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<br /> ��� FAI�"�IL'4' R��ER -
<br /> ����� oo aoa2 7653
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAl�11L1'RfDER is m�cic this [6TH �y i�f APRI L ' 96
<br /> wxl is incorporatai into:utid�II be deemod to amencl and supplemcnt tFic Murts�c. [h.� af'i'rust or Sccunt}.
<br /> Ik� (ttz;. "Security I�utrument"l of the san� date �iven by the u�uleraigr,eci lthe "&irrower") to secure
<br /> Botrow•es's Note to
<br /> The Equitable Building and Loan Associetion of Grand Island�
<br /> Nebraska, A Federal Sevings 8nnk �che••i,u�er")
<br /> uf p�e s;aai�e dste znd coverin�thc Pra�rty des:ribcd in the Security instrument arxl located at:
<br /> 516 W KOENIG ST� GRAtVD ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801-6518
<br /> lProperp'Acwrcss�
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENAN7'S•in addition to the covenaius and agreemenu made in the Socurity I�utrun�etu.
<br /> Borrower and L.ender further covenant�nd agree as follows:
<br /> A. ' '::''r;^`:.`-�',. �^�.RT:' S:JR..3E:.'T TQ THE�ECll4tITY DVSTRt1MENT. Tn aclditicui to the
<br /> Property ciescribed in¢he Security Instrument,the following itenu are�dded to the Properry akscription. and shall
<br /> also oonsiitute the Properry covercd by the Security Instrument:building rnuerials.apPli3nccs u�d good��f every
<br /> nuure whatsoever now or hereafter located itt. c�a, or usod, or inte�l to be used in eonnectio�r v�ixh tho
<br /> Propaty, including, but not limited to, those fu: the purposes of supplying or distributing heaciqg, ��iing,
<br /> dectricity. gas, water. air and lighi. fre preventioa and extinguishin8 apparutus• securi:g and aooess control
<br /> appantus. plumbing. bath tubs. water heate�s. water closets. sirtks, ranges. stoves, refri�.rators. dishwasl�ers,
<br /> disposals. washets.dryers, awnings. storm windows. storm doors. screens, blicxls, slwdes, curtains and carta.:n
<br /> rods.attached mirrors.cabinets,p.nelling anl attached floor covzrings now or hareaftes attsched to the i'roperty.
<br /> all of which. including replacements and addidau thereco, st�atl be deemarad to be and retnain a part of the
<br /> Property covered by the Sacurity Ir�strument. All of the fom��:ng togetl►es With the Property describ�d in tha
<br /> Security Inswment(or the leasehoid estate if the Security Inuac�ment is an a leasehold)ace�ferrod w ia t6is 1�
<br /> Family Rider and the Security Iaswmenc as the"Pcoperty.•,
<br /> B. USE OF PI�OFEitTY; C0111PLIA1\CE WITH LAW. Borrowee shall not seei:. ngrree to or m�ke a
<br /> change in the us�of the Property or its zoning classification,unless Lender 1�c zBrced in writing to the ct�nge.
<br /> `- ' tSOiNWCi' Sllsit Wmply wii�� aii iaw9. viu'u,iiw,w. .e$i:�".:�� �_�'=""�^ec nf_�+v onv�rn�w�Mal hndV _ _
<br /> —1 O-
<br /> �I1C�7�G t0 t}IC PfOpGitY.
<br /> C. SUBORDINATE LIENS.Exapt as pemutted by federal law,Borrower shall not zllow any lion inferior
<br /> to[he Security instrument to be perfectod agtinct the Property without I.�ndes's prior writun�rmission.
<br /> D. RF.I�IT LO6.S II�iSURANCE.Borrower siwll m�intain insuranoe against�+ent loss in addition to ihe otber
<br /> h�rds for which insuru�ce is required by Uniform Covenant S.
<br /> � E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO ItEINSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleced.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCUPAVCY. Unless I.ender and Borcowu otheiwise �,grce ia writing, the fi.-st
<br /> untence in Uniform Covettant 6 a�acerning &xrowei s oocupancy of the PropertY is deletad. All rems�inin,�
<br /> coveaants wd agrcecnents set forth is��tniform G»�eaaac 6 st�ll n�in in efFect
<br /> MUlTIbTA7E 1-4 FA�i1M.Y RtDER-Fa.rw liadfn�ddi�Mao W�ifam tostnnMnt ram"ai?0 3i�3
<br /> �•671i904/.01 VMPAIOATWGEFONMS'IEOC:S21•7291 V PrinuAml4cv�MdPapr
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