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<br /> '� ''' �I�tbe�pwec ot nfe u lavolced.Tev:tee ab�ll ncord�notke oi d�t�ult In acb couoty In wWch my pui ot
<br /> „�,,, ...� the PropertY I�located wd tMall aadl cW�les of such notice ia the manner prescrlbed by applkable I�w to Bo�ower
<br /> :� ��. . :... .. �qd to tbe Mber penons P�crl6ed by�PP��bw.Afkr tLe time re9u1�bw Tr da�witbout deiaand on B'-
<br /> " :, ' � pnbllc nolke ot sak to t6e penoqs oad la tYe m�noe�prescWbed by�pplirabk
<br /> � .;_�____:_..,.Y- �- rower.�mn�dt�ae�erty�c wuu�a�a�ue�wdder a�wne ana pt�ce.na unaer in��e�a+a� _ - _
<br /> �u
<br /> -�'�� ;� U � In tbe aotkx ot ab la one or dan p�+cea�nd la�ny order Trwtea delermines.TnWee msy patpoae�ale ot�11
<br /> ot the Wae aad p4ice ot any prevfou�lr�cbedukd de.Lender
<br /> ��• . , a,wy P�rcd ot Ihe ProPertY bY Publk�.
<br />,.- _ ...-' . —.. - or w���o��q����•�nutee�IwO deiiver Io tde purchaser Trustee's deed convcryln�the -- --
<br /> ' ' propeNy.Tbe redt�l�in ehe Tructee's deed sbdl be prinw tacie evidence of the trutl�ot tbe dataoent�m�de therein. _
<br /> . Tn�stee s6aU Apply the proceeds of t6e ale In the Iolbwia�order:(o)to aU coste and expeaas ote:ercWnQ tbe power _.-v—
<br /> ot ak.w�d the rale.Wciudin�the pY�ottbe Tn�stee'r tees actuAliy itkunYd�not to exceed_'R�of Ibe piocipW
<br /> amonat ot tbe aote�t t6e Wae oi tbe decl�r+tbn o[detwlt.oad resionabk altoraeya'[ea�pertaltted by law;(W
<br /> /. . W W ww�recuud b3'tii�S�riti'Iu�rmmenti�1(c)�uU'e�to the person or peraons kQal�y endtfed to it. -
<br /> '� .' 22. Reco�rela�ce• UP�P�Yment of all sums sxured by this Securiry Ins[rum�ac.l.ender shall request Tn�soee -----
<br /> .,, , to�ey the Property and shaU surrendet tlds SecwitY l�n�eat and all iwtes evides�cing debt secnred by thjs Security ___-
<br /> � • � Lasawued a Tnuooe.Tnnta shAll reconvey the Propect�'Ritbaut warraatY and wfthout char�e to tde pexsoa or persons =-
<br /> � ;.; . '.' . . �lY�;�W u. Such person ur pereons slaill pa}r any rec�dation oosts.
<br /> . ,. . �3. Sub�titute Ttvstee. Lender,at its option,anY f�o�ou tune to t�z remove Trusstee and appoimt n st+ccessor Muta �__ ._�..�__-
<br /> � w a�y 7'n�stes appointed herwnder bY an j�°t�O���county in which this Security Instrument is recaded. ��
<br /> ' , Withcxn•aoaveyance of the PropertY.che euccessor aus�a�il sacoxd a�II�he�ide, power ud duda conferred upoe ���
<br /> � .:;.,, .. .�� Tru�tez+i�enia and by applicablc Ipw. � r
<br /> , PI, 13eq�est tor Notices. Borrower requests thw oopies of thc aotices of deiault and wle be sent to Borco�ver's 1;;;;_�--'-
<br /> addre� wldch is the PropertY Add�ess. "'o-„
<br />� � 23. Wde�to this Security Ia�trument. If one or iaore riders are ezecuted by Borrowcr and recorded together .� �'.,�-y -
<br /> ' �'>�� �r'sl�ahia Securlty insaument,the covenones and a8reements af�ach such r�der shall be incorporated into and shall amend •t.=,
<br /> �_,�„------ '�►�' -
<br /> � ,.. md supplpnent the oovenann ord t�grraement�of this Secudty U�swment as if�Ae rider(:)were a pan of tliia Security In�nrumcat. � -----
<br /> nn g ir.���::,�_�:
<br /> . � � [C�6ock Applicable box(e�)1 -��� --
<br /> Adjuatable Rate Rider Coadomiaium Rider �-4 Fa���Y ��� �-��--�.-�-u: -•'
<br /> .,�_-- -
<br /> - , --=-_ � 4rsdunle� Peym�n� Wde� P�aaned Uait Developmeat Rider Biwcekly Payauat Rida �_�;..,9Y., _
<br /> BpQooa Rider ltate Improvemeat Rider Second Home Ridrr =-�;__,;,;{_:. ----
<br /> , • • . Othed8l [eP�fYl •.r;:.. . .., T,�
<br /> '�.,f.
<br /> , � BY SiC1NIN(3 BBLOW,Bonower accepu and agras to the terms and wve�wnts comained in lhis Security Instrument ' n��k�-.=_-
<br /> � : � and in eny rider(�) executal by Borrower and recordod wlth it. �����"-�=-
<br /> ''�;�',�;;=,
<br /> ' Witfletsos: . �S f^si�,t7;1� •_-
<br /> ;X �,-►, p /E'v��r (seai) '�`yT-
<br /> � �BOfIOW�► ••l��i;�r•;
<br /> . Se��t�ibe�DING �"` �'s �-
<br /> OS-78-9625 "''`
<br /> , .. i7� (�) . . . �_,,,��
<br /> „ � s,pQ �Q.�. �.e5 i(f.� -Borrower j= a.
<br /> s«�t s�����°nnvG -
<br /> 517-88-8015 •��
<br /> ` �_ - -eono�, .. , ,
<br /> „ Soeiel Security Number � : ; � „i� --_
<br /> .:�,�,�:..-
<br /> .. .. ��� _ �l�
<br /> - - •Bo►rowar ' � a rs�--
<br /> ' : — Social Security Number � , ,�.
<br /> - l�Ido.n iw Fa Aet.o.telp�+1 K
<br /> STATE O�NEBRASKA, , ��,�' County ss:
<br /> , /�� '• ��R ; , befure me, the subscriber, the •
<br /> ' On thfs, the �3`fH' day of IIARC:
<br /> • undersigned ofticer,personally�ppeared ST�d D. �DING AND �SHl� A. REDDING .
<br /> HUSBAND AND WIFE �r��o�`
<br /> c ft.�C 5• kn��wn to me l��r sadsfectorily
<br /> proven)to be the person(s)whose n�me �Esubscrfbed tu the within instrument and acluwwledged that �¢y �
<br /> exeCUted the same for the purposes herein connmed.
<br /> � IN WITN�SS WHEREOF.1 hereuntu set my hand and offlcial seal.
<br /> � My Commfssion expires: �,� - •�- '/��.
<br /> ...•......�..�.�." _` �
<br /> , •,�,...,':;Y SteM�����ON .,�J : G��. � /< ',� ��/
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<br /> +,� M�inr�m Et0 lulY 1�199?
<br /> Y�11C�ON�Ilw.�Hl � �8��Rq��1 /110 /OoBe S oj S poge�l
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