<br /> �������.•- ,;. . �__.�_,� _ _ � __�... --- ---- —=---� -°-=r� -=.�=.
<br /> .. _ � � ' we��i�!�w�+r�:,wr�eeia�+i*::.+�eu+a��,•=±��i'�li_::_ '�_" �_ �3,-
<br /> . .. ' __ —_ - _ _ _ - �_
<br /> � ����
<br /> � applicable law���y c�cify fcu reinstzcem�ntl befurr sale c�'thc F��.��}� pur=uznt ta any pow•er nf.ale c�v►tained in this �.
<br /> Sauriry lnswmen�;or(b)entry ui�juJg�ixnt enfo�ing thls Sccuriiy Instrun�nt. Th�uc coniiitiw»suz that t3cxrou�cr: �a)
<br /> psYs i.cnder xii ,uu►.. w�.i��t t,`.:.:�w�::ld � d•w. �::w� t4�l� Sec'��rity inutun�cat anQ thc N�xe as if na xceleretion had `
<br /> • occurnd:(b)cures any dtPwit ai':u►y otlx+'co�•tn:uits or agczcment�:(cl paYs al l expcns�tc incurrrd in rnfarcing thia Security
<br /> Insuu��.nt. inctuding. but nat limited eu, re:sai+.bic wuw�ys'f�es:and (dl talces�uch �ctiun �.c[.eixkr maY reasa�n:►bly
<br /> rcyuir.tn assure ttut titie iirn c+f t�,is Security InStnuiunt,l.ender's rights in thc Propertp and Fleumw•er's obligation to E�y th�: _
<br /> cums securecl by this �:uriry ia;:r.::ncr: �al! c�tlnue u�hanv�ct. Upor n.lnaiatement hy Burrowet� thi� Security -
<br /> Instrument xnd thc obligatiatis secured hercby shall remain fully ef:ecsi�•r:u if au aeee;eration hat!�;c.curred. i�owevet,tt�it
<br /> ri�ht to reinst�te shall�ot appiy ia the c:ue ai'xeele.:iion un3:.r Es:r"—SraF-�S 1T. -
<br /> 19. Sak ot Nuie;C3w�e ot Lo�a Servicer. 'il�e Not�or a partial iaterest in th..Noae (together with this Securily
<br /> Instrup�ent)trwy be sold one or sncre times withaut priw•noiice to Borrourr. A sale msy resu11 in A change in the eatiry _
<br /> (known as t}�e"I.oan SeM1•icer")that collecu nwnthlY paYments due under the Ncu�:and this Socurity Instrument. There also
<br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note. If U�ere is a clunge of the i..oan S�.rvicer,
<br /> Borrou�er wiU be given wntten notice of the change in accordance with paraB�aph 14 above and upplicable law. 79�e notice
<br /> will state tha nauu and address of the new Loan Servicer and the acWress to�vtuch payments stwuld be mad�e. T6e uotice v�riU
<br /> also caatain:�iy oth;r informada�tey��ire�i by ap[►licable I�w. _
<br /> 20. �i�i�dais Subataaces. 8orrower chall not cause or permie GZe prcsence,use.disposal,swrage,or release of zny
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Prnperty. Bor�ower shall not cb.aor allow �nyone else to do. aaything affxting the
<br /> property that is in violation of any Env►�onmental L.aw. 11�e preceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence. use.or
<br /> storage on the property of small quaauties of Hazardous Substances th3t are Ceaerally m.co�nized to be appropriate to noruna�
<br /> _ residenGa]uses and W mainteaance of the Pt�operty. . ._:_ a__.....r t .j�.;�h.r�t1M hy anv
<br /> $orrower shall pmmptlY give�ndeYw�tten��volving the Property o►►d�any�H ••azazdous Substance or F�virwzmenwl
<br /> govemmcntal or regutatory agtncY pd PartY ovemmental or n 1
<br /> Law of which Botrower has a�hwl knowlydge. If Botrawer leatns, ar is notified by any g �S necessuy�Bo�rro�
<br /> autlw�ity.that any remov3l or ottur remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property
<br /> �P�P�Y take all aecessary nea�edial acdons in accordanve with Fsviroanental Law.
<br /> As used iu this puagtaph 20,'Hazanlous substanees°are those subsia�w�c�uefi:�i as c�zic or ha:..�o;z:�r..*st�ncts by
<br /> Environtnental Law and the following substznces: gasoline.kerosene,otlxt flammaWe or toxic petroleum pmducts,tw�ic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volarile solvents.materials containing asbesto.s o�formaldehyde,and ndioacdv$ �nateriais. As
<br /> used in this paragra�h 20.'Enviraunental Luw"mcans fedrx.►l laws�ud laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is locate�
<br /> thae celau to health,safery or envuonmental procxdon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVPNANTS. Botrowa and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Aocrlerstiau;�medks. I.eader sbap glve aottoe W Baravvcr prbr W accderatbo[olbwtog Sccroxer's
<br /> breach ot�ny coveaant ar a�reement in tl�s Security Instrument(but not Prlor to aooder+�lioa aoder par�prsp617
<br /> udea appii��bk!aw provides otbcr�ice� The Aot1a shAD speci�ty: (a)tbe de[4dt:(b)the s�ction re9uirad W cure tae
<br /> detsWt;(c)a dsk,not iws Waa 30 days f+ran the dnte t!u notke i�given to Borrower,by whicL ihe detadt muet bt
<br /> cured;nnd(d)that iailua to cure tbe detsult oa or before We dAte specided in the notkx awy rault io�ocder�tjo+v o[
<br /> tlK swms�ecured by ii�c S�ecuritY I�trumcnt aad saie of We Propee'ty. 'ILe aotke shaU tturther info�D�r�owee ot
<br /> ' tLe riQht to rria�tate�her aooda�sitia�aod the rigMt to bring�court actbo to�crt We oon�e�OCe af�defau�it or
<br /> ' any athar dRtme ot Borrawer t�aaeie�ra�tion and sak. It the defwit b iwt�wred o0 or betore tLe date�ped�i in
<br /> the�.L�s�der st its optlon msy reqoire immallate WYmenc�tu11 af�!1 sums savrnl bp tLia SavdtY Imtrume�t
<br /> � _�.L�� -• a..»....���t ��� iw��wtw tiv� m�ee oi��le a�d aRV OtSC!'[�esDedies P� 67�iP�[P��■��1i�
<br /> .- w�Vw-a.r.�..� ..�..---v -----.°• ' � lI���1l�Q�.!'�'Y�!"�Cf. ..
<br /> _ . _
<br /> Lwder�ii i�e e�ftied fo t�iieci s]1 espeacPt iacttss'cd is� pttteataS the re�edks pro _ .
<br /> , iodudlo�g,but uot Ildtsd to�rwcon�bie attorocys'ices and caeb o(titk evideace.
<br /> - If tLe power oi a1e ia lnva�kecl,'[Y�titee s6a11 record s�notke d dafaWt to a�eh coaaty ia w6icL ony p�et ot tbe
<br /> = propertgr ic located aad s�W!m�i!oo�of such notice io tbe mann�r presc�ibed by sppiicsWe law W Boero�rer wd b
<br /> � �o���.�*u�a br.r���•�. Atta�We tia�e requlred by�pplicabie laws 1Yustee�u���a.wt�
<br /> aotice at nle to the persoor aad Sn tLe�oao�er W'aeribed by aW�iiCabie Is�r. �,��a�.oa oo ao.�.��,
<br /> - sit11 sdi tLe Propaty at pubBc�uctloo to tlie ht�est bidder at We time a�od Qiatx and under tLe tesms dai�oated!n
<br /> � tLe aotke ot ssfe in ooe or more para�ls ana io aay w�aer'nru�t�e aetesmina. 'ltn�stee may pootpoae�aie otau or any
<br /> pand o[t8e Propert!'bY P���°t at tbe time and plwce ot an�pRVioady scLedukd s�le. Lroder as!b
<br /> ��1'P���rt9��°Y�- 1lractee's da�l coave tl�s
<br /> U��a wr�t��w�u�a,�s�wu aai�er�o w�� �+g
<br /> rr�opert� �rbe ra�t�s in tbe 7tuacee's aeea sLau be t►rima tsde evide�ce ot the traW ot wcs�a�tes�m.ee t6e.�eiu.
<br /> ZrYftEE t�1f{�!�Y�!p[00lOdi Of 1b!til!�1�1!�Ou0i1�11pi W�tii �g�f0 iu C06��llptOilS 0�lZl�C�Dj 1�1!pOMt�
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