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<br /> Unle�c athcrw�ise agrc�.d in writing,all in.�urence proceects shall be npplic�l to thc restorrtion eir r�rair c�i thc Prupccty' w-
<br /> or to thc Secur�d ucht,whcthrr u�uu:t����uu�.:.i�.���:°�F'•��•"•. !1+'•y�n{�lication uF cx��cccds to principal sl�all nut __
<br /> �xtz�or pastp�se the due date��'the sc.hedu�eS paymcnt nor change the am��unt of any paynunt.Any cxcess wiil bc —
<br /> paid ta the Grantcu. If tlse Property i�acquircd by 1.encier,Grantur'. eight ta any in�uranee �ticie.�e�ut p���:.ds __
<br /> resulting from damage to the 1'rc►p.ny tscfor�tlze ncquisitinn�twll{�us to Lc:ndcr tu thc cxtent uF the Se�ared I3_bt _
<br /> immediate►y befare the acquisi:ion.
<br /> 2Q. FSCRUW F0�'�AyiE�AA1D EtiSU�►NCE. ttnt::c c�therwisc pravided in a separate agreement,Grantor will not
<br /> be requircd ta pay ta Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escraw. �
<br /> 2y FliVA1V�CIAL➢ZEPOR'I'S ANa ADDf'IZONAL DOC�iJ1�4ENT5.Grantur w ill pravic3c to Lcnder upan rcqucst,any _
<br /> financial statement or informatian Lender may deem reasonably necessary. Gra�tor agrees to sisn,dcl3ve►,and Pilc
<br /> any additionai documents or certifications that Lender mpy consider neces.sary ta perfect,continue,and preserve
<br /> Grantor's obligations w�dcr this Security Insirument and Lxnder's Gen ctatus cx�thc Property.
<br /> under this Security Instn�ment are joint and individual.li Grantor signs this Security instrument but dces not sign a�
<br /> evidence of debt,Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the
<br /> Secured Debt and Granior does not agrce to be personally liable an the 5ecured Debt. Ii ihis Secunty instrument
<br /> secures a guaranty betwcen Lender and Grantor,C.rantor agrees to waive any righu tdat may pre�ent Lender feom
<br /> bringiag any action or claim against Grantor or any parry indebted under the abligation.These rights may include,but
<br /> ate r.ot limited to,any anti-deficiency or one-acdon laws.Grantor agrees that L.ender and any party to this Se..^urity
<br /> Instrument may extend,modify or make any change in the ternu of Ihis Secwity Instrument or any evidence of debt
<br /> without Grantor's mnsent.Such a change wiU not release Grantor trom the ternu of this Security Inswment.The
<br /> duties and bene5ts of this Security Instrun�ent shall bind and benefit the�uaessors and assignc of Grantor and Lender.
<br /> 13. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABII.ITY+INi'ERPRETAT[ON.This SecPnty I,�nsw he the laws of theyeuhrisdiction
<br /> the jurisdiction in which Lender is locate�.ex�pi io.�����...ni ath�r.:�iJ.. seq� y
<br /> where the Property is located.Thu Security Instnunent is complete and fully integrated.This Security Ynstrument may
<br /> aot be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument,attachments,or any
<br /> agreemcnt rclated to the Secured Debt that oonflicts with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressiy
<br /> or impliedly permits the variations by wsitten agreement.lf any section of this Securlty Instrument cannot be enforced
<br /> according to its terms.that section witl be severed and will not affect the enforceability�f thz remainder of this
<br /> Security Inctrument.Whenever used.�sin8ular sha11 include the plural and the plural4he siagular.'The captions and
<br />= headings of the sectic�n5 ot tnis�cur;ty lnstnmca:are for eonvenienc.�cu�1y and are nat to ba used to intetpret or
<br /> define the ternu of this Security instrument•Time is of the essence in this Security IastrucnenL
<br /> :.2 SUCCESSOR'i'RU5TE& Lender,at Lender's c*ption,may from time to time remo�e Trustee anc�appoint a
<br /> successor uustee without any other formality than the designation in writing.The suacessor uustee,wit'hout
<br /> oonveyance of the Property.shall succeed to all the title,pov�er and dulies conferred upon Tnutee by ihis Security
<br /> Instntment and applicablc law.
<br /> ?S NOT[CE.Unless othervrise required by law.any notice shall be given by deGvering it or by mailing it�b�y,,�,f,u,,s°t�°c,l�ass
<br /> mail t0 ti1C lpprop[iace pariyi auuca�cr�.�g:.! �f sh::Co���t��v i�int�P.Tlf�AT IO�V Ol�fi�iCSS uw�+�«-��
<br />- �vriting.Notice to one grantor will bc deemed to be notice to all grantors.
<br /> 26, V{rpIVERS.F.xcept to the extent proi�ibited by law,Grautor waives all appraisement and homestead ezempuon rights
<br /> relating to the I'roperty.
<br /> M.OTf�:R 1EBMS.If checked,the folt�wing are applicable to thic Security Instniment:
<br /> �( I,�i�e ot(.`cedit.'Ihe Secured Debt includes a revoiving line of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> crsa}be reduced to a zero bal3uce,this Seeurity Instrument will remain�n effeet uuti:selc�se3.
<br /> ❑ C�t�setlw Loaa,This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br /> imR,�covement oa the Property.
<br /> ❑ FS�re F�7ia=.Gtantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> future and that are or will became fixtures related to the Propertv.'Fhis Security Instrument suftices as a
<br /> 6nancing statemenl and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes
<br /> o€,4rticle 9 of the Uniform Commercizl Code.
<br /> ❑ Iiidero.T6e covenants and agreements of eac6 of the riders checked below are incorporated into aa.d
<br /> supple�ent and amend the termc of thi�Sec�rity Instnunent.[Check aU applicablc boxes]
<br /> ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Uait Development Rider ❑Other...................................._........_..........
<br /> p A�:tio�al Te�s.
<br /> SIGNATIJRFS:By signing below.Granwr agrees to thz terms and covenanu contaiaed in t�is Security Instrament and in
<br /> � any attx�nents.Griator also acknow�l:2lges receipt of a copy of this Security Instntment on the date stated ou page 1.
<br /> ' on..` 04/29/96 � 6
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