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<br /> �yY�'e+'�°"'n9 nn tnaacr ba roouirod.u the optbn of 1,e�d�et,if martCa�c insusaace covcrago(in the oc�w�uu uYUI for the pui� �
<br /> th�t Lenckt requires)providcd by an insuru epptove9 by[xnder a�gain bar,anes avail�bbe and ts obtainod.Horrowu si�ii wy uw
<br /> �xtrt►iwns «quirad w mzintain mortSa�te iasurarxx in eifcc4 or to provlde� loss rosuve.wuil the requ�mc,�t fa mortgA�c -
<br /> ias�uanca ct�d9 in�cdacsco with any wriu,eu n�reeu�ent bciwa�a Botrovvu and Letsd:r o�t applicabk law. _
<br /> 5�.Yus�ecii�a. Le.-idc:or it9 agu�t auy cuaL�r�ab�er►iries u�on �sd'u�spacti�na of the Propercy. Lajda sh�ll�ive -
<br /> B�rowa notico at the time of or priar ta an iaspoction spacif'YInR reason�bk causc for tlye i�;actbn. _
<br /> �0.Co�demtoatfaz. 'it�e �i�ca�s o:atty :wssd a� claitu fot d=cs�ages,ditxt ot c�►�equential,in co�usoclion wiih any .-
<br /> coad�mnatioa or W1xr t�Cin�af eAY Part of th�Pmperey.or Cor convey9ace in liea nf coAdesnwt�iot�.are hereby as�si�ned aad =
<br /> s�1J be ptid to l.,endcr. _
<br /> In t6e eva�t of a tot�]takin8 of the P�upe�ty.the poceeds shall be ayplial w ttu sucns aecwod by this Socurity Instnu►uiu, -
<br /> wbethei ar not t�hen du�,with az�y excess paid tu Borrower.In the evrnt of a partial tal�in8 of Ide Pr�erty in wi�icd the fair market �_
<br /> v�tue of tts�Property;•^,,,••��r�ty before the takittg ic oqual W or�reatu t1�a the amoaat of t2ie svaas socurod 6y this SoctuitY _--
<br /> Inswmeni imu�ediately before the Wcing. unless Borrower eud Lecsder wttieiwise agroe ia wriring, tAe sums stcuc�od by thi� .�
<br /> Sxurity Insaurneat sball ba rcduad by the amount of the proceods multiDlial by tho foliowing fraction:(a)the tntal amouni of `'
<br /> the s�as saurod immodiaulY bcfore tre t�icing, div:3od by(b) tAc fair a�utcet value of the Roperty immodiauly before thc
<br /> taking.My balmce shall be paid to Barrowu.Iu the event of a partial takin�of the Property a which the fair m�rket value of the _
<br /> pcoperty immedi�ulY beforc tlu tsking ic less d�an Ilsee amouisi of the sums,t�s�ecurad irnm�Led�iately beforc the taking. unless _
<br /> W WI \l1 1HtKJi �w iiivi�.�i."'—�,,SQ�tii7��-�--Q N�IA���WY1�iQf��A� _
<br /> BOt(OWV 8A�I..CAdCT O�iW1SC i�I�C w+�K °� -
<br /> sums:,ACUnd by this securitv Insuuruent whether«not tbe swns�thr�aue.
<br /> If the Ptopcsty is a6�adot�d by Bo�mwer�or if.afier notice by I.ender to Bormwu tlut tho condeautior offrts to awke an _.
<br /> a�rard or seale a claim for damages.Borrowu fails w raspood to l.ender withi�30 days afur the dace ttso aoG�is givau.L�der =
<br /> ic authaized to cvllocl ac�a�:Y�����t its o�3ofl,eistr�to resteraticm or repair of tttie Propetty or W tbe sums sxund `
<br /> by this SecuritY Instrumeat.whetvei or not tden dua _
<br /> Udess Itnder aud Boin�wtt ottuxwise agree ia atiting,twy spplication of proceals to ptincipal st�all not m[tead or postpooe
<br /> tbe due dsue of t?u afoniWY P�Y��refa'red to in pat�g�a�t�,s 1 aod 2 or cdange the�nw+uat of such paymeatc.
<br />- il.Sorrower Not itekasedi Forbesraace By I.eadtr Not s�Hxiver. F.xt�nsion of tho time foc payment a modiFicatia�
<br /> of amortl�tlow of tbe suws securod by thic Socurity Inurumeat grs�uod by Leadar to any suocrs9o+r in inttsesi of Borrovrer sJnll
<br /> not oPes�te lo re.lea9e tbe liabiliry of the original Bori�ower or Barowes's succcssots in iutetest L.e,adet st�ll not be roqi:i.rod w
<br />= comma�c�e p�oceedv►8s�6aiasi aaY suca.ssar in inta�est or nfose w ext�s�d ti�e for paymeat or otherw�se aw�difY ama�ti�arioa of
<br />- tt�e sums saared by thiq SocuritY�nsuuaunt by zrasoa of aziy deu�nd made by ttu original Barower or BoROwet's sucassas _
<br /> ia iaurat My facbearance by I.eadts in exercising any right or remedY shall not be a wau��rr of or�xeclude the eurcise of anY �
<br />= ri�ht a re�oedy.
<br /> 12.Sna�ors a�d A�Bosa�li Joint a�d Several Liab;iit�yt Co-si��a'a 7t�e cocciwnts and agieemaatv of this
<br />_ Socuriry Inst�axst sh�ll biad aad benef'u the saoc�sssors aod assigcLS of 1�►dts and Botrower, sobjxt to tbe pmvisiotis of
<br />= p�rqgtaFh 17. Borrower's covaants aad agtaemzais s�U 6e joc�i�a�t��a�ad savtr�2.Any BoRnwer who casi�as d�is Sacu�ttit�Y�
<br />� T L.s.M n w�� ��wntsM t�M NflM:• i=S 1Q O(1-0YQf110Q��111.7GbiYN] � OR�y� "'�^`O`Y� ��C�V�S�1 Y1iL
<br />_ aiwi�rw�w w. •
<br /> BOfiOW�t'S iIIt�1lS IA thC PIOpG[y UndCr t11C l�iu1S Ol�lt►i.9$0i,ii►I'ity IT1SilUiL�;(b)�.S 11a.'P�Y���P�Y thC SW11T
<br /> securod by this Sa�rifY Insaumeat;and(c)agras thu I.eitider�ud�ny o�hei Barro�uer uny agree to ext�aul,modifY,fotbear or
<br /> make aay ao�ommodyooas with ngard to the wm9 of this Socurity Icutrumeat ar the Noie witboat that Barower's 000seot
<br /> 13.I.ao CLar�es. ff tbe ban securod by tt�is Security Inswmeat is subjoct W a law which seL9 m�cimum ban c.}�rges,
<br /> aad th�t 1aw is i'inaliy interpcetad so tlu�t the intenst or otba ioaa charges colkctod a w lx coUxted ia c000ectiaa wit6 tbe bto
<br /> e.�ceod the peamitted limitv,then:(a)any sucL loaa cl�arge st�all be reduced by the artwu�oi aeassarY a reduce tbe charge W tLe
<br /> pe�mit�d limit;aod(b)any wais�Iready col3ected from Barower which excetded permitted limit4 will be rtfunded w Bomnwer.
<br /> I.cader asay cl�oose�make tbis nfiuid by rod�a8 the Pciacip�l owai wdei the Note or by malcing a direct p�Yment w
<br /> Barroaer. If a refund reduoes priacip�l. tke rodacti�will be ueate3 as a Partial Prepaymcat without aaY PR'�Y����
<br /> under the IVote.
<br /> 14.Natioes. Aay aotice w Bamwa provided for in tl�iis Securi.y Iacuumeat sf�all be gn.m by delivering it a by caiting ii
<br /> by first cl�mail unless applicabk law requfires use of anotha c�ettsod.'I�e aotice sh�il be da�xtod to ihe Pro�iy AGdc�u.-
<br /> = aey ot�er�ddreas Barrower designates by notice tn I.ender.My ooticz rn L�eader shail be givea by first clas�s mail to L,eada's
<br /> addrese st�ed ttiae�n or any otba address L,enda designates by tatice to Boc�wa.My notice provided for in this Se:.urity
<br /> - Insuumeat shaU be deemod to have baa givm to Borrowa or L.ea�ki wLea�vw a9 pc+ovi�ded ia tl�is paragrapb.
<br /> � 1S.GovrrnisQ l.a�v;Sevenb0ity. 'Ihis Socuriiy Tnstcu�aeat shall be govaaed by federal law nnd the law of the
<br /> ; jurisdicaoo in whicb the Propaty is bcated.In tlu eveat tt�at aay provision or c]uLSe of thi9 SecurieY 1ast�tnent or the Note
<br /> ? c,00flicis widi applicab�e law. sucb cotsflict st�ll not affxt otha provisioas of this Socurity lnswmeat or tl�e Note which caa be
<br /> } givm e�ect witiwut the ceofliam8 Pco�isioa To this md ttlyee provisioos of t2�ia Security Inurumeat�od the Note are dxland co
<br /> � be sevaabk.
<br /> Form 302i �ISO
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