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i�..:t.,:rtti�;'�71 ��•;�w�y 1"'_..l�iJi�°fic1Y,{`?t�.;:4';•i+��Sc'�:,ir}�v�`'�3;^!•'r',^i�ik4P'r.� ��°�;: ,y,� , ., t:.;rti7'�,,r' ...,,�.. �:: <br /> �.. .,,:`��j� rR�;Si a+MliiaN�;a,�t?�rl� ? �l���j�]Py1.Li�i�'�ifll�'ui( .r7'� � ' `�.tl" • r4.�,��t,wa � <br /> � . � A..._Mt C�-��:..�.�i-i� d'� _�-rr. ,Y"�[_ rr� _ . <br /> ��.. � <br /> �� ' ' fT' h't i!\/'ryro� �_.._.�� ' -. <br /> ,a; 1M+ti, - <br /> .. � � �.•y.� . .� •!„���. ._'--'. <br /> .. ` �1.`'��;t_n.. `�wl'- -_ <br /> _— ..� ar...�L�.ru��:rr.....:. . -- <br /> ��Y1��� <br /> �_i'LL <br /> - ��''-a�a., _ ^ . r�+..i�+r..�r�,�,_, l._aa_—.._�_._�._.— <br /> , =— <br /> �Yeti•a.�.:---- �. <br /> k � � 92�- �'1�2 4 4 0 .�::��-.---- <br /> , _ <br /> � u . , �u. . -,---- - - <br /> , ; ��° e •;,, th�Prop�rty is e0 Wken or d�maped,lende•�hell hove the opuo�,In tls tole a�d abaolute dfacretlon,to apply all euch Procesda, �,��.���_ <br /> • ak�r d�ductlnq th�refrom all cost��nd expentes Incurred by il In connection wlt��uch Procerds,upon eny Indebtsdne»waund _ <br /> .��' ° h�nby and In wch ordor a�L�nd�r m�y datermine,ar to apply all wch P►aceede,after IuCh deductfom,to the restoretion of the r.,. �*�*=°---=_ — <br /> a'�•�-��' Proputy upon woh eondltlons es Lender mpy delermine.Any appUution of Prxeed�to indobtedness shell not extend or po�tpone �_�,y�.j;�.a-�'—' — <br /> �� " ,� . tha dus dato ol any paym�nis undar the Note,or curo any dehull Ihoreunder or hereundor.Any unapplied lunds shall bo pald to - <br /> — .. �;'ti�:;;w:;;, ,�'. . Trustor. �;�'�:--._ <br /> � B. P��lomt�ne�by L�nd�r.Upon the occur�ence of an Event ol Oel�utt hereunder.or if any act ii teken or lepal proceedinp � r�„���_��� <br /> � , . - commenced wMch malorfally alfects Londer's Interest in the Prop�hy, Lende�►may fn Ite own dincre6on,bat wilhout obligedon to do t�..'R = <br /> :_� ,. . tp.9nd wllhout notice to or demand upon Trustor and without roleatlnp Trustor Irom any obUpation,do any act whfch Truetor hea «•x+��'�;::�;�," <br /> -- � ° aproad but lelle to do end m�y alto do any other ect u deems nece�sary to protect Ihe aecurlry hereof.T�uator ahall,Immediately � ''�• <br /> - " • upon demend thdrefor by Lender,pay to Lender all cosle and expenees mGU�rod and sums expended by Lender�n connection with �;R __.__�_ <br />.: . lhe exerciae by lender ol the lorego�n�rlghts.together wilh Interea t l hereo�at the defau Itrate provided In the Note,which ahaU bn �+%•-�,;,;,�_,_�,-_��_ <br /> edded to thp Indebtednass�eeured hereby. Lender shAll not meur any I�abUrty baca uee ol anythmq d may do or omlt to do ��,,,d,Y <br /> , horounder. , `c�:�•:.. ?' <br /> 9. H�:�rdou�M�t�►I�It.Trustor ahell keep tha Property fn comphence wNh all applicable laws,ordmences and regulatlons ������.:�-- <br /> relatfnp to Indusirlal hyg�ene or environmental protecdon�collectrvely ret�+red to here�n as"Envuonmental Laws") Trustor ahall . �" <br /> � keep iho?rope�ty Iree Irom aU subat�nces deemed to be hazardouso�to����under any E nvironmental Laws(collectwely relerred to : ,;�^r•s�...;;:%:•,..� <br /> ' hereln as"Hazardous Matenals'1.Trustor hereby warrants and represent9 to l.ender that there are no Hazardous Matenals on or �-' <br /> � under the Property.Trustor hereby aflraes to�ndemndy and ho�d harmless Lender.�ts dueclors,ofl�cers,employees and agr�nts,and -• _,�., � �Y <br /> n any eu��oasorls to Lendei s Interest.Irom and againet any and au clairns,damagas.IoaeQS and Ilebiuuea ansmg in cunnectlon wdh Y-..:�,.�,;�+:.�,,;,� <br /> the presence,use, disposal or transport ol any Hazardoua Materu�ls on under,from ar about Ihe Properry TME FOREdOIN(3 �J���,:_ <br /> � WARRANTIE3 AND REPRESENTATIONS.AND TRU$TOR'S QBLICiA710N3 PURSI�ANT TO THE FURE(301N0INOEMNITY,3HALL ,_;,;.,;�� <br /> SURVIVE RFCONVEYANCE OF TH13 DEED OF TRU3T ' , -- <br /> �• t0. AtNpnm�nt o1 R�nts.Trustor hereby ass�gna to Lendor tne rems.�ssues and prol�ls ol ihe Property:provtded thut Trustor - , ;�__-___.-. <br /> • ahall,untfl the occurrence ol an Event of Default hereunder,hava the nght�•a collect and reta�n such renls,issues and prulits as they �� ' ,y.-;.� <br /> � become due and payable Upon the occurrence of an Event ol Delault.l.dnder may.e�ther m person or by agent,with or wfthout ...•,, �~. <br /> �.•r,+'.�. <br /> bringing any action or proceedinfl,or by a receiver appointed by ac�url and w�tnout rQgard to tne adequacy of its sacurrty,enter • _ ,_ <br /> � �� upon and teke possession ol the Property,or any parl thereof,m�t8 own name or m the nc�me ol the Trustee,and do any acts wh�ch d �r�; �' � _ <br /> deems necnssar;�or desirabl9 to preserve the value.mark9tebdity orrentab���ty o�thE,+Pro perty,or eny p3rt Ihereot or�ntere8t therei0, t. <br /> '. +' ;ncreese the inaome therelrom or protect the sacunty horeol and.w�ln o� +v�thout tak�ng possession of the Properry,sue for or ',�„�a <br /> � otherwise ColleCt the rents,�ssues and Fro1118�hereol, including those past due and vnpaid,and apply the same,less costs and _-"- _ <br /> � expenses o1 operaUOn and collecUan�ncludmg attorneys'lees,upan any r��ehtedr,�s9 3ccurod hareby,all�n such order as Lender • <br /> , may determ�ne.The eMenng upon and:akmg possassion of tne Proporty,ine couecuo n at suc►►rents,�ssues and prohts and rhe � y � � <br /> ., epplfcetion thereol as aloresa�d,sha!I nOt cure or wa�ve�ny det:�ult nr npSiGe uf heLiu It hereunder or mvahdate any act done m �� .���.;,- � <br /> response lo such delault or pursuant to sach nouce ol delauit and.notw�t��st�nding tne condnuance in possessiAn ot Ihe Property or ,;;,�,F � <br /> � the collection,reCeipt and apF��CaUon of rents,issues or profde, anq TruStue and Lander shall be entltled�o exerc�se every right , . _� <br /> -- prowtled ior in any ot Itro�va�����SU.,rr,sr�i5:.r by'av:::po•"•�cc::.••e"'-4'n��ny Fvr+nt of D elault.mcludinq K ithout 1�mitation the nght ;__ _ _ <br /> to exarCise the oower ol sale.Further.Lender's r�ghts and remedies u�der t��s paragrap h shall be cumul8trve wdh,and m no way a �'? <br /> UmitaUon on,lender's�fgMs and rerned�es under any ass�gnment of ieasos:�nd rents recartled agamst ihe Property.Lender,Trustee ,, M1 ��.. <br /> � ` � � and the recerver shall be hable to aCCOUnt only lur those rents�tlualiy rpc���ed �� _ <br /> ' 11. Hvants ot Oelault. The lultowing shal! constdute an flvenl ot OotBU�t under Ihis Deed of Trust- �_ <br /> � (e► Fadure to pay any mstallment of pnncipal or intemst ol:�ny o+her sum sec ured he►eby when dun: '; � <br /> . (o) A breach o1 or detault under any pr av�sion contnined�nthe Note.lh�s Deed of frust.any o1 the Loan Instruments,or any � <br /> ;E„+-. <br /> other lie�or encumbranCO upon the P�operty: .- <br /> . (C) A wnt ot BxecuUOn or attachmenl ur a��y sunda� process sn.�P bn entered agamst Trustor which Shall become d Iien on �� , � ' s <br /> � the Propertv or any po�tiOtl IhBrBOt Or intBreSt Ihcfre�n. <br /> � . (d) There shall be fded bv or against Trustor or Borrower�+��achon under any presen�o► luturQ I�deral,stale or other ` �`ti'�'��. <br /> statule,law or regulation�olaUng to bankrupt�y �n�olvency O�other r�l�a1 Wr debtors;or ihere shall be appointed any trustee. , _ ..#___,. - <br /> .:•:�,.;�' - recel+er or I�quidator af Truator or Bonowdr ur ol a11 or any pari u�tho P+nperty.o•tl"ie renls.�ssoes or prohts thereol,or Trustor '' °, <br /> ijz..:_ <br /> ,��;,•�.. . or BorrOwer shall make Any gEineral essignm�nt lor the benehl o�crod�tors; `'� � �r�'.�__, <br /> ' �'�: (e) The sale,Iranaler, iease,assignmem, convey�nce or lurther e�c.�mbrance ot all or any part ol or any mterest m the �_j:;= _. <br /> � Property,edher volunlanly o� involuntanly. wdhout the express Nn!ten co�sant cl Lender. provided that Trustor shell be i " '�v-„�- <br /> ,�1: .,� perm�tted to ex8C4te a lease of the Property that doe°not ronta�n an uptwn ro purchese and Ihe term ol which does not exCeed t �°--.R:;: <br /> i _�� <br /> ' , one year: I.. "�-.�w <br /> p) Abandonment of the Prope�ty.or � "��• <br /> �g) N Trustor is not an�ntl�vidua�.Ihe,transle� ass�gnment.carneyance or encumbrance ot more Ihan a total ��� ���;LL=-_ <br /> f �..'aJC:="' <br /> ,.?;�_ <br /> �1-.--_---Percent ol�if a corporaUOn��ts�ssued and outstanC.l�ng Stoch or UI a partnorsh�pl a lolal ol percent of = - <br /> partnership fnterests durmg Ihe penod th�s Deed u�Trust rema��s a��an o�Iho Pr operty ��R"��=-- <br /> 4"!:� <br /> 12. R�m�dl��;ACCel�retlon Upon Delault.In the evant ol any Evant at petault Lender may,w�lhout notice except as reqwred by . .t��' <br /> • law.deClare all indebteAness seCUred hereby lo be due and poyablt�and the same 5ha11 Ihereupon become due end peyable <br /> �, without any presentmPnt,demand, protest ur noUCe of any kmd Th�reatt9r Lenda�m&y. <br /> (a) Demand thet Trustee exercise the PQWER OF SALE �ren!ed here�n_and Trustt3e shall therea(ter cause Trustor's , <br /> ' *" mterest�n the Property tc be sold and the proceeds to bed�stnbut�d.ail�n the manner prov�ded in the�Jeb►aska Trust Deeds <br /> p ACt; <br /> (b) Exerc�se any and a:i r�ghts prowded fur �n any o�tne Loan i�struments��r by law upon ocCUrrence cf ary Event of <br /> •� Oefawt;and <br /> (c) Commence an uct��n to toreciose tn�s Deod ot Trust as a irn,t�d9B.appwnt a���ce�ver,or specd�cally enforce any o!the <br /> covenants hereol <br /> � No remedy herein conlerred upon or resE+rved to Trustee or Lender ����!ended to be exclus�ve ot a�y other remedy herein,m Iha , <br /> Loan InslrumeMS or by law prov�ded or p�rm�tled.hut each�r;e��p��••',�"�il.itrvc Sh;au be m add�tion Ic every other remedy grven <br /> • hereuntler,in lhe Loan Instrurnents oi nuw•�r hen�.tllei��aist�rg;,��iw u• •�e�qu�tq ur ry s�,dute.�+�,0 m�y be exercised conCUrr�Mly. <br /> ,•., �ndepRndently or success�ve�y <br /> 13- T�WIN.The Trustee m3y res�gn at nny tunc� �dhOUl .,d-5e• .t'��7 Lrnd2r md y:1t dny Tv.�� �nd wdho�t cau�e appo�nt 8 <br /> successor or substdute Trustee Trustee�ha��not be i�ab�e to.iny pa�ty ,r,rlud:ng wd"outhmdal�on Lend�r.Dorr��W2-,'rustor or eny <br /> purchaser ol the Property,lor any loss or damaye unless due tu�ec+'�°??or�n�utui n��sConduC�.antl shall not be�equ�red to take aay <br /> action m conneCtion with the e���orcemem al Ih�s Dued ol Trus�un��ss ���demndied.�n wr�tmg,tor,ill costs. compe�setion or <br /> ..o�aoa�.,r,�rn mav hw.assoaated therewdh In add�Uun.Triigtrpmay b�:���me a purC h3ser at any sale ot the Property�ud�aal or <br /> under the power ot 581@ g�0nted��erQ�n►,pOStpone the sai�uf an�.r am�porli0n 0�ttie ProDerty.a5 prowaed oy��iw. v� saii ii�a <br /> Property as a whole.o��n separete parceis or iots a�t Tr�ytve 5 d�sc ret�on <br /> 14. F�t and Exp�ns��.In Ihe eveM Trustee se�l9 the P�operly by exe�ase ot power ul sale T�ustet�shail be ent�tled to app�y <br /> etly Sele proceeds hrsl to payment Ot au Costs ano expenses ol a�erCi��ng power o�sa�r.�n�luding:��1 Truste�'S�ees,and L ender's <br /> and TruStee'S BttOrney's fCes.8ctually incurred to��xtent permiltedby appiitablc��,�w �n Ihr�vent E�urrqW�r ur TruStor exerCiSB3 dny <br /> rfght prowded by law to cure an Event o10e1ault. �ender sn�n beenubad to�ecuve���o�n frusto�ai�costs and e�penses actually <br /> fncurred as e resull ol Trustor's defeult. �ncluding without I�mitahon,iu Trustee�s.+nd attorney s� the extent perm�tled by <br /> appllcab�e�aw <br /> 15. Fulur�AdvanCQS.Upon requesl 01 Borrower.Lender�t3 opt�On.m3 kr.tdd��� .,nd �ulure advances�nd�e- <br /> advances to Borrower Such advences and readvarces.w�th int@re4t �rl'�EJn sh+��bN secu�ed by�►+�s Deed u1 Trust At no time shall <br /> the pnnnpal amount of the mdebtedness secured by th�s Oeed o�Tr�•�t.n��t�nclud�ng sums.idvanced to protecl the secunty o1 th�g <br /> Deed of Trust.exCeed the Onginal pnncipal emount stale0 ne�e��� vr 5 72�000•W .wh�cheve��S gre8ter <br /> . � _�l _ _ <br />