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<br /> - _ I�S,ti' �l�'%��Fpin�t'� . �1. . . _ .- _. —'__ _�_..._——.
<br /> ���i �w.�il.� ;,t, � p�r�.� -- ,�:__
<br /> +•'{kivMIGYMYIC� . -- - .�..�—ar�,m�..�.�. __ ,. • . �.n�:`-
<br /> —; — � + ,�. -^� . -- y�.. .'_.�_ —"�
<br /> � �
<br /> � 92- i U2365 �� ------
<br /> ��'o����*;�.1., upplicublc IAw may �p��ify fur rcinr.�u�emcn�l Ix�furc �al<<�f thc Pmpcny pur,uiml lu uuy �►wcr�d' ,uk ��►nluincJ in �hiR � `�-
<br /> - +,�,�.f,�,�k�..,: �. Sccuriry In�ttumcnt;ur(bl cntry uf u JuJgmcnt cnforcing thf�Sccurity In,�rumcnt. 'fho�con�liicsns urc�hu�duR�W«� Io1
<br /> „ , Pays t,encler oll rum.r which then would tx due under thi�+ Secu�ily In�iroment und Ihe NcNe ur ii�n�� ucreler�tiun huJ
<br /> '° accurrcd;lb)curc+ony cicfaul�of uny ahcr ruvcnum* or ugrccmcn�ti:lrl puy�ull cx{xn,c�incurrcd in�nforcing�hi�Sccurity
<br /> • ' Inctrument. itKluding. hut not limited to. rruwnublc Wiarn�yti'fcc+:und Id) lukcti �uch uctiim uti L�nJcr muy rcou�nudly
<br /> ,, ,.�.., •^d. ,,. require�u utitiutc thut tlx:lien af thi+Scruri�y In.rltumem,Lcndcr: righi�in thc Pro(nny und R�m��wcr���+ligutiun tu pry thc - ---.
<br /> ' rums xecurcd by thig Sccurity In,trumcm �bu�� cunllnuc unchonRcd. Upun rcinylu�cmrnt hy H�.m�wcr. �hin S�curny
<br /> , ; ;
<br /> �� Intitrument and�hc ohligutinn�.�ecured herchy whull rcmuin fully effec�ivc os ii n��uccclrru�i�m hud�x.urced. Huwcver, �hi�. _
<br /> . _. _ - -- , c- — -
<br /> . ,., _,._ - - _ _ _
<br /> � �k.•:,. ' right ta reins�ak tihall niH apply�n thc cu.c ot uccrlrrutun�under purugrapli I .
<br /> . r • ,.. :, p l9. SAk oP Nale: Change af Loan tiervker. The No�c ur a p;►rtiul irnrrr,t in the Nute ItogetUcr wilh Ihiw Securily _—
<br /> � ' ,. •• ' Instrumentl muy lx:N�Id onr ar more�imc�whhou� priur nutice �o Burrowrr. A .alr muy rc�ule in u changr in the cntiiy —
<br /> .�. �� Iknuwn u5 the"Loun Serviccr"1 thu�rallec��mumhly payment.Jur under�hc Nutc+mJ�his Sccurity ln+�rumm�t. Thcre alw �
<br /> may be one ar mure cbunge+of thc 1.��:m Scrviccr unrcluted to a�ak uf thc Notc. If thcre i+a chungr��f�he Luun Scrviccr.
<br /> . . Bo•rower will Ix givcn written notice uf ih�changc in uccurdunrc with paraKruph 14�ixrvr unJ applica�l�luw. Thc nuticc �?"`.--�,,w..��r,:
<br /> will.tu�e thc namc and addre.,of thc new L�►un Serviccr:uid thc aJJress�o which paymeN+shuuW hc mxtc• Thc noticc will --_—_
<br /> � also cuntaia uny othcr infomiution reyuired by applicublc low. 6 ,,,,,�f.� '� `
<br /> ' 20. 8azardaus Subclances. Borruwcr shull ncit cuuu ur�xmiit thc prexnrr,u,c.di.Fxiwl.�oraFc. ar rcicatic of any � � r'„c�.s�,r,a;i��.
<br /> Huzurdous SuMtnnces on ur in the Pruperiy. B��rrowcr shull not do. nur ullow unyunc cl�c io dn. unylliing ul'f'�c:ting �hc -Y''_-.:?;�.��,�'-- -
<br /> Pro p eny thnt is in viol�tion of any Envi�anmemol Luw. Thr prec�Jing two.cntrncc.tihull nu�apply euih�prc.cncr.u,c,��r �:
<br /> s�orage on thc Propeny of.mall yuumitic.of Huzurdous Su btilancc+t hu t urc gc r k r a l l y r c c u g n i n�l t o h u a p p�a pr iutc lu nurntal �i__
<br /> ' rexidenlial use+und�a maintenunrc of Ihc Pr�iperty ---
<br /> .. .', .,, . Burrowcr�hull prumpUy givc Lender wri�tcn nc�tice��f any invrs�ig•rtian.rluim.demand.law,uit �wo[hrr urlian By •rny �,:�-,.�
<br /> r.'•,;;;; -� - " govcmmcntal or regulatory ugency�x privatc p;u�y invi�lvin�thc PrapeAy und uny H:uunlou.Suh,tun�c ur�nvironmcntal —��;�,.�- ,---
<br /> Luw of which Borm�vcr bu+ •rctual knowlydge. 1 f Bormwcr Icum�, ar iti notificd by uny�;uvernmenlul ��c regulutury ';.•�;'„�:;,_ r�
<br /> uutlx�rity.that uny r�moval or other remediution af uny Ho�ardous Substuncc affrcting Ihc Prop�:ny isnece++ury. Bom�wer •••,•,•, ,�:_.
<br /> �u.
<br /> , � , shall pramptly tAke ull necessury rcmediul uctianx in uccordance wi�h Envimnmemal Luw. �- �"O�
<br /> . � • As uticd m this parugruph 2U,"HuxurJuu.Subatances"urc�hose.ubrtunce�defined u+ta�cic or haixdou..rub.tunce,by • �,r`���_
<br /> ' ` Environmemal Law and the following +uhxtuin:es: gasuline, kero�ene,olher tlummublr ur loxic petrdeum pnxlucl+.te�xic •�°,�,;:,
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicidex, volu�ile +olvrnts, muterialsccmluinin� atibestoz ur f'ormaldrhydc. and r�di�uctive muteri•rl�. As i�`
<br /> • .• .�._':� ..'�•, - u,cd in this pa:.�gruph 30,"F.nvir�x►mro�:d t.,iw"mean�i'ederul luwti and luwx of the juritiJiction where Ihe Piropeny is loculed ,• M.`_'---
<br /> �3: : . --
<br /> � tflAl R'IAIB 10 II�AI[�l,safety ar enviranmeMul protectiun. .-:
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender fuclhercovcnant und agree uti liillawx: `.'*��•�:
<br /> � 21. AcceleraUon:Remedies. l.ender!chall �ive notice to Ibrrower prior to accelerutian taNuwinK Borrower's 't;;f�.z,.,�_
<br /> • • breach of any covenanl or ugreement in tbis Securlty Instrument Ibut not prior lu acceleralbn under para�raph 17
<br /> unless applkAble low providec utherw4sel. The notice shall speciiy: lal the defuulh Ibl the actlun reyuired to wre the �. .�. ri,;�.�=
<br /> �,�.''• :
<br /> -- ---^`-- - dePauit:lci r ds�fe.uui ies.s iha�s:�0 day�from!he dale the nollre i��ivrn to Ibrrower,by wkicb Ihe del'ault must be _ ,�..,_„�_
<br /> � cured;und Idl ths�t failure Io cure the dei'ault on or before Ihe dute gpeciticd in the notice muy resdt in accelerntion uf �� • •� •,
<br /> • the sums secured by thic Security IaslrumeM and rute uf the Prupertv. The nutice xhall iurthe�laform Borrowe�uf ,•i� �
<br /> � • '�'���•�` " the rl�hl to reinsl�le after accrlerutinn and the riRbl to brina a court uction to aw�teM Ihe non•exi.�lence of u defuult ur ,,'� ;,,•.
<br /> � • - uny othe�dePense oP Borrower h�accelerutlon and sule. IP Ihe defaull Is n�N cured on ur before Ihe date�peclfled in i• �
<br /> Ihe notice.l.ender at iic uptinn mav require immedlate paymenl io full of ull sumx yecured by IhisSecurity I��I�ument � ,.
<br /> withuut further demnnd and may in�•oke the qox�er nf zale und unv other remedies permitted b��applirabls law:
<br /> :� ,: Lende�shull be entilled w collecl ull expenses incurred in punuinp the remrdiex provided ip thtw pa�v��yph 21. 'r�;.f��_��'�
<br /> includinR.but not limiled lo.reusonuble attorneys'fers und c�wts oP dtle evidence. '{'�''�" ;,
<br /> IP the pow•er��'sale iz imoked.'IYutiter sholl record u notice oP dei'uull in euch county In Which unv par�nf the ` `�
<br /> Property ix lucvted uad�hall mail copir�nf such n��lice in the manner prescribed by applieabk Irav tu Bnrruwer und tu .: ......:.. .:`_____
<br /> thr olher pe�snns prescribrd b�• upplicable lua. �lftrr Ibe time required b��upplic�blr law.Truclee tihull pive puhlir Y
<br /> � notice oP xale to the penuns und in tBe munner pre�crfbed hy upplirable lu«. '1'ruslee.wUhaut demund on Burrower. _�
<br /> •� . tihall sell the 1'roperty ut public uuction to the hi�hetit bidder ut the time und plucr nnd under thelrrms desi�nAted in � :i��K;
<br /> the nolke oP sule in une or morc purcels and in un�u�der"IYust�determincs. 7Yustee may p�+tpone sale ul'ull or uny :,;:.-�_-_
<br /> parcel of the Propert,r by public announcemrnl ul lhe lime und plare os anp previouslv scheduled tiale. l.ender or its � .
<br /> de�iknee may purcbas�:the Pruperl}�al an�•sule. •
<br /> Upon receipt of nuymenl of'the prirc hid. '1'rutitee shull deli��er to Ihr punhusrr Trusler's d�ed cun��eyfn�the I
<br /> Praperly. 'fhe rrcitals in the'fruslee�deed shall I►e primu Pucie e�•idence of the trulh of'the stutemenls mude Iherrin.
<br /> Trustee.rhall apply the pruceed�of ti�sale in Ihe fullu�rin�;urder: lul t��ull rows and expenses ufexercLwinR the power =__�l,e.
<br /> � • � ��,�-
<br /> . . [. . . -��:-
<br /> . �
<br /> ,
<br /> .�. �
<br /> . Fnrailllt 9�411 ��,.�er�,�lnitiie��v ,
<br /> i
<br /> . _
<br /> � -- - -
<br />