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<br /> lf thr w�xwn��Ixl� hy Lrinkr li�r I:.rn►u Item� r�rcvaJ tlk unxwnt•�x rmi�t.til �u h. IkIJ by R�tiPA, l.�ixt�r
<br /> .hall wti��wiu t��l3urruwer fier thc e�cc�r fwal��:�ttiyui��J�} RCSPA. IF th.:utxwnl�uf fwwi.t►:td hy l.eiukr�t:u�y _
<br /> time is ixx wfficicnt ec�p�y ihr EKm+w Itcyir� w{►��due. l.��J.v��►rr �Kaif} tt� tkkroww• ��! ►.x�►i�o l3►u�rau•�e ta =
<br /> nul�up tEk�kfi�kiky w p.i�niu.J hy ItliS!'A. _
<br /> Ti�: E�Kn�w� l�u��;l. un pl:�lg��! 1� �s:iditiorJ `erurit�• fi,r all �ums x�ureci by thiv Sctiurity Imtniment. lf _
<br /> &uruwrr[�a:kn tu L.r�xkr thc full ��ymc�u of•rll surh w�yt�, &ur,�w•ce's��iw�U �twll bc�nrlit��l witii�hc t►al�uc
<br /> nm;►inin� ti��all inatall�tx�u i��mc�ul. Ib). �uxi lc)�uwi sn�• nx�ng:�c iruurs�w:c prcmium in.ctallment tiwt[.c�xtcr tw �
<br /> ix,t bcramc ut+lig�tcJ to �y to thc Secretaq�. :uxi Lc�xicr �tull pu�mptty nfu�xl :uiy ex�r�s fu�xls tu &�rn,w�cr.
<br /> Inuix�iiately p�ior to a fureclowrc �ale of the Pn�{xrty ar itc xyuisiti�in by L.c�xtcr. Burmwer's :ktiouiA slull be
<br /> citxlit�a•ith miy balxncc Rn�,zinii�fi�r ull inulllnkiu� fi�r iten�.c(u),tb). �xl (cl.
<br /> J.Agpl[cuitoa oi Paytnrnts.All payments wxkr paraga�phc 1 a�ui'_shafl be appli��i hy Lr�xkr as fallow.:
<br /> �, ta the mong�c iacur;mce prcmium ta be paid by Ltnder to tho Secretary or to ttu monthly�harre by thc
<br /> S�retary inctexi of the nwnthly nwrt�a�e insuraticc prcmium:
<br /> �Q,�,ta any taxes.spe�ial ussestu�cius. le•rsc,twld payaiettts or rnwtxl rcnts.:u�d Pire. IlooJ vrf�ther ILr:in1
<br /> i��.u:rance premiunu,as�quired:
<br /> �,ta i�uemu due undcr the Note:
<br /> Fourti�,to amortiza:ion of the principal of the Nute:�xl .
<br /> EjQh,to late charges duc under the Na►e.
<br /> V.a`IfC�t'�YUt��Ylt�a/ii1Cf'ii�ii�i�i�iiisili'dik'E'.b'J��JWii:bail i�uu�e all ill�lii'11'i,�iwitib Oil I�'iC.�'Ta1�,:.ii},L'J�k':ti:.i
<br /> now in existence or subsequently erected,against an�•hazarcis,casualties. �nd contingzncies, including firc,for w•hich
<br /> lrnder requires insuranoe. 7'his insuratk�e shall be n�intainod in thc amounts and far the periods th�t l.erKier
<br /> requires. Borrower sF�al1 also inwrc all improvemems on the Propeny, whethcr now in existence ur wbsequcndy
<br /> erected,against loss by floods to the extent ra�uired by the Secrctary. All insur,uxr sf�all be cusiod with companies
<br /> appruved tsy I.ender. The insurance palici°s and any renewals shall be held by Ixnder ansi st�U include loss payable
<br /> clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to,Lender.
<br /> in the event of los.�,Bo�rower st�all give Lender irrunediate noticc by mail.L.ender ttt�y make proof of loss if not
<br /> made promptly by Borrower. Exh iruuru�ce comp:my concemod is hereby authorized and dirocted t�make payment
<br /> for such loss directly to Lender, inste�d of to Borrawer�nd to Lender jeinily. All or any part of tt�e insurancx
<br /> proceeds may be appfied Gy Lender, at its option,either(u)to the reduction of ihe indebtedness under the Note and
<br /> this See�iry Instroment,first to an}� delinquent amatnu appliod in the order in par-.�graph 3,and then to prcp9ymtnt
<br /> of principal, or (b) to the restoruion or repair of the dxmaged Property. Any �pplication of the proaals to the
<br /> principal st�all not c�cerd or po.upwse the due dace of che monthly payments which are referred to in parigraph 7, or
<br /> change the omount of wch payn�ents. Any excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay a11 austanding
<br />- itKfe�iuni�cc nnder the N�te s�d tAic Seeuriiv Inctruntent sha11 Iti ntid W the mtitv le�llv entit{ed d�eretn.
<br /> --. - -- -� I��d�e eveiu uf foreclwure oi ti�is Sea:urity Gutru�titient or oihee transt'u of title to the Froperty tha:extinguisixs. .
<br />-. the indebtedness. sll right, title and interest of Borrower in and to inwrance policies in force s,i�all pass to the
<br />. purciozser.
<br />_,_ 5.OccuPwuY, Preservation, Ms�ttnteaaa�ce aad Protacttoo o�t6e ProPa'ty; Borrowcr's I.oaa Applicption;
<br /> I.easdwids. Borrower shall o�;cupy. euablish.and use the Propeny as Borrower's principal resideaee within sixty
<br /> days�13er the executioo of this Security Inururnent(or within sixty days of a lator sak or transfa oi'the PropertJ?
<br /> and shali wntinue to occupy the Property �s Borrower's principal residenoe for at least one year after the date of
<br /> ciccuponcy,unless Y,�der deternunes that require.�xnt will cause w�due l�ship for Borrower,or unkss extenuating
<br /> � circumstznces exist which are beyond Borrower's contral. Borrower chall notify Lxa�der of any extuu�ting
<br /> circuaut�uwes. Borrow�r st�ll noE ax�ut waste or destroy,dacnage or substantially change the Property or atlow cE�e
<br /> Prapaty to cieterio�atc,reasanaBG wear and te:u�xoepted. Lender may in�pect the 3'ropat} if the Yroperty is vx�..�t
<br /> or abu�lo�xd or the loan is in default.Leixler may take reasonabk actioa w pmtect and presorve such vacant or
<br /> ���1 v.o.3 a a �^ v�«,�w w,n.�vwe P+a«
<br /> 'w.�r.,�
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