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<br /> 'Proc.idr'}I�cax�.�aon wi�,cbnd�rruu�uon«on,.r Wclnp a t!►.Prov.ity or part a�nol.«Io�oonwyano.ln wu a oa�d«�x►aYon.
<br /> L.�rstfar ctul aa aniitlod tt itt op!!o�to�r�ur�a�.ap��ear fn�nd p�s�t�cuM in iu ow+i r,an��+►y riGio+�oa p�a.��ya,��1 G�«1 r:a
<br /> w�r►GU�.i w maka ary c�mpran+sa er seqiem�rn in oonoxcuon witn.uc�tpt:inp a aam�pa.In crw.wne any ooroon a in.F'rop.�ty fs
<br /> so taken ot dirn�ad,Londir chaU hav�ti�optlon in tts�W►�abr.�iute dli.',ta:an,to ap�ly a9 suctt proc�s, ef�r duduCtlnp
<br /> thiratrom W coW and axp�ttic,as ktiCUrnd by i!In oonn�C�o�n vwth wch Proo��cM,upon anY 3ndibt�dn�ss caclu�d hirabl►nnd k►wcf�
<br /> r � � d • � .R'.uJ ..A �u�����7�� �l�r°L'N!eWi1_�!'�!k?4 M�!�1�A1�1�1 f1��PfO�Ihf liDCfl WG�100(1•
<br /> wWti s�ia.Whwii��viw�i� ii� ry�nj �
<br /> �io.z:as l.�r�der may�istsRnine.Anr ap�licatio�a Proo.ads to ind�bt�dnasa�f►ati na�xs.nd«poctpons a»du.daa a 1�n�►pav
<br /> m�nts ur►der the Nota�or cun�ny dNault ti►�und�r ar h�n�xtidrr.My w�appli�d turxk chali b�pafd b Tnwsor.
<br /> 8.Pwldr�swno�by I.uwisr.Upan tha �xurnr�o o!sn Eveni af DefauM Iwrwx�dw. or H pny�d k tak�or fa�a!pra^.aar�r►p
<br /> oorTUrwncad wNch rnatar�ally aflecia Lar�d�rc inlares!I�the Proparry.l.eridet rr�y fn fi�own dlscnlbn,bu�w�Aout nblip�tbn b ab w,
<br /> and Ki;�u:�ta a c:etr.sr.d eipaR Tn,sser nnr!wkhout nNasit►�Truator tran�ny obligasbn.do ony ad wt�A Yn�a hu aprMd
<br /> but tallod W do arld may alco do�ny oths� Yc!it d�tf��wcecsary to prcioc!ttw cac+uth►hirMOl. Trustor cttaJl. Irtunlufiai�iY upon
<br /> cierr�nd therakx by Lw�er,PaY to Lerrdar al:coctz�nd exPunsem incurreci snd sume expsnd�d hy lender In aoruwctla+��rith dw axst•
<br /> c�ae by Lender W tha torepolnp riplds.topett�r wiM Int�uest thereor�o�Uw defat�tt n�t�providod tn tt►�NWs,wfifch cAW bi acftYd b
<br /> a�e indebtsanosa cocurea nereby.�ender sr►au Rot inau�ny UabUit�►bocauso a anytwno u may ao or omtt w ao n�«w�.►.
<br /> 9.N�sarAous Weedal�.Trostor cttatl k�P the Propsrty►in oort�plisnoa with aY ap�llcabio{aws,ordlrwnca9 and rspt+taWru
<br /> relsWny w industrial�y�iene or�►vkotunental Drotection(ooUaclh►oy►rotwred to Iwrsln aa'fnviraunentaf Law�'�.Tn�star�hall icNP
<br /> ths ProQeRy iree irom ell substarxes deemad W be hazardoua or iox{c under any Environmer►tal Lawa(caY�cUvsy+nl�rrod to fwrsin
<br /> as'1isz8ctbus Meteri81s7.Trustor hereby w�etranta and reprac�nts to Unci�r Nat tMro ero no kaisttfoua 1�4ESriab on or tx�dsr tM
<br /> E�ruPenY.Trustor hereby apreos W Incierruitty and hoid I�miesr Lender.its ciiroctors.dHcers,srt�loy�es iu�d u0ents.end anY�s�
<br /> sors to Le�de�s Interost.trom and aaalnst any and all clatms�damapaa.bcsao and pabiliNec a+i�tk►D in oonnactlon w�h ttw prasenoe.
<br /> use.dispos2t!or transport of any Huzrdous Mate�ials at.untlor,irom or abouS the PropaRy.THE FORFGOIl3C3 WARiUNTtES AND
<br /> 10.Asalpnm�►ta W R�t►ts.Tnutar hereby assiyns W Lende�.and 9rar►ts Lender a securiry inte�est in.eU present,tuturo ond
<br /> atter arislt�p ronts.tssues and profite of the PropeA1+�Ixa+ided that Tnutor shall.until the oCCUnence of an Event d DetauU.herew►da�,
<br /> have tlw ri�ht W cotiect and retain suct►ronis.lssues and profits as they beoorne due and PaYab6e.Upon the oocuRe�ca ot an Event ot
<br /> Detault.Lerxlc+r may.eiiher i�person or by age+�t.with or without brin�i�y any sctJon or procee�Jaip,or by�receivor appointetJ bY a
<br /> nouA and without roaard W the adequscy of its S�curiN.enter uA�and tzke D��W the Property.or any part thereof.in its own
<br /> natne or in the nama of the Tnutee, end do ccsy ads which it deems necessary or desirable to preswve ttw ve{ue,marketat�iliry or
<br /> rentabiYty of tlw PropeRy�or eny part theraof a�interest therein,or to increasa the incoms tfwrattom or�+rciec!the sec�uiry heroW and.
<br /> wi�tA or without taklrq poesessbn d tlw Property.sue for or otherwise odlect Me re+us.issuea and profi�s thereof.�rp those Past
<br /> dua and unpaW,DY notitYirW twtiants to make paymenis to Let�er.Lendsr may e�pply rw�.issues and profds,{ess oos�end expa►z-
<br /> es ot operatior�and coliectlon inctuNny attorney'�fees.to acry indebtedness secur�ed hore4.y,eJl in ssx�order as Le�er may d�er-
<br /> mine.rns ent�r��upa+and taki�a aassesslo�a a�e Propeny,sr,a couocti«,a sua�rents,tss�,�s and p,�oTi�. ana aw appiic�uon
<br /> thwaof ss aLa�id shall not cure or waive any detault or notice of defaa�It herew�dar or irnalidate arly act done in�apon�b auch
<br /> dotautt or pucsusa+t W such nottce of detautt and.notwithstarxiiny t1►e corkenuance in possesslon of ri1e property or tt�e cotiectlon�
<br /> rocaipi and app'ication of tents,issues or praf'rb.Trustsa and lender s1�al be eMitled to axe�clse every ri�ht ProYld�d tor in any d the
<br /> Laan InsLuments or by Iaw upo�n oxurrenoe d ar�y EveM ot Deta�uq.includirq wdhout Iim�atbn the ripht to�the power oi�le.
<br /> Fwther�Lenclers�and r�nedias undes this parayraph sf�al!be cumulaUve with.and in no way a timitatbn on.Lender's rlptus and
<br /> remedies under zny assiyrur�enc d feas��s�nd ronts�eoorded apainst t!w Property.Ler�der.Tnut�and tha reoeiver ehall ba liable to
<br /> eoCOUnt only for ttwse rents acttsally recaivod.
<br /> 11.EvwKS of D�fau1G The tollowir►S s1u11�te srt Ever►t of OetauU urxler this Deed ot Tnui:
<br /> (i)Fi�lifs to P�Y�Y��P�Ot�lu6ieii oi ilrry ofile�wm aoaueo itetoi�y wiia�iwi8;
<br /> (b)A braacn a or defauu w�der any provf�wn oonta(�wa�in aw Note.u�ls neea a Thisr.any ot a�e Loan i�huments.«.m►
<br /> otl»r aen or erxurt�lxanca upon the?roPerly;
<br />. (c)A writ ot ex�cuUon a attactur�►t or any stmilar procoss stwU be entered a�ainst Trurtor which shall becan�e a lien on
<br /> the Pr�rty or any portion triereof or interest therein;
<br /> (�TMr�e shali be fiisd by or epalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuAue federal.state or Wtwr stadle.
<br /> taw or ra�Uon�eiatitg to banktuptcy,insolvencY or other rel:e1 for debtots:ot ther�e stiall be appointed any Uustes.roceiver or
<br /> Ilquldator ot Tn�stor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property,a the rents,iasuos or proP�tl�ereot.or Tru�tor ar Barawsr
<br /> sf�all maks a+�Y��ara!assip�unent for the botwfit d cted'Rors;
<br /> (e)Ths sats.fransfer. base�assignrtwot,conveyar�ce or tuAher ancumbranoe d al!or any paR of or any ir►teoest in tlw
<br /> Pro�perty�eithW volw►tarilY or irnoAtnRarih►.widtout the e�ress wrilte�oaue�►t of L.er�der,p�vidad that TnisZor shall bs pan�i-
<br /> ted to execut�a lease of the PropeRy tl►at does not oontaln an optbn W purchase and the tertn oi which does not excesd o�a
<br /> Year,
<br /> (�Abandorunent of the Properry;or
<br /> (q)If Trustor is not an individual. the IssuancA.sale,transtor.assi�nment,caweyance or e�x�xnDrer�ce c�l mors Than(�i a
<br /> oorpor�tion)a catal a pe�ent a its i�sued and ou�r�d�g st«��c..or(d a partr�sNp)a total a ve�
<br /> oent of p�rtriersl�lp interests�or(if a Gtowted UaWGty o�mPanY)a toW of peroent W ths Utniied liability compr
<br /> ny,k�tsresls or voHnD dyt,es duri�g ane period u�is Dsea d Tn�sc romains e lis�,on me p�opsny.
<br /> 12.R�t��ation IJpa�DMtult In the event ot any Event of Default Lender may.wifi�out notice excePt az neqdred
<br /> by law.declare aY indeStednsss secured heroby W be due and payabfe and the sarno shaU thereupon beoort�e dus and payabfe with-
<br /> out any Presentrnent,dsmand�Prot�st or notice of any klrxf.ThereaFier I.er�dar may:
<br /> (aj Damand that Tnistee exerc�se the POWER OF SALE�ranted henk�.end Tn�stee sf�il tl�eroaite�cauaa T'nuior's tno�-
<br /> est in n,.QmpeKy to be so�d and a�e p+oceods oo be diatrinutsa.su tn me marw�er pravfaed h sne IVebraslca Th�s!oeeds A�
<br /> (b)Exer�ise arry and ad rights pcovlded tor in ar►y oi tlw L.oan Instrtm�r►is or by {aw upa�oawrranca of ac►y Ewat of
<br /> �(c�Cornrtierxe an action w tarecbse this Deed of TNSt as a mortyaye,aPPoini a recelver.w speaBcally eMorce any of the
<br /> ooMen�rKa t�eteof.
<br /> {�fo raa'�w'y Os:.::��car�.�r^.�uF:.n ar r^�^r.�ta Tru�..�os l.er�der is L�!,.°�to ba oxcie�hre of enY ottter sert�ed;►t�sin,in tfia Lnan
<br /> Instnunenle or by law provided or permitted.but each shall be cumulative,shall be in addifio�t W every otlter rert�edy pive�herevn0e►.
<br /> in me t.oan tr►slnur�ents or now or nereat0es exiswip at�aw or in equicy ai by staWte.ana may be exerc�sed c«�curreruN.tnde�pe�da�t[�r
<br /> ��t�Tr�u�.The TnasOee may resi�n at any tirrw witltoN cause.and Lsnder may at eny tima erx!witftiout cause aPPoi�u a suc-
<br /> cessor or substiWte Trustee.Trustea shaU not be Ilabie W anY party.induding without tkttitatlon Lende�.Botrower.Tnislor or anY P�
<br /> chaser of the Property.tor any loss or da�nage unless due Lo reckless or wilttul misoorxluct,and sFtal!not be required So taks any action
<br /> in oonnectiorl w8h the enforc�ment of thts L�eed of Tnist unlesa inderru�ified.in wriUng,for a!I costs,compensatbn or expenses!�f►ict�
<br /> may be acs�odated therowith.In addiUon�Trustee may becane a pu�haser at any sale of the Property qudlciat or under the power of
<br /> sale yrar►tsd herek►),Postpone the sale of all or any portion of ttte Property.as provided by law:or seU tha Property as a whole�or in
<br /> ' separate par�els or lots at Trustse's discretion.
<br /> 14.F��nd Exp�ns�s.In ti�e event Trustee selts the Property+by exercise ot power of sale,Trusteo shall be enGUed to app�'y
<br />° any sa{e proceeda Hrst to payment of aU oa^�is end expenses of oxercisin�power of saie,including al!Tnutee's feec,arxi Lsnder'c and
<br /> Tnutee's ettomey's fees, actuatly fncurred W extent pertnitted by appl�cable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerGses any riyt►t
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of De}ault, Lender shall be entittied w recover from Trustor sU costs and expenset actualty incwrod as
<br /> a resuli of Tnisto�s defautt,irxtuding witt�out Wnitatlon eU Trustee's and attome�s fees,to the extent pertnittecl by spplksal�fe{aw.
<br />� 15. Futun Advanas.Upon request of Borrov�er,Lender may,at its opti�on,rt►ake additional and futura aduanoes and read-
<br /> vances to Bormwar.Such atNarkes and readvanoea.witf�inietest tlteteon.shall he secured by tltls Deed ot TrucL A!no tkrw stwll the
<br />. .�—v:— � .-»��• •K�w.WM�'t.v----�.� .�...'.. .. . _" ._� . _ —__-_ -- _ — _—__—._ .
<br /> _.-_�_ __._._ _..._. _— ._- .. _.
<br />� - — ..., �. ...�. .w�TeT�l�r • .. .._ .- . - .. .
<br />