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<br /> ADDi7'IONAL PROVI9LON3 9z,r, 1 I��i 4�5 .
<br /> pE8't'OR WARRANTB ANA CQVENANTB: (1)Th�t�xctp►for tb��ud/y intar�t�anted heroby Uehtur is,or to th�a•s• �-�r,R�'=__ -
<br /> .Ii-.��.....-._
<br /> Nnt eh�i Coll�t�rd i��cquind a(e�r th�date h�rcot,wfll M,the own�r ot th�Cdlaterol CrQe from nny odwrsR lien,�ecurity fnt�n�t or _�y: _
<br /> ��oqn►pnnc�:�nd lh�e D�btor wlll d�t�nd tN�CoUoaral aRainst all cloiriu and demonde nf all penona at any Lim�cl■IminQ tb� blic • -�,::.�r
<br /> o��ny inWnd th�rein. (2) Th�t no tln�ncfnQ statemsnt cove�inQ lh�Collotsral or any proceedx ther�o!fa on ffl�fn wny p •
<br /> � altice u�d that�t th�nquat ot Secund P�rtY.Debeor will join NitM Securcd Party in execut{naone or moro finwncinq�tot�m�nu � { *.• -
<br /> • punu�nt to tb� Nebr�tka Unitorm Commsrcial Codo fn form wtictactory l0 3ecured Perly a�d wfll p�Y lh�ruxt u[ tilinp�uch �. . ��
<br /> fln�ncin��t�tem�nt,Ihb security aQreement rnd�ny cuntinuuHon or terminatiun stntement,in all publlo offirrw wherPVOr filinQ is � ^
<br /> d�em�d by 8�cured Party lu M n�cnary or deal►abls; �nd if tha Colldernl u attached tu real rRt�tN priur to the portNCtl�in��f th� ;,�R'�
<br /> wcurfly int�rest�ranud henby or if tbe Coll�lenl includer crops or ofl,Qw.or mineralr t�be eztracteJ ur timbrr t�Ik�ut,I�ehtor
<br /> •� wfll.on d�m�nd of Secuced PartY, furnish Secured Party with a disclnim�r�r di+:rinim�n�n Kub�ndinatinn a�crc��m�nt xipned by�II
<br /> .� , pnaon� hrvinQ�n int�roat in the roal ectale.dfscl�iminQ ar suburdinuLing uny interr.�t in thP Cnllalwral which is prior tu l�e intereat c • . f,,'�a�,
<br /> o(3ecur�dParty.(3)Not to�ell,tnnsfer or dl�pcne u[the Colloterol,nur loke the xame or atlempl to take thr Rume Prom the county � ,�,:.�
<br /> w1+wM Ic�pt aa abovQ�t�ted.wlthout tho prfor written cunsent nf Ih�9rcured Party. 1•1)Tu pny:�II tnx�:�nd++rixr,exmrnt�uf Pv�ry
<br /> --�-- - tutun whicM m�y be I�vi�d or assened apolmL the Calluterol. ��i)Nu�t..{�init ar aB�w Any advane lion.K��curity Intere�:t or on• , .��
<br /> cumbnnce wMwtaoever upon the Collateral,and not lo prrmft thc e:ump tn be nttach�d ur mpl�vinPd. (6)Thnt lhA l'ollaterai ia in
<br /> Qood candltion,�nd that he wlll at hia awn expence,keep the rwme in g����d rundition and tr��m time tu timP,furthwlth,rPplace and ` `
<br /> repair all�ucb pwrls ot tho Collateral us may be bro�en, worn i�ut cx demaµ�d without ullnwinR nny 1{en lo be createdupon the
<br /> Collateralon accountof such nplacement or repain�,and that the Srcured Party muy examinP und inspec�ihe Lallateral pt anY timo, `
<br /> wh�rtv�r loc�ted. (7)ThA�he will ut his uwn Qxpense kPep tfie Collat�ral inxured in a company a+alixfactory ta:+�curcd Purty uRuinsl
<br /> Ias,u approp�iate,by theft,colliaian, Cre end exlended covernge, with loxs payeble W tiecured Party as it�ihlerr�t may nPPear, .
<br /> �nd�vf11 on d�mand deliver�aid policiea of insurance or furnieh prouf of xuch insurn�ce to Srcumd Pnrty.(K)At fts uption 3ecured �
<br /> pArty m�y procure such insuronce,dfecharge taxex,IienR ur xecurity interexlti ur uthFr encumbruncea ul uny time levied ur pluced on '
<br /> �� � the Callateeal and muy pay ior the repuir ut uny domaQe or injury In��r for the prrs�rvatiun ond mointenan uro ant lo the ore' 4
<br /> Debtor aQtees to reimburse 3ecured Par�y on Jemund for any p��ymPnt ur rxpen+e incurred by RPCUred Party p r -
<br /> �, Qoin�authodzation. Until xuch reimburcement,the rmount��f:�ny Ruch paymenl, wilh inlprexl:�t thc rule of 11'%per annum from
<br /> d�t�of p�yment untll reimbuncement,shnll be ndded tu the indebtodnrsa ow�d by Uebux und shull be necurrd by this nar�rm�n�� .
<br /> (9) ThAt he wfll nnt use the Collnte�al in violation of any opp�icaBl�ntatute, regulation ur ordinuncP and if any of tha c:ollateral
<br /> 4 motor vehicle�Lhe same will not be rented, used in rrntal Ke�vice nor in any cp�od ur�mduronrr conteRl. ,
<br /> UNTIL DEFAUI.T Oebtor may hove olic a'f inruranc@ 1F181'PUrll! i111d Up�lll dP�AUI 9 curnd Purty t'ItAII'I1UVPf�I1Pnitlltll Afate ' r,_
<br /> �QrNment and npt fnconsistont with uny p Y � � � ,
<br /> �{aht to tho po�se�+ion o(the Callateral. .i�;..
<br /> �vent�ur conditions: ' s��
<br /> DEBTOR 3HALI. BE IN UEFAULT und�r this o�ormeot upon the happeoing of:�nv of th�fullowing • � _,_
<br /> (1)default In the puyment or pe�formance�iP any nbligatfon,cuvenunt ur li:�bilil�• cnntain�d nr rrfNrred <<�hrrrin nr in:iny note .
<br /> i evidenafnR the aame:(2)any warranty,repren�nluli�m ur finaneial rtalrmnnt mad�ur furniKh��d to Sooured Prv�y by or an behalf oC .�.�
<br /> Debtor is diacovered to hpve been false in any muterial rexpect wh�n mado or Purni,hed;1:S1 nny�•v�nt which rraultc in lhe nccelQr- �r ,�
<br /> 1 ation ot the maturity ot the indebtednexs of Ilrbtor lo ulhrrs under any indenlun�, aumemPm nr undrrtnkinµ;l•ti 1 loxs, lheft, .�� .
<br /> damoQe,destruction satr.,i encumbranrr to e:r!,{,{ny•,f�h�l'�dlnl��rnL nr thn makinu of imy I��vy,s��izum nr ultorhm�nt thrreof or ' �'�.
<br /> � thereon;(�)death,dissalution, terminalf�m nf exixt�nci�.insolw•nry.husin��..f:�iluro,app�iintmPnt uf n rPrefcer uf nny purt ul the -�y� �
<br /> I �41�
<br /> propertyof,zuslqnment for thn benpfit of rrrditors by,ur the cummrnrrm�m�uP:iny pruceeding��nder uoy hunkruptcy��r insolvency i ,�
<br /> i laqn by ur a�inct Qebtor or any Quarantor ur xurrty for UPbl��r. i
<br /> 1 ' • •V
<br /> � UPON SUCH DEFAUGT and at any timN thoreaflar,ur if il d�rmn itx�df inxrcuri•.���cumd Party nu�y dncl:�re uU Oblignt�unc
<br /> � secured hereby immedinlPly dur and puy+�b�r and.hrdl huv�•�he mm��die�of a n��ctu��d par�y u�td�r lhi�N�bra.ka lhiiform CummNrcial }
<br /> ' Code. SecurPd Pnrty muy reryuirr DPbtor lu u.�.�mbl�•Ih��('nll.deral:►nJ d�•livrr ur miikr it ar.�iL�UI��to Si�cur�•d Party al a pluce tu be � �M1 .
<br /> 1 �
<br /> des iant+ted b y 3rcured P:�rty which is rrm+unubly�•�mw•ni��n�In bolh parti�•ti.l'nl��.s�hr('ullad.�rul i.pi�ri.hablr ur thr�vd�•nx tu drelin�� .
<br /> � epeedily in volue or iR nf n typP cu�:tom•rrily r.old �m :�r���ngnir��d nu�rk��t,ti�•currd Party will uivo 1)�•Mor r��iihnnt�M�•n��ticr��f t he
<br /> time and place�f uny public ralt•Ihcrruf ur.d'thr lim��a(t��r which:my prrv:�t�•ti;d��or:my�dhi•r int.mdrd dispo�ilf�m the•reof is to
<br /> be made.Thr requirpmPntsut rpasonabl�•n��iioN,hrJl h.�m��t if.nrh notir�•i.m:�il��d.p��+takr pn•paid.In Ihr.�ddrres of I)�blur ehoWn
<br /> at the be�nnin�nf this aQreNmenl al Irxst fivo dny+hPG�rr Ihe lim��uf lh��.+alP nr dispusilfun.
<br /> I No wuiver 6y Secured Party of ony dofault +haU��p��n�u�a� a w:uw�r��1'any oth�•r drfrulf or uf lhr samr�1��f:w1�un a future
<br /> i occasion. The ta�king of lhfs security u{(re��m��nl �hiJl n��t widvo or imp.�ir:�oy oth�v.��curity.+�id tiecurrd Purty may huvr�r here-
<br /> eiter acquire for Ihe puym�nt of lh�� abow�ind��btrdnrcx,n�ir�h:�ll Ih�•t:ikinu��f:�ny ,urh :�ddilion:d•�•rurily�aviiv�•ur impnir thi:+
<br /> , � eecurity agreement bul anid Sreured Parly tn:ry r��orl tu any .rruruy i1 ma>• havr m th��urder it muy dr��m pr��prr.;md notwilh-
<br /> �
<br /> ' f atqndinQ any colluteral sPCUrfty,Recured Purty ehull retuin it.r ritih�s nf.��l•��ff.�Kninxt Drhtor.
<br /> � All rights o[ Secured Party hereunder shnll inurc to the benefit of itx successors und assigns; and ull promises on
<br /> � duties of Debtor shall bind his helrs, personal repre�cPntutives or his or its �uccessors or assigna. It there be more th1�n one
<br /> � Deblor.their liabilitioa hereunder shull t►e joint ond severnl.
<br /> � Thie agreement shall become ettective when it is signed by Uebtor.
<br /> ,�� The undersigned, hereinafter "Owner/Dehtor", owns or has an intcrest in th�� collntrrul descrfhed on the reverse side of
<br /> �+ this agreement, bul is not a parly to the obli�ation r:ecurnd hy thiti agreement. Ry cxccutinK this aRreimcnt. OwneNDebtor
<br /> undertakes no obligation tor repuyment of wurh obUKution exci•pt tn thc• �xtrnt of provi�linR .nid colluternl ps xe��urity tor
<br /> pertormance of the obliqution. All proviaions of thi� ngreement apply to Owner/I�ebtor i�nd the term "hebtor" as used in
<br /> this agreement and i►ny necompanying (inancing �tatement rePer+ rnllectively to the I�ebtor, Owner/Uebtor or bolh us the
<br /> context mny require.
<br /> -- ----. _ — _ . -� - Oµ•ner/Debtor
<br /> F
<br /> • �) � -
<br />