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<br /> prrcl�e t�e P�o�CtY at saY wie.
<br /> V� � � WYml�� O��D! j�?i'�C! Wa. �IYYi�C!ilul� �1YlC �O W! pLV�s�flr �Yi�l�! d!!� COiYI�{� II! _
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<br /> uit,wd t!e csk.iacb�diai t�e P�Ymeat oP tbe Tt'rusta'�teac actually iecurred.aot W excaed 3.o 0 0 !E —
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<br /> raa�avey tbe �mperty �ad sh�ll au�ra� tlds Soc�rity Ic�avrn�t aad ail twtea evldtacing debt secural by tfsis Socuriry
<br /> lawumast to 11�ustoe.7tusLee�hal!e+ecanvey tbe Propaty widwa►t wacraaty and without Wsargo to the persoa oc Da��Y
<br /> eatit3a!Oo i�Such pesoa or penoa�stu11 pay anY ror�edu�oA cASts. -
<br /> z3.Suatieoee'fYuscaa l,e�der,u;ts opdon,ms►y uaa cime w time rurwve 7tustx ana t a suoces,4or wstoa w wy
<br /> T�ust�e 4pQointod ha+�uadex Dy ao isssuunxnt rxaded in tUe couaty in w2iich thla Socuriryl.�ns�ummt ic rocarded.VYitbout
<br /> cunveyaar.e of the Rope:ty.the s�CCes�or Ws1ee zhall suoceed Oo ali the tiile.Pewes m�d dutles 000t'asnd upoo'iicustoo l�et�eio aad
<br /> pY�pQlicsble bw.
<br /> ZI.Reqsa� t for rlotfow. Barower :equests th�t copies of the notices of defmk�ad s�ie be sait w Bamwer's addnss
<br /> whic�is�fo "t�ii Se�y I�weat. If oae or raore ridrrs are acocutod by Botrower iwd recocded tng�ther with thic �
<br /> Secwity*���.=*-.We coveamtS��oemeats oi eaci�suca ciaer si�ii oe iu�upu��ai i+�";a+'�u'y+:a;.��.:.:.�.3��:�..�»
<br /> de oove�ou aad s�roaaaus of this Seauity Iasuuaoeat as it tho rid�r(s)wete a pa�t of this 5eewi�y IasL�umetu.
<br /> IQ�eck+�licabie boa(as)]
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<br /> ❑��y�� �rt:�u�n�t-�:t� �A=�Y�y��x;ae� -
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<br /> �VA Rk1u ��'(s)(�Y]
<br /> �.
<br /> BY SIGNING BfiLOW.Boetowzr 000epts aad agtnes to Iho trnns aat oovwm cou ' ialhiv Secudty i��,��„r�*aad ia
<br /> mY�f�)�x�ocu�ed by Baao�ru�od cxatbd with it •..l
<br /> Wimes�es: l., ,_,,
<br /> (�? .
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<br /> SfrertAiebrark�, ��7�
<br /> 'f�fpR$pafg�ume�iw�s�cimowledgodbeforeiaetlus 30TH dayof APASL . is95 ,
<br /> byszsvn� n wos�ua� � wuessr� a�osawr. aasa�m awa xiva .
<br /> W�my l�ad aod 0ota�i�1 xal at c�naID isi.�►t+ID. N�SpA�3xn ia s�id .ebe aate afa�said.
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