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<br /> auctlon to the Nyhssi bidder for ca��h in lawfui money`�c�t me urutect states�ya�a --
<br /> aeterm�e,at� `
<br /> at the Rem o�rale. Tn�stee ef►aY dsYvar ta wch purchsse�a purc�s t�reof fts pood a�d�� �
<br /> Tn�tee's Deed conwY��P���h►so�otd,bvt w�u'�o+&any cav�ar�t a��arrar►ty,e�xess a =
<br /> implied. Tlw recitai�in such deed of s�y mattets or tacts shsl�be conck�s+ve proof oT tfie trult►fulnes� `
<br /> thereof. My pe�son.in�IudinO�witlwid IimitaUa�.Tnutor.Tna�tee a�d Benefida?Y.ma�►Put��at �.
<br /> cuch sak end Tcu�ta herebY covenants to wnrrant and dete�d the title af such purchaser or �
<br /> Purchasers• --
<br /> (b) qa may pe�rmiti�d by taw,after deductln�Tn�stees tees In the anwunt of 5100.00,Tnistee shall
<br /> apply 1tx�proceed�oi the ssk fn the foliowirq order:(i)to aY�essonaWe costa and e�e�ses ot the �
<br /> �,�,but not limited to tructea�teea of not more tha�1l2 of 1 k of the pross sales
<br /> prk�e,rc.asa�abie attomey'a fces and cocts of title evide�ce;(ii)to a!I wms secxred by this Deed
<br /> of Tniet;Cw)ta tt�e P�Yment of(unior T�uzt Deeds.mat�a�es or othef bn hold�s:end(N)th� _
<br /> ba{a�ice.if w►y.to the petson or i��k�aMY��tlxrcW.
<br /> (c) Tn�ctee may in�e mamer Provided by law.postpa�e cale af aY or any pation of the T�ust Fstate. -
<br /> 12. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSNE. Tnxtee and Be�eficl�uY.And each of them,shaN be entitled to
<br /> enforce paYment a�d Pertormsnce of anY��debted�es�°�°�a�C sec�red hereby and to exerr.isc aN rights
<br /> end P�a under this Deed of Ttust or a�ty Loan(nsi+-ui��d x c..."'a,r:.pteeai�s:!C�an�r!�!tx+w or herealter in _
<br /> force�noM�fismndn9 some or aN of such indebted�neca or obli�ations seared hereby rr�Y now or lxreafter be
<br /> oihetwi�ce s�ctrad.whetfwx by mort�a�e.deed oi trust�pied9e�iien,a�i�n�°f°�Q. Neitl�er the
<br /> aaxpCance of Ws Deed of Truet rwr ds eoforcement whether by c:ourt action or purst�arrt to the power of sale ee
<br /> �w,�;.:.:.M'h-^�s�^�k3i�,c?!a9 nr�i�xlice or h any n�atx�a.affeet Tn�stee's os Be�seficluY's�iyM to reaYze
<br /> upon or enforoe any othe�seaxdY rww+ar hereafter hefd by Tn�siee or Ben�fida�Y.d�eirg e�e�d that Tn�stee
<br /> and Ke��e1i�►.and each o!them,sIW be e+�titled to e�foroe tl�is Deed of Tnut,and anfl�s��h►now or
<br /> e
<br /> hereaiDer heid by Beoeflci�wy or Tnxtee in such ader and mamer as theY or e�thei o1 them rt�y in their
<br /> t9saeda�de�ermine. No�emedy herdn conferred upon or reserved to Tnutae or Benef�iarY is it�tencied to ba
<br /> �x��isive or any other�emedy herein or bylaw Provided or pemWted�but each shaN be cumWative and shall be in
<br /> ad�illo��o every other��mcdf►�haamder or now or hereatUer ex��finp at faw or h eq�rlY oi by statuQe.
<br /> Evqy power vr remedy given bY am►of tl�e Lwn k�tnxr►ents to Tn�etee or Beaef cierY or to wl�e�her of thetn
<br /> may be a�he�wice e�Miliad.rtwy be exercised.conc�rrentlY o�i��deP�Y�ftom time to Stme and as oRen as
<br /> may be deemed expedient bY Tn�atee or Benefidary a�d�of Mem maY P�sue�rcmedies.
<br /> u.�w.��w�,d�ba ca�rusd a�ordiibitinD Benet�Y�s�0 a deficien�,'y judDn►ent��i�!the
<br /> T�t�Ux to itws e�Qerd sucl�aclia►is pertnitted bY i�►w.
<br /> 13. REQUEST FOR NOTICE. Tn�stix herobY requesis e a°PY of anY�°tix of default and tf�t an�►
<br /> �wdce of sak hereunder bI►maikd to it at fhe addras set Eorfh in the frat paragaph o�tl�is Deed of Tn�i.
<br /> 14. GOVERNING lJ1W. Thls Deed ot Tn�sT shaM be$overned bY tl�e law9 of tl�e State of Nebra:ks.
<br /> In the event tl�at any Pro�kbn or dst�e W wry of tlte Lo�n kxtr�xnsnla 000lict witl�oppicabb lav�a�auch
<br /> conpid(s)shall not affed otlx�proriaior�s of wd�Loan Instru�naMs wtach can�e qiven etfect wiltw��t the
<br /> �D P�o���and to Wa end the prowsia�s of the Loan k�strwne�ate dnclred bo be severabie. The
<br /> pro�ision:of t1,is i�tr�xnent c�rwt be waivea.chanped•disd��ed«temw�a�ea«�Ih►,but oM►b�r an
<br /> ir�trtxna�t+n w�'Ain9 sgr�ed bN fhe P�Y����e�orcem�nt of any w�iiter.ct�awge�d�echa��a
<br /> tettninatioa�s sou,�tt•
<br /> 15. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon writtm�eques�of Beaefiei�Y s4af�g 61a�t aii su�►ie�
<br /> seared herobY Fmve bea�Paid,a�d�P°n w�a�de�oi 1Ns Deed of Ttust and 1he Note to Tnrs9ee for
<br /> c�iiation and reter�on and upon PaYm�errt b1►Tnutor of Tru�ta's fee��Tnutee sha+�recaweY to Tn�eLor�or
<br /> t�e pe�so�or pe�sa�s{q�tMy e�Milkd tl�erato,wiffwut wnantY,al a ar�f►Pa�of the Trtxt Est�e U�en heid
<br /> there�nder.The redtaf�in such recaweYance of anY matEer or ixts sha�be condu�i�e proof of the�uthiWrnss
<br /> thaeof. The prsntee in any reconveyen�ce maY b�desc��ed as'th°Pa�°f P�����thera�o".
<br /> 16. PiOTICES. N�+�ever Be�eGc�ary�Tn�sbor or Tnsstee shaY des're to phre ot serve any ndice,
<br /> demand,�e4uest or othcx comtrw�ication.wilh��spe�to thic Deed of Tnxt,each wch nciice�dematb.request
<br /> ar ot��a�l be in wrilirg and sha�De et�aCtiwQ onlY d tt�e same is deivered by Pasona�service
<br /> ar n�a+ed b'11�ttid'ied�siai.po�t�e P«D�.fe�m receipt reque�d,addreased to tl�e address aet foAt�at the
<br /> � g
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