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<br /> S�- 5����'7
<br /> �. Hasedpu�IAaMri�M.Trwb►shall k»p tM Proparry in cwnpltance with sll�pllcabt�u�w�,ord�r�nua snd r�pul�tloru -
<br /> ��iaUnp to IndWttlAl�yyi�or�nvirairt►Mi�i�viwu�i(i.vtw:.a�:'�ioiiif�wJ+:'3 i�.�.:'.�^C'J��w�.Ir�+,n�uM�l�iu:�'h.Tr��MV�h�ll
<br /> kNp tM P'rap�rty ha�Irom aU svbttanc�s dMn�c1 to W hazardaw or tozic und�r�ny Envlronrt�tal Uws(ccIWCUwiy��Nrnd W
<br /> h�r�t�pa"tiiza:daua Ndati�I.il�1.T�tiit.7�11KQby WQlf�nb and r�pra�enb to L�nda tMt th�r�an no Hazardous M�t�rtala on or
<br /> undar tna Prapasty,Trwlor h�tebY�Creaa to Ind�mnity and hotd h�r.�t�s�Lsnd�r,Iq directors,oHicwa,wnpoyeM and ap9nt�.and -
<br /> ���y wca+i�o�::o L±�-;:r'o;n•.:rcat!rc.^:»nd spatnt!snZ�nnd att clalrru.!i�m�r_w,law�a�nd IaAi�lior+orl�lru�k►connsctlan wlih _
<br /> th�pru�nt�,us�,dispowl or tr�ntpott of uny Hazar�aus Matsri�ts an,undix,hom or ebout tM Propart�r.THE FOREGOINO
<br /> 10. AsNpnieant of R�na.Trwtor lwroby�u►yns to l-Mdar tha r�ts,luuw and p�ot�t�of tha Prop�rty;provld�d tluit Trustor
<br /> shall,unal the occurrsnco 01 an Cvsnt of D�i�ult hanunder,hava the rbht to coluct and rstain such ronb,iuus�and protits a th�ry
<br /> p�COm�dw and payabl�.Upon ths occurnnca ol�n Event ot Detaull,Lends�may,elther In person or by ap�nt,wlth or wlthout
<br /> b�tnfliny any action or proc�sdlnQ,w by�ncelver t�polnted by a court and wlthout reyard to the adpuacy of It�aacurity,antar
<br /> upon and iake pouesslon ol tha Pro�ty.or any P+R th�roof,in�ta own name or In the nama W tlw TntstN,and do any acq whtch It
<br /> d�rna nacse�sry or d��lr�bl�to prst�v�tha vatue,rtwk�4W Uty or rantablllry af Uw Propsiiy.w a�y part Mersof or Intsrat ttw��in.
<br /> Incr�ass ths Incom�tA�rat�om or probct the sacurity hsraaf and,wlth ar without taklnp possesslon of ths Props�ty,aw tor or
<br /> othsrwl�s colbcl tlw�ents,luwf and Ixofib thsrsof,Inctudt:�p those past due and unpald,and appty ths sams.Isss costs and
<br /> axpensss of opsntlan and cotlectlo+�includlr►p atlorMy�'tws,upon any ind�bWdness secursd hareby,all In such ordK as Lwxter
<br /> may cl�tsrml�e.Th�anterinp upo�and taklnQ po�cssslan of the P�operty,the coQactian of such rents,lswea and(uotits and tha
<br /> appUca4ion thsrool as r�toretatd,�11 noZ curs or walva any dotauk or noUca ot datauR hareundar or Invatldsb�ny acf do�a in
<br /> rsspo�tss to wch d�bult a pursuant to wch notica of detault and.notwithstandinp the contlnuanco in pessesslor�o!tha Prop�rty or
<br /> the Collaction,recNpt and aoDllcatlon of�enb,issue�or profib,end Trustea and Lendcr ihall be enUtle�d to exerCisi every r1�ht
<br /> providsd tor i�a�y oi tM Loan Documer►b or by taw upon occurrw�ca of any E�a►t o1 Detsult,includin�witNout Iimitatlor�ttw tpht to
<br /> exsrclN M»pow�r of sals.FuRhx,l.�rxisr's r'phts erxl remodies undar thl�pa�raph shall be cumuktive with,and in no way•
<br /> Iimltatlon on,Lsnd�Ps riqhts a�d nrtwdks undar any asaipnment of leasee and renb roco�ded apalnst ths Pra�purty.L�r.Trustes
<br /> and tM ncNvK�hatl b�Uabb to account onty thoee nr.ts actuslry reoelvsd. .
<br /> t t. Ewn1a of DNauii.�idlowiny si�ii wnsuiuiiw ar�'cva��i a��uK�:;„�t N l:C�.a!Ttu::
<br /> (aa Faltua to p�y any inWtlment ol princlpaf a tnterest of any other aum secured hereby wheo due;
<br /> (b) A bn�ch of or detsWt und�r�ny provisloc�contained in ths Note,thl�De�d of Trust.any ot the I.oan Docum�►ts.or soY
<br /> othx lien or encumbtarxe uPO�ttw Propsrty.
<br /> • --• (c) A wrlt of ex�cuUoo or�ttachm�nt o►any slmilar procoss ahaU be a�tsnd apslnst TreuWr whlch shall b�coms a U�n on
<br /> ths Property a any porUon ths��sof or tn�eet therNn;
<br /> (d)There shall be ftlsd by or apslnst Trustor or Borrowe��n acUon under any pnsent or tutura toderal,atats or other
<br /> st�tuL�,law a r�ulador�rst�linnp eo ba�krupo�y,insolv�ncy or other re11�i for drbtor�:or there shW b�aP�otnesd anY trus�s.
<br /> recsiwr or tiquidator of T�uslor or Borrower or�f all or any pah of the PropWty,a tha ranb,iaauea w profiis u�ww�1,c►r Tru�x
<br /> or Borrow�shaU maks any yenKal sss�nn�en4 ta the bw�efil ut c�editon:
<br /> (e)Tt�,q;a�rans�er.I�ase,asslynment conveyance�turther encumbrance of a0 or any part of or any lr►b�W In ths
<br /> Prppwty,iither voluntuily or involuntarily,wittwut the e�reas writter► conaant of Lend�r.Provlded that Trustor snall bs
<br /> p�itqd to ezscute a Isase ot 4hs Pcopercy that doas rwt cont�lo an opdon to W rcNaae and the temi o1 whlcf�doss not�xcMd
<br /> ona y�ar;
<br /> (q Abarxlonment of the Property;or
<br /> (� ItTruftor is not an tr�dividw�.the isswnce.sale.transt�►.esti0n�nf.conveyancs or ancumbranoe ot mon than a 1oW
<br /> o��-D�t o!(it a cot�erotion�its i�su�d and outstunding stock or f i a Qartr�wshiP)a total W p�rcent oi
<br /> pAAnorshlp Int�resb ddrin9 ths pYNod this O�ed ot Truai ramatns a U�n on the Prop«ty.
<br /> 12. R��diN;A�Mbn 1lpoe D�Qaulf-In the event of any Event of DNauR Lend�r may.wit�out natice exc�aW as nqutrsd bY
<br /> taw.d�clar�all Ir►debbdrwss sscured heteby to be due and payabl�a�d ths aame sh�ll thereupon becane d�w and p�yaW�
<br /> wrltlwut any pr�ntrnsnC den►and.Prot�st or notice o1 any klnd.Ttwr�af�w Lender may.
<br /> (aI�D�rn�nd thtt Trus/a�x�rclss ths POWER OF SALE pranted hereln.and Tnistes ahal!th�roatbr cawe TrusOor's
<br /> ir�at in tM PrOpe�ty to be aoW and ths proceeda to bs distribut�d.aU i�tls�man�wr providsd in ttw�MOraska Trust Ossds
<br /> ACt
<br /> (b� Exercls�any and aU ri�.1b provldsd fa in any of the Lwn Docurtien�t a by law upon occurronce ot any Eventof 00fau1�
<br /> anr
<br /> (c) Corn�nsnca an action to torectoee tNs Daad o1 Truu as a moApape.eppolnt a recaive►.a sp�c�ically entorce sny ot th�
<br /> corerwutts hersof.
<br /> No�nsdy hereln coniKred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ta int�nded to be excluai�e o1 any o3ffs�nmedy hersen.In ths
<br /> 1 n�n�k��n�ts or by IaW orovid�d or Dermittad.but sach shW b�Curttulitiv9.shall bs in addition t0 every otMr rernsdy piven
<br /> herswxlsr.In t9�s Loan Dacurr�ents or now or heroaftsr existiny at law or in eQuiry or by st+U+:�.and may be�x�rci�d concurt�nth►.
<br /> �idM�tl!►or�uco�esivNY•
<br /> 13. TnwM�.Th�Trustes may reai�n at any tlme wlttwut causs.a�d Ler�der may at an/�ma and�ritf�out caus�appolnt a
<br /> succo�eor or subWtuta Trwtea.Trustea shall not be Iiable to any parry.includlnp without Umltation Lend�r,&�ower.Tnata or any
<br /> p�uchafer ot thf�Prop�rty.ta any lo�s or damape ur�leae due to rocW�ss a w1IHu1 n�tsco�duct,and shatl not be rpuk�d M Lk��ny
<br /> actioo in connoction with!he eniwcement of U�Is Oeed of Tntst unioss IndamnfNed,!n wRt3ttQ,tor alf cwb.compensation o►
<br /> expensss whlch may be aawciatsd therewith.In addidon,Trustso may become a purcha�er at any sa{e o1 the Properry Qudlcial or
<br /> under tha powor of sak�ranW ha�eln);postpone the sale ot all or any porUan of ths Property,as provided by taw;or seU the
<br /> Propsrty a�a whole.or I��e�pant�parcal�or lob at Trusts�'�di�crWon. .
<br /> 14. F�N and Ex�NM.In ths evsnt Trustse sella the Propsrty by ex�rCise o1 power of ple,T�ust�shaU be erWtNd to�ppty
<br /> snY�al�pra�fuatto pay�nt pt a!1 co�and expenaes o1 exerolsln�power of sale.includiny atl Trustee's tess,and Lender's
<br /> ana Tnist�s'�attomsy'�fee�.acewlly incurced W vxtent permiBad by applicable Iaw.tn t�w w�nt Borrowe�w Trwtor ex�rclsa any
<br /> ripht provid�d by I�w to cure an Event of Datsult,Lsndsr shall ba sntitlsd to recover irom TrusLOr aIl costs and oxpsns�s actually
<br /> incurnd as a �auti ot T�usWo's d�faufk Iecludtn�without Umitatlon all Trustes's and atEorney's fees,to the ex��t permitS�d by
<br /> aa;+!lcablR t�w.
<br />- 15. Fulu� AQvsr�s.Upon requast of Bormwer�l.ender may,at ite opUon,maico addittonal and #iWre advsncas and ra-
<br /> advancoa to Bo+rower.Such advance�and re8dvance�,with interest thereon,ahatl be socured by thls Deed of TruaL At no time shall
<br /> the pri�cipal amount of th�indabWdness secured by thts Doed of Trust not Inctuding�swr�s adva�ced to proSacttM s�curity of this
<br /> OMd o!Truat.exceed the ori�inal princlpat amount statsd herNo,a S 80.000.00 whichever is preatar.
<br /> 16. YNo�MiNOUS ProvWons.
<br /> (a) Bo+rowK Not R�Maud.Extension of the dme tor payment or moditicaUon of amo�tizatbn of the sums aecured by this
<br /> Deed of Truu pranted by LondK to any succeasot In int�est ot Barower shall not opante to re{eass,in any manner,the Ilsbility
<br /> of the orlyirul BoROw�r and Borrower's successon in interast Lender afwll not be requircd to commence proceedirtps a�ainst
<br />: such succetwr w ratu�to axtend Ume for paymant or oth�rwlee modity amortizatton of the sums secur�d by this O�sd of Trust
<br />= by re�son ol iny der!�ands made by the ortQirtal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interesi
<br /> ' (b) L�ad�r's PowKS. WiWout aftoctin�the Iiab+IitY oi any other psr�on Ilabie tor the paymer►t ot any obli�aUon herein
<br /> = menboned.and withoul atfectiny the lien or char�e of this Dead of Trwt upon any portion of ths Property not than or theretofore
<br />= �eleased as�ecuriry for tF�e full amouM of all unpaki obliQadona,Ler►de�'maY.from 8rtw to Ume and wittwut notico(i)refeaas any
<br />' person w ll�bte,(iq extend tha maturity or after any of tTw terma of any such obUSations,(iii)Srant oSher induf�ences,(iv)retaass
<br />- or reco►iv4yr,or causa to be rstsc.�ad a reconv4yW at any dme at L.e�►der's opt3on any parcel,porNon or all of the P�o�erty,
<br /> - (v}tske w reNsse any ottkr or additiona�security for any obtipaUon hersin menuonad,a(vi)maks comPcs7tlons or otfier
<br />