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:.. .�., , :.;yl�;� .. „�,� k�i�,?,� F,..�� �v.r,.• f .i.. � . - ri�:(;c,• }'n•r'/ a�r�-- . <br /> S 1{ �ti� � �'•��! <br /> � �♦ i _ ,�.�}, .. I }. �� v.•:�?G1. . '� • ��. ,�5 �':»� ..f.•�� i 1� -- <br /> '9t��. �1..t..'{�v.;rr � 1..:'r-,��..:+� f , 1l.dn *t <br /> o hi� t - - a•c' '. - � �� �1l�::�i...s. . <br /> �+� �v'�^ �'�io �S�� c t< q.", � p �.. � <br /> _f �Sh-•����1,��+��`hr)�r}�"yyti '���YL_lii. �� ���Y/�(tY '���'�:t��.�+ �-.�'��1'!�1!�7T'j."�"��"'�'"1 ;il�:.. <br /> i t �,�*� �1F,4�U'����y 4+{" S�k � , i� ,i4xi k{t�.'rlaltYe..:�Sr.Gam�e �..•`�. • - - <br /> - �.��rfn . .0 - . . - •`� .. <br /> �5:.\ �:� <br /> . � : f����, F� , a . .. _. � <br /> afi`IA.4 <br /> �,�, �Pti <br /> � ... _-.�.w�.�..�..._ �..,.__�___ � .n..e�.s-- _°==---. <br /> _ 1U�4�� _ � .�y� s-�s— <br /> o � •� ` ...� TO(iBTHBR WITH�II thc itnpn.•vcmenir now or herwfter erccted on the Propetty.and dl easemcnts,appurtenances,and �` <br /> ` ,^. .: tixlureA now on c�rc�tior o p�n af �he pn�pcAy. All rcplacements and additiana shall alsa Dc covcred by this Security �:__•-,�:_..,, <br /> �' . , •���. „�• I�Wrumcnt. All af thc fi�rcgoin�ix rcfcrtca�io in lhix Sccurity Inatrument as the "Property." -u. <br /> � • �''� � BORROWHR COV�NANTS Ihu1 IM.m�wcr Ir►luwfully�cisod af the estate hereby canvcyed ond has the right to gmnt and __ _ <br /> �. � ' �' � convey�he Property und Ihol Ihc Pmperty IK unencumheral, cxcept for encumbrnnces of recard, Aorrower warrants and wiQ �- �T — <br /> � ' defend gcncrully the�ide�o�hc Pruperty ugain�uU claimr.und demands,subjcct to any encumbrances of record. � _ <br /> uniform covenunts for national use end nan-uniform cavenants wi� limited �-._',=L^ :: <br /> •. • ':, ::: = . � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMP.lVTruml��nex — <br /> �. . . � vufatians by juri�dicti�m ta cunstilutc u u�ifnrni suu�ity instrument cavering rcal prapeny. -- <br /> -s.`.' ' '�"` .. UNIFORM COVENANTS. I��rrawcr un�f I.ender covcnant und ugree es followa: �-- _ -'-`- - ""` <br /> , • : • ,; • 1. Pnyment ot PrincfpAl And InlercWi I'relwyment And I.�te Chprges. Harrower shall promptly pay when due the �� <br /> KV��� <br /> � _.� principal of and intereat on thc Jcht cvl�krKal hy the NiNC and uny prepuyment and la�e charges due undcr the Nota � . � w�-: <br /> �� :�' . �^ ' � 2.Funda tor Taxes pnd Inxurwnee. Subject ��►App�icubic law u� t� a wj�kten waivcr by l.ender, Aorc�wPr +:hall pay to li.,: � � <br /> . � . Lenderon thc day monthly paymcnts arcduc unJcr�hc N��te,until thc Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far:(a)ycurly�axes `;"+5��•` <br /> � and nssessments which may AttAin priurny ove�Ihix Sccurily Inntrument as a lien un the Propeny;lb) ycarly Ieaschald payments ^� ,;:,� <br /> �L` . f..' �M! . <br /> ���::'� ' . ar graund rcnts on thc Prc�peny,if uny;Ic)ycudy hu�ard or prnperty insurancc promiums;(d)y�;arly floc�d insuruncc premiums, '. <br /> ��::;,:.�," ' if aOy;(c)yearly mongugc inzurun�c prcmfums,il'uny; und(�uny wuma payable by Borrower�o Lender,in accordancc with <br /> ° the provisiuns of parugruph 8, in Iku af thc puymenl ol'mi�rtgugc insurunce premiums.Thcsc itemx are calied "Escrow Itcros.` ?'"°� 1R.«, R`' <br /> ' l.ender mey, at any time,callcct und Ix�IJ Fumis in un umount nat to excced thc mu�cimum Amount a Iender for a federally • �'. . <br /> ` ,' �:-,��•.���.�;���,'� related martgage loan mAy reyuire ti•r&�rrnwcr's cxr�►w uccuunt umier the fcdernl Reul Es�ate SetUernent Pracedures Act of .. <br /> ''�'':,,��.?�:�:: , �`• •• 1974 as amended Prom timc to�iu�e, 12 U.S.C.Suti�m 2601 er scy. ("R�SPA"), unless an�lher law�hat appliea to the Funds �. �..�.: �;� <br /> ����;•:;;�':. '� se4s a ksser amount. If w�, I�nder muy. ut uny timc, collect und hold Funds in en amaunt na�la exceed the Iesser amount. �= <br /> �.•..'�,; ;� Lender may cstimate the umounl ��f rundK duc nn Ihc hu4is of current deta anci reasonablc estimates of expenditures of future t , _ _=— <br /> ` �'^�.,;;'.'`. Escraw Items or otherwis�in ucc�mlu�uc wiih upplicable luw. � ' <br /> �t--��.��. <br /> � ` � The Funds shull lx hclJ in un in�litutii�n wlxnu Jc�xrxitx urc insurcd by a fi�dent) aFcncy, instrumcntnlity, or cntity � ._.,_�=__ <br /> ;':�;; (including Lcnder,if L.ender i.r•such un instliuti�M)��r in uny Fcderul H��mc Loan Bank. l.cndcr shell apply Ihe Funds to pay thc ,••-, ,:' <br /> � � Escrow Itcmx. Lendcr may nat rhurgc&�rn�w�r liir holding und upplying thc FunJs,:umually annlyzing thc escrow account, or •"�•',"°•..+.`-°T_ <br /> '' .°.' ve�ifying the Eu�mw Itcros,unkwx Lc�xk:r�wy+l�irn►wcr intcrcr�on the FuaJs a�xi applicable law pcnnits Lender ta make such � _�� <br /> �.• _�:- <br /> ' ` '� °�- a charge. Huwevcr,l.cndcr muy rcyuirt t��rr��wcr tu puy u une-timc rhurge for an indepcndent rcal es�ate tax reparting scrvicc <br /> t;:::�.:_ <br /> � � . usal by L.cndcr in runncction wi�h thi� luun, unle,s upplirublc luw provides othcrwixe. Unkss an agrccmcnt is msule or „ <br /> , - applicablc law rcyuin:s intcrc��tu hc p►iJ.l.cnikr rhull n��t tk rcyuirrd tu puy Borrowcr uny intcrest ar camings on the Funds. , .. -�. <br /> � " Burrowcr and Lendcr muy ugn� in wrl�ing,h��wcvcr, thu�imcrexl+hull ix� puiJ on thc Funds. l.cndcr shall glvc to Barrowcr, ,;y��_ <br /> � _ .__ _ without chargc,an unnual uccuuMin�;nf �he Fundx, showin�e rrcdilti uml Jebi�s la thc FunJs u�xl the purpase i'or which cach ,,,-�•, <br /> ��_i-�:• �:�, <br /> � . debit ro the FunJs was mude.Thc Fundr. om pl��lg��l us uJJitianul�uuriry for ull sums secured by this Security instrum�:n�. �,7:�- •�.: <br /> '. If thc Funds hcld by l.cncicr cxcad �hc unu�un�.Fxxnniuc.l t�i Fn hrld by upplicublc law,Lcndcr shall account to Rorrowcr � , „ �.. <br /> � -.�•� ,' . e excesx Funds in ucconlunce wiib thc reyuirementx of app l�cu b lr luw. I I't he umouM u f t he F u n ds held b y l.ender at an y � � <br /> :iE�, ' for th ,� <br /> •, timc is not�ufficicnt to pay thc Furuw Itcmti whcn duc, Lcndcr muy+u notil'y Norc��wcr in writing, an d, in suc h casc B o rn�w c r � <br /> � } ' , s ha l l pay to L c n d c r t hc a m u u n t �xrc��ry 1a nwkc u p thr Jrliricnry. 1�►rr��wcr shull mukc up �hc deticicncy in na marc thun -;T.., �.1� <br /> � �"�F• �: � <br /> ., .:�,•�,��', twclvc rnonthly puyments.ut lxrnlcr',a�lcdixrc�ion. �" .. :. <br /> � Upon puymcnl in full al'ull wnn Ktiun�l hy�hi� ticcurity In.trumcm. ��:ndcr �hull prompNy refund tn B��rrowcr uny � " ��;,,;��_ <br /> FunJs hcld by Lcndcr. 11',unJcr parugrrph:1.LcnJcr rhull:�ryui�e��r�cll thr Pr���xrly.Lcrxlcr,prinr to thc acquisition��r salc ,�.: " ,� <br /> � :�:�•.;', of thc Property, tihull upply any Fundshrld hy Ixndcr ut�hr�imr ol acyui�i�iun i�r xul�uti acralit s�gainst�hc xums sccurcd by � <br /> . . this Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> •� 3.Applkation of Peyments.Unk��ap�liruhlc la�a pn�viJc.uihrrwi,r.all paymcnt.r�ticivcd by Lcndcr undcr purugruphs ; rwr�,_r.= <br /> � I und 2 shAll IK rpplicJ: firsl. to uny prc�ry�mnt chartie+duc undcr Ihc Nulc: .crund. w amc�um� payablc undcr paragruph 2: � %'�;`t+.: <br /> third.�o int¢rc�t duc: ti�urlh.��, ���n����,i au�:and lu,t. lu uny lu�r rhurFr�Jur undrr thc Nntc. ,, ', <br /> .. 4. CharRes: I.fcav. Burrnwcr shall pay ull tuxe,. :i,k.,mcmr. rhar}�e�, tinc�unJ m►�nitians ultribWablc to thc Propcny , <br /> which may uu•rin prioriry�rvcr thi� kiuriry In,tnmirnl, and Ir;i.rhuld puywcnt. ur Eruund reMx, if any, Burrowcr shull pay � <br /> � . thesc abligations in thc munncr provi�k�l in p:�m�raph 2.ur il not p:nd in�Ir,il��rrciwcr shull puy thcin on timc dircrtly ' <br /> to thcp�.rson owed puynun�.Borri�w�cr+Aall pmmp�l� I�urni,li iu Lrnd�r�dl n��ucr,u1:unuuM. lo hc paid undcrthis purugruph. , j.:.;;;ti: <br /> If Bom�wcr nwkc+thcsc paynxnt�vircctly. li��rn►wcr ,h•rll ��r�m►pll} lurni.h i�� I rud►r rcrript�cviJenring thc puymcntti. • . <br /> � 8orruwcrshall promptly dixhurgc uny lien whirh ha�priur�l� ��v.•i ilu.tirruru� Imirwnent unle.s Borrowcr: (a)agrecs in , <br /> • •� writing to the paymcnt of thc ubliguti��n ktiur�d hy Ihc h�n in u muunrr;irrc�ncd�lr 1��I.cnilcr, �hl r�,rn�sts in g�xxl frith thc licn � <br /> �, by, ur defcncl� a�ain�t cnli�rronxnt ul thc �icn in. I.��al pux•rcdm�!, ��hirb in �hc I.rn.lcr'. ��pinion ��r:►re t�► prcvcnt the <br /> enforcemcnt oi'thc licn:or Ir)�ccurc,l'r��m the huldrr ul�hr hrn an.��i.�rm�'m .uu,L�clar�t�� lAn�cr,uix�rdinating Ihc licn to � <br /> this Security lnstrum�nt. II'lAnckr �1ci�rniin�.�hui:my ��ail ��I thr I'i�q+.•�I� i. .uh��•:1 lu .,h�n uhirh may anain prioriiy ��vcr . <br /> • this Sccurity In,trumrni. Lend�r nuiy givr lic,rro�rri :� nunir idriuil�u�� ihr I�rn liunu��rr�hall wtul}• thr licn ur�akc i�nc nr , <br /> •, morc of thc actiuns set forth•rlxivc wxh�n IU Jay��d 1hc}:iv�n}� ul nuui.� <br /> Form 3028 818n : <br /> ,.„N.,..,�� : . <br /> � � <br /> I <br /> . �, I <br /> , <br /> � <br />