ux�hr"Pn��xhY•° �.r,;��
<br /> .n ° BORROW�R COVENANTS�hut Borr��wcr i,luwfully�citicd c�f thc rsliUc hcreby c�►nvcycJ tmd ha+ihr ri�tht�u�ran� �•,,,�„n���
<br /> � " , und convcy thc Pirop►�rry und thu�thc Pro�xrty i.unci�cumlkrcd,cxccM for cncumhrancrti uf rcrurd. Norruwcr w�irriims und �.` :---. ;.er�.,.,--
<br /> - ` will defend generolly the tiile�o thc Propeny uguintit ull rluim.und J�mund�,�uhjrci�o uny cncumbrunce.o(rcrurel• 4 ��,a_.-
<br /> n....lry:--i'_.._'.
<br /> ' ' � THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT cumbine, uni(orm coven:�m+ fur nuli�►nal u.r und nun•unitiirn� covenun�+ wi�h K1, ,� .�;��;_—
<br /> �� limited vu�iutions by juri+dictiun�u rontitiwtc u unitorm ucunty instrumunt covcnng rrul pru�kny. �.,. ,. .,,. ,.- _
<br /> • � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr anJ Lcncicr covenam an�1 agree a+f��lluw.: � -
<br /> � 1, Nuyment of Principul and Interest:Prepwyment and 4ute Char�cw. Horrowcr�hull prumplly pay whcn duc thr .,a.-,5 T
<br /> y Y P P Y b � �"t`�'�,r•,w_,_
<br />" principul of anJ imeresl on ihc dcht evidenceP u bhc Notc und un rc u ment and lutc chur�e.dur undcr�Ik No1c. ': . �
<br /> ' 2. Funda for Taxes and Insurance. Subject�o applicuhlc law��r t�►u wntten wai�•cr hy Lendcr,Borruwer�hull pay to �
<br /> • �� � Lcnde��m Ihe duy mnnthly puyments u�c Jue under lhe Note,umil �he Nutc i.puid in I'ull,a,um 1"FunJ.+"t for. l.0 ycarly . .•: �• ._
<br /> �iizc,und a�+e�.ment�:which muy uuain priari�y uvcr this Srcuriiy In.�rument u,a licn un thc Pr�i(xrty:Ihl ycurly Ica.chold � _
<br /> Quymem� or Rmund r�nts an Ihe Propeny, it uny; lcl yeurly hururd or propcny in.urunce premiums; (d► ycurly Ilocxl � � ��"
<br /> � . m�uruncc premium.. if:�ny: lc1 ycurly mnrtgage intiurancc premium�. if any; und (tl any .ums puytiblc hy Borrowcr to y• .•. :,,,*q:•,:�.,•..�,.
<br /> • � . 1y,Y4"-r i
<br /> ;�,, l.ender, in nccordunce wi�h the provi.inn.r uf parugraph R, in licu of ihc payment i�f manFagc in.urancc prrm�um�. The�� �
<br /> • items u�e ralled"E+crow Ilem�:' l.ender muy,at Any time,callcct unJ halJ Funds in un amoum nut to rxceed�hr maximum �
<br /> umount a lender for u fcderally reluted mortgage Iw►n muy Ryuirc fnr BoROwcr's c�crow uccoum undcr thc I�dcrul Rcul ' r:�,L_,_
<br /> Es�a�e Settlemenl Prc�cedures Act of 197a as nmended tiom time u�timc. 12 U.S.C.�2G111 rr ser�.("RESPA").unle�y anothcr f . ; :, _.•. :�
<br /> law thul applies to the Funds,ets u Iesser nmuunt. If so.Lcnder muy,•rt uny time,callect and hold Fundti in un nmount n��t to , , ` , . ��.�
<br /> ' rxceed the lesser umount. Lender may c,timute ihc u�nount nf [�undx Juc nn Ihe husiti of currenl dm+� smd neuson•rhle 4. ._
<br /> "' . estimates of expendilures ni t'ulure E+cmw Item+orotherwi�e in acccxJunee wilh applicublc law. � `��.dr4.�
<br /> F',_•; '
<br /> Thc Funds .hull t►c Ix:ld in un ins�iwiion whosc dcpo�its arc insured by u fedcrul ugcncy, inzlrumcntuliry, ur rntity r �'�v�.s►+--
<br /> � lincluding Lcnder,if Lenikr i.+uch un intititulion)�rc in uny Fedcrul Humc Loan Bunk. Lcnder.haU apply the Funds to puy � • -
<br /> i T:,:r. ...
<br /> � the �+crow Items. l.enJcr muy not chur�e Barrower(or holJing and applying Ihc Fund�. annuully analyiing thc c�crow i , ��' `-=
<br /> account.or vcrifying thc E+cruw I�cros,unlc,s l.cndcr p•ry+ Borrowcr intcrc.r•t un thc Fund� imd upplicublc luw �xrmil� ::�:;„r:,.
<br /> I ��er
<br /> Lendcr tu mukc�uch u chargc. Howevcr, l.enAer muy requirc Borruwcr to puy u unc-timc churgr ti�r:m indcpcncknt rcul ,,,—„
<br /> .i.'��
<br /> � • rstate wx repornng+ervice uxed by l.cnder in connection wUh thfs luan,unless upplicublu luw provid�ti c►therwi,r. Unlcss an , . . �
<br /> ugrccment i+mudc or upplicable luw require,ini�raxt to hc paid,Lender shzdl not Ix required to pny Burrower uny interc,�or (. �,3`�_
<br /> • cumings on Ihe Fund+. Borrowcr unJ Lrncicr muy agrec in w�iling, Ix�wevcr,thut imcrest shull be puid�►n Ihe Fund.. l,cndcr . >• •
<br /> tihull givc to Borrowcr•�vithuui rhurgc. an annuul ucccwnting oi'ihc Fund.,showing crcdit,+m�l dchit�to�hc Fundti anJ thc F ;��.;�;
<br /> ur ti�for which rach debit tn thr Funds wus made. The Fundc iue pledged u+udditionul securiry tur all tium+,rcurcd hy �R ti+�,
<br /> p F►�•'' . �a
<br /> - - — �hic Securily Inxwmcnt. f_ ' �'�
<br /> If thc FunJs hrld By Lcixicr cxcccd tlx unu�unt� permuicd io tx: hcid hy upplicnUlc luw, L�ndcr ;hal! account tn ,. ;.�
<br /> ' Burrower 1'or Ihe excrs�Fund�in xrcurduncr with ihe requfre►mnt,�H�upplicable law. If Ihe iunnunt uf the Fundti helJ hy � ' i
<br /> ' l.enckr at any timc i.not.ul'licicm to pay thc E,crow I�um,�vl�n duc. Lendcr muy ,o nocily Rarrowrr in ��•ritinp.and. in k -
<br /> wch ruu Borrowcr .hull pay to Lcndrr thc amount nrcc�+ary t�� mukc up thc dcliricncy. H�rcrowrr xhall mukc up �Ix ��.�
<br /> ' ' deficirncy in nu more than twcl��c mi�mhly p.�ymenl+.+n l.rnder:�ole di.cmtion. , . �
<br /> U m a meni in full of all�.um�. xcured hy�hi+Sccurity bi,�rument. Lrnder�hall prompU�� ret'urxl ta B�►rrower any :�.� �
<br /> p� P'Y
<br /> Fund.hcld hy Lcndrr. I(,undcr pnrugrnph 21. Lcixicr�hull acyuin�tt scll thc F'ropeny.l.cndcr.prior to thc acyui�ilion ur � � ��,�;�;�
<br /> ' .ale of thc Prupcny. .hall upply uny Funcl� hcld hy I.cndcr at Ihc limc ul'ucyui+itian or suM t��a crcdit aguin�t Ihc+um� � . : .'.;i� .
<br /> �ecurcd by thiti Scruriry In��rumrnt. � , . . '`,�U�
<br /> i. Appllcation ot Payments. l'nlc,+:►pplicuMc la�v providcti uth�rwi,c. all p•ryment, receivcd h�• Lcnder unJcr ; ..:,�. . ,
<br /> parugruphs I unJ=,hall Ix applicd: tir,i.a�any prcpuyment rhar�r,due undcr thc Nuic:,rc�ind.la am�Wnt�p:►yaMr undcr , , ,
<br /> paraKruph 2;third,to intrrr�t duc:ti�unh.�o prinripal dur:•rnJ la+t, to:uiy latr chargc+duc undrr thc Nolc. . :_
<br /> 4. Char�e!�; Liens. Borrowcr shull pay all taxc,. u..cs.rncnt,. rhar�r.. finr� ►mJ impo.ition+at�rihulablr �o tlk
<br /> Propeny which muy altain prinriry ovcr Ihi. ticrutity Imtrumrnl.nnd Icu,chulJ p.rymrnt,ur�r�>und rcnt�.if:my�. Borrowcr :
<br /> �hall pay Ihezc obli�alion.in Ihc m:�nncr pruviJed in para�:raph?. ur if nut paid in�h•ri m:mncr. Hon•uwcr.hall pay thcm on
<br /> � �imc direc�ly w thc per.un uwcd p:rymrm. Bnrruwcr shull prompily furnish tu Lrnd�r all nuiirr.uf amoun�,to hc paid widcr
<br /> Ihis p�r•rgr•rph. II'Borrowrr m:►hr.tlx+e paymcrn+dimcUy.Borrc�wer,hall prumptl��fumi,h t��Lendrr reccipiti evidenrin� `
<br /> Ihc puyments. • .,.���'-
<br /> Born�wrr,hall pr��mpd��di�char�c any licn ��•hich ha.priiKity uvrr ihi�ticrurity In,trumcnt unlc,x Burruwcr:lal•rgrcc� ,
<br /> in writing to the paymcnt i�l'�he ahli�;ation tiecurrJ hy Ihr lien in n rnannrr acceptahl�lu L�nd�r: lh�c�m�ests in gixxl laiih the
<br /> licn hy.ur defendti agaimt cnforcemcnt of tix licn in.Ir�ul pr�xcrdingti which in�hr L�ndcr'ti upinion u�xratc to prevcnt thc
<br /> rnforcemcnt ul'�hc lien:ur Icl.ccuro+ from ihe huld�r uf�hr lien an agreemrm +:ni.factop��o L.cnder wMirdinutin�the lien
<br /> w this Scrurity In��rumcnt. It l.cnJrr dctcnninc,ihat uny p�n ot' Ih� I'r�rpeny i.�uhjcrt io a licn whirh may attain pric�rity
<br /> �� ovcr thi.Securi�y In.trununt.Lendcr may�i�c fiorru«•rr a nu�ice identifying thr licn. Hurruwcr.hall xatisfy thc licn or takc
<br /> _ onc or morc uf thc•rciion..rt fur�h aM�vc wiihin Icl day�ol Ihr Ei�•in�,of noticc.
<br /> , r�; "• 5. Haxard or Propert}• Insurunce. Horri�wrr.hall I�rcp the impniccnunl� nuN•rri,�in�.an c�r�at�tcr rrerted on thc
<br /> Pru�xny in+urrd aEain.t lu„hy� firr.h:vord.in�ludrd�vitlim thc tcmi "ctlrndcd r����ragr..:md any othcr h:vurJ..includinE
<br /> ilooJti ur tl�x�ding. ti�r �vlurh l.ender rrquirc. m,uranrr. I�lu± �n,ur:inrr ,h:►11 he maint:�iixd m Ihr amounts and ti�r thc
<br /> Fi�rm.i112R Yi411 ip�i¢r=n�n�r.i¢r��
<br /> �y �
<br /> �� I
<br /> ---- J — -
<br />