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<br /> ;L".i�T!li�u W�r'ii rli the iuwru�cu�r.zts n�•�•or hereafier cKectsd a�thc Q�upert�..uti.1.►Il e.uemenic. x�urten�cxYS,rrxl —
<br /> ii+cw�es ik�w or t�cratZer u part of thr pru{+�rty. All repl�ce�xnts wu u�kiiti�au :tti;:l! �I:.c� k^_ r�,�•�red by this 5eew'ity T
<br /> I�wrument. AU��f the ti�re�;oinL ic rcfcrr�xl tu in thi�S:curity Intitruuxnl wc thc"Prc�pen5'•�� _
<br /> �(?RR4�W�R cOVGNANTS tlut&urow�er is I�wfully seiwJ uf the eauue turcby cc,m•cyal wxl l�ar the right ta�r�uu and �
<br /> .vmvcy �Ik Pn�peny wx1 �lui tlu: Pru�xny is uner�un�brred. e�cept iu�r�ku�rw�arw.s t�f rt:Y�[t!. �,rmMer w�rr�►tlla tuMl �UI �
<br /> Jef«xl Ee�krally Ihe litle to the Frope�iy uicsi��.0 a11 ctai�rs t,ux1 dnnanJ�,►ubject ta any encumb�aiu:es��f��'c�urJ. s
<br /> TN15 S�CURIT�' lNS7'RUAtENT�Y,������unifunn cu�'ci�:u�ts iur�wtional usc aixi nu+l•unifum�cu�uwtts w•ith llrnited �
<br /> •�,.« � ��t�usrunu:iu co�•c�in�;rc�l pr.�rty. =
<br /> vwwsi��i�c by junxlirti�en to cu��Wiiut. «u::••...e sr_•+.r4 , �:;
<br /> �!NIFQRAI<Y)VI?NAN7'S.Borcow•cr und L.rixlcr cm'ciunt;uid agrcc a��fu!luw:: µ•��� �� � -
<br /> 1. P��'�ueut � fMuclpv! �nd Iateeest: PrepAY�ueat wKl i.ate C��a`�te c►wrge�'uc un�ic�thc Natc. �
<br /> pritxipal of aixl intert�t on thc dcbt evidetuecl by thr N�uc a�xl wiY Pn:{�:►Y : _
<br /> 2. ��fW.Tw�;es�nd la,surs�txe. Subjc.t to upplicablc law ar to a writtcn waivcr by l.c�xlcr. Bc�ROa•cr ahall pay to
<br /> L,e�xier on the day numthly paynknts:.re due uncicr the N�te,until thc N�ue is paiJ in Pull,a sum l"Fu�ui)���ha d payn�ent�s =_
<br /> �d��cn�ents which n�y Wtain pri�riry otic�this Security ln�trume�u:�s a licn an the Property:lb1 y. . Y —
<br /> or graund rents ao the Pr.�eriy,iF any:(c)yearly haz:�rd or pmperty insur.ince pmmiums:(dl ye�uly fl�xxl i�uurancc prenuwns. _
<br /> if any: (e) yearly nxmg�e inwrance prentiuntis. if any:and lt� a�►y wm.c payable by Bon�w•er to Lender. in accordv�ce with
<br /> the pmvisia�s of�aragraph 8, in licu af the payment of mongage insur.ux:e premium.c. 'r'hese itemti are called'Escrow Items.•
<br /> Lender may. at any time. rn��ect +u�d ha�d Funds in an anuwnt not to exceed the maxin�um anxwnt a ler�le� far a foder.�lly
<br /> refate�i nwrtgage t�i may require for Borrower's eccruw acttwnc upder the fedcral Rcal �st�ce Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as ametxied froni time ta titnc. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et sey.("RESPA"1,unless aiuxher law that applies to[he�unds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If sa. Lender nny• su �Y ��n�• CO���� hold Funds in�n amount nat to exceed the �esser amount.
<br /> l.ender may estimate the amount of Fwxis due on the basis of current ciata and reasa�abl�est'n��°�expendiwres of future
<br /> Escrow Itenu or othcrwise in accorda�ue with applicat+le law. ��u�n���� or entity
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits am insuted by a federal agenC.Y. Y•
<br /> (including 1.ender.if l.ender is such an itutiwcionl ur i�i+��y�:.:��"�H����^�'!z?n{c. Lender st�all apply thc Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow items.Lender maY n�t�ha�e BOnOwer for holding and app�y�nS t1►e Funds,annual�y analyzinS the escr°�"account,or
<br /> verifying the Ecerow Itenu,unfess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and app�icable law permits i.ender to n�l;e such
<br /> a charge. However.Lender may rcquire Borrawer to PaY a I�cablemla psovides otherwisc.�Utnlas ean agrcement is gm�de 1or
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless app�
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be pai�.Lender sha11 nat be requircd to pay Borrower anY�nt�xest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrow�er and l.ender maY€S� in writing,however,that interest s1u+11 be Paid on the Funds. l.ender sl�all give to Borrower.
<br /> without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds�xl the putpuse for which eacl�
<br /> dxbit to the Funds was m�de•The Funds are ptedged ss addtt►onal security for all sunu secured by this Security Insuument.
<br /> if th�Funds hetd by l.ender exoeal thc amauncs perm��tad to be held by app�iunblc�aw•1.ender shal�account to Borrower
<br />- for the excess Funds in acoordance wid�U�e iWuirements of applicable law. If the amai►nt o''the Funds held by l.ender at smy
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender m�y so not�fY Borrower in wrieing, and.in such�� ���
<br /> s1w11 pay to Lender the amount nxessarY�o mal:e up the deficiency. Boao�►er shall make up the deficiency '
<br /> �we�ve monthly DaY��•at Lender's sole discretion. ae� � �� �._ , lv refund W Borrower any
<br /> � Upan pyye�at in fuq of all �umc sacurad Dy this �ecuriiy i��,u�.���:. L:..=.�• -�-. r''^i""�. -
<br /> Funds held by I.ender• If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Len�T•Priur to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the property,s(�all apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisicion or sale as a credit:�ainst the sums suured bY
<br /> this Securiry instrumet�t.
<br /> 3.App�icatioo of Payments• Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise. all payments received bY ab���T w'''�`g 2:
<br />- 1 and 2 sh�lt be�p�lied: first.to anY P�Yment charges due under�he Note:second.to amounts paY P�B�
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.lo principal due:and last.to any late charges due w�der the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges;l-iens.Bonower shall pay all taxes, assessmenu,charges. fines and impositionc attributabk to the Propert5+
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and leasehold paYments or ground rents. if any. Bon'ower shall paY
<br />— these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time dirxtly
<br /> to the petson oKed payment.Boi*ower sf�ll promptly furnish to I.eatider�ll notices of atnounu to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> _ If Bortower malces these payments direcdy.Borrower s1�a1�Pr°mPdY fi'rnuh to Lender receipts evidencing the payments•
<br /> - Borrower shaii promptly dischuge any �ien wnicn nas p,;v�i.y or•�.-thia�:s:rir;lsLin�*n?r.t anle.cc Borrower:(a)a�tras in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien ia a manner accePt�ble to I.ender:(bl cantesu�°S°°d fa�th che lia�
<br /> by. or defen�.i against enforcement of the lien in, legal ptuceedings which in the Lendea'�s uP�nion operate to prcvent the
<br /> enforoement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sat�sfactory to Lender subordinating tise lien to
<br /> this Security Insta:rnent.If Lender determines ti�xt any pare of tt�e Pr°Pe'tY is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security tnstrument,Lender tn�y$��e Bonower a nodce identifying the lien. Borruwea'shal�satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the sctions set forth above within 10 days of the gi�ir►g of notice.
<br /> Fc�as 3428 8180
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