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<br /> ; , . . . 1�239`� . . , . ;=; _
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<br /> �� �w�p����l�. Upon dafouft b�Trusta in tM paym�nt of or p���of th�tKms and conditfons of �'� . . �.�:T,�,,�,?.
<br /> n ��.,.
<br /> • 1M Not�,or aq►r«wwois,modifkations ar�xt�nsions th�r�of,or th�po►imM1 of on�oth�r itxNbt�dn�ss s�tur�d h�nby w In th�p�rfartwncQ � J ';;�r�y��
<br /> • of aqr of tFw conv�nonts or opr�nmts h�n u n d�r,B�f k i o ry m a�r dKlan all sums saund hK�by imm�diotdy dw and pa�obb and tM sane a,.<=�.�':��;:;�.:5i.,
<br /> sholl th�nupon baan�dw and po►iabM without pr�s�ntm�nt,d�mond,Prot�st or ootica of any kind.Th�r�oft�r, B�n�ficinry moy d�liv�r to i - '.�
<br /> T r u s t M a w►i t t�n d�t l a r a t i o n o f d�f o u l t a t d d�m a d fa saN. Trustw sho l l h ov�t h�pawer o f s o t�o f t h�Pr o p e r t y and if B�nofici a ry decides the T
<br /> •� ' P�oqKty is to b�sold it shall dtposit wHh T►ustN this DNd of Trust ond th�Not�or notas a n d ony o t l wr daumen ts ev i d w i c i n q e x p�n d i t u r e s
<br /> , s�cur�d htnby,ond sholl deliv�r•o Truste�a written notia of dQfoult and al�ctfon to caus�tht Property to b�sold,and T�ustN,in twn, shaU �.;,_,;,�,.;j�,��
<br /> ,..
<br /> , pr�pa��a simUor notk�i�th�tam requind b�low which sholl bo duly filed for record by Trustee. ,_.. �. _
<br /> (o)AftK th�lapso of such tirrM aa moy be nquir�d by law followliq tM raadotion of Notic�of Defoult,and Notiu of O�tault and Notice oi � , ;�;;�;.M if_•�L{,�,.
<br /> • .. .., Sol�hovirq bNn qiven as requfrod by law,Trustw,withoW d�mand on irusta,shall sdl the Proporty in onQ or more parcels and in such order �.,�,
<br /> - ----- os Trustar may dctermine on the daie ond ot th�tim�mid ploce designatad in said Notice of Sole,at public auction to the Myhest bidder,the pur- _
<br /> � chose price payabla in cash in lowiul moneq of the Unitod Stotos ot the time of sale.The person conductin9 the sale may,ior any couse he or she
<br /> deams exp�di�n1,postpone the salQ from time to time until it sholl be completed and,in every such casa,notice of postponement shall be given
<br /> „ by public d�tloration thereof by such person at the time and Plote lost oppointed for the sale;provided,if the sale is postpaiad fw lonqer thon
<br /> one(1)day be�ond the day desipnoted in the Nonce of Sole,notice thereof shall be given in the samQ manner as the original Notice of Sale.
<br /> Trustee shall execute ond daliver to the purchaser its Deed conveyinp the Property so sold,but without any conv�nant or warrant�,express,or
<br /> implied.The recitals in tFw Deed of an�matt�s or facts shaY be conclusive proof of the truthbiness ihvreof. Any person,includiny without
<br /> ' limitation Trusteo,may purchose ct the sole. . ^
<br /> (b).When Trustee salls pursuant to the powQrs henin,irustee shall opplY the praQeds of the wle to poyment of tha costs and expenses of
<br /> ex�rcising the power of sole and of the sole,including,without limirotion,the poyment of Trustee's Fees incurred,which Trustee's fees sholl not , _�_
<br /> � ��^
<br /> �` • in the aygrepote exceed the following amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and rQmaininy unpoid� 5 percentum on tha ba�unce ,
<br /> tFwrQOf;and then to the items set forth in subparagraph (c)hereof in the order therein stoted. �
<br /> (c)Aher paying ihe items spaci(ied in subpara9roph(b1,if the sale is by Trustee,or the praper court and other costsof fareclosure and sale + ,
<br /> if th�sala is pursuont to judiciol faeclosure,thv praQeds of sde sholl be applied in the arder stated bebw to the payment of: ,�,._-
<br /> :.,-,.—
<br /> ; � 'l't��'.:i•.
<br /> (1) Cost of any evid�nce of titlo procured in connection with such sole and of any revenua required to 6e paid; ; �,�.,r�.�
<br /> (2) Attomeys feesr ;���r�•T�
<br /> (3) All sums then secured herebyj � ''���'
<br /> (b) Junior trust deods,mortqayes,or other lienholders;and ' ;,,�;�;`t,'?' �
<br /> (5) The remainder,if any,to tiw person or persans IeyvAy entitled thereto. i
<br /> .4.
<br /> (d) If ihe Benefitiary of this Deed of Trust is a bank as defined by Nebraska fow,any:tatement conta+ned�n o�y other section of this deed _
<br /> notwithsianding,the 9eneficiary sholl not 6e entitled to receive ar take ond debtor sholl not be obligated to poy or give;ony cunfession of judg• ,. ,
<br /> ment,power of attorney to confess judgment,power of attorney to appear for o borrower in o judicial proceeding w agreement to poy the costs
<br /> of collection of the attorneys'fees, unless such acts of collection would not otherwise be prohibiTed by Nebrasko law. Pravided,however,that • ':�;, _
<br /> , this section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paagroph 61b).Provided further,thot this poraproph sholl not apply to this Deed of '.��
<br /> Trust,if the Beneficiary is not a bank. '''�
<br /> 12. AddltieMl S�ewN�r In�tn�nt�.Trustor,at its expense, will execute and deliver to the Beneficiory,promptly upon demand,such securi• a
<br /> I ty instruments os moy be required by Beneficiary, in form and substance satisfactory to Beneficiary,covering any of the Property conveyed by '.
<br /> this Deed of Trust,which security instruments shall be additional security far Trustor's faithful pe�formance of all of the terms,covenants and
<br /> I condifions of this Deed ot Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and ony other security instruments executed in connaction with this tron-
<br /> � saction.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense.
<br /> 13. Appoi���1 of Sutastor Trutt��. Benefitiary may, from time to time, by a written instrument executed and atknowledged by
<br /> I Beneficiary,mailed to Trustor ond recarded in the caunty or coumies in which the Property is located and by otherwise complying with the prov�-
<br /> sions of the applicable laws of tFw Stato of Nebroska,substitute a successor w successors to the Trustee nomed herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> 14. tntp�etkn�.Benefitary,or its agents,representotives or workmen,ore authorized to enter af any reosonable time upon or in ony part
<br /> of the Property for ihe purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performiny on�ot thQ ats it is authroited to perform under the
<br /> terms of the Oeed of Trust.
<br /> �S. OpN0t1 10 IOIfCIOi�.Upon the occurrence of any defalt hereunder.Beneficiary sholl have the option to forecbse this Deed of Trust m
<br /> the manner provided by law for the foreclosuro of mortgages on real property. •
<br /> 16. FonbNraea b�Y�fkiery Mot a Walra.Any forebearance by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise
<br /> offorded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such nght or remedy. Likewise,the waiver by Benefitiory of
<br /> any default of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deerned to be a woiver of any other or similor defaults subsequently acurring.
<br /> > �i { 17. Tru�ta Not Rd�a�d. Extension of the time for payment or madification or amcrtizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> , 3�, ' gronted by Benefitiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operme to release.in any manner,the liability of the original Trustor ond
<br /> Trustor's successor in interesf.Beneficiory shall no►be required to commence praeedings aga�nst such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of ony demand made by the original Trustor ond
<br /> ' Trusta's suttessorin interest.
<br /> � 18. B�n�fkiory'f Pow�rs. Without offecting the liab�lity of the irustor or any other person lioble 10�the payment of ony obligotion herem
<br /> mentioned, and without offecting the lien or charge of rhis Deed of Trust upon any portion of�he Property not then a theretotore releated os
<br /> � security far the full omaunt of all unpaid obligations.Benetinary may.from t�me�o time and w�thout notue. lil release any person so I�ob�P i���
<br /> extend the maturity or alter ony of the terms of any such abl�gations li�il grant other mdulgences. (ivl release or rPCOnvey or couse to he
<br /> released or reconveyed ot any time at Benefic�ory�s opt�ons nny pai�el,port�on or oll of the Property.Iv)fake or release anY other or add�t�onnl
<br /> security for ony obligafion herem mentfoned.or(v�l make canposmons or other arrongements with debtors in relatwn thereto.
<br /> 19. fufun Adr�ne�s. Upon request of Trustor Trustee at TrustPe's ophon pr�or to re�onveyonce of the Properry to Trustor may make
<br /> _�. _____ ._...� ....,,..,.� �hnrnnn �hnll hp cncurnd bv fhis irust Deed whpnevidenced by promis5ory
<br /> tU1Uf@ OOYOfIC@5 t0 IfU510�. �Ut�� iuiu�r w•����co. ..�••, ••••••..-� �-�-- � -�
<br /> notes stating thot said notes are secured hereby. prov�ded tha�at no t�me sholl the securPd pnncipal future odvances. no� ��cluding t�m�c ad
<br /> vanced to protect the security exceed an aggregote prinupd omount of S
<br /> 20. �t�eonv��onee br Trusfa.Upon wntten requpst of Benehcio��Stnr,ng thot all sums secured hereby have been pa�d und upon Surrcndr�
<br /> of this Oeed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for�ancellat�on ond retenr�on ond upon paYn�ent by Trustur of Trustee s te�s t�utirN�� ••t���n
<br /> retOnvey to Trustor, or the persOn or persons legolly ent�tled thereto. wi�hout warranty pny port�on of rlie Property then held herFUnder I�+r
<br /> recitals in such recanveyance of any matters or facts sholl be canrluswe�roof ot the truthfulne5s thereot The yrantee m anY �c�onv�wurn���•�•n
<br /> be described as"the person or persons legolly entitled thereto .
<br /> ��
<br /> ��
<br /> i
<br />