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<br /> •� ' 4.Ar edditfonal�ecurity,TrueWr hereby give�ta and confen upon Beneliciery the rfght,pnwer wnd authority,during the rnntinuance 4
<br /> oP tht�e TnNt�to rnllect the renta,iwue�end proflU of wid propaRy,rewrving unto Truetur the riRht,prlor to any defiult by 9Ywtor � _
<br /> in psya�ent af any indehtedneee eecured hercby o� in perfornunce of pny aRreemeot hereundar,ta collat und reeain eueh notr, fReuea � __
<br /> •nd pmflG te they become due endpe yeble. Upon any�uch default, Benetkiary may at nny time without notice,either in pe►non, by ;
<br /> agent,or by e reeeiver w be eppointed by a rnun,and without regard w the adequacy of any aecurity for the indebtedneu hereby eeeured,
<br /> " enter upon and ta�e poe�ewfon of seid proparty or eny pwR thereof, in hi�own nerne sue Por or otherwlee rnll�ct euch ronts,leeuee and , _
<br /> proflte, including thooe peat due end unpuid,end apply th�same upon nny i�debtednew�ecured hereby,ond in euch order ae Beneliciary
<br /> may determine.The entering upon end taking poisee+lon of�aid propercy,the collection of euch rente,ieaues und protiq end the epplitation 4�� ,
<br /> thenof e�afbreeaid,ehell not cure ar waive any defnult or notice of default hereunder or invalidate eny aet done pumuant w wc6 notice. �' _ . .
<br /> .. b.Upon default by Truetor in the payment of eny indebtedneu secured hereby or in the performance aiany a�eement contained herein, r ,:r��°~' "•�
<br /> all eume�ecured hereby�hnll immediately become due and payable at tha option of the Beneflciary.In such event aod upon written requeet � ,f;�;r
<br /> ' ' of BeneRciary.Tnutee ehall eell the truet property,in accordencn wiLh the Nebraeka Truet Deedi Act,et public auction t�the highe�t
<br /> bidder. Any pereon escept 7�uetee may hid at Truetee'e eale.Truetee ehall apply the proceede of the nale ee followe: I1�to the e�cpense
<br /> � of the sale,including a reaeonable'I�uatee'o fae:121 to the oMigatfon recured by thia l)eed of Trurt;(31 the�urplus.If any,ahall be dirt�fbutwl ,
<br /> . W the pereono entitled thereto. • ��
<br /> 6.Trwtee ehal)delive�W the purchaeer ut the eale iU deed, without warranty,wh�ch ehell convey to ehe purchnser the interest in �,;,,;�
<br /> Ihe property which 7�uotor hwd or had the power to coswey at the time of hie esacutian of thie Qeed of Tnut,and�uch ae he may have • _
<br /> acquired theroelter. Truetee'e deed ehell recite the facte ehowing that the sale wea conducted in compliance with all the requiremente ,�
<br /> of I�w and of thie Deed of Truat,which recital ehell be prfma facie evidence of auch complience and concluofve evidence thereof in fAVOr
<br /> ' , of bona Ilde purcherere and encumbrancera for value.
<br /> 7.The power of rale rnnPerred by thia pefld of Tnut fe not a�excluoive remedy;Beneflciary may ceuse thia Dc�.d of Truat w be foreelwed � �•k�
<br /> ao a mortgage. •
<br /> 9. In the event of the death, incopucity,dfeability or reeignetion of 7'ruatee, Beaeflciary may appoipt in wrlting a eucceasor trustee. ,
<br /> pnd upon the recording oP eueh appointment in the mortgege recorde of the county In which thia DeeJ ot Truat is recorded, the eucceesor �.1
<br /> trss�tfe!hell be veeted with nll pnweew nf the odginol truetee.The truatee ia not obliged to notify eny party hereto of pendinq xale under �� .a
<br /> any other Deed of Truat or of any ectfon or procctedinR in which 7�uowr,'I�uetee or Beneficiary�hall ue a pertY uniea such actiun ur -�t G
<br /> procQeding is brought by the Truotee.
<br /> 9.Thie Deed of Truet upplies to, inures w the henefit oP, and ie bindin�nat only on the pertiea hereto,t�ut on their hEeira,devineeea. �•:1� '•
<br /> . legateee,adminietratore, executora, euceeeaorn and aesiqne. The term Beneticiery ehall meen tho holder and owner of the nate �ecured
<br /> hereby,whether or not nomed ae Fieneticiary heroin.
<br /> 30. Requeat for NoNce of IkPault or Not�ce of 3ale. [t ie requented that a copy of nny Notiee ol Default or Notiee of 9ole be maHed W
<br /> each penon who ia nemed in thie Trust Qeed at the mnling addres9 nf xuch pernon ae xet out above. '�`�
<br /> NOTICE TO CON3UMER: 1. Do not sign this puper before you read i!. 2. You are entitled w a copy '
<br /> of thie paper.S.You may prepay the unpeid balenee at any time without penalty and may be entitled
<br /> to receive a refund ot'unearned charges tn accordance with Iaw. , _
<br /> Signed thia—24 day of—�rCh—,A.A.18 92.
<br /> Z
<br /> STATE OF NEBRABKA ► X��~�-X-�-� •. •
<br /> 1 oA.
<br /> H811 COUNTY � -- --- -------- — :'
<br /> On this 2a —.- day or ____March__ ., p,p., �g _92_,before me,the underaiKned. a Notary Public,duly
<br /> � commiesioned and qualiRed for und reyidm� in yuxl county, peraonally came FCY�fI_�?,�LClia_-1-.S�D�— � .
<br /> DQJ"5011 to me known to he the identic�l perc+on whuse nnme uifixed to the foregoing
<br /> ' I inatrument as Truetor __..__ . __. - - -. - ond ucknowl��dRed the sum�•c��n�� hi� vol•
<br /> ; unfsry act and deed.
<br /> � Witneas my hand und Notarinl SFaI the doy und ycur la �����
<br /> '_ ;� • My Commisaian expires the S di►Y g�pp�ry�y�TgpN � �
<br /> or _�Eebr�arx- . . - . �s.92 �a�.�%r.er. - ----- % u ..
<br /> � Public
<br /> � STATR OF _ ' .
<br /> �
<br /> � .0
<br /> _ Countv '
<br /> ' � Entered in Numericul Index and tilyd titt r��enrd m thr ot'Fic��nf tht• Re�iNl��r o(Di�ed:�of Hai�d rountv, the
<br /> day of ----- . l� . at �iclock xnd .
<br /> minutea _ . �1., nnd dul�• r��cnrd��d m finok �f
<br /> j Mortqage� paKe
<br /> 1 5
<br /> � � ReK�Kter�fDeedx
<br /> � Ueputy.
<br /> :,,
<br /> � � ___l _- -
<br />