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<br /> pa��ments n�ay �n luny�cr bc reyuie�xl,�+t Uk��dii�n uf l.�ixkr. it'nwnF:�e insurancc rnvcr,:ge (in tht w�x�unt and ii�r the�ri+x1 .-
<br /> ttwt L.enJer requirzsl providcxl by an iatiurer�{�(+ru�a1 by l.e�xler ag;un be.onks uv,tilit+le unJ is c�btainal. Burruv�•er Ju�11 p�y �
<br /> ►lu prcmiun�..r��yuir�!to n�:►intuin mongaKe inwr�►ncc in ciicc�, l�f tu�tU�1aTC:����w�i�x.iti�,tiiiili i�.^�.:�Ulf::^�1i1 :iTi!ltt�:'!a."y"C =
<br /> insuranee eixlc in uccord:inee wi�h any written s�reen�ent t�e�wcen Bc�rn�W�ec �xl Le�xier ura�+p{icable law. _-
<br /> 9. laspc*��tbu. Le►uler u�its agent nwy ma{:c rcau��ublc cntrics upc�n;uw!inspe�:tioa�c�f ihc Pmperty. taixler Jta1i ii�'e �
<br /> Barro��c:ncriice at t!!e+�me rf or�+ri�+r u�rn i��.cprctH�n�ifying rw.uuW�cw�c fcu ttu icup�:ctiw�. E
<br /> l0. Coudcivaatiw�. Thr pr�x.xxts uP :u�y av�;+n1 i,r d�im fi�r ci:ui��es, dir��t or cw�scqucntial. in c��nncction aith ;ui�• _
<br /> �wxtei►u�:+tiu��or ather ta{:inb af any pa�t nf the!'roperiy, ar for rnm•eS�aixe in lieu of caxle�iuiation, :ue hercby :wi�ned and R
<br /> shall bc paid ta l.crxicr. E
<br /> In the event of u total�3king oP the Propeny, the prc�cced.c sh�ll t�applial tu the au��u u:cur�xl by this Sccurity� laurunu:nt, �
<br /> whether or not then due. �a�ith any excess paid ta Borrower. In the event of a paetial taling of the Prapeny in which the fair �
<br /> market��alue of the Propeny inunediately before the taking is equal to or grcater than the ar.wunt of the wms secured b}• this
<br /> 5ecuriry lnsttument imnwdiately befure the tal;ing. unless Borrou•er a��Lendcr oihenvise agre..i�writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument sh�ll be rcduced by the amount of the ptocetds multiplied by the following ftaction: (a) the tutal
<br /> anwunt af the swns secured immediately before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market v31ue of thc Prapeny inm�etliately
<br /> before the tal:ing. Any balance sh�ll be paid to Borrower. In the e��em of a partial taking at'the Propeny in which the fair
<br /> markct value of the Property immediately before tt�taking is tess than the anwunt af the sums secured immediutely bcfore the
<br /> taking,u�sleu Borrower and Lender oiherwise agree in writing or unless appliwble law otherwise pravides. thc procecds shall
<br /> be applieci to the sumc secured by this Security inctrument whether or na the sums are then due.
<br /> lf the Propeny is abandoned by Borrow•er,or if,after notice by L.ender to Botrower tt�at the wndemnor offers to:nake an
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 36 days at�er the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authoriud to collect and apply the proceeds,at its aption,eitlur to restoration or repair of the Ptoperty or to the stunc
<br /> �cured hy this Security Instrument,whether or not ttr_n due.
<br /> Unless I.ender �►�d Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proccr�.S to principal s"t�all not eatend vr
<br /> postpone the due date cT€the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 aiu[2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrow'er�Released;Farbearance By Lender Not A Wstt��er.Eticension of the timc for paymeiU or modification
<br /> of�rwrtization of the sums seeured by this Security Inswment granted by Leckier to any wccessor in interest of Borrower sFiall
<br /> not ope:.,ae to relea►e the liability of the orisinal Bortower or B�airower's successon in interest.Lender st�all �wt be requit�ed to
<br /> commence procaclings�gainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amoniiatior.
<br /> of the sums scxured by this Security Instrun�en[ by re3son of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borcower's
<br /> successors in interat. Any forbearance by Lende� in exercising any right or remc;dy shall not 6e a w�i�er of or preclude the
<br /> exercise�ot any right or cemedy.
<br /> 12. Successors sad Assi�aS 6ouad; Joiat and Se�er� I.iabidiry; Co-slgnvs. 'i'he �vvenants and agreeniennts of this
<br /> Security Insinunent shall bind and beneGt the successors uxi �.*�i8�of I.ender and Borrouer, subject to the provisioru of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrowei s covenants and agreec�ea�s shall be joini and several. My Borrawer who co-cigns this Security
<br /> Iiuwment but does oot execute the Note: (a)is ccr�signing this Security Iactnunent orily to mortg�e,grant and convey that
<br /> u��:;,:.:s:�c.�,.�r���t��,nPrry��nder the ter�m of chis Seceuitv Inwument:(bl is not persortially abiigated to pay the c+,mc
<br /> secured by this Security Irutrument::uxl ic)$8rees u'iai[.z+-�::�+any othcr Bo*rc�wer may agree to cxtend. snodify.focbear or - �-
<br /> malce any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sc��s:ti:y Instrwr�e►u or the Note without that Borrower's cancent.
<br /> 13.I.oan Charges.If the loan secured by tlus Security Instnunent is subject to a I�w which sets maximum luan charg�s,
<br /> u�d tt�at law is finaliy interpreted so that the inte.est or other lou�chuges collected or to be collected in c;onaection with the
<br /> lo�n exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loao cl�arge shall be roduced by the an�nt necessary to reduce the chuge
<br /> to the pesmitted limit; and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pernuuad limits will be nfunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed uncier the Note or by cn�king a direet
<br /> paYtnent to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal, the t�eduction will be ueated ac a partial prepaymeni withoui aay
<br /> prepayment chuge u�t the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices.�tn�notice to Borrower provici�3 for in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by mai(ing
<br /> it by first class mait enless applicable law requires use of arwiher method_ 7'he notice st�ll Ue directed to the Propecty Address
<br /> or any other addtess t�orrower designates by notice co i.esxiCr. Auy notice to iat�er sltal: tw: giv;.n�y 5tst cl�s;�.:il t.^, _
<br /> Lenier's addr�s st:�,,ed herein or any other sddress I.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvidad for in tnis
<br /> Securiry Instrument s1�a11 be deemad to have beeu�i�'en to Bamower or l.ender when given as provided in this paragtaph.
<br /> 15.Covernin,q iaw; Severability. This Security Inctcurnent sl►all be govemed by federal Izw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdictioa in which the Property is located. In the event thac sny provision or clzuse of chis Security instrurueiu or the NoGe
<br /> confiicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affact other provisions of this Secnrity Iaurument or the Note whinc�an be
<br /> given effect without the contlicting provision.To ihis ead the provisioas of tlus Socurity Ins�*��*+�"�aad the Hote are dedued
<br /> w be severable.
<br /> 16.Bosrow•er s Copy.Borrower sha116e given one conforn�ed copy of the Note and of this Securit}•Instnmeat.
<br /> fors 3028 st90
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