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<br /> ��° . ° � ' Each paRy to this T►ust Qead r6qu�sta ihat� copy of Any notice of defeult and a capy of any notice of sale �_.��
<br /> _— .:;,�*;;;,,�,,�.� hereunder be mellod to each aucFl qp►ty at t�q address set b�1h herein,as provlded by the Neb�ka Truat
<br /> � ..
<br /> �
<br /> Deeds Act•° �- 1�£-a_
<br /> ,��. � n And In the event o(the brecipaure,qf thia paqd of T►ust,Trustor covenants and agrees to pay the cost of ex-
<br /> — d � tending the abstract of tifle ar obtaininp a aeRifi�te of title from the date af recording this Deed of T�ust to the
<br />.;,,�
<br /> , � date ot IIYng auft,and upan failura of said papy to do so,all money so advanced by T�ustee shall hear Interest
<br /> ��� ��� ��-�� et the rete of 18.OW peraent per annum and shall be secured by lhis indenture.In addltion,Trustcr agroos �'�"`�- -- -
<br /> to pay a reasonable attorney's fee for the prqsecution of e foreclosure action,which shall be added to the prin- ��=-
<br /> " '; �. ,. cipal balance at the tima a forectosure dec�eq la entered or shall be peid by the TrusWr it Trustea a�rees that —_-
<br /> the default may be cured atter the inatiludae pf�foreclosure suit.
<br /> . The Trustee shall have the rlght tp t�laase with ar withcul consfderation or credit on the indebtedness hereby —
<br /> secured,any part of the prqperty herein aascrfbed by adequate legel instrument without regard tothe existence ---
<br /> � . ,. of any junior encumbrance and withaut thQ,�nsent of such junior encumbrancer,and such release shall have �'`�-
<br /> { 1.5 ilt�r�mi
<br /> � . _. _ no further eifect upan tha rank,lien ar estat�,Gonveyed hereby or egainst the Tn�stee then is therein expressed. ���`'`�
<br /> , ��
<br /> Beneficiery may at any time and from tima tn tirne appoint a successor Trustee by tiling tor�ecord in each county �� '�-"
<br /> where the trust property or part thareof is located a�otice of Substilution of Trustee. ,� i
<br /> In the event that tha real property herein�e&cribed,or any portion thereof or any interest therein be sold,mort- °����-_,
<br /> gaged or conveyed,ar becomes subja�t to an ag�eement to sell or convey,prior to the time the indebtedness �-�'--�����
<br /> ' � secured hereby shall heve been paid m fuil,then tne enlire inde�btetJness secured by this Trust Deed shaA at �;.�w�:_�•-- -
<br /> the optian ot the Beneticiary bec:oma due and payable. •�;�' ,�'.�
<br /> � , -
<br /> � . r an wer of eminent domein or ac uired(or �is�,�-_
<br /> — That i part�qf,bc�condemned unde y po . q
<br /> pu ��g¢�;prqceers, nd the consideration for such acquisition,to the extent of the full amount ��"��";T�'"
<br /> ;� • of ind bt ' �y,7rtis�I� and tha Note secured he�eby remeinfng u�peid are hereby assigned by , �;.,:���
<br /> Trus ' � � �� Note erM Truat Deed and shall be paid foAhw(th to said hotder to be applied by it �. :N�
<br /> firstly to the payment of any expenses said holder may incu�in the condemnatbn proceeding,and secondly on .�r�,. :
<br /> ,_ the indebtednass secured her�by in such manner as it elects,a the anwunt so received or any part thereof ;,;
<br /> „ '%'' ' may be released by the said Heneticiary. �°�T'�•`"�'�
<br /> �� Beneticfary may within three mqnth�after the sale of the property under this Tnrst Deed,sue Trustor in an actfon ,;iw,.,.�,. .,,.. � ,
<br /> �� � tor recovery of any 6alance due,inctuding interest irom the date of sale,the costs and expenses oi exercising �- � . -
<br /> , tho power of sale,and of the sale,upon this obligatian which was rtot retired and pald by the proceeds of the �� • ____-
<br /> sale of the same. �
<br /> Any partial retease or subordination agroement shall only be executed by the Trustee on the wdtten direction ` 1 a�"
<br /> of 8eneficiary,evidenced by his joinder in such Instrument. e ---_„,,.,�._
<br /> � . � ?�;���
<br /> .. � .. .
<br /> • Upon written notice from the Beneficiary that the debt secured hereby has been paid in(ull.evidenced by joinder ► �""�''�_'-
<br /> • of the Beneflciary in the tull release dxument.Trustee shall reconvey,wlthout warranly,the estate in the prop• � - -
<br /> erty then held by the Trustee. k , `°��
<br /> . ., E ���`��
<br /> Whenever tha word he,his or him is used herein,such word shell also mean and include the words she,fhey, , ... �.
<br /> . it, hers,theirs or them,and the singular shall likewise mean and include the plural, and the words hefrs shall
<br /> �� also mean personel rep�e8entatives and successors in interest by whatever right,as the context indicates. .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , .
<br /> . _ , �
<br />