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<br /> � �,. Q. � . 92- � . �. -_
<br /> � ^a � •� Additiaud P►ovisionc
<br /> � � . O�bta W�n�nts�nd Cov�n�nnt I11 Tha�alter the�ete ereof wflleba�the,owner ofrMeColleteral�ree irtom any edverce Ilnn,�eec��t
<br /> ;� ' ' ' stetes that the Co1lBteral Is to be acqu
<br /> � � fnterest or encumtxance;and that Debtar wlll defwid ihe Collateral agninst all cluims mx1 deme�de o�e��I�e�s°^s e�a�y�i^�°1nimfnp
<br /> .. �. the same m any interest therein. (2)That�o fl D btur will eoinnw toi Seicuod PnrtyBn�u�ecuflnq Pone ordmore flnanc�i�8�+►��dntu {4 urWsu � ��- -�
<br /> � o(f i c e e n d that at the r e quoet of Secured'Perty. 1
<br /> ` ant to the Netxeske Unlform Camnercial Code�n torm satfafectmY to Secur e d Perty an d wi l) p a y t h e c o s t ol Nlfn g such(inanclnp atma-
<br /> ment,thia security agreement and eny continuAtion or te►mi�ation atetement. �� a�� P�blic oltices wherever filin0 is deemed by Socured
<br /> party to be necessary or desirable:and I(the Collateral is atteched m�eal estate prlor to the perfectfon of the securlty Internst grented !w` , _
<br /> ' ' ' '" hereby or if thn Collaterpl includots cropa M oil,ges a minerals to be extracled or timber tobe cut, Debtor will,on demand ol Secured
<br /> l4
<br />� �• Party,furnfsh Secured Party with a disclaimer or dlaclalmers o►subnrdination agraairo�d sl{yrcd bV al� parsonR havinp a�i inte+rest in the
<br /> real estate,dlsclafmfnp or subordinat��g any f�terest in the Collateral which is prior to the interest of 5ecured Porty. (3) Not to sell. �i=F`--�_
<br /> O,
<br /> ' transfer or dispoae o(the Collateral, nor take the same or a�tternexes and assessroents of every netureewhichpmey be�ev�ed a��basss��x1 `';'�:R_��-
<br /> the prfor wrf tten consent ot the Secured Parry. (4� To pey = -_-
<br /> agaf�st the Collateral.(5)Not to permft or allow eny adverse I ien,securlH interest or encumU►ance whatsoever upon the Col luteral,end -'
<br /> " � not to pem�it the acvne to be attached or raplevined. (B)That the Collateral is In good cond���o^• a^d that he wflt at his own ex��eusa,
<br /> keep the same fn good conditlon and from time to tfine,torthwlth, fee'Collate a/on'accaunt d such replocemen't oero�lPalr�, and thc�tkthe ?,�'',
<br /> .�.�..__-
<br /> ' wom out or damaged without ollowing any Ifen to be created upon d� - - -_
<br /> Secured Party may exemine and inspect the Collateral at any time,wherever locoted. 171 Thet he will at hie own expense keep thA Col- —
<br /> � lateral insured in a compeny satisfactory to Secured Party again&t�oss, as appropriate,by theft,wllislon,fire and extended coverage, _-
<br /> ; with loss payable to Secured Patty as Its interest may nppear, and wfl I on clemend delfver eald qollciea of ineurance or(urnish proo( of , �
<br /> such fna�rcance to Secured Parry. (91 At Its aptian Secured F'a►tY maY procure suc e�^�or the repalreof any damage urrin uryrtu or�forethe � '�=1��
<br /> � or other encumbrances at eny time levied or placed a�tha Collateral and maY p Y
<br /> �
<br /> •� • • preservation and maintenance af the Collateral.Debtor agrees to relmburae SecuredPartyon dema�xl (a any payment or expense Incurred " �.
<br /> by Secured Party pursuant to the foregoing authorization.Until such reimbursemen4 the amount o(any such payment,with interest At the ` � ,'�t��°
<br /> , rate of 18 h�a reemenm(9)That he wilanot uae the Co let ral I�vfolat on of any appllcable�tatuie,regul tian or D dinance andeif ` --
<br /> � � be secured by t g '
<br /> � f the Collateral is motor vehicles the same wilt not be rented, usod In rental servss� of theCol ater Irendtlncurred fnenforcing `T,�
<br /> any o 1 -
<br /> � uebtor will pay Sawrn�i Party any�nd all costa end pxpenses Incurred in recover ng potse � �;�
<br /> this tacurity egreement,and the same thell be secured bv thit securlty aqreement.
<br /> , '�_:.'�' ,
<br /> Until Uelault Debtor may heve pussession of the Colluteral and use it in any law(ul manne�iat inconsistent with thls a�reement and not .� .���
<br /> -- Incanalatent with any puli�y af inSUrance therenn� wnd uPon default Secured PertY �a11�ve the immedlate right ta the Possession of t • �-,._`.Q�
<br /> _;�i '
<br /> F - ..
<br /> the Col latoral. � ' •,a�:�:,
<br /> �' Oebtor Shall Be in D�feult under thfs agreement upon the haPpen�n9 of any o(the tol lowing evenis or conditions: I1)detault In the pay- � .
<br /> ment or performance of any obligation,covenent or I labil ity contained or referred to herein ar fn any note evidencing the ams+e:1'll any
<br /> ' warranty,representa�i de or turnlshed:n�) anyueve�t wlio h rASUts an he Accelerathon ofithe ro tu rtY of thehndebtedness�uf Debtar o
<br /> terfal respect when • �� �
<br /> othars i�nder nny indenture,agreement or undertaking; IA) losa, theft,dama8e. destruction sa�e or encumbrance to or u(any ot tho Col-
<br /> � Interal,or the meking of ony lovy.geizure or attachment thereof nr ther�eo�585)�a'th.(d��s(��t�nefit ofncredit rs by,or the can'inence- I .:. .. �
<br /> busfnoas tailure,appointment of a receiver of any part of the proparty E7 for Debtor. .
<br /> uarantor or surety ' :!
<br /> ment ot any p��eed�n9 under anY bankruptcy or Insolvency laws by or against Debtor or nny p _
<br /> , Upon Such Default and�t any time therea(ter,or if rt deems�tae���^sdcura,Secured Pnrtymny declare all Obligntions secured hereby ; �,.,�
<br /> {mmediately duo end payable and shall lieve the rontedies of a securod porry under the Nebaska Unlform Coim�ercial Code. Secured t
<br /> Party may require Debtor to essemble the Col laterol and deliver or muke It evailnble to Secured Party at o place to be des�Niiated by
<br /> Securud Pc�rty whfch Is raasonpbly convenlent to both parties. Unless the Collotarol is perishable or threatens to decline speeddY �^
<br /> • value or is uf a rype custom(1he t me after which,any{xivate�tile ore�nyao her 1��wnJed cfisposet on ihereof �s to be made.Q The�.equ ref
<br /> ' any publfc sale thereoi or
<br /> ments of reasonable notice shall be met i(such notice Is mailed,postage preNaid,to thn a�dress of Debtor shown at thn beginnuig of (
<br /> this agreement ot least tive d8ys be(ore the tlme o� the eale or ctisposrtion. 1 , .
<br /> No wafver hY this securAtY aAreementshall otlwafve�tor am��oirVnnY rotheru���metY so d I5ucured PortyanuYdhave'orher aftN ucyuao(or r Y..
<br /> The takin�o( such c�lit�unol sacurity woive w impair thls security a{p�eane�it;
<br /> + the payment of the nbove Indebtedness. nor shall tlie taking of ony und notwfthstanding any collateral secu• - �
<br /> but sald Secured PanY may resort to any security it mtiy havo i n thu ordor it muy deem proper.
<br /> . I rhy. 5ecured F'ar1Y slinll retain its righta ot seto(f ogainst Dubta.
<br /> All rights of Secured Party hereundnr shall fnure to the Uenelft ot its succetzsati .a'�d ++ssf4�ns: and all promises and duties uf Debtu�
<br /> sholl bind hfs hoirs, aaecutors or�dmiiustrotora or h�s c,r its:�uccesburs or ussigns• �f I�ru Ixr more than�mc� Ocbtor,tfv�u �ic�bJit�eS
<br /> � hereundor shall Ixt�oint and sovernl.
<br /> � 7his agreement shall becane e1(ective when it i5 sfyned by Oeabtor.
<br /> � ,
<br /> • �5 � � -
<br />