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<br /> an�ire ir�debtadn��s �ecured harwby shall, at the optinn of th•
<br /> HanQxicias�, �ecome riue and payanie; �c) �.o xddp :.i,�►
<br /> abave-deearil�ed Property and the imQrovementa thereon in qnod
<br /> condition and repair and ncst to commit or suffer �aate �hereof, and
<br />: �x�An� aw a;�thor�zed ii� any schedc�ler annexec3 hareto atid £ort�aing a
<br /> part hsreof, neither to reasove nor permit the reaaov�+l of any
<br /> tiYaber, buildinqe, oil., qaa, minwrals, stone, rock, clay,
<br /> fertiliaer. qravel or top soil without tlie prior wrxtten aon�ent af
<br /> Beneficiary; (d) to maintain and deliver to Beneficiary policieo
<br /> of insurance againot euch hazarde on the buildinge snd improvemente
<br /> now or hereaftier located on nr conc�:xtutinq a psrt of the Prope�r�y
<br /> a� tha Beneficiary ehall require, in �uch companiee nnd amounts and
<br /> with ouch Zoss payable clauae� �na ehall be eatisfactorSr to the
<br /> Benefieiary; that in the event of loss, H�neficiary is expressly
<br /> authorized to �ettle or cca�romisa claiaua under said policie• and
<br /> tho pro�eedm thereof ehall be paid to the Beneficiary who may apply
<br /> the aan►e or any part thereof on the indebtedneas secured hereby or
<br /> ��'�Z'� ��:� ��^.^.�±�.1^.±3�3! O� S�^�?= i+'f as i e_i h��i l eii nna s�nrl
<br /> i.mprovemente or releaee same to the Trustor; (e) to pay any lien,
<br /> claim or charqe against the Property which raic�ht take precedence
<br /> over the lien hereof; (fy to pay on demaad all leqal expenses,
<br /> title �earchee, appraisal or a�torneva' fees reasonably incurred or
<br /> F+aid bp Beneficiar� �o collect the Note or foreclaee or protect the
<br /> lien of this Deed of Trust; (q) that in the event Truetor shall
<br /> fail to comply with the proviaione of (a) �hrouqh Zf) abacre, the
<br /> Benefiasary may expend �er�h funde and taFce euch action ae is
<br /> necesaary to remedg such failure and all suma paid by the
<br /> B�noficiary pursuan� hereto with intor�et at the rate hereinafter
<br /> pronided shaZ� con�titute a lien upon the Preperty, ahall be
<br /> secured by thia Deed of Trust, and ehall 1b� ia�ediately due and
<br /> re�payable to the Beaeficiary; (h) not to aell the Property or any
<br /> portion thereof wit�iout the appraval of the Beneficiary in writing;
<br /> and in the event of any sale hereis� prohibited, thon the entire
<br /> indebtedneaa eecured by this Deed of Truot shall, at the option of
<br /> the Benef iciary, become due and payable; (i� aot ta bu3.ld any '
<br /> a. • a� �L� �a�� s.2 7 ti� • ��Li._3�...... L�..
<br /> " ' - ' ' �IQL�f1o114 ;�LL�JLV�C��Rii40 4%/{I31 MtiQ Yaaijicaa.� 4ilt+ii bil0 iLYQaI4QV1iV0� tis� " " '�
<br /> beea paid in full; (j) that if the Property or any part or parcel
<br /> thereof ahall be taken o� damaged under the power of eminent
<br /> dc�main, the award for any Property eo taken or da�maqed (inoludinq
<br /> • aeverance daaages to the reaaining premiseaj shall be paid to the
<br /> Beneficiary and applied iA full or in part a� the optioA of the
<br /> Benef�ciary in reductian of the indeb�edness hereby aecured; (k)
<br /> that th� BQnaficiary ahall have the right to inapect tho Property
<br /> at such reasonable times as the Benefi�ca.ary map dtsira to determine
<br /> � Trustor•s compliance with the covenants contained in this Deed of
<br /> Tiv�t; (1) tlaat the Beneficiazy may releaee from the lien hereof
<br /> any gart or parcel of the Property rafthout requirinq any
<br /> �a'�uCi�t2�8�i�i1 �r2a2�0I� aa'li'�a �aTi' til�� Trs��O� is Iaw'fiY��IT 6v�1Z�u Ga
<br /> said preai�es and Property in fee simple, that the ��e ere free
<br /> frem all lfens an� enaumbrance� except as may otherwf�e be
<br /> specificallp noted herei� or waived iu writing by the Baneficiary;
<br /> that Truator will exeau�e or p�ocure any further necessary
<br /> . assurances of tiitle and does hereby warrant generally the titS.e �o
<br /> �aid Property and wi11 forev�r defend the same aqainst the_alaim�
<br /> and deaands of all persons whomsoever, and that Trustor's separate
<br /> eatate, �aether vested, continqent or in expectancy, is hereby
<br /> - conveyed and Truetor dces hereby exprese�ly waine, release all
<br /> ri.ghts and benefi�s of any �omestead, dower, curtesy, appraisement,
<br /> . exemption and atay lsws of this atate. It is aqread that the
<br /> ilf�@av'o'i: Q;.avi�� iCZ i.A t'i'al�la8a^.t3.GII �i3� 'aii'i�.2 Gaia3i � a� t.�'f8 6aS"'rs.
<br /> rate ao apecified in the Nete secured hereby on the pri.acipal
<br /> thereof after default and naturity.
<br /> SBCOND: In the event Trustor, without the prior written
<br /> conaen� of Beaeficiary, shall sell, tr_ansfer or convey or contraet
<br /> to asll, tr�nafer or convey the Property, or any part thereof or
<br /> any interest therein, the entire balance of the indebtedness hereby
<br /> �ecured shall become and be �w+�*e���tely due and payable at the
<br /> 3
<br />