��..a_«w.: .
<br /> � . ^ � . —.-,� ' ---_ -_ ---
<br /> �'� - - � . .�`°==_---�-.
<br /> . .'F.I�Y:i?Q3• _- -_ _ --___--___ _ ________ � -�iw�Yyi.�VJ�w��Y'
<br /> • � • ��.. �f��,-�'y� --- -
<br /> 'sy thic Sxurity Iacuuawst,lf Borrawer faits ca pay the+e cwns prior to the expirAtiaa of shls period. Lenlec auY invoka �
<br /> ..�:�.�:.;,,,��..��Y ►ht�Gc��ricy 1nr,�nu++ont w�thout furtlbr notico�t demauul nn Borrower. �_
<br /> o:.;�:.�...-...,.. ��.
<br /> 18. Bo�rc�we�''e ft�ht W Rd�te. If Borrowar meet9 certain ca�litiana, �orrowar shall luve trie ngat to 6ava
<br /> ec►fac^.emsnz of thla Security Ipstrua�ont diccaatinuacl rt�ay tima prior to thn ctrlicr of: (r)5 daya(or sach otiser�+oc1�c �-.
<br /> r.�:t.:ir,:.5:a'.:n�y �aec:�fes ►+ai�tataraeat)befara cale of th9 C'roperty Dtuau+nt to�ny power of siale containocl in this �
<br /> SQCUnry instiumeat:or(b)eacr�of w.i�clymeat eaf'orcin8�s Socuriry Instrwxant.'it�osa cc►nditioa9 are that Borrower: (�i �
<br /> NYs Leader oll wms which thw wouW be duo under this Socurity lactcumeat and Wa Now ws if ao acceleratian hul �;_
<br /> occurrod: (b)curee aay defiult of auy ot�er cove�nes or a�taa.'satsts; (c) WYs wll eFpansac is;.wset! ie eaforcir�; this �
<br /> Socurity Iasuunnent, iacludln�� but not liwited to. raasocu�ble�ttameya' faes: xnd (d)ukes such rction�.a 1.e�1er may c-_
<br /> re�soorbly requiro to�ccauu ttut tbe liea of tLis Sacuritp Inunamea�. I.ender's righw in tho Property �ad Borrower's
<br /> obli�r.tlaa topey the saa�s cxe.und by thio Secusity Iastn�meae slull continua uacl�a8ed.U}lOI1 i0111LWtC�C�t 6�I BOTiOWCi• �-*.
<br /> thia Security IaF�meat aad tho obli�aUoa4 sacured herebY shall reawin fully ef�8�if uo acceleratiop bad occuit+ed. i-
<br /> Elowever.tf�i9 ri t to reiawte shaq not�p�pl tn the case of acceleration uader ra 17, —=
<br /> Y9. Sale oP NWe;CIutR�e oP I.o�Ste'vfa�'. 17u Note or a partial intemst in Nota(to�ether witti tbi9 Secwity
<br /> instrumeat)ma�r ba cald ouo or more timo�without� prior t�otice ta Borcower. A sAla may racult in s chu�go tn tho eatity
<br /> (��;�a s: s�.s I,oan Serviar"?tbat csilecta montWy p�ymenta c2uo un�er the Note and tLis Security Inctrument• 77�era __
<br /> �iso mty be oae or more chtt�a of the I.oan Secvicar unrnluad to A sale of the Noto. If tture is R clsu�ge of tae Lora _._
<br /> Servioet.Sortonv�,v wiU be�ivea writiea notice of tLe change ia accordanc�with paras t a p h 1 4 a b ovo a a d�ppticabb 1aw. �..,
<br /> '[4sa no8x wlll st�to the nsme a�l�dcltw of the new I.oaa Savicer tncl the acic4i:sa to which payweats should ba made. --
<br />' 'I'6e aoNce wlll also coataia anY other iaformatioa requirod 6Y apPlicable law.
<br /> ?A. Ha�srdoua Su6�es. Borcower s�all not causa or rarniit tba pr�nca.aca. d'►sPoc+l,stoiage.or��
<br /> aay 1i�+�doi�s Substa:.ces on or in t�a Property. Sorrow�er c�1! not do. nor allow any�ne elsz to do, aaythtng
<br /> the pmperly thst is in violulon of�ay Envitonmeatr!L►w. "i� pracading two seatences s�hall mt apply w tho preceace.
<br /> use.or sionge on the Proputy of cmrll quaatiHes e�f Hu,u+clouo Substa�es tl�t are Seaer�tlY r���O b0�PP��P�
<br /> �o mmul ratdeaq�l u9e��ad to miinte�unce of the
<br /> Bormwer sh�ll promptlY B►ve I.eoder writtea of�ay investigation,c�la�m' ' Haaa.�ious S�tubctaace or�fiuviroa
<br />- a,-,y 8;,,;:,;.�,.,:�:1 os reo^:u!o_^,,oo�y o�;+rivaw n�ty iavolving tbe PropertY y overnnoeata�or mguta�+��y
<br /> noeotal L�r of w6icb Borrowar bas�ctwl knowledge. If Borro�r leams.or is notifiad bY�y 8
<br />= aushoritY. t�t aay removal or other inmedistion of any HaunbuS Substance affatin8��Y is oecesury►.Borrowar
<br /> cW11 ptoa�ptly Wce all remedid actioa+ia accordaace with Bm►imnaxnt�l Lxw.
<br />- Ar u�ed ia this pzu�Z0. 'HaL►nbua Substances"ue thosa cubctances defiaed as Wxic or harardous wbct�aces
<br /> ue
<br />- by finvironcueahl Lw the foUowing subc4aces: gasoline�_keroceae, other flammsble or toxic potmleum p ,
<br /> to�¢ic peetic�de��ad berbicida�.volatik aolvents,naueritls contuning asbestos or fomWdeb�da.aad radio�ctive muerlals.
<br />° As wed ia this par�graph?A. 'Envimnmantal Lw•mans fedat'al lsws aad Lwc of the jwudictton wh�e the Pmpetty is
<br />- locatad that rzlata to btsllh�ssfety or envimnmentalprc�cLon.
<br /> Nata.Uxrnoiex Covfartirs'ts.Botrower aad Lender further covonwt and ag�e as follows:
<br />- 21.Aocdeeatbn,Re�eti�. Len�fer sbal!Qive notla to Barowes prios w s►oa�la�tloa fouowin��o�'cOw�'s
<br /> be+e�h6 ot�s�ao�eo��t a�[n tIN�Sa"urit9 L�Chummt(but notp��r to s�a�ratloo��ndar poca�'npb 17
<br /> � law ptoddes otba�he).NThe ootice�all q�eclfy:(+�)tlk�et'autt;(b)tbe actaoa nq�dred W cue+e the
<br />- defwft; c)�d�,not ler t!�30 da�s[rom tbe date tbe�ot]ce is gt�m to BoRnwer,by which tLe defaWt mu�t�e
<br /> c�e+ed;a�d(�q that tautre to c�e the detwit oa oc befo�+e tbe d�te cpedf3ed in ebe ootloe m�11*+aW�1n aooderatia�
<br /> ot tLe s�s�ral by t1k Seair�t9 I�trume�snd sale ot tbe Y�'uPd49.The notke�Il firtmer iotarm Borrowee
<br /> .._ .r.,� .._�.L.,.:..u..,, u.t.» ..r.r�t actloe to a.�ati tbe uoo�tmoe of a
<br /> , o[tde*�i�t io rda�aaie�.asr sc:�.o�...�...�.........�..-... ..---. - - __
<br /> � dehult o��sy otba'�etmK ot Barov�er to�oa�lention aud w0e.if tBc dcfs�s!b not c+red on or be[ore ebe�te _.
<br />� la tLe aWioe, Lmder at its optloa m�►Y recl�immedizte paymant in full of sdl sv�m4 s�ns�ed by tLds
<br /> Ia�truo�ent w�tbout furt6ar demand aad may iuvdce the pow�r o�sale and an,y othe�rea�alks Pamttted 6Y
<br /> 4►w.I.eodcr ch�1�be mtitled to collect a11 t�Pe�incurred�°IP�the r�eaia p�'odded in N�i�
<br /> �21,IndwW�,b�t not limttetl to,r�cooabie s�ttoroeqs'fea and caW ot ti�k t�Weoee•
<br /> the po�wr�'of sale���d�.T��sLdl reoord�ootioe o[defadt ia acb aouimt9 b wWe�an7 P��t�e
<br /> ptoo�ey Y ionted�sa th.0�all aopia of sucL uotlo�In Ihe mAane�'Pea�tbed b7 ap�l�bk law to so�rowrt.na
<br /> to t1�e otbs Pasoo� p�c�lbed b7 4w.Allte�r t6e Woe requtred b appiiab�V'��T^����e
<br /> pnb�c sadce at sa{e to the peeyoa a�mamer p�a�Ibed 6y��p1i�b�Vw.T�s � o0
<br /> o$ rrawer,s6aU 9d1 the�at peWie wctlan to tLe h�R�btdder st tbe tlme aorl I�laoe aod uoder tLe k��s
<br /> deri�o�ted ia t6e notice of sak ooe ar more aad ia anq orde�Tn�tee ddemtoer.Tev�tee ms7�
<br /> sale af�ll oe any pe�od ot tLe A opert9 by pab��w�moanmt at the time snd p1�e of aqy t��7
<br /> wk.I�der vc its d�oee ma7 P�n�ce tLe at��• T�ee's deed ooa�ella�t6e
<br /> Upon reodpt uf pymeot ut Wep�'�o� ��e�all adi�er W t6e peac�a�'
<br /> - �ay.'�..2:�:::: ta `•'�•.r. '�':t�'s ��!+s �±� f�tde evidence of We tndl� af t�e�tateoseab made
<br /> tLerde.Trustee sMl!apply tLe Procee�is ot the sr�3e in tLe to�lowia�ocdrr:c�co au oo��a�or�an�-�
<br /> = pqm 3p2Y �18p(p�pi b of 61
<br /> O Ll�Q
<br /> � �1WKat triiTg�q WC.,fT.CL01A,MM il7�111•�OF3q•2SN!FqIM YD�t�UE 7lilO1 C.c(l��iL
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<br /> � Origina!document
<br /> AmerUs 64nk
<br />