��.., .r��� :,R. .r,u �r. ` .r r ''� 't�t3.._._s,.�=ers.� _ -�,��� .____� �_- _.
<br /> ��.�� _:r..e.:.�..�• .
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<br /> ; .A't,d'�At1i��r,Kltr.-. � ■t'°''w=---
<br /> ;.;*r,,,,..,'�„;u�: , T(X'..�'fHER WITH all ihe improvcmen�now or hereuftrr crec�ed on thc pn��xrty,und uil ca�cmcntr,uppuncnunces, ��-,
<br /> � n:.�- • and finwrex now or hereuftcr u psut of�he prapcny. All rcplacemenls and udditianti Yball al�bc rov�Ked by thix 5ccurily --
<br /> ri�`"'�' �• • InRuumRnt. All of the foregoing i��cPert�d to in thia Security Instrument u.r•the"Piroperly." _
<br /> � ,. '. �ORROWER COVENANTS 1h�t Borrowcr is luwfully sciticd of�hc c�tu�c hcrchy convcycd und has �hc righ�tu grunt _
<br /> ' und ennvey the Prcipeny und ihat the Property is unencumlx:red,except fur enrumbruncc.of re�ord. Borrnwee wr�tintti und ,_ �,�_
<br /> ^ " �. ! wiU dafend generally the tide ta Ihe Prvperty uguinst all eluimx and demundx,sub)ect to uny encumbrunces ot'm�:ord. �-���'`-�
<br /> • � � ^ - - • • '!'HlS SECURITY INSTRl1MENT rnmbincc uniform covcnun�s for nntianul u�c und non-uniiarm covenunt+ with �='�--_�
<br /> �.�_.-•�-- � - - -- --•
<br /> �: -
<br /> „• � � limited voriotivns by ju�isdiction to canslitute u unifurm securiry instrument covcring rcnl prup�;ny. ���-•
<br /> • °� ' . UMIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer und Lendcr covenunt nnd agrec us faUows: �.."-�_
<br /> ,!_:.. _�•..�,,,�„�,�,,,,�._� � !. Wyment of Princi�wl and 1Meresh Prepayment and Late Charges. BoROwcr+hull pnxnpUy pvy whrn due the �-�_-;:__
<br /> t�•_, � :`--;. -. - pnnG�pui of and imere�i uu t1rc�bt ev idr,nccd by thc 1Vote and:u►y prepaymeat and latc rh�irge.due wuirr�hP N�ue. �__ -- -
<br /> ,;4}:„_.,.. ,. _,,;, � Z. Ftilnds Por Ti�xes s�nd Insurs�ace. Subject to applicable luw or to u writtcn waivcr by Lendcr.Bonawer shall pay to �-
<br /> l,xmder on the day momhly paymenls ure due under the Notc,until the Notc is paid in full,a sum 1"Funds")for.(u) yearly �.� Y
<br /> ' -`� tuxes nnd ussessment�;which muy attuin prio�ity over this Sccuriry Instrument a+a lien on the Propeny;lb�yeurly leasehold •'__�- _ ___,,,��_�
<br /> u mentR or round rents an Ihe n if an lc) yearl hazurd or r n inxurnncc remiumx; (d) esul flood �_���"�`�^���i
<br /> p Y B �'� Y• Y: Y P� Y P Y Y --
<br /> insurance pr�emiums, if uny; (e) yearly mortgnge insurance premiums, if uny; und (fl uny sums payable by Bormwer to � _
<br /> � Lender,in xcardance with the provisions of purngraph S,in lieu of the payment of monguge insurance prem�umc. These �;:Y;;_,,;�,:��
<br /> , .� . items are called"6scrow I�ems." Lender may,At any time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the muximum �_-�_
<br /> ' amount a lender for u federully relnted mohgage loan muy reyuirc far Borrowers eticrow uccount undcr Ihe fedcrul Rcul �
<br /> � � Estate Se tt lemen t P r o c e d u re s A c t o f 1 9 7 4 u s a m e n d e d f r o m t i m e t o t i m e, 12 U.S.C.�26[II��r sr y.("RESPA"1,unlexq another �.a?;j;��;�
<br /> � • law that applies to the Funds sets u le�ser omount. lf sa,l.ender muy,ut any time.collect and hold Funds in an umount not to ��,�,�;�,.:�� —�'
<br /> e
<br /> exceed the Icsser nmount. Lender rnay e�timalc the amount oi Funds due un thc bu�i� of currcnt data and reasonable _--- -,--
<br /> estimnles oi expenditures af future E�crow Itemx ar otherwise in accordnnce with upplicuble law. ` ''r°�"
<br /> The Fuadc shall be held in an in+titution whose deposits arc insured by a federnl u@ency, in�trumentulity,ar cntity . ;�-.`� ' �,�N=�
<br /> � . (including l.ender,if L.ender ic,uch i+n institu�ion)or in nny Federnl Home Loan 8ank. I.ender+hull apply thc Funds tu puy �., � : `
<br /> t h e E s c ro w I t e m s. L e n d e r m u y n a t c h a r g c Barrowcr for holdin g und a p pl ying the Funds,annuully anulyiing the excrow �?,;��,�;�''
<br /> � account, or verifying the Escrow ltem�, unless L.ender pay+ Borcower interext on the Flinds and upplicublr law permils �%j��,.;-
<br /> Lender to make such u chAr c. However. Lender m�► rc uire Bonower to a u one-time chargc for an indcp:ndent rcal �+.�-� .f4:r�^•�—�
<br /> C.� eslate tax reponing service uged by Lender in connection with this loun,unlexP�pplicuble law provides othenvise. Unless s�n Y''ti"�_i"^"�'
<br /> ,,.: . :
<br /> I agrcement is madc or upplicuble lAw requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc rcyuired to pay Borrawcr uny interest or �
<br /> earningti on the Funds. Bormwcr ond Lcndcr muy ugree in writing.hawevcr,thul interest shall be paid on the Fundx. L.endcr f .���,�.�
<br /> shull give to Borrower,without chur�e,an unnuul uccounting of Ihe Funds,showing credits und debits to ihe Fund�und the �.'�''�7�'.:`;�—_
<br /> ut 7� ]. �
<br /> �:"
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the 1=unds was mude. The Funds ure pledged us udditionul securiry far all sums secured by .;�,k;,y,:���!`R
<br /> -- -- = this Security lnstrumem _z,;���:..,�:�,,,
<br /> ' " If the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permitted to bc held Ny applieuble luw, Lendcr+hafl uccoum io �;!:�•, :. ;.,,. -
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordunce wilh the requirements of applicuble law. If thc umount of'the Funds held by s+p��� : ��,;,;�
<br /> Lender at uny time i�nat sufNcient eo pay the Escrow Items when duc,l.ender muy so no�ify Bortower in writing. and, in '"� � . ;
<br /> such cnse Borrower shall pay to l.ender the amount neressu lo make u the deficienc . Boaower xhall make up the " �'��. i'� '
<br /> rY P Y 't'c;'::�?`�`' •-.
<br /> deficiency in no more thun twelve momhly puyments,ut Lender's sole di+cretian. " ��• ,;::'.ti
<br /> � Upan puyment in fuU ��f ull�urns sccured by thix Security In�tniment,LenJer shall prompUy re(und�o BoROwrr any ,,
<br /> Funds held by l.ender. If, under parngrrph 21, Lender.hull acyuire or zell the Properly,Lendcr,prior to tl� ucyuisition or ,��
<br /> � �ulr of the Propeny, shull apply any Funds hcld hy Lendcr at the timc of acyui�ilion or sulc s�s •r credit against thc�umx },;,,,..•,;..,
<br /> • � secured by this Security Instrument. � �-�
<br /> � 3. Application of P�ymen4g_ Unlc+s applirablc law provides u�hcrwixc, all puymentr rcccivcd by Lcnder under � •'���
<br /> paragruphs I und 2 shall tx:upplied: fint,tu uny prcpuymem charges duc under the Nate;tiecond,tu amuunh puyable under � . . � `
<br /> u
<br /> � , paragraph 2;third,to interest duc:fnunh,to principul duc:und las�,to any lute churges duc un�icr the Note. � �.__
<br /> 4. Cha�ges; Liens. Borrowcr shull p•ry all taxc,, us,e+smcnt.r, churgcs. tines and im�x►sitions attributablr �a thc .�,��1�__
<br /> Propeny which muy nnain priority ovcr shir Srrurity In.�rumrm,and Icuschold paymcnts ar ground rents,ii uny. Bonower � , F-�_. _
<br /> ' sh�ll pay these o6)igutionr in the muniKr provided in paragraph 2,or if n�it paiJ in thut monner.Barrower shall pay�hem on � . ' -�° .
<br /> time directly�o thc person owcd pay�ncnl. Borrower shall pmmp�ly fumitih a�Lcndcr�II noticc.oi'amoun�s to F+e paid undcr � ,i�:-___
<br /> ' . thiti parugraph. If 8orrawer makes�he+e paymrnts dircc�ly.Bi�rri�wer shall prompQy iumirh to Lender reccipts evidencing � '"p;��"-
<br /> . :e��--
<br /> the payments. • --'
<br /> ' Borrowcr shull promptly dixhar�e uny licn which h•rx priuriry over thi.Securiry In�lrument unless Borrower:la)agrcrs �-
<br /> in wri�ing to the paymcnt of Ihc i�rli�aiiun srrurcd hy Ihc lien in a manner acceptnMe d�L�nJrr:Ib)romr,ts in g�xxf f•rith thc �':_�'''�``:-
<br /> _..�.:.::
<br /> lien by,or defendx uguins� enforcemem uf'thc licn in,IcEul pnxreding.which in thc LenJcr;apiniun oprrate�o prcvent the , . .
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or lc)secures(rum Ihc holdcr o(�hc licn an agrcement,ati�iartory lu Lender wburdinating the lien ,, ..
<br /> to this Securiry In,�rument. If Lender�k�rrniine�thut any pan�>I'tlx Proprrly i,wbjeri to a licn which muy attain priority ,
<br /> ' over this Security Instrumrnl.L�nJer may givr Burr��wer u noticr identifying�he lien. Rorruwrr,hull sati+fy the lien�x tAke ,
<br /> . one or morc uf thc actions,et forth a I�we within 10 da�ys of Ihe�iving of nutice.
<br /> 5. Hazurd or Property Insurance. Bi�rcuwrr�hall I.cep thr impravemems now rxi�iin�e un c�rrafter errcled on the
<br /> � .;; Propeny in,ured uFain��lu.�hy tirc_haiard.incluJrd�►•i�hin the trrni"rxtrn�kJ ruar�a�r".md uny ulher haiarJy,inrfudin�
<br /> floais or floading, for which Lcixlcr myuir�. intiu�unrc. Thi. in�un�ncr ,hull Ix maintuincd in the anu�unt� und 1'cx the �
<br /> Furm102A 9�90 i�we�•:u�epu�r.�i
<br /> I
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