. �
<br /> � ,._.:,.,—�,��-.... . ....... .
<br /> �^._.,�.ri�,.. � _-__---_--- �' .- — . :
<br /> &>rrow�er shall �+rc�n{uly give L.endcr written ncuicr ot'any im•estigudon, cl�i�n, dc��ncl, lawsuit or��ther :+c�ic•�t by any
<br /> ro��em�tental�r regulrtury agency or pri�atc{�:ut}� invalvic,g thr Pn�erty•rnJ any H;u:uJ�u�Sub�tan��e or Emir��nmeiital Law _
<br /> of which&�rrc�u�er F�w�ctuxl knuwlodge. IF l3c�rcaw�er lexnu, or iti ixxihed by w�y g���'en�.mentc.t or regulataTy auttu�rity, that —
<br /> :uiy restx+vstl nr nther rcnxcliati��n�f r�ny li:�.uJ.w�Sahstaik.a£f..tint the Prapeny iv�xre��ary, B�xruwtr shall p�oneptly t�ke ^_
<br /> all necrxsary remeelial rrtion�in arrw�l:uur with Envirannxnu►1 Law. __
<br /> Ax use�l in thi: {�►ragr.�l�2U. 'Hs�ardous SubstAne�r�" �'e those whwznces defiixrl a toxi� uc t►at,uciuus subst�nces by -_
<br /> F.nv'.m�u»enwl [aw W11� lhC f��IlOwilljj substances: Fzsc�line. ler�sene. c�ther O;uiu�tiable ar toxir petroleum praiucts, tuxlc C�A =_
<br /> �tiride�a�tid herbiri,ks,�•clatile sol�•ents, �n'r�etiai:eontaining u.�i�r�lua u� �u���al�cbyd..:u'a!r"..:lisr=!•v"��aetrialc. As usaci in Da =
<br /> this p�u�• tr;Mh �Q. "�nviroiui�enta{ Law" n�uic fa�feral laws snd l�ws of th�:jurisciictiaa µ•here the Pcopeny is locatoil that _
<br /> �1�:co health,�fety or cnvir.�nmental protcctiizn. -.-
<br /> Nf1N-UNI['O�:1�1 Ct)V�NANTS. Barrower atxl Lc�xlee funher cuvc»atu and��ee us fo!lows:
<br /> n__..._._..�y,���..�..�wtoawtjp�4'a11L1�[�IIt�BOff'OW2C�Y bit"�C� W
<br /> Z1. AcrelrratG"►�;Kcai�edtey. �.endec siiali�;i�e�i�,i�e:�....,�,...�. l7 unless t� `
<br /> af pny covenaut or Kgree�nent in thls Secu�ity Iactrun�ent (but not prlor to acoelers+tia� uuckr p�rs�rsnph --
<br /> applicx6le law pre►vlcies otDerMtc�).iac¢�atir��i1 s�L'yi: fs�)tF��=:�utt; (b) the aM[on►�ulred to cure thN dePaaU; _--
<br /> (c)a ds�te, not lesc thstn 30 c1s�y�s from the dAte tt�e notice Lc gicen to ibrmwer. I�y w�hlch the default mvst be cured; and
<br /> (d)tlwt fapum ta cure the defAUlt on or 6efore the el�te spacDlled in¢hc rwtice may result in accele�tlon of tbe sun�(� _._
<br /> secured by t3�is Security Instruroeai ond sAle of the Prope�'ty. 7'de aotice sba�l further inforiu Borrower of the ri�ht to Q __
<br /> r�(nstate�te� accceieratlon and the �ight to bring s� court acdon to acseN tbe cwn-exLstence of a default or any other _
<br /> c
<br /> defe�e ot Borrower W aocderation uad s�le. It lhe dd'ault is aot cw�ed on or betar�the date s�cified in the notice,
<br /> Lemier,pt its opdon, awy roquire lmmedi�te payment in tull ot all sums secured by this Securih Icutrun�nt witha+t
<br /> . �.._.._�.,_a....aM t...,.,e.�t�..v...r�n1'cale and aev other remedles Persnttted b�• applicx�ble t.�w.i.cndee sEwll be
<br /> �uriva {KM�i\�Y YNM,•M� .......... .._.._..__ ��j{D Ihis 21,►11CAiqii��D1u oQi uuuiai
<br /> entiUed to colloct all cxpense�tucun�ed in pu�suiag t6e reaiedks W'o Ps�B�
<br /> eo,rsasw�abk acaraeys�fees tnd oosts of title evideace.
<br /> It tlie�nower ot ssde is iavoked. 'I'nWee stwtl ncord s� ewtice at defyult in eacb coun¢We�o Boriniw�ertr and to
<br /> property ts locatecl aatt shaU mall coptes ot such notice in t��e manaer preseribed by applica --
<br /> tbe otiier pe�sooc pracribed by appp��tble law.At'ter tHe tGne required by appiicable LaM.Tn�stee shsdl gtve publk notice
<br /> ot sale to the petso�ta and in the mxaner pr�cribed by applicable ls�w. T�vstee, W itDimnt dempnd on Borrawcr,slwll sdl
<br /> tbe prope�ty�tt public auction to We hiQhest bielder at the time and place smd under t0ae t�of��r s�ny P�'oe!of tbe
<br /> sp{e tm ooe or wore paroeLc and in w�y order Trustee deteontn[nes.T�ustus�j��sala Lend�er or'its dai,�nee uwY
<br /> �P�Y bY P+����ai tLe time �ad place aRti'P�'e
<br /> put+c6ase the PropatY at aay sale. ,�_�__ ..�.... �•;,_.. .� �.�. � _---- - Tn�stee's deed coaveyin� the _
<br /> �+
<br /> ZJpoa recelpt oi ptynttnt of ti�e pria uiu, ,.w�a �...••L'c.: .. 4.._ �
<br /> proixrty. 7'6e recitAlc ia tbe Tr�stee'9 deal ch�ll be prima tack evidence ot the tevth ot the stpiemeats a�de tbereIa.
<br /> Trusta s1wU appiY tbe procadc of tbe sale in tbe foUowtne order:(s�)to pil co�ts ancl txpeases ot exercYsln�tbe Power ot
<br /> sa{e.nod tbe ra{e, iadudio�the I�aYmeat ot tbe 7'rustee'�kw ac�ually incun�ed,oot to exoeed�g�Os i s�� �Rt�ted
<br /> ot the prtnclPd amount ot Wt note nt t6e titne of tLe ded�ratioa ot defsult,and reas4as�W�attoroeY P��
<br /> by Iww,(b)W aU rums secured by thLs�e c w i ty I n s trumen t;an d(c)a a Y e x c e s s t o t h e p e r s u n or p e s s oms{egaqy eatitlal ta
<br /> �'' ment of all sums securad by this Sxurity Ynsttument. l.e�Kler shali rzqu�t Tntst�to -
<br /> ?2. Reoonveysn«. ugon pay
<br /> t�onvey the Propeny and shall surret►der this Security instru�nent a�x1 all notes evidencing debt sxured by th�s Securiry
<br /> Insttutnent to Ttusta.Tnutee shall teconvey the Ptoperty without warcuuy aud without charge to the person or pe�swu legallY
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shs�lll p�y any rococdation oosts.
<br /> �. ��W�Tn�tee.Lender,at its option, may from time to time c�emove Tnuue and appc+int a successor tcusta to
<br /> any Tnuta appointed hereuader by an insUvment recordod in the county in which tttis Secwity Ias:ruma►t is recotded.Without
<br /> oonveyana of the Propert��,the sucassor er�sue shall suoceal to all the title.power wc'dusiea unN�errod upon Trustoe herein
<br /> and by applicable taw. •L —` p,,�,, �,L�..��
<br /> .. _. . __—,�•��,���� �OIiOWCI IOy{iptS Lyt wj�rvs aZi ii�w Tw*.SLw�:JS-tIl�fAfl[Ailt�_C9IG IIC S�I tO DYiiVWG's i�+�W. _ ..., -
<br /> � WhIC2i IS tf1C P[O�iCR�I A�iGSS.
<br /> Z,r,R��,o th�Securfty I�ment.If one or more riders are executad by Borrower and reoorded togettver with this
<br /> Securiry Ir�str�ment,the rnv«nnts and agreeusents of each such tider shaU be incorpo�ated into and shafl uneod aad supplemec�t
<br /> tl�oovec�ts A,od�greements of this Socuriry InsUuu�ent as if the ridec(s)were a part of t6u Seeurity InsUVmenc-
<br /> [C7�ecic Applicable boz(es)]
<br /> �td�ust�ble Rate Rider Condominium Rlder 1-4 Funily Ridu
<br /> Gradwted Paymeot Rider Pluuxd LJait Development Rider Biwakly PaYmeat Ridu
<br /> B�ioan Rider Rue Improvesna►t Rida Sxotd Home Rider .
<br /> V.A.Rider �KS)[SP�YI
<br /> BY SIGNII�IO BELOW,Borrowu xapts and agtties to the ttrms and covenatus c+o�+t�isxd in this Sa�rity Iastiument�nd
<br /> in any ride�{s)eacavted bY Borrorvet and recorded with it. �
<br /> Witaesses: (�)
<br /> GARY L -e°'"°'"er
<br /> - �
<br /> G SORNE 'BORO"'"C°
<br /> ��� (Seal?
<br /> -Bonorrer -Horro.ars ..
<br /> STATE OF NEHAA.SKAs HAI.1+ CO�y�' .
<br /> Tlfe foregoing instrumau was ac+cnowled8ed befora me th:s 15 day of ApgIL • 1996 •
<br /> - Witnas my hand and notarial seal ai GRAND ISLAND, NEB KA tD y� � �
<br /> a�
<br /> My Commission Expir�s: ��M 6� �y pub►'
<br /> - ���''��a�p,�n�
<br /> � �� wo.s a a Fo�m 3028 S/�G
<br />