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<br /> � «' ' , � �Sppec Above 7bls Line Far Raordiry�I)nwl - -_
<br /> _• ,,::......:.;-• --
<br /> �- - � : DEED OF TRUST
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<br /> rt . . . ' , .Tha truator ic =-
<br /> -' ° � �- THIS DEBD OF TRUST l"Security Instrument'1 is made on March 19. 1992
<br /> N �'�`�`'
<br /> � ,�•' .. „ 8:�;�-
<br /> � ,. � ("Borrower").The tn�.cteeis NORWRST BANK NEBRASKA. N.A. �l
<br /> �"':
<br /> .. ., . . ��.
<br /> • . ,_ u ("Trustee").Thc beneficiary ic NORWBST BANK NEBRASKA, N.A. � �"�_-..�.:
<br /> :��;,.���{._
<br /> .� , which fs organizcd ond caisting undcr the luws of U.S. OP AMERICA .a�w��` �'��Y�r'�
<br /> ��R�.��."
<br /> - -- - -- �ldrecc is 202 I�iest Thlyd� GL811d Tgland, NE 68801 _
<br /> .. ,
<br /> �"L.endcr"). Horrawcr owcx lxnder thc principui auw ui' ��
<br /> . � 1WELVE THOUSAND DOLI.ARS AND 00/100+�** Dollur,(U.S.S *** �• ��=`
<br /> .. ��,opo.�o -- ---
<br /> � This debt is evictenced by Bc�rrow�r's notc Juted the ,arne dute us this Security liu+irument 1 ote 1.w ich proviJes fiir --------
<br /> �:::..��' ' monthly paymeMs,with the full debt, if nat puiJ curlicr,Juc und puyuble on • �
<br /> ` � '' This Security Im�irunxnt�:rures io LrnJcr:lul thc rcp�ymcnt of the deht cviJetxxJ by ihe Notc,with interesl. und all renewulti. �����.•.:��._
<br /> - cxtensic�n� and modi6cation<<�f the Notc: Ih1 thc payment nl'•rll uther sumr, wi�h intcrc+t, uJvunccd under paragatph 7 �o .
<br /> � protect the tiecurity i�f Ihis Securiry In+�runicnt; uixl Icl thr �xrtiirmancc �►f Burr��wcr'ti c�►venunt, uixl agrccment�. For thiti
<br /> " ' purposc� Borrowcr ircewxuhly grunt�anJ conveyx to Tru+tee. in truu. with ��wer of rak, the lulluwing dc�critxri pn►peny . -
<br /> '' ':� ' lacated in �'L Ccwnty.Nebrnsku: .n-.,
<br /> �..�' . � °
<br /> . . � . ..
<br /> LOT (2) , IN B�dCK FIFTBEN (15)� IN ROLLINS ADDITION TO THE CITY ;,_,,,;�,,,;ti;�:�
<br /> .� OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA '���.::; :_ - -
<br /> . � ��\.V• �Y
<br />. - . .l_ :Y}•�°. -—"
<br /> 'ii
<br /> ' ' ' � " which hati thc uJdress c�f 907 W. 5th Street �sircci.ciyl•G.I. ,.R
<br /> . Nebrasku 68801 �"Prupcny AdJrc+ti"�:
<br /> � �x��c�.��� .
<br /> ' �
<br /> ' • �'� ' T(x,F'fHF.R WITH all thc impro��rmrnl.nuN ur hrrcal�rr rrrr�rd un�hc pruprrl>. :inJ all�•a.rmcnl..:�rr�«<�,:���«,.an�l
<br /> • : fisturcti nuw un c�rralicr a ��an �►t Ihr pruprrt). All rcpl:iccmcnl, anJ adJiti�,n. •h:dl :�Iw, hr rurcrcJ M• Ihi� Scruritr
<br /> Instrunicnt. All of thc furcg�an�i�rrlerrrd�o in thi.tirrurily In.�rumrnl a+Ihr°Pr��p.•n�."
<br /> BORRnWfiR CC)VENANTS thal[i�,rru�crr i. la��lulh� .ritic.l �d thr r,lale hrrch�r„mr�cJ and h:u ihc right i„�rant:mJ •
<br /> , . c�mvcy Ihc Pn+�n} u��l that thc Pru�rt� i, unrnrumhrre.l. �rrc�l ti,r cnrunthranrr.„I rrcurd. H��rnn�cr ��arran�. anJ ��ill
<br /> drf�ix) g�ncrall� thc litlr k�Ih� IYuprn}� a�ain,1 aU rl:um,:utd Jrmaud., •uhjerl a�:m� cnrumhr.mr�•,��I'rcrurJ.
<br /> � ' THIS SECURI'fY INtiTFtI'MIiNT romhinc.unili�rm .v��rn:ml.I��r nauun:d u,.:uid m,nnn�ti�nn rrn�rnant���illt I�roilyd
<br /> ' variatii�n.hy.juri�Jic�i��u t�,run,iiwtca uuilurm�crurm in,trumm�i :u�rrin�.rral ��rop��rty. �
<br /> ,. UNIFO12M C(1VIiN�\N'1'ti. Hurra��cr:ind l.cn�Irrr���rn:�nlanJ.i�rrc,i.l��ll���c,:
<br /> l. Puvmen� oP Ikinclpz�l und Intcr��t: 1'repu}mcnt vnd I.ute l'har�;��. H�am��rr ,hall pr�nn��d� p:i� ��hcn duc �he
<br /> p�incipal ul anJ inlcrrtit�m Ihr .lchl �•�iJrnicJ I�� 1hr \��ir,ind:m� �x�pa�mrnl and la�r rhar�:r+du�undrr�hr Nul�.
<br /> s F..ndc f.w Tuu�c und In�urunct�. Sulurrl lu annli�ahle lu��•ur 1��:� ��•I'Ittrn ��ai�•�r h) L�ndcr. Burru���rr.hall pa� tu
<br /> _-------_.- Lcndcr un Ihc J•ry monlhl� pa�inrnt.arr Jur unJcr 1hr N„ir.umil thc N„�c i.paid in lidl. a.um�"1•und•..►t�,r:�:u�rari� uitr� -
<br /> and as�c,+mcnN whirh may attuin prwnl�• a�rr Ihi.tirrunt� Imirumrul u,:�liru�,n Ih�I'mprrt}: �h►>rarl� Iea,rhulJ p;►�mrnt�
<br /> or gn�wxl r�nt���n Ihc Pr���xn�•.il am: Iri�rarh haiard ur �•ra�xr�� in.uran.•r prcnuum.: �J►�e;u-1� Ikx,d in.ur:uirc pmmium�.
<br /> if any: lc1 �carl�• mnrlga�.r inwrunr�prcmium.. il am: :mJ �17:m� .um•p:i):ihlr h� li��rru��cr t�� I.rudrr. �n acrurJaik•r��uh
<br /> ►i,����,.•�.�„��,�,r �ar,�graph R. in licun(1hr��a�ount��I'm�►rl}�aNr in.w:mrr pr�mium.. I'hc.r ilcni.arc rallrJ"I:.rraw Ucm,.
<br /> LcnJe� ma��. ai :�m limc. .r�l Icct aiiJ h��IJ I�und. in an anu�uut nut a, r�r��Yl ihr ma�inmm amuum u Icndcr li,r a trJrrall�
<br /> rrlat�d m��rt�a�;r luan ma) r.c�mrc li�r li��rnn�rr'. r.rru�� :�r�uunl undrr thr Irdrial Rral I'.�cnr tirtUrnun� Prucrdurc� A.i.,I
<br /> 197a:�.�un�ixl�rl Irum iimc t., �imc. I_ l�.ti.('. tirctian 'hlll rr .r�r. i"kt�til':1"►. unl�,. .�nuih�•r I.i�� �h:d:�rri�.,i���he I�wi.iti
<br /> •ct.�i Ic..rr am�.unl. If.u.Lci�trr ma�. ;d :m� umr, r��llrrl :mJ hnlJ I�wiJ. in ,m .un��unt nut m r��rrJ Uic Ir�+ri .unuwi�.
<br /> I.�ndcr may r�lttnatc dir am�n�nl ut IunJ,dur��n Il�r h:ri.��1 rurrcnl .I:u:�and rra•�aial.lr r�lim:ur•nl r��,�nditurr.ul lulurr
<br /> li,rru��•Itrm.nr ulhcn��i.r m c�cr��r�l;nh� ��nN:ipphr:ihk I:n..
<br /> NEBNASKA-Sm�iir FamdyFa�ide Mae�Freddfe Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9•90
<br /> ��NI12T97 . :.�"', ,..'', :• • • � ' AmeiMedS-91
<br /> . •
<br /> - - —
<br /> . - -�� — - - - _
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