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<br /> ' ' � 6. Occupancy�PRitl'Y�llOq� Malutewnce and Protectbn ot the PropeKy; Borrower's Lopn Applkalloni
<br /> . �h_:•_
<br /> � �,�poW�. Bonower sh�ll occupy.establiQh,and use the PropenY as Borrower's principal residence w�thin siary days �_— --
<br /> afler�he esecution of this Security Insuvment and$i�O11 continue to cecupy ttie Property as BoRawer's principal resid�nce �;������.u�—�
<br /> for�t least one year ofta�the daa of accupancy, unless Lender otberwlse agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> unreasonably withheld.or unlesa excenuoting circum�tQncea eulst which are beYond Bortower's convol.Borrower sh�ll not �.;t.`��:;�x}�:�,�
<br /> deatroy,dartwge or impair the Property.aliow the Ptoperty to deteriorate,�r commit waste nn the Propeny. Qorcower shall ,
<br /> ' be in default if aoy forfeiturc nctton or procading, whether civil or criminal,fs begun that in Lender's guad faith judgment � +f'r ,���.,�
<br /> could rewlt in forieiturc of the Property or othenvise materi�lly impafr the lien creatal by this Se�:urity[ns�rument or Lender's I - '
<br /> r�ecu�ity interest. Bortower mey cure such a defoult ond rcinsuue,as provided in parag�aph 18, by cousing the aceion or 4 '•..�. ,
<br /> ' proceafing to be dismissed with a ruling thet. io Lemler�s gaod fsith dttermination,precludes forfeiture of the Bormwer's . , •
<br /> intercst in the PropertY or other materlal impairment of the lien crcaced by this Security Instrument ar Lender's security +
<br /> � intercst.B�rrower shal�also ba in default if Borrower,during the loan rpplication process,gave materially f�lse or inoccorate
<br /> information or swtaments to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wiU�any material information)in cormectian with thc loa� �
<br /> evidanced by the Nate,including,but not limited eo,represenl�t�ona copcerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as .
<br /> ' a pr�ncipal residence.If this Security Ins�rurtwnt is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease• f
<br /> !f Borrowet acquircs fee tide to�he Property.tha �ea�ehold and the fee tiUe shall not merge unkss I.ender agrecs to the
<br /> merger in writing. : .. -
<br /> 7. p�q���r'�W�h�y Ip the property. If 8orrower fails to perform�he covenants and agreements 4
<br /> ', contal�ed in this Secur�ry Insaumant.or�here is w leg�l pracxding that may significandy affea Lender's rights in the Prop�rty � :>::Pr,;.�
<br /> (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate�for caidemna�ion or forfeirore or to enforce laws or regul�tians),then��er's ;
<br /> may do and pay for wlwtever is�ecessary to protect the value of the Property and L.ender's righ�s in the Property.
<br /> actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hes pdority over this Security Instrument,appearing in court,
<br /> payieg reasonable anomeys'fees end entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under � :.;'
<br /> . this para8raph 7,L,ender dces not lutve to do so. ��.`
<br /> Any amounts disbursaf by l.ender under this Ewragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this R
<br /> Securiry Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from �,
<br /> the date of dicbursemeat at the Note rate end shaU be PaYab�e.with interest.upon notice from l.ender to Borcower requestin8
<br /> .. payment. '�
<br /> 8. Mortg�e Insuranee. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a conditian of making the loan secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument, Horrower ahall pay the prcmiums required to maintain the mortgage�u��ance�rin�'e���e premium '
<br /> reason,the mortgage inaurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,
<br /> r uired to obta�o cuvetage bubstantially cquivaleat to sht mortgnge insurance Qreviously in e��ff��ea e insurerapp���� , ' -��1+
<br /> �9
<br /> equivalent to the cost to B o r rower o f�i►e mo nga g e i n s u r a n c e p ro v i o u s�Y i n e f f e c t,fr o m a n t e rn B
<br /> , '_' by i.ender.If substantiaUy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Bonower shall pay to l.ender each mon t h
<br /> a sum equal eo ane-twel f t h of the yearly martgage insurance premium beieB Peid by Borrower when the insurance coverage ,
<br /> lapsed or ceased to be in effect. L.ender will accept, use and retain these payments as �loss reserve in lieu of mortgage
<br /> insurance. Loss reserve paymenta may no longer be required,ac the option of l.ender, if mortgage insurance coverage(i� .
<br /> the amount and for the peric►d that Lendcr requires)provided by an insurer approv�d b� I.endcr again become�svailable
<br /> nnd is obtained. Barrower shnll pay thc premiums required to muintain mongagc insur:+ure in effect,or tu provide a loss
<br /> ' reserve, until the requirement i'or monguge insurance ends in accordance with anY written agreement between Borrower
<br /> und Lendcr or applicuble luw. .
<br /> 9. lnspectfon. I.enJer or itti agc�x rnry rnakc rea.+onuble cnt rie�upnn and inaprrtionti��f thc:Prupeny. Lcnder+ a
<br /> give Borrower notice ut the time uf ur prior w un inspectiun specifying reasonable causc ti�r 1he iospectinn.
<br /> 10. Condemnptlon. Thc pracced�af•rny uward or claim fi�r Jumugc+.Jircrt ar rum�yuc�uial.in cannrction with _
<br /> any condemnation or other taking of any pan uf the Property.�x tor conveyance in lieu af c�mdemnati.�n,urc hereby ussigned
<br /> And shall be paid lo l.ender. .
<br /> In the event of u tcxs►1 u�king��f ihe Properry. the pnxeeds shall lx:•rpplied to thc.um+�rrumJ h� thi+Sc�urity In�trument,
<br /> whether or not then due,with any excess p�id tu Borrower. In 1he cvent ot�panial tal.mg ui th� Propeny in whirh the
<br /> fair market vplue of the Propeny immedi•rtely hef'urc ttx tuking i�equ�l to ar gr�ater than�hc •rrnuunt of thc tiwn.+ecured
<br /> by this Securiry Instrument immcdiaiel)•bel��rc�hc rrking,unles�Borruwer anJ lw�ndcr uthcra•i.r a�:r�c in writing.the sums
<br /> securc�l by this Securiry lo�trunxnt shuU bc rcdu�ed by thc amuunt u(thr pr�xcrJ+multiplicJ b�• Itk followmg fraction:
<br /> (a)the total arrwunt uf the sums xecured immediatcly bciarc the taking.dividcd bY Ih�the tuir markc��alue af tlx Pmperty
<br /> immediately before the takin�. Any Iwlance shull be paid tu Borrnwrr. In Ihc�vcnt of a panisl taking of the Property �n .
<br /> T which the fair market value uf�hc Property immedintcly tx:farc thc takinF i+Ir��than thr amaum uf the .um�+rrured im-
<br /> ,�� mediately before the taking,unlcsti Horrowcr aml L�'nder othcrwix a�rcr in��•riung ur unle>.upph�•rMr law uthen��iyc pr�-
<br /> �:� e vides,the proceeds shall tx applied a�the sum�.ecur�J by Ihiti 5�curity In+trumrnt whr�her ur m►t thr sum�arc thcn du�.
<br /> 1� If�he Property is•rb•rnduned h� Borrowcr,or if.aftcr noticc b)� Lcndcr t��Burruw•rr that the c�mJrnmor uffer+ u�
<br /> make on award or senlc a claim fur dam•rgra.Burruwcr fails tci respond t��LenJrr H•nhin �(1 da��. :�flcr th�J.►tc tht notirc
<br /> .• is given,l.ender is uuthorized to cullect�n�1 apply�hc prixced�.rt its npuun,cithrr ta re.�urauun ur rcpau ut'the Pro�xrty
<br /> or to the xums secured by thi+Seruriry In.trument. whether ur n�n thcn Juc.
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Borruwcr otherwisc agrec in writin�.an} appl��atum ul'pr�x�rd. tu pnn�ipal .hall n��i c�tenJ
<br /> or po�tpune the due date��f thc munthly p•ry�rnemc�rcfcrrcJ tu m paragraph, 1 and�ur:I�an�:e�'• ���mum ul,uch payrnrnt�.
<br /> ll. Bor�•ower Not Rele�sed: horbcarsuKC By� I.ender Vot a �1'ai�•er. Etirn+u�n ,�I the timr lur prymcm ur
<br /> modiGcalion of amonizau�m��f the tiumti Kcured by this Serunq In�trwmm grantrJ h} LrnJer a� anc.uc.e�+ur in uuerr�t
<br /> � ��f Borrower shall na operatc h�rrleuae the liab�61� uf the ungmal Hnrn�ucr ur Bnrr��Nrr'�.ui.r��un in m[rn�t I-end�r
<br /> shall not be required te�commenc� pnxceding. against�ny +ucce�.ar m �mere.t ur irtu.e t��r�tcnd limr lur p:+>ment ur
<br /> otherwisc modify amortizatiun uf thc aum++ecur�J hy thi+Secunn In,vumrm hy r�;�aun uf anr��kn�anJ madc h}thr nriEinal
<br /> I Borcower or Borrower's succes+ors in interr�t. An} tittt+eurance h� I.�nJer in crerci.in�.iny r�ght��r rrnudy'.hall nut t+e
<br /> - •••-:-•--..c.......e..►,�.�..�h...,,��•n•�u•nt rn� nehl nr nm�d�-
<br /> a wo�.�� ... ... �.._�.--- ..._ _.._.. .
<br /> 12. Successurs And Assignc&mnd;J�►int and tie�•eral I.isabilit�:('��+i�nen. �n<i����n����•u'n'°r'"''":�.:::
<br /> this Securiry Instrutnent shull bmd anJ txnrtit thr,uccr..��r.and a�.�gn.�,1 Lcndcr anJ Bu�'����.r. ,uh�.�l tu th�pro�ui�•n.
<br /> i�f paragraph 17. Borrower's co�•en•rn�,at�f agrrement�>hull Ix I���nt and+c�rral. .1m Hurro��rr a ha cn �iEn�thi>S�ruru�
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute the Nutr:1:�1��«�•+�l:mng thi.SecuriiJ� In.trument unh n�m��ngatzc•grant.►nd:��n�r> thrt
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pruperty unJcr thc t�rm. �.f th�>Secunty In,trum�nt: ih� i�m�i {kr���n.illY��hhtiat�d t��p�5 �h�
<br /> sums securcd by this Security In.�rument;aaJ��i agrcc+thal Lrndc r�nJ.im u�hrt N„rm��cr mr) agrrr tu r�t�nJ.nnxt�l>.
<br /> I forbear nr make:�ny arrumm�xl�uims w•ith re�uraf lo the terms ut thi. Scruru� Ima um�n<<,r�hr\�a���iih�+w�hat Hurroucr'.
<br /> ' canxnt. "'
<br /> .
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