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<br /> G.AS�YCNMENT OF LEASFS. Upon l.rndu's roqutst.Barow�shall�ssign to l.ccs�er atl kas�s of tho
<br /> propexty a►►d ail s�ai,usiry d:,�'sasi� �:3,: ia c�.�uxcsioa with {wses oi tha Pcope�tY. Upon tha au?Cni�o�n4 I.end�
<br /> shali have tha riYht w ewdify�axc�ssd or tctmins�c the cxistinC lea�c's a�w exxute uew kaxs�ui Lt,nder's so3o
<br /> d1iCTCtldfl.Ihs Y90��L1LL9��t�1 a. Ih��itiYd"IC�SG°Shi11[OtiR�SL1�SC�IP lh8$0WI7LY I�tut18ACAt�S Of1 Y
<br /> {�tiiC�1D�.
<br /> !!. ASSIGNMENT OF REN'j'S: APPDII�'i'MfiNT flN R�CFs�''d�]'ii; LENi3aA 1W Fa�',SS£SSI011�.
<br /> Batmwu absolutely and oacooditicxwl�Y assiSns and uac�sfers W L.ea�er all t1u rents and revenues("Reats")oi'the
<br /> propaty�regarclkss of to wtw�a the Re1us of tthe Pr�aty ere Fayabk. Bomower authorizrs 1r�Wer or Ixader's
<br /> s�gents to colbct the�teats,and s�o�s tt�at exh tcnar►t of the Prupaty si�all pay the Rc,�ts to l.ender o�L.eadrx's
<br /> Aga►tv.Howeva.Baro�ver stWl raxive tue Rait�until(i)L�ea�{Cr has Blvea Bamwa aotice of ckf�uYt pucsuaat to
<br /> parayrapt�21 of the Security Iastrumeat wd(ii)1.enrL°r t�c givrA aotice a tbc tuiaat(s)ttsat tb�Reats are co be
<br /> pald t� I.atider or I.eader's aqa+� 'fLia assignment of Rents consawtes aa a6soWta ac�ignu�eat �x1 aot an
<br /> as�lg�uaeat fer Adrlidoo�l socuritY�Y•
<br /> If Levtl�c gives notice uf bceach lu Barowrr:(i}al!Rents rccei�ed by Boimwtr shall be 6d3 by Bonnwer as
<br /> �tusSOe for lhe beM,t'�t Of].e�1�et Otily�fo be ap�li��o tl1C Sums seCUCOd by!de SoCUCity Tn�r.��t,•(u)l.eifdtr Sball
<br /> bC GUiLi00 t� ooiiai �i ''. �� e a.. p�L• �f Lf� p__,,,,,,�.�� (iiil BotroYi!! 9JilOCS t�WL t3Gh W1�1I Of thC
<br /> icbca:i. ia�w wv -""'r-='I�
<br /> PfO�tY ��P�Y�RCDiS duC 8I1d tUlpiid LO LCZ1dCr Ot I.tif(jCl'S i{gtAt9 u�LCi1dCl�S WTittP�dtA1�1d[O thC
<br /> �d�: ��p� ��j�]G�W �OVidC.9 Of�lW19C.�RCaLS COuOCLOd bJl Ilti�!OT I.Caf�t�S�CACS �iiU'bC
<br /> 8pQ110(��[S[p0 t21C WSL9 Of�S�CIR$COQ�fO�Of��$��y���t11C RCi3LS,�IClli�l�,btli A�i
<br /> �1G11D0f�{U�i1L�UP+y�1� 1`'t�?a's f'w',i;�1w�S{r::.�"�SUSIIIIS 0[!I'OCA'�Yfl�9 bOdti9.tCQs1���1NG18ISOG CaSfS.�nat'"�v
<br /> ptt.�II1tlII14.fit�tS. A�S�L�AOfl Ot�iGt C11ai��S O�0 t210 PDOQCILy.� t� LO f21C SW11S SOCIIi'Cd bY� �y
<br /> Iastrumas�(�)�,i��s a8eats or any jtidY:ial1Y ePPwnted roce�Ytt s�all be lieble W 8000uaL fot aaly thv6+e
<br /> Re�us actusily reodvod;aad (vi�I.eader shall be entitl�d w dave a mcoivar ap�iuud to take possessio�of arxl
<br /> mnyige tbe ProQerty aad oollect the Rwts and p�nfits ckrivod fro�the Pro�aty wi�hout aay slwwin� as to dse
<br /> inade4uacY of tbs PcopacY is se�u�'.
<br /> If thc Reats of the ptopaty m not snfficient W covet sh�costs of taiciqg con�rol of and wua8�6 �
<br /> ProQaty aad nf co�loctia8 tbe Reats aay funds expes�ded by I�enda fa such purposes shall became iadeboedoees of
<br /> Boanwar o�I.t�cia sec�rod by the SecuritY instrumcnt Punuant w Unifam Covaiaat 7.
<br /> Barower reprESents aad wacraots that Barnwer t�s not e�oa.tacl aaY Rior as�gnm�nt of the Reots aad ha9
<br /> OOL�R7�b[11�Ot1�iRy 8CZ�1l1 WOII�p[�CVCOI L�fK�fLO1R CifCC'i ino j�$]"]g�Liii��1LS�T9Qb-
<br /> l�ncla'.ar i.eader'9 ageats ar a judiciallY appoiuted rxa��er,sla�11 uot be rtquire�!to aiia upo4 m1c�e emaol
<br /> of ar maiotaio d�e PfropatY before a� givia8 notioe of def3ult w Bonov.ea. How�wa,I�acles.or I�tida'a
<br /> �ga�s a a judi�ci�UY�poiaiod receivu�may do so at�y ome w�bea a defa�a�oc�us.Auy�of&�ts
<br /> sha11 noc cuze a w�ive�ny default a iavalid�te any otLes r�t ar e+as�ody af I.eader.'ihis�naoeat of Reats of
<br /> dIC PPOQCft�►s�ll!l7mioiie vVNG)8111�1C sGms 9oCtIIOO OY iac�a.Zaii�iiaa:uu.c+�:.:.,ww.::.�•f . --
<br /> I.CAOSS-DEFAULT PROVLSION. Barowrr's defa�)t or bceaeb aader aay note oe agneaamt ia
<br /> whicL I.ajder has m intarst chall be a bceach�nder cbe Security T"��t�I.e�nda�may invoica any of the
<br /> runodies pemsittod by the Sec�rity Iasoruma�s.
<br /> BY SIGNII�i(3 BBLOW.Boernwa aoceptc sinnd agt�xs to tl�e tesms aod peovisioas 000ta�od ia tbis 1-4 P�mily
<br /> Rida'.
<br /> ` � �� , Se�1)
<br /> p]ICFIABI. T DLBR .Barorer SONIA L SADDLBR -Bo�rows�r
<br /> _ {�� ($C�)
<br /> _��t •Do�so:er
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