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<br /> iZ. i�^�CLO�!!AE BY �W�� �F SALE. Should 8enociciary alact to forQClosw _
<br /> by axerciee o t e Pnwer o Sr o iere n contained, Benaficie+ry shali noti£y _
<br /> r caipte endhi idenca�oP expon�turo1 t�ae�a securedtho oby aa Tr�aCeo�may _
<br /> rcc�uir�.
<br /> Truatao chall caus� to ��Y'
<br /> (e�) Upon recoipt of such notice from Bene�iciary. - -
<br /> bQ rocord�d, publishe=3 and deliverod to Trustor such Notice nf Dofault and ��
<br /> Notfco of Sala ae then required by law and by thie DQed of Trust. Tru�tae u,_.
<br /> shell, without demend on Trustor, after auch time as may then bo raquired by law G__
<br /> � an� aftor recorde+tion of such Notiae of Default and after Notice of 9ale heving ��_.
<br /> been givan es requirad by law, sell tlia Truat EstatQ et tho tima and place of _
<br /> sele fixec� by it in auch Notica ot Sale, efther as a whale, or i� eeparake lots __
<br /> or parcelc or items ea Truatae shsll duem expedient, and in auch order aa it may
<br /> detormina, at public auation to th0 higheat bidder far cash, �n lawfu]. monoy of
<br /> the United etates, payablo e+t the tima of aalo. Trustee ehall deliver to auch '
<br /> purchacer or purchasers theraof, its •aood aRd auffician� deed or deQda,
<br /> convaying the progerty so cold, but without any aovenant or warranty, exprose
<br /> or implied. Tl�e recitals in such deed of any matters or facte ehall be
<br /> vo��31�s3�;Q p:a�f cf ths tYLthfnlneas thereof. Any person, includinq, without
<br /> limitation, Truotor, ^aructee, and BQneficiary, rtia�y purchase at such saie, anc3
<br /> Truetor heroby co��narits to warrant an� defend the title ef such purchaser or
<br /> purchasers.
<br /> =b) n� �� r.�rmittad by law, efter duducting alt coate, feao, oxpansoa
<br /> of Truotee and of this Truat, including costo of evidQacQ Qf titla i� con��a3tio�
<br /> with salo, Trustea shall apply tho prxevds of salo to �*ay.�ent of (i) all cutt�a
<br /> �xpendad under the tarms horeof, not then repaid, aith a�cruad �ntereat at 14
<br /> perco�t per annum, (11) a�Il vther suma then secured hereby, and (iii) tho
<br /> remaindor, if any, to the person or persons leqally entitled thereto.
<br /> (c) Trustee r,k+y, in the manner paovided by law, postpone sale of a1L or
<br /> any pvrtion of the irust fistate.
<br /> 12. �=MEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trus�ee an� Seneficiary, and each of th�m,
<br /> shall be eo it e to en orce payment and performance of any indebkednaas ar
<br /> obligationa aecured hereby and to exercisa all rSghts and powors under thia Daod
<br /> of Truet or under any Loan Inatrument or other agreemQnt or any laws �ow or
<br /> hereafter in force, notwithstanding some or all of tha such indebtedneas and
<br /> obligatibna cecured hareby may noM vr heraafter be othorwisa secureci, whather
<br /> by mortgage, aeaa of trust, p1Q8ge, lien, assigc�ant or otherwiss. Neithvr th�
<br /> � acceptande of this Uaeci of i•rusE nv= i�n e����:cw..oat ::h==h== !': '=^'-'*t ,�ction or __ _
<br /> purauant•to the pov+or of sale or othar pcwera herain cont+�ined, ohall pro judio�
<br /> or in arty manner affect Truetoe'� or Beneficiary's right to realizv npon or
<br /> enforce eny other aecurity now or hereafter helc7 by Trustee or Ber+eficiary, it
<br /> bQing agreod that Trustee ana Baneficiary, and each vf thQna, ahall be entitlod
<br /> to enforce thia Deed of Trust and any othar security now or hereafte� h�ld by
<br /> Beneficiary or Truetee, in such order and manner as they or eithsr of thaa may
<br /> in thei'r absolute 8fscretion determino. No remedy harain conferrad upon or.
<br /> reserved to Truatae or Bene£icia�ry ie intended to be excluaivQ of any other
<br /> remedy herein or br Ias+ provided or permitted, but each shall be cumulativ� and
<br /> shall be in addition to every other reutiedy given hereunder or noM or hereafter _
<br /> exicting at law or in equity or by Statute. Every powQr or remedy givon by any
<br /> c+€ tt�p T�p�n 2nstrusnente to Ta-tssteo c�r Benoficiary or to which aither of them �ay
<br /> be otherwise entitled, may b� exercised, concurrently or independen�ly. =rom -
<br /> time to time, and ae often as may be deeaaiad axpedient by Trustee or Benoficiary;
<br /> and either of them maY pursue inconsfstent remediec. Nothing herain ehall ba
<br /> conatrued as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against
<br /> the Trustor to the axt�nt aucU action is permitted by law.
<br /> 13. RE UQ EST FOR NOTICE. Trustor hereby requests e copy of any notice of
<br /> default, and t� any not ce of sale hereander be mailaa ico it at tho addreas
<br /> set forth in the first paragraph of this Deec7 of Trust.
<br /> 14. GOVERHING LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be qoverned by the laWS of
<br /> the State o Nebrasca. In the event that any provision or clause of any of the
<br /> Loan Instrmnents conflicts with applicable law�, such coaflicts shall not aEfect
<br /> other provisions of such Loan Instruments which can be givan effact without tha
<br /> conflicting provisions; and to this e�, the provicions of the Loan Inatrumanta
<br /> are declared to be severable. This 'instrument cannot be waived, chanqQ�,
<br />— discharged, or terminated orally, bnt only by an inatrument in writing signad
<br />= by the party against whom enforcement o� any waiver, change, discharge or
<br /> termfnation is sought.
<br />— 15.. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon written reqvQSt of Benef iciary steting
<br /> that all s�uns secure ere y ave een paid, and upon surrender of this DeQd of
<br />= Trust and the Note to Trustea for cancQllation an8 retontion and upon paym�nt
<br />� by Trustor of Truste�'s fees, Trusteo shall reconvey to Trustor, or the persan
<br />�; or percons legally entitled thereto, without warranty, any portion of the Trust
<br />-o Estate then held hereunder. The recitals in such reconveyance of any matters
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