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. <br /> � <br /> f,1�,:`�`.��` �>�,, — - - <br /> . o -,• �LI� -- <br /> • -- �. .. — ' J� �+ .,���.r - <br /> . <br /> # .� _ <br /> ���.. - ,�-�,.--.-.__ _ _ <br /> ..•.., <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> • • -- — ��z. - <br /> ���,���ii��. f .�,, • •' ., •-., • <br /> �; _�-.....:_ _ <br /> � <br /> . <br /> .,; �a'°�°� <br /> ..«..K- .,�., � { z, <br /> �:' � '� � � r - - <br /> .wra�:..'.r.�*� �y - <br /> �' _ <br /> .. <br /> _._ <br /> h'+.7'i. ,. <br />, - - _ .{ s�a :n . <br /> ., .. .�. ..,�.: � �.� �...... - .�-�-- - �' _�-- . _ _-- - <br /> ` . �. - 9�- 1U23S5 - <br /> A " , a,. <br /> h o <br /> . �A <br /> 6 ;," ,` n'e>;..� �..... <br /> TO(iETHER WITH uU thc impruvcmcnt.nuw�w h�reuftcr rrcrlcd un �h� pru�xny.and uU��a,rmcnt..appurtcnuncr+. <br /> � '�� ^�""'`�"'�` ' unJ fixturc�+nuw or hereufier u puh ot'the pm�xny. All Rplurem�m, an�l +iddiuuin.hull ul�u tx:cuvered h�• thi.Securi�y �,�__ <br /> a� Inwtrumcm. AU uf�he fureg��ing is rcfcRCd to m�hir�ticrurily In,in�mrnt u.ihc"Iku�xny... <br /> - HURKQWCR CQV�NAN7:S�hut florruw�r i,luwlully xi.�d��f�hc r.wlc hc�eby cuov�;�rd und ha,�hc righl�u�runt <br /> ^ und convcy �hc Nrupa:ny and thut �hc Piru�xny i.uncncumlmrrd.rxrcp� I��r rnru�uBr.mcr,nt'rrcard. NuRnwrr warrun�+�und �-_. <br /> •� •�.. , � will def'cnJ gcncrully ihc titk to ihc Pn�perty againht u0 rluim.and dcmu��l..,uh��ct to aliy�'���•umhrunce�ut rccord. ��^---- <br /> THIS SE('URITY INSTRUM�NT cumbin�. uniti�rn� «������i�u� �or nniiunul u..• �mJ nun-unitixm cuvenuntti wilh �"�` <br /> ° � limited vuriauana by juritidictiun w con�tiwtc u unilorm Krun�y iu+uu�neoi.���c�uig ieal pru��ny. -.- -----_--_ <br /> ' ..q��WJ' . <br /> , , UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr�nd Lendcr cavenanl und a�srcr u�Ii�Uuu+.: r y� y <br /> l. Payment uf Priadpal and Interesti PrepAyment und I..vte l'hwr �. Rum►wrr�h;dl;►r�nn d a whcn Juc ihc <br /> —'=� � � ° principAl of nnd inlere+t o���hc dcht evidcn�ed by ihc Nate und uny prcpaymrm unJ Iri�rhur�,��Jur unJrr ihr Nutc. ��� <br />�T!' 2. Fundb for 7luees and InsurAnce. Subject�u applicuBle luw u��n a writtcn wuivcr by Lrnd�r.DuR��wcr+haU pay tu _.- ^ <br /> �•� Lender un thc day munthly puymentti�rc duc unJcr�hc N��IC.until�h�Nut�i,paiJ iii t"ull, ;�.um l"Fund+"1 t'ur. (al yeurly ;,� <br /> �':�'��-�-.. <br /> • ° Iaxe,unJ atisetisments which muy ultuin prionty ovcr thh 5ecurily In+trumenl a,a licn un�hv 1'n��xny:l„1 ye:uly leu.ehold � <br /> .' •,. , ... paymcnts or ground rent�on thc Propeny. if:u�y: l�l ycarly h:�turd i►r pruperty in+uruncc prc�rnum•: Id► ycarly Iluixl �-r•`•�,^:_:;�,�,— <br /> � insurnnce premiums,ii uny; (el yeurly mortguge in.ur�rx:e prcmium�,it� any: �nd ifl uny �um. p•ryuMr hy Borrowcr w — � <br /> � Lender,in uccordonce with the provisions uf purrgroph lieu M�Ihe puymrnl ul'murtg��c in.urance premium�. These ��_,_ <br /> �r items ure c�lled"Escrow Item+' Lrnder moy.ut uny timc.callrct und hnld FunJ,in un am��unt nnt w excced the muximum '°""�??'�,>._,-,:��.lr <br /> -• umount a Iender far u fedcrully related mortguge la:►n muy rcquirc li�r H��ROwcr:e,crow uuount undcr Ihe federul Reul ._:�:;,,_a_.� <br /> Estate Se�Uement Pracedurcs Act of 1974 us amended from time tu�imr.12 U.S.C. �2ht►I ��•��'y 1"R�SPA"1.unlrs,anc�thrr � : <br /> luw thu�applies�o the Funds sets a Icsscr�mount. tf so,LenJcr uny timc.colle�:t and huld Fund+in uo um�wrn not[o �`E=�.�_�_,,• <br /> � cxceed the lesscr umount. l.ender may r+limute thc umount of FunJs Jue �m thc �d�rurrrnt dat•r nnd r�awnable Ll-,_�:=;:. �� <br /> ' • estimates otexpendiwrcs of fmure E�crow I�ems or o�herwise in accurduncc with upplicablc law. `a�=" ` " <br /> _ ,���;— <br /> The Funds zhall be held in an inslitution wh�re depositti ure insured by u frdcrul �i�!rnry. imlrumentuliry, or cntity • F,-__ <br /> �...,�,:�i[- <br /> • (including I.endcr,if l.cnder is tiuch an instilutionl or in uny Federul Hamc Lu.�o Bank. l.rndcr+hull upply thc Fund��o puy , �.,,._, <br /> • ' the Escrow Items. Lender may nat churge Borrower for holding and apnlyinF thc FunJ.,annuully analyring thr e+crow ___ <br /> uccount, or verifying the Escmw Items. unle,s Lender pay� BoROwcr inlere�t un tha FunJ, �nd upplicablc law permits �� <br /> '` Lender to muke such a charge. Howcvcr, Lender may n:yuire Borrowcr to puy a onc-timc rhargr fur an indcprn�knt real <br /> • ':,:�.;�,'.�,�' estute tax reporting service u�ed by Lender in connec�ina with�his loan.uale�,applicuble Is►w provide+mhenvi,e. Uole.s un .r�;;-. ,;�. � ---- <br /> � • agrcement is made orapplicable luw reyuirex intcre�t tu be paid,Lcndcr.hall not tu rcyuiruJ to pay Nurtx►wcr any intere�t or � ^ <br /> eurnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lendcr may agrcr in wrilin�,huwcv�r,that i��crc�t shull tx:paid��n thc Fund.. LenJer ' 4 ;�� <br /> s h a ll give to Borrower,withom churgc,un:umual ucrounting af thc Funds,+huwing rnJih und det+it.ta the Fund.and the -�. .a,-,:. _ <br /> `�• purpose for which euch debit�o the Funds was made. The Flmds;ue pledge J u+u dd iti��n:t l s��curi t y fu r a l l�u m s.�r u rc d b y :�;;?,��:,,,,A�`= <br /> . .--��;.;:.:----_._� thi�Security InswmeM. ri�!;�''�:`-= <br /> -- -, ,.-._--- <br /> If ihe Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permined t�� i�c ii�W hy appli:able !��s•, Lznder �ha I arcYmnt �o - #■v <br /> �� Borrower for the excess Funds in uccorduncc with Ihe rrquircmrnls��f upplicuble luw. 11'th�amount uf thc Fundx hcld by �' '` " <br /> �,. <br /> Lender at uny time is not sufficient to pay thr E.craw Item.when Jua Lcn�icr m•ry.o nutify Born�H�cr in writin�,and, in �, - . :•. ��>T: + <br /> � such c�.ce Borrower shall pa�� to Lender the umount neces.ary to mukc up the delicicncy Burrower .hnll make up the � ' yy <br /> Y p'Y �*-.• �. <br /> deficiency in no more ihan�welve monthl a ments,at Lender;sulc di.cretiun. <br /> ' ' Upon payment in full of all sums,ccurcd by thi. S�rurity In+�rumenl.L.ender�hull promptly r�funJ to Bortower suiy <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.uixier paragr•rph 21,l.enJer .hull ucyuirc ur.cll 1he Prnpen)'.LrnJer, priur to�he acyui,itiun ur ,J <br />' sale of Ihe Property,shall apply uny Fund�hcld by LenJer at thr�ink of uryui.itiun ��r tiulc us a rredit ugainst the+ums k '; <br />' " secured by this Security Instrumem. <br />' " � 3. Application of Paymen�5. Unle.� upplicab�c �uw pruvid�� utlxrwi�c, all payment. rcceived by l.�nJer under <br /> _._ , paragraphs 1 and 2 shnll be applied:fir+t,to uny prcp•rymem char�;c.Juc undcr�hc Nute:�crond. tc�amounts payuble under _ <br /> � pnragraph?:third,to interext dur:fuunh.�o principul Juc:•rnJ lu+t.�o any lutc rha��tes Jue unJer�hr Nute. F ; _ _ <br /> 4. Charges: Liens. Bortowcr shall puy •rll 1axc+. as.r�+n►�nt+, char�!cs, iin�s anJ impo�iti��n, uuri6utuble to thc <br /> Properry which muy attuin priority cwer thi.Security Imtrunxnt.and Ieu.rhuld puymcnt�or gawnd rentti,if any. Barrower '' � <br /> �hall pay these obligations in the manner proviJeJ in p:irugruph'.ur i1'nu�paiJ in that manner,Borre�wrr,hull pay them on , ��;.,. <br /> .. time directly to the person owcd paymcnt. Nurrowrr.hall prumpUy fumi.h�a Lcndcr ull notirr.��f amountti to t►c paid undcr � , . <br /> � thi. ara�r� If Barrowcr muketi Ihese p•rymrnls Jirec�ly.Burrowcr.hull�ron�prly furni.h t�i Lrnder rccripts rvidencing , . .��._:'4 _ <br /> . . p b�Ph• .,' ',. <br /> " � the puyments. � , <br /> Borrower shall prompUy diuharEr uny lien which hux priuri�y uver thi+tirrurily ln.lrumenl unle,.Borcower.l a1 agrce+ s?+�.,"-i� <br /> • in writinF to thc payment ut'ih�abligatiun.crured hy thr licn in a roannrr arcrp�uhlc a�Lrndrr.�bl ront�,t�in g«xi faith thc " <br /> lien by.or defenJ+again+t rntixccmcm af th�lien in.Irgal prikrrJing•�vhirh in thc LrnJcr;opiniun uperatc to prevent thc �f�.,;. <br /> enforcement of the lien:or lcl scrure+(rum thr hoWcr uf Ih�licn an a�rccmcm,:�ti,t:�ctory�u Lrnder.uborJinalin�th�lirn � .r:�.�� <br /> . . . to ihis Security In.vum�nt. If Lender Jetem�ine�that any pan!►t th�f'ru�xny i, .uhj�r�io:�lien H�hich may attain priority , <br /> •� over this Security Ins�rumcnl.Lcndcr muy Eivc Borrnwcr a�nulir�id�ntifyin�:lhe lirn. Horri��vcr tihall x:+li.fy the lien or tuke <br /> one or more ot'�he action.��t fimh:�Iwvr a•ithin 1l1 day.��f the givin�uf nolicr. <br /> 5. Hayard or Propertv lasurance. Burrau�r,hall kcep Ihr nnpruvern�n�.n��w eri.ting un c�re:�(ter crrc�rJ on the . <br /> Prop¢ny in,ured abainxt lus.hy tirr.ha�ard.includcd ��ilhin Ihr�cm�°r\Il'I1lIClI LU�I'f:1�!l' :II1lI.�n}��Ihcr h•rtarJ,.inrluJing <br /> _ � tloods or Ila�din�,for which Lender rcyuirr, in+urancr. Thi. in.uranr��hall he maml:�ineJ in the amount� und tix the <br /> Fircm 1112N 9�95 i�,�ir:�,In!'��tr�� <br /> I <br /> . j <br /> . � <br /> ' i. <br /> � <br /> ,1 <br /> !j„y <br /> inj � <br /> • ` ` �_ <br />