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<br /> �_ i�.i r�:.� '.1...11 1�.41var fr+ il� �y1t't•�WAQi' �PLif�alC�S (�DS'd ��1'!}r�R�' t�! _
<br /> ._ ���1(li1 h�Ce1jN W �liYIAClIt W ii� �►i nc u.u, a. °
<br /> p�e�-t3'. Tt��cltals p� thc Trusi�r's deed shs�ll[�r{wi�rw T�:i�e�ideace oP ttu teutb oP tbe�1yt�+iie+� uu�ttk:�:.in.
<br /> Trustue,r,h�p ap�y thr procec�ls uf'tAe+�le in tbe full�Nii�w-dcr: l�)to aif rusts aaat expeases of e�►erc[sin�the{wwer o�,f
<br /> s�le.aud the wlc.tucluding the pa�•ment of thc 7'rusiee's ices suuwiiy eacurrcwi� �wi i..��...w - -
<br /> of tbr���.i�f sur:u:uu at't�.^o�Le si the tlme uf ft��ecl�ruUa�oC desuult,nnd reasonaWe attorney�s' fees s�s permitted _
<br /> by iaw:tb)ta�II wnw securzd bti th�s Scrucity Gutivmeah and(c) sw}•excess to the person or persou�Ic�slly catillcd to
<br /> i�.
<br /> 22. ReconFCyuuce. Upon paymcm ai' all sunu wcurcJ by thix Security Instrumrnt, Leiuler siiail rcqucst �'ruuu: i��
<br /> r�conve)• the i'ro�riy :►�ui +haU surr�n3:.r thic S:curity Isutnxment and all rxuec evidenring deM �ecured by this Security
<br /> ln:trument to Truuee. Trustee shall rccanvey the Pro�ny without warr.utty and without ctwrg�to the petson or persotLC legally
<br /> entiiied to it. Such person or penons sha11 p�y any reco�dateon costs. —
<br /> 2i. Subsittute'fructee. I.eiukr,at its optian, nuy frnm time to ti�rr�renwvc Trustce�nd appoint a wccessar austec to
<br /> any Tn��tce appointod hereunder by an instn�n�ent recordod in the counry in which this Security lnstrument is recorded.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Propercy.the successor�rustee shall succt�l to all the tide, power and duties rnnferred upon Tcustet herein
<br /> onci bY apPlicable law.
<br /> 2q, Iteyuest Pos 1Vutices. Barrower requests that copies of Q�e nouces�f default and satc be xent to Borroxer's address
<br /> which is the Properey Address.
<br /> 25. Rit{ers to thic Seeurity Lutnwent.If one or more riders are executed by Bonnw�er und recarded together wi�h this
<br /> Security Instrument, the covenants and�greements of each such rider shttll be incorporated into and shall amend a�d supplernent
<br /> the covenants and agreemenu of this Scxurity Inst�ument as if thc rider(s)were a part of this Security I�nent.
<br /> [Check upplicable box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustable Rnte Rider Co�ominam Rider O 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> Gr�duatal Payment Rider Planned Llnit Developar�t Rider �Biweekiy P�yment Rider
<br /> C]Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rid�;r Sacond Home Rider ,
<br /> n Y.A.R:�±er �Other(s) Ispee�fYl �_
<br /> ;
<br /> BY SIGNING SELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees aa the tem�s and covo�us contaixd in this Socurity lnstrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)execueed by Borrower and recorde,d with it. .
<br /> Wiirxsses: � � ��� .
<br /> _(Sea!}
<br /> GARY ORTON -���
<br /> ;
<br /> (Sea1) �
<br /> HARON E HORT�N -��
<br /> (Se.l1 (Seal)
<br /> -Borrower 'BO�O�
<br /> Sl'ATE OF NEB�LA.SKA, County sc: HALL
<br /> The foregaing in5trument v.�s xlcnowiedged befon methis 2ND day of MAY 199f} .
<br /> by GARY W HORTON AND SHARON E HORTON , HUSBAND IWD WIFE� 'n��y,�date aforesaid_
<br /> witness my hand aad notarial seal su QRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> My Commissioa Ezpires: e CF�RAI�MOTAiI�•Sblt�Mtkuq � �
<br /> .�..�c E..�_n_ �y
<br /> L�i �ycw.E���l,�w 0
<br /> ►.o.e�. ��a� 9r�o
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