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<br /> - � °' TOUETHER W�TH aU thc improvcmcnt+n��w on c�r�uiicr crrctcd un �hc pr�qxny.nnd ull cu+cmen�+,uppunenunrc+.
<br /> '•o•- � .�n.:
<br /> ' �� and Pixturex now or here�iter A pari of thc propcny. All rcpluccmenn And uJditi��+�ull ulu�Ix covcrcd hy this S�ti•urity
<br /> --' • Instrumens. All of ihe foregoing ix mferrd to in thiti Securily in�aument a.r thc"Pru n ��
<br /> • , . BORROWER('OVENANTS that Bi�ROwcr i�luwfully+ci�cd uf thc c*�mn c�rcby cunveyrJ und hu.�ho right lo�;runl ` _ --
<br /> � ' und canvey the !'ropeny and that�he Property i.unencumlmrcd.cxrept li�r encunihrunc�+of record. R��rn�wrr wunum.r ond ;_ -
<br /> •� ��• will dafend generully tbe tid�to the Properly aguin.t ull cl�im.and demund�,wbjccl�u uny eacumbranre.ul�reci�rd. �,� � ..' _
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinr+ unif��rm covc���� G�r na�iunal wr und nnn-uniii�rni covenuntx wi�h -- , T T�,.
<br /> • limited vufations by jurisdiction to cons►iwtc u uniform�curity imtrument cavcnng rcat propeny. __
<br /> ,�_�. ' UNIFORM CQVENANTS. 9oRUwer und Lcndrr rovenunt und ugrce us f��lluw.: �_ � ._
<br /> — - - -------, i. P ayaien t a f P r l n c i p a l A n d l n t e r e s t:P r e p p y m e n t a n dy P t P Y p�B�. ���n��w�r,hull prompUy pa)•whcn duc thc _. --__
<br /> ' ' ' . principul uf ond inierest on the debt evidenced by the NMc unJ an re s� ment und luir cburgcr dur under the Notr. __.c. _ L
<br /> Z, Funds tnr'I�xes And Insurance. Suhject to applicuble luw or to a written wuiver by Lender,Burmwcr shuU puy tu
<br /> , Lender an the day monthly payments urc duc under thc N��te.un�il thc Notc iti pvid in Full, a�um 1"FunJ.."1 i'ue (al ycurly `::�:�;,�-_:
<br /> tuxes und asx�timents which may nttAin priurity uver thi.Sccurity In+trumrnt uy a lien on�hc 1'rop�rty:lbl yeurly Ieaxchald '_��1__-,_
<br /> `' pnyments or grnund rents on the Propeny. it'any: 1c) yearly har�rd or prc►penY insurnnee premiums; Idl y��ly �1i� ��-� .�T;._
<br /> , . � , insurunce premiums. if ony: (el yearly mungage insurunce premium+, if uny: and ifl any sums payahle by Borrower lu _ '_°"'�"""'�
<br /> F:__=-:--
<br /> i � a'• ° l.ender,in ucc�rdance with the. provisiom of paragruph R,in lieu�f the puyment ol'mortguge in,urancr prem�um+. These ^^:�;.: f_—
<br /> �� • �� items sire culkd"Escrow Items.' l.ender mc�y,at any time,colkct und hold Fundti in un umount not to excced the maximum _:.Y:R:�;_-_
<br /> amount n lender for a feJerally rclntcd mongugc loam m�y rcquirc for Borrower�c+crow account under thc fedcral Rcal
<br /> ' Estate SetAement Piracedures Act of 1974 us umended from time to time,12 U.S.C.§26Q1 cr srq.c"RESPA").unleti�anolher - '•�Y�+� __
<br /> " Ittw thst upplies ln 1hr Fund�sets u lesser amount. If�o, l.ender rnuy,at;my timc:,callect nnd hold Fund,in an umoum not to :_�
<br /> " exceed the lesser amount. l.ender muy estimate the umounl of Funds due un the basis of cucrent data and rresccmahle •.;Y•+�.�=• -==i
<br /> ' estimaces of expenditures of future Escrow ltems ar otherwi+e in acwrdance with upplicable luw. ` ,- =
<br /> 7�IIC FUIH��SI1.9II t)C FICIII in un institulion whoxe deposits ure insured by a Fede�al ugency. instrumentality. or cntity -;,�.,,___:,'�
<br /> lincluding Lentkr,it Lender is such an institution)or in any Feder•rl Homc l.oun Bunk. Lendcr.hall apply thc Funds to puy . �;_:�_
<br /> Ihe Escrow Itrms. l.enJer mny not rha�ge Barr�wer far holding and arplyin� thc Fundx, :mnually analy-r.ing the escrow w; S`. .',_
<br /> ' uccount,or v�rifying Ihe Excrow Item�. unlr++ Lender pay~Borrowcr interest on the Fund, and applicuble law permil� __
<br /> '' Lender la rnake such a charge. However.Lender may reyuirc Borrower ta puy u one-time churge for an independent real _`.-:�-
<br /> ��:'; � � u���
<br /> ertate tax reporting service used by I.cnder in cannection with�his laan,unless upplicabl�luw provides otherwise. Unleh+an
<br /> ••� ugrecment ia made or upplicable law reyuires inlcrest in bc puid.Lendcr+hull not bc rcyuired to pay Borrower any interest or �., •.��.�
<br /> eurnings an the Fundx. Borrowcr and Lendcr may ugrcc in writing,however,lh�+t intere�t shull bc paid on[he Fund+. Lcndec ,. f: , �
<br /> ual uccounlin of the Fund,,sh�wing credit,unJ debits to the Funds nnd the ;+�`•��;_—
<br /> :: �'i •• shall sivc to s�rrowcr,without churg�.an Ann s
<br /> �.;� purpose for which euch debit to the Funds war�made. The Funds qre pledged as additional secunty For•rll sums secured by ;,Y����Y._ -
<br /> -:'{.o-.-,...<. .
<br /> ` �:�� ---- _-- = i8�i,Se:urity tnstrorr�ent. �':•��.":�.�-
<br /> lf th� Fund� held by Lender exceed the umounts�xrmiued�o be held by upphcable luw. Lender �i�nll u�aouni ac .;�,�„ .�„y
<br /> �'1� � Borrower for the excess Funds in accardunce with the requiremerns af upplicahle law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by .�;,.; ,�. �
<br /> ..� � Lrnder ut any timc iti not suffiricnt to puy the Escrow Itcm,when duc.Lendcr m�y so nrnify Borrower in w�iting,and,in ,°~,���;;;;�;,?�
<br /> .•+': � such case Bnrrower shull pay to L�nder thc amount necestiury to make up the deficienry. Bormwer shull mnke up tlie ',:;.::�,;�;,.,:•.:�
<br /> deficiency in no more than twelve momhly puym�nt+,ut Lender:wle di�cretion. ,
<br /> • " Upon puyment in i'ull af ull sums.ccured by this Sccunty Intitrument,La:ader shall promptly refund to Borrawer�ny � � "rti�?;'• ';kl�f-i
<br /> � �unds held by Lender. If,undcr purugrnph 31.l.cnJcr shall acyuirc or scll the Praperty.Lendcr,prior to the ucquisition or
<br /> � tiale of the Propeny..hall upply any FunJ� held by Lcncier ut the time af acyui+ition or .ale�s u credit aguinst the sums ,. ,,,_{..„:
<br /> � secured by Ihis Security Instrument. '
<br /> • 3. Applkation of Payments. UnM..applic•rhle luw proviJe�otherwitic. oll payments received by Lender under . :*�'�4�»v�
<br /> paragraph�I and 2 xhull be applieJ: tir.l.to any prrpuyment churgeti due undrr the Ni�te:�cconJ,to umounts payuble under j;A;.,.--
<br /> purugraph 2;third,to intere�l due:founh,to principrl due:and lutit,w any I•rie churge+due under the Note. '� .Y
<br /> 4, Chnrges: Liens. BoROwcr �hall pay all tuxcs, an.essm�:nls, .:hargcs. line+und impositions attributable to Ihc � �-
<br /> Property whirh muy attain pri���ity over thi,Sccuri�y Iny�nnnent,and Ieuvehol�l paymena ur grounJ renls.if•rny. BoROwer i
<br /> .� � shull pay these obligutrom in thc munnrr pr��viJcd in puragraph 2,or if not paiJ in that m•rnner. Borrowcr,hull p:►y�hem on � ;.',�;::-:_
<br /> tim�Jirecdy to the persan owed payment. Burcower,hull prompUy fumish to Lender ull nuticr�uf umuun�+to be paid under E ..c•
<br /> ' thi�;parugraph. If Borrower mukc+thctic payment.dfcecd�•.Bormwcr shall promptly i'umi�h tu Lender reccipt+evidenring �. ;��T���-
<br /> _.,��.u,'
<br /> • �. the paymcnt�. .„"�'�_
<br /> 1,., Borrou•er shall prompdy Ji�chargr any lien which ha�prii�rity over thi+S�curi�y ln�trument unlesx Borrower:�ul agrees . , .
<br /> ° , in writin�to thc puyment ot the obli�aiiun.rcured I�y tix lien in u munner xc�ptablc to Lrnder,lbl contests in goal faith Ihe � •;..`�. .� -
<br /> • �; lien by,or defcndx vgainst�nforccmcnt ul�hr lirn in,lcgal pnnec�ling,which in lhe Lendrr',opinion uper.uc to prcvent ihe �'�:,,.,�;•
<br /> enforcemeM of the lierr ar Icl securr�from the holder af thc lien an ugrecmrnt+utisCactory tu l.ender.uM�rdinating the lien ! ••,,.,.;•, ,:•
<br /> to Ihis S�-i:urity Intiwment. If LenJer detcrniinr,thut any part of thc Pru{xny i,+ubjce�tu a li�n���hirh may attuin priority 1
<br /> .>.:. .��
<br /> over�his 5ecurity Instrumcnl,Lender may�icc Burr��vver u n��ticc idrntifyin�the lien. Borrower�h:dl,ali.fy the lien or takr � '. .
<br /> one ar morc of Ihu actiuns.et forth ab�rve within 10 day�of Ihr�i�•ing�d'n�nir4. j
<br /> �, 5. Ha•r.�rd or Property Insurnnce. Rorr��wer .hall kc�p thc improvrrnenh now rxi,iing or hrreufter erected on the
<br /> . . Propeny in�ureJ again.t lo.�hy tirc.har.ard.mcludcd ��•nhin thr tenn"cr1�n.1eJ cu«ragr":md•rny other haz•rrJs.inrludin�.
<br /> ' floods or tkrcxling, ti�r whirh Lendcr RyU1RS in+ur,�ncc. Tt�i� m.uran�c�li�ll t+e maimam�d in the amounts •rnd for thc
<br /> �
<br /> Fnrm tiOLt 9r90 rpue.•_n►n/w.rr�i
<br /> , y�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �� i
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