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� <br /> -�-�-�-----T---. --..____ — `y ��;s <br /> _.._... �-_- . . . __--.-. __ . _ .... _—__,.,,p,s�s,�,�.�� <br /> _ .,..�.....�..�.�..��_ �_. .�. - -- - -- ---- — - �,..._..e__— - - = �_.�__,__, _ <br /> 9�- ��1�'��� <br /> (9? , ::a1Z C�u:it}, N�brH�Iyti( Lh� :�.:1 gl»�a af b�3innin�, runs�ir.g LY:�n�e <br /> Northerly parallel with the Eaaterly line of s+aid Lot 13, for a diatance <br /> of 232 feeC, thence turning a right ang].e and xunning in a Westerly <br />: direation for a distance of 64 3/4 feeG, thence turning a right angle <br /> and running in a Southerly directian, parallel with tlie Eaeterly line ot <br /> eaid Lat 13, for a distance �f 132 feet, thence turning a right angle <br /> and running in an Easterly direction, parallel with the Southerly line <br /> of eaid Lot 13, for a distance of 64 3/4 feet to the place of beginning, <br /> excepting therefrom, however, that part thereof conveyed to Central <br /> Pawer Company by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 75 at Page 3?4 of the <br /> Deed Recorde of Hall County, Nebraeka. <br /> TOGETHER with and including a31 and singular the tenementa, heredita- <br /> ments, appurtenances and privilegea thereunto belonging or in anywise <br /> appertaining, whether now or hereafter acquired, which shall include, without <br />_ limiting the generality of the foregoiny, the following: <br /> All of the rents, iaeues and prof its, including all reate, royaltiea, <br /> bonueea and benefits under any existing or future oil, gae or m�neral or <br /> other lEasea; all easementa and rights of way; all righta of homestead <br /> and homestead exemption and any aurviving apouae's marital or distribu- - <br /> �ive r�nare, and aIl c�iiiar wiiLiuyeuL ric�li�� iu atici i.0 r�ai�a jJtCtlllCllC7� ai�u <br /> Al1 fixtures, improvements, buildinga, and the plumbing, heating, <br /> ventilating and lighting syatema and equipment therein, all of which <br /> shall be conatrued and coiisidered as affixed to and part of the real <br /> eetate. <br /> All of the foregoing estate, property and interest hereby conveyed to the <br /> said Truetee ie hereinaf�er collectively referred to aa the "Property." <br /> TO HAVE AND TO IiOLD the same unt� the said Trustee, T'rustee's aucceesors <br /> and aseigns forever, Ih 'TRUST HOWEVER and WITH POWER OF �ALE hereby expresely <br /> granted unto the said Trustee, Truetee's suacessors. and assigns for the <br /> purpoae of securing: <br /> (a) The payment o€ Trustor•a just indebtedness to Beneficiary in the <br /> principal aum of Eighty-three Thousand Two Hundred Dollare ($83,200.00) for <br /> money borrowed, with intereat thereon, all as evidenced by and in atrict <br /> accordance witYa the tezms of that certain gromisaory note hereinafter called <br /> tk�e "Note", bearing ev�n date herewith made payable to the order of <br /> Beneficiary, executed by Richard Ness, and providing for the payment of said <br /> xndebte�esa in installments, subject to acceleration of maturity on default <br /> in the payment of any inatallteent of principal or interest or in the <br /> performance of any covenant, agreement or warranty coutained in this Deed of <br /> Trust; <br /> (b) The perfarmance of each agreement, covenar�t and warranty of Trustor <br /> herein contained or set forth in the Note or any agreement or inatrument <br /> executed by Truator in co�ection with the indebtednees hereby secured; and <br /> (c) Tne payment of any aum or aums of money with interest thereon which <br /> may be hereafter paid or advaaced under the terms of this Deed of Trust. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, Trustor <br /> does far Trustor and for �rustor'a heirs, representativea, vendeea, <br /> successora and assigns, the ownera of said Property, hereby expressly <br /> covenant, agree and warrant to and with the Trustee and Beneficiary, and <br /> their surceasors, vendees and assigns: <br /> First: T�iat the Truator hereby covenanta and agrees, to the extent <br /> permitted by law, as fallowa: (a) to pay promptly when due the principal and <br /> interest and other sums of money provided for in the Note and in this Deed of <br /> Trust; (b) to promptly pay before delinquency all taxea, assessments and <br /> other chargea imposed by law upon the Property, the Trustor• s interest <br /> therein, or upon this Deed of Trust or the Note; provided, hawever, that in <br /> the event of any change of the law providing for the taxation of deeds of <br /> trust or debts thereby secured so as to affect this Deed of Trfast, the entire <br /> indebtedness secured hereby shall at the optforx of the Benef iciary become due <br /> and payable; (c) to keep the above-described Property and the improvements <br /> 2 <br />