,�ltur�_ -� . _. � _ �.-
<br /> --� - --- =� - - - - .�.- - _-
<br /> �r�,----- �--- _
<br /> �7,� �t,u.7 �� . ._.
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<br /> � • ��is�.,t#;�%�R .. • :a"
<br /> .. ' . • . . �' •_'�
<br /> �. � - � . 92� 1 U 2398 -
<br /> : : ,..}. ., , _
<br /> � �' '� �`�� ��"� � '. ' pp�+licable law muy xpecify for reinctatemenl) before�ole of Ihe Prapeny purxuunt to uny(x►wer of sule contuined in thia �
<br /> ''_ '.'�:��`;'"t'��`" ;� 3ccurity Instrument:ar lb)entry of u judgment enforring IhiK Security InKtrumcnt. Those cundiliun�:ure thut Bort�wer (a) ��--•--�-
<br /> � � y �"' puys Lcnctcr ull sumx which ihcn wauld hc due undcr�his Sccurity Inctrumen� ond �hc hotc uw If na u�ccicrutian had
<br /> •s•a,.�, :�,^s^ —
<br /> ;,• occuned;(b1 curea any drfuult uf uny other cavenunts or uRrcemenlx;lc)puys nll cxpen�+es incuRed in enforcing thiw Security
<br /> „ ., . Inslrument,including,but nut limi�ed tu, rra�,��nublc ut�ameyti fees; unJ Idl wkr� .uch aclion u� l.ender may musunubly
<br /> , ' � nquire to assurc tlwt thu licn of�hig Sccurity In�in�mcm,Lendcr x riKhtw in Ihc Pm�xny und BuRUwcr's ubligulion tu p�y thc __-_
<br /> xums .ecurcd by thir� Securi�y Insm�ment r•hull continuc unchunged. Up�m rein.rtutcment by Barruwer,�hix Securfty
<br /> - - � - InntrumcM and the ubligalions securcd herehy sh�ll remuin fully e(fec�ive u.il'ao ucccleralion had�:cumd. However,this --�-
<br /> ,. ,�r. � —_: --- �- �---�
<br /> right to reinstate shall nut upply in the rax�c►F acceleruuan under p:uugruph 17.
<br /> ... .. • 19. Sale of Note; Chnnge ut l.oan Servker. The Nate ur u partial inlrre+t in �he Notc Ito�cthcr with this Sccuriry
<br /> , lnstrumcntl may Ix: wld onc or morc timcs withou�prior no�icc ro Rurrowcr. A�ulr muy rc�uU in u chungc in the cntity __
<br /> � �., , (known ati ihe"Loan Serviccr"1 thnt coUectr:monthly puymcm+duc under thc Notc und tbis Security Imtrument. There alsa
<br /> - ""-- "'--- mny be one or more chuogc.ot ibc Lu;u�5���+cer unrclatce!to:s s:sle uf!hr Nrte. ti�herr i.v change of the Lo;m Scrvicer. �,_s
<br /> • . ' • Borrower will t►e given written no�ice of the chun$e in uccardance wiih purugruph I�l aFx�vc unJ applicuble law. The notice ��--_
<br /> - will statc tlx�nume w►d uddres�of thc ncw Loan Scrvicer und Ihc uddress to which p•rymcnts shuuld be mude. The notice wiU ---�
<br /> ' ' � ulso conlain uny other infonnution reyuircd by�pplicuble law. ���� ^�
<br /> � 20. HAZArdaaa Subslance.s. Bi�rrowcr�;hall no�cuus�or pcnnit�he pn:�cncc.u�c.ditip��s•rl,z�oruge,orreleuse of Any ___
<br /> � Huzardous Substances on or in the Proprrty. Borrowrr tihall nat do,n��r ullaw uny�nc clse to du,anylhing uffecting the ��,�.
<br /> Propeny thul is in violation of any Enviranmenwl Law. The pre�;eding�wu xntenccs+hull not apply to thc presence,use,or
<br /> � •., s�ornge on�he Properly of,mull quantitieti oi Hazurdous Sub.rtances that ure generully�ecagni�xd to be npproFxiate to normal �-:
<br /> • residentiul uscs su�d ta muintenuncc of the Propeny. ` _
<br /> ° Borcower shull prompdy give l.ender written naice af uny invew�igut ian,cluim,demund,luwsuit ur other actian by uny = ._.._
<br /> � � � � govemmr.niul�r reFulutory agency or privAtc party imolving�hr Property und any Haxardou4 Substanrc or�nvirnnmontnl �,�_V-�_�_� .
<br /> � � L:�w of which Borrowcr hus ucwul knowlcdgc. If Borrowcr Icr�ns,or i� notificd by any gnvcmmental or rcgululory ��, ;, _;
<br /> . . � ' AUIIIOfIIy.thut uny removul ar other�cmediutian af any Hur.urclous Substuncc uffec�ing the Prop�:ny is nece�ssry.B�Wer �t�,_ ____
<br /> .� " rhull promptly take ull nece.sury remeJiul uciiom in uccordunce wilh�mironmentul Lu�H. �—�-. `�
<br /> �w;._°�-::
<br /> � . As used m Ihis par�gr.�ph 211."Huzardous Subs�unces"ure thaxr aubtitunceti defincJ u+tuxic or har.�idous substance+hy �.i.,,,_.
<br /> • � Environmentul Luw und�hc follc�wing tiub,iunce.: Eu,olinc,kcros�nc.utlxr Ilummublc or toxic �xuolcum prcxluct�,toxic ��=�_`
<br /> •• � P,;sucide,und herbicidcs.volutile ,ulvents,mukriul+a�ntainin�astxsto�or formuWehyde, and ruJiauctive muleriuls. A, �;�--�.�
<br /> ' ' uticJ in thiti purugrAph 20,"Envircmmrnlul Luw"muum federul luws unJ lawx of�he jurisdiction where�he Property is Ioc;aleJ ,
<br /> " ' that relate�o h�ulth,wfety or environmenlul praection.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr unJ Lendcr furthcr covcn;uu unJ ugrcc us ti�llow,: ��.
<br /> � 21. Accele�ation: Remedie�. Lender shall qive nntice to Borruwer priar to acceleration followiag IMrrower'c [
<br /> �� � breach of any covenpnl or agreement in Ihis Security Intilrument Ibut not priur to acceleratiun under paraRrpph 17 �P_
<br /> __ _ unlec4�p�licable law provides utherwiul. The notice shall speciPy: la►Ihe dePault;lbl the action required to cure the _ _ _ -
<br />- dei'aulh.(cl a date.not ler;w than 3(1 day4 irum the dute the nMlce i��iveo ta Burrnwer.Uy whwi� ii�r�irfualt tt�usi be - -
<br /> curedi and Idl that Pailure to cure Ihe defuult on nr beiore the date speciiied in the notice may result in acceleraliun uf g
<br /> the sums secured by Ihis Securitv Invtrument and sale of the Property. The nulice rhuU further inPorm Borrower oP '' � !
<br /> Ihe right Io reinstate a�ler arceleralion und 1he ri�;ht tu brinR u court uction tu assert Ihe non-exislence��'u dePnult ur ''��1'�Y:��
<br /> uny other dePense oP Born�wer to uccelerutinn and tiule. If the defuult ig nut cured on or befi�re the dnte specifled ia •.;,�_•;,. , �
<br /> the nWke.�.eoder at its uptiun mav reyufre immedlate nuyment in fuU nf all sum�secured by t6ic 5ecurllv Instrument �. �Y;.-,t•,1��-
<br /> w-..:�.
<br /> wilhout furlher demand and muy inw�kr tqe power��f ss�le und uny other remedie� permitted b�• ppplicable law. .�yF�.
<br /> . .+•���. _YD�i
<br /> • l.ender.r•qall be enlilled to collect ull erprnseti incurred in purxulnu tbe remedies.provided in Ihis,par��;ruph 21, s�_ ,,,_•..._ �
<br /> � . includin�,but nnt Itmited tu,reusnnuble ultorner�i fees und c�nlx oPNtle e�•idence. �;�-��
<br /> � , If the power��'sule i.r•im•oked.Truxlee shs�ll recnrd o notice of defuult in euch cuunty�in which any part of the
<br /> • Pmpe�ty Is larated und shull muil copi�w of tiuch notice in Ihe manner pnscribed bv upplicuhls luw tu Borrower ond to _ __
<br /> . the other peryon4 prescribed b�•upplicablr Ww. ,\fler the time reyuired b}�upplicuble luw.Truslre�hall ui�•e public . -�
<br /> • nodce uf sale lo the persons und in thr munner pre�crilxd b�•uppUcuhle luw. '1'ruxtee,wilhuul demand on Borrower. � 'f�,
<br /> � shall sell the prnperty ul publir oucNon lo thc hiuhrst bidder ut the lime und place und under Ihe termsdesiknuted in , , ------
<br /> tNe notke nf salr in one or morc parcels and In un}•order 1'ru+lre deturmine*. Tru.tee mup poslpune sale oP ull or un�• . � '��-+�•�•
<br /> � parcel oP thr Properlp bv public unn�►unc�rnent ut thr time und pluce uF um�previuunly xcheduled tiule. Lendrr ur its .. .. . Y�='`
<br /> .•u
<br /> ---�.-.;,
<br /> desi�ner may purc hase t he Pruprr ty a l uny w le.
<br /> ,,�,� �Ip� receip/ of pvymeM uP the price bid,7'rusler shull de4�ur to the purchuser 'Irustee+derd cum�e�•in�the
<br /> • ..� Property. 'fhe recituls in the'1'rustee's de�d�h:►II In primu fucic c�idencr of lhe truth oP the stateme�ts mude therein.
<br /> '. 71�ustee�hall apply the pruceeds oP the sule ia the CoUnw•ing ordrr: lu►lo sdl costv und expen�es of exercl�inu thr puwrr , T�__
<br /> ,.'�'�:i ��_,.
<br /> t . . . ��,`";t"<'
<br /> ° ;y,,;i: '.A:. .
<br /> � ..
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<br /> �r' , Furm J11:8 4�411 qaie� '�•�n��,�tr�� .
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