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<br /> �-� JAMES SCHARPHORN and CAROLIN� R. SCHARPHORN, huaband and
<br /> . ' � wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, a�-�
<br /> • herein cailed the Grantors, in consideration af THIRTY THOUSAND 9
<br /> � 6IX HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARSS (330,625.00) raceived
<br /> from Grantees, do grant, barg+�in, e�ell, convey and confizm nnto -_�__
<br /> DUANE E. GRUENER and RAREN L. GRUENER, husband and wife, as joint
<br /> tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common,
<br /> herefn called the Grantees, the following-doscribed real estate
<br /> � in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> ' A tract of land comprisinq part of the 3outh Half of
<br /> the Northwest Quarter (8� NW3) of Section Thfrteen
<br /> . (13) , Township Ten (10) Nor th, Range Nine (9) West of ..,,
<br /> the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly �"
<br /> described as followss — . uu4
<br /> Beqinning at the southwest corner of said Northwest �"'�:.•
<br /> , Quarter (NW�) ; thence northerly along the west line of :�.�.--��
<br /> said Section Thirteen (13), a df stance of 3ix Hundred - --
<br /> Seventy Three and Seventy Four Hundredths (673.74) '�`"'�
<br /> ,��.k,a
<br /> �. feetj thence deflecting riqht 89° 45' 06" and runninq --_
<br /> easterly, a distance of Two Thousand One Hundred Fifty ' :,.�.
<br /> Two and Ninety Three Hundredths (2, 152.93) feett thence '� �
<br /> deflectinq left 87° 59' 14" and running northerly, a � . _
<br /> � distance of Six Hundred Thf rty and Twenty One Hundredths �. • � �` �';---
<br /> �.�. " ':���,
<br /> • - - (630.21) te�t to the north line of said South Half �f ��: .:
<br /> � the Northwest Quarter (S3 NW1 ) s thence eaEterly along ��c�, �h
<br /> the north line of sxid South Hr�lf of the Northwest I�° T
<br /> Quarter (S� NW}) , a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Two ;'
<br /> and Twenty Two Hundredths (482.22) feet to the northeast < �
<br /> cornPr of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S� � 7,,�r,
<br /> NW}) f thence southerly along the east line of said ' '
<br /> South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S} NW}) , a distanae
<br /> of One Thou�and Three Hundred Twenty Four and Twanty `���=`� �
<br /> Eight Hundredths (1,324 .26) feet to the southeast � .�,.,:�;;:�
<br /> carner of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter (8} � ,
<br /> NW}) ; thence westerly along the south line of said �
<br /> Northwest Ruarter (NW�), a distance of Two Thousand Six :��
<br /> Hundred Fi f ty Three and Ninety E ight Hundredths (2,653.98) ���'��;;
<br /> feet to the place of beqinning. ."1j���,�
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises together
<br /> with all tenements, hexeditaments and appurtenances thereto
<br /> belonging, unto the Grantees and to their assigns, or to the ����
<br /> heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forever. �"���"`�y `
<br /> Grantors do hereby covenant with the Grantees that Grantors
<br /> are lawfully seized of sai.d premises= that they are free from
<br /> enc:umbranees that they are conveyed subjtct to cvvenants, eonditions,
<br /> restrictions, reservations and easem�nts �f record; that Grantors
<br /> have good right and lawful authority to coiivey the samep and that
<br /> Grantors warrant and will defer,d the title to said premises
<br /> against the lt�wful claims of a11 persont► whom�oever. �
<br /> It is the intention or all pwrties h�reto that ic� the event
<br /> ' ' uf the death of either oi it-.e �;rant�e�: , the ei�tir� fee simple
<br /> ' title to the real estate shull vest in the surviving Grantee.
<br /> , Dated February /<�� �� , 199 2. �i �
<br /> �
<br /> ! Gc.cc., I �l..a �`t,�f-,,.._,✓
<br /> I ames Sc arp n
<br /> �' �
<br /> � / ��<i � � �! ,c ( ���t° x r!° • I�/�+- .�
<br /> Curolitl�. K. :;c arphorn
<br /> l
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<br /> i i � —t—
<br />