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<br /> The Hwxl� �1�11 t+e hcld i�� r�i iiiuitutian w�lxxu �leEk�sits ur� imur�.v1 h� a i�Jcral agcnc�•,in�trunxntality. or entiry
<br /> (irxluding l.cixlcr, if Lcixler i�such w� instilWi��iU u:'in any t'�tiicr�l Hw�k laµn k3:ui1.lAtxlcr�ha11 ap{�ly tlx Fuixl.a�{+�+y tl�c
<br /> �un+u lt�nu. l.c�Kkr r,u���wu ctw`e k3��rrawer for lu�l�ing a��.l ap�+l��in�thr i�utxt�. annually�ui•rly�in�d►e eKr.,w•;k:��unt. ��r
<br /> rdiifyiit�th�►:.KTO�L'Iltilh.uttles.�l.endec pays t3c.�rruw�r i�Hercu�m�Iw Cu,►J.wwS�+��li�,�ht�I,�w �rtnit�:.c�ti:l.r lo nulte�ueh ;
<br /> u ctwr�c. ttow��cr, Lcrntcr nuy rcyuirc&�rmwrr tu�w�� a nix•time rFurgc far�n iikleprixlent rc�l c�t:►tc tar rcM►ning�er►•icc
<br /> use+i h• Letxkr in romx�tiuo Kitl� thiv I�wn. unle�� appN.at�lc I�w� pn�vieies ��thcrwi.r. l4dr.v�n Wgr��cntie�tit i� m:xle ur =
<br /> ;,p�.!i:s�te ls�y tc����•s� �+�r����p,tw�wiJ. lr�xlcr.tull �xu lx royuinxl tu pay tiurru���r un?• intcrcu i,r carninCti un thc Futxl�. _
<br /> &�rn�wer:ux1 Lc�xlrr m:►�•�FRr iii w•r�tin�, hawc�•cr, tlwt intcr��t`h•rll lx E►aid on thc Fuikls. L.c»dcr �h�l!g�ve io W�rrow•cr. !
<br /> withiwt �turgc. uii uatiu:►1;kc�wiuing uf thc Fuixls, �lu�win� cR�tit� �ux1 dehil� ta the 1=uix1�u�xi thc puryx�k i.ir which r.�h
<br /> debit to the�u�xls a•ac m:wl.. The Furxl��r�pleJ�,e�!�c:kl.lid��iul se.urit}� fnr alt�um�seeur��l by� thi+Security in�tiuiikot. �-
<br /> If the F±�ml�IwGI hy lxixie+•.xw:�i ttk:u►uw�us pernult�!ta b�lul�hY n�plicabte lark.l.c�x9er.fiall x•v�unt to Borruu•cr —
<br /> far thc etc�sv Fu�uls in:ucv�nGuxe with thr r�quirenk�us nf apglicable Ilw. If thc:u�xwnt i�f thc Fun:i�held hy l.cndcr at ae►y -
<br /> time is not wfflcicnt ta pay 1he E.�mw Itcn�.e w�hcn dur. Lc�uier n�ay x�iu�tify Burmw�er in wriungr und,in�uch race I3orrower "'�
<br /> �11 pay tcr Lendcr the anxwnt nece�.+ary to n�ake up tik Jefiriency. [ic►tto�•er shali nukc up ti�J�':aieiuy in no m:x.tE�an _
<br /> twehe nuuuhly payn�en��,at Lencier's u�lt discrelion. -
<br /> Upon payn�ent in full of all sums s^.cural by this Secucity I�strununt. I.endcr shall pramptly refu�xl tu Borraw•er uny
<br /> Funcin c�ld by l.ender. If,uncier paragraph 21,L.ender shall uryuim o�sell thc F'ruperty,l.cndcr, pnor to the ocquisitian ur saZe -
<br /> of the Pmperty,sh.lil apply any Funds held by[.etuier ut the tin�e a1':uyuisition ar sale ar�cn,�cfit agaiiut the�ums�urerl by _
<br /> this Security Insttument.
<br /> 3.Appiication of Poyments.Uiile.cs aFplicable law provicics otherwise.all p�y�nents received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 s4ali be appiied: first,ta anY PreP�Yu�rut ci�bc�due u��:thc R'ai:.; °�st�,to antoltslis F?yal+le ontiPr narr¢raph 2: _
<br /> third,to interest due;fcwnh,to principal due;and lust,to any latc charges due under the Nate.
<br /> 4. Chsrges: Llau. Borrower shall pay all taxes, asses.anents, chuges, fines and impositians atuibutable to the Property
<br /> which rn�y attain priority over this Securit}� Instrument. und leasehold payn�ents or groutxi rents,if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligationc in the manner providal in pnrrgraph 2.or if no:paid in that manrter,8orrower shall pay them on time diceetly _
<br /> to the petxoti uwod payment. Borrower sltall promptly furnish to Lt;nder all notices of wtwunts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If Sorrower makes these payme�ts dirocdy.Barrower shaU promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payn�ents.
<br /> Borrower shall prort►ptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrumeat unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> wr.dng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in gc�ai faith che lien
<br /> by. or defends againct enforcement of the lien in, legal proeeodings which in the Ixnder's opinion operate to prevent t8e
<br /> �nf�xcement of the lien:ot(cl secures from the holder of the lien an s►greement satisfactory to Lender wbordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrumerzt. If Lender determines thal a�ty patt of the Yroperty is su'Djece to a lien wiiicL uuiy�u'taia pr��:�ty ovcr
<br /> this Security Lut�ument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the I�en.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or t�lce ane or
<br /> . more of the actions set:onh above w�tfiin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5, �rd or property Iacur��e, Romower shall keep the impro�emenu raw existing or hemafter erected on the
<br /> Property inwrPd againct loss by fire, hazards included within the term 'extended coverage'and �ny other hazards. including
<br /> floods or flooding, for which Lender requires inwrance. This i;isarance shall be mainainod in the amounts u�d for the peciods
<br /> that L,ender requires.The inwrance carrier providing the insur.u�ce sha11 be chosen by Borrower subJ',ect to Lender's approvsl
<br /> wieich ai►a1! not be un-z�conably v:ithheid. If Borro�+e: fails so maintain eovera�e described ahove. Itader cnay,at Lender's _
<br /> . option,obtain wverage to protect Lender's righss in the Ptope�ty in accordance with par�8r,�ph 7.
<br /> Ail inwranc.�e policies and mnewals shall be xce�xable to Lender and shall inclade �star�dard mortgage clause. L.ender
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If C.ender requires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender�ll reoeipu of
<br /> paid pt+emiumc aid renewal notices.In the event�f loss.Borrower s,hall give prompt notioe to,the iaturance carriu�nd L,rnder.
<br /> I,cader may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Borrower oiherwise agree ia writing. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoratan or repair of the
<br /> property damagod.if the reswration or repair is eccxiontic�lly felcible and Lender's security is not lessened.If the nsiorxion or
<br /> rcpair is oot 000nomieally feacibte or l.ender's securiiy would be lessenod,the insurano�Prooaecls sha1�be oPPl�ed t°the sucns
<br /> -- se n_�_. .-,i�iiTw�Zi �siM� ' - _
<br /> � s4wrod 1iy this Serurity Lut�untent. whether or not trien Cae,witit arry excess paiu w ao�wwci.a, ,�w�o:...� -
<br /> _ propaty, or dces not answar within 30 days a notice fram Lxader th�t the insurar�ce carrier has ofteral to settie a ciaim.then
<br /> Lender may collect the insunnc�,proceeds. I.ender may nse the proceeds to repair�r restore t�e Propercy or w pay suinc
<br /> securod by this Sex:urity InsYrument,whether or not then due. The 30�y period wil!begin when the notice�s given.
<br /> • Unkss Ixnder and Borrower otlurwise agree in writing, anp applicaiion of proceeds to principal slull not extend or
<br /> � postposx the due date of the monthly payments refernod to in par�grapiu 1 and 2 or cha.�ge the omount of the paymaus. If
<br /> under par.�graph 21 the Property is acquirod by l.ender. Bomawer's nght to�ny insur�ttioe polu�es ud prooeeds resulting from
<br /> dam�ge to the Propercy prior to the acquisition shall p�ss w L�ender to the exteat of the sums secured by this Securiry Iaurumeut
<br /> immodiately pnor w the xquisitioa.
<br /> 6.Oavp4ocy,�t'�n'atioa,Mainteflance�ad Protection ot tbe Property;Borrower's L.aau App�tion;I.wse6ol�C•
<br /> Borrov�a sk:zll occupy.establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residonce within sixty dayr after the execution of
<br /> this Securic?.Inctrument�nd shall oontinue to occupy the Praperty as Borrower's principa! nsiderwe for at kut one ycar afta'
<br /> the date of oceupancy, unless Ix.nder otherwise agroes in writing, whict�oonsent sha11 not be unreuon�bly withheld, or unless
<br /> • cxuauasir� ci�usns�z'.� eust �vhich a*r k+eyc►r� �nrmwer•s mntml. Barawer shall not desuo_y, dan�e or impair d�e
<br /> Property. allow the Pc+nperty to deteriorate. or c�ocnmit waste on the Prape:ty. $orrower s}nq be in default if u►y forfeiture
<br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or crimin�l,is be�.u�that in Lendcr's goad f3ith judgment could result in farfeiture of the
<br /> � Property or otherwisc materially impair the lien cma:ed by this Security Instnunent or Lender's searity inteust. Borrowu m�y
<br /> ' curc wch a defaulc wd reinstzta. as p�cueided in paragraph 18.b}c�using tt�e action or proceoding to be dis+nissod with a ruling .
<br /> that, in Lxnder's good ftith determinztion, prECiudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Pmperty or other maceri�!
<br /> • impairmat of the lien creakd by this Security Inuivmetit or Lender s sxurity interest. Borruwer sha11 ulso be in dtfault if
<br /> � Borrowu.during the loan application prucess.ga�e materially false or inaccuraie mfom�ation or statema►ts w l.ender(or failed
<br /> to prnvide Ltader with any material infomiation)in cotutection with the loan evidenoad by the No�e. including.but not limited
<br /> ' to,reprcseutatioiu concerrung Borrov�ei s accupancy of the Propecty ac a principal residuxx.If this Sa:uriry Insuument is on a
<br /> leac�twld. Borrower shall wmply with all the prov�sions of the tease. If Borcower xquires fa tide to the Property, the
<br /> leaschoid utid the fee title shall not rr►erge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7,p[otectjon of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Barrower fails to petforn�the covenarts and agtatnents conttined in
<br /> this Security L�strument, or there is a legal proceeding ttut may significant1y affert Lender's rights in ttie Property (such as a
<br />- pcece�.�ding in banL-ruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to ec.fe:c^e Iaws or regulations),then Lendu rr�y do and _
<br /> p�y for whztc.wu is�secessuy to protect the value of the Property arxi Lc�xler's �igiits i�the ?:ope:ty. Ler.:..~r's:�iostc�y
<br /> include paying any sums saxued by a lien wfiirh has prionty over this Scxurity instrument,appearing in co�rt, paying
<br /> reacon�ble attomeys'fces and entering on the Property to m�lce repairs. Alttwugh I.ender may take act�on under this paragraph
<br /> . 7.l.asder does not have to do so.
<br /> Any anwunis disbursod by Lender under this par�graph 7 sh�ll become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security instrument. Unless Borrower and L.ender agree ro other terms of payment,these amounts sf�all bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbutxunent at the IVote rate and shall be pay�ble, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestio�
<br /> PaYment.
<br /> 8.Matp,age Iasurana.If Lender required mortgage inwrance as�condition of maicing thr loan secured by this Security
<br /> Inchvment, Borrower st�ll pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance�rn eFfect. If, for �ny reason, the
<br /> �rwrtgage insuran�e coverage raquired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Sorrower shali piy the premiums requit�d to
<br />- obtain o�ver�gz substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effec�t, at �cost wbst�nti�lly equivalent to the
<br /> - cosc co Borrowu of the mortg�ge inwrance previousl3+ in effect, from an altemlte mortgage inwrer a�proved by Lender. If
<br /> a
<br />° , Pao.�a s faM 307A �JaO
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