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<br /> t 17. 'ir�ncfer of tdr M�ope»�• a'o Beueficis►1 Litri�►t iu flu�iwKar.If'•rll ur an}•part uf the k'��qKrty ar an} irtrrc�t in it _
<br /> is�alw c►:ir»^:f:rm!{or if a hene!lc+al interea i��R��nuu•cr is suW or�r:uuferr��l aixl fi��rruu�r 1.IN►t!1 Iliit11t1I tlii�itil)K 11Ill�UI -
<br /> � l.etxier'c pri.,r written c��nsent. Lc�xier n►a}', ut its iipiion. reyuirc immeJi:►te p:►�nknt in full uC all .um� kcutt�l h}• this
<br /> 5ccurity lnstrunxn�. Now•evc�, this u�iinn shaU iuK t►c cx�rci,cil hy l.cixlcr iF cxe�.ise i+prrhihitcd hy�frikr�l 1:►w as uf ttu J:►tr _
<br /> uf thic Security In.ltuukat.
<br /> tT l.e�xier exercius this aplion.l.enzier ctull�ive Barru���er�xuice��`��eler�ti��n. 1Ik n�Wire•lull pc���•iJ�a�kri�xl ul'i:ot
<br /> Icsr thun u►ciayc fror.i the date thr ixuirt i.deli�er��cl ��� mail��l uithin which Barn+we�nw�t 1�•ry a�� w°l� r�:�urul h}this =
<br /> Sccurity In�t�unknt. If&ttraw•er t'ails to�y these wu�.piior<<�thc cxpiration nF this pericxl. Le�uler nuy im�ake:a�y rcmodie�
<br /> p�ru:ittc�i by this S�'�u�ity:ustrunk:�t u•ithout Curther tx�ticc or dcn�►xt un[i�irrowcr. _
<br /> 18. Bw'rower's R[gAi ta Rclnt¢ate. IF Rc�rrow•rr nucts :ehain cutWitians, &�rmu•;r shall ha�c the tighl n� ha��e
<br /> enforccment ��f this Sc�curity Inurun�:nt discon�inuc�ei u[ uny tinze prior to tiu e:arlicr of: lal S Ja��s(or wch other pe�i��1 a�
<br /> applicable law n�y specify fur reinstatenxntl heforc wle uf thc Prapeny pur�uant t�� any �w�cr of wzle c�mtaiiuxl in this
<br /> 5ecurity instruntent;ar�b)catry of u judFmcnt enforcing Ihi�Security instrunxnt. Ttu��c co�xlitions am�hat Borrow�cr:(�l pays
<br /> txnder all sums which then w�cwld be due uncler thic Security Instrument and the Note:is iF no arceleration had�kcurred; (b)
<br /> cums any default of arry ott�ee cove»ants or agr�.enxnt�; (c) pays ull expcnses incumd in enforcing thic Security Instrumc�t,
<br /> including,but not limited to,reasc�nabl� attorne�•s' fces; and (d) takes wch action a�Lender may reasanzb�Y re9u�r'to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security lnsuurnent, Lender's rightc in the Propeny und Bon'ou�er's obligution to pay thc �ums saurcd by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall coruinue unchanged• Upon teitutaternent by Barroa•ec, lhi� Secunty In�trument and thc
<br /> obligatio�u secured hereby shall rern«in fully effective us if no a�:celerution had occurred. Huwever, this risht to rei�utate shall
<br /> tiot appty in the caee of xceleration under p�ragraph 17.
<br /> t9_ Sate of Note; Ct.actQe of Loan Servieer. 'i'he Note or a partiul intcrost in the Note (togcther��ith this Security
<br /> Instrumenq may be sold anc or more tim�s withaut prior notic�:to Borrower. A sale may result m a cha�e in tne cntity(icnov►•n
<br /> as d�e ^Loan Servicer")that colla;ts nbnthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also n�y be one
<br /> or more changes oF the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.if there is a change of the l.oan Servicer, Rurrower will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in xcordance with paragraph 14 above und�pplicable law. The aoticc wiU siate the t�n�e ana
<br /> address of the new l.oan Servicer and the address to which p�yrnents should be made. The notice will also contain any oiher
<br /> infom�tion required by applicable law.
<br /> Zp, HazArdous Substances, Batrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Haiardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone eise to do. anything affecting the
<br /> Propeny tt►a:is in violation of any Environmental I.aw. The preceding two sentences shall noi apply to the ptesence. use, or
<br /> storage on the Propeny of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that ue generaUy recognized to be a�propriat� to nor�n�1
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Sorrower shall promptly give Lendtr wntten notice of any invesiigation,claim,demand. lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involvins the Property and any Hazardous Suhstance or Envimnmental Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is not�fied by any gavemmental or regulutory authority, that
<br /> any remova!or oiher mmediation of any Hazardous Subslance aTfecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall prom�Ny taYe
<br /> a1{neoessary remedial actions in ac�.�rdance with E�vironmental Iaw.
<br /> As used in this pazagraph��,1. 'Hazardous Substaiues"are those substances defined�s Wxic or hazardous sub�tances by
<br /> Hn�in�aunental taw and the foll�aW7ng substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabTe or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesti;ides and heri+ieides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbe.uos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactice materials. As used in
<br /> this psr�raph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal taws and laws of the jurisdicaon wt►ere the Property is located that
<br /> relai�to health,safety or environmental protectiun.
<br /> .r.,., .�,.tjcno�s��ygH�y�. R,,.*,r,wPr anri l enlPr further covenant and astree as follows:
<br /> 4rVI�-v�•
<br /> 21.Accderatioa;➢tane�les.Lenckr stuitl givc noilc�to Borrower prior to s�cceteratio�fallowing Borrower's or�
<br /> d any covenant or agrcement in this Securlt3 �nstrument (but not prlor to acceleration �nder P�raSraP� 17 udess
<br /> applicaWe law provtdes otLerwisc).Ti�e notice shall spacify: (a)the defsult; (ty)the action required to cure tlte defsult;
<br /> (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice ic given to Borrower,by which the d�t'ault must be cured; s�nd
<br /> (�that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the twtice may r�sult in accderation ot the sums
<br /> socured by thts Security Instn�ment and sale of the Property. The notice s1�11 furtber inform Borrower ot t6e right to
<br /> reiastats atter aoceleratioa 9nd tLe right to bring a court sutwn w assert t6e uoa-aciiteace ot a default or any other
<br /> detense of Borrower to aoceleration and sale. If the default is�wt cured on or before the date spedfied in the notice,
<br /> I,ender, at its option, may require immediate �yment in full of all sums secured by this Secusity Instrument without
<br /> fwther demand auid may invaice the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabie iaw.Lender shaU be
<br /> entitied to colkct mfS e�peaccs incumd in panacing the remedies pror�dec3 ia ihis para�raPh 21+taeL�dioE.but aot ilmited
<br /> to,reasoeaWe attosaeys'fees and costs of title evidenoe.
<br /> If tue p�Ne� of ss:e is iar�l:erl, Ts�:ct.:. sha!! recs�rd a nn+.tce of default in each county in whlch any nart of the
<br /> prop�rty u�oqted ami s6a11 Qasi!cc,pits of such notice in the rtwnner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower�td to
<br /> the other pe�s�aas psescribed Dc �pplicable Iaw.Aner the time required bv Applicabze i�w,'I4v.�ee s8all give public ootice
<br /> of sale to the persoac s►nd in t3�e manner prescribed by s�pplicable law.'�'n�stee,witbout demanc!au Bon'uwer,shall sell
<br /> the property at pv.�lic auction to the hlgl�est bidder�t t'�e time snd plac�e and uoder the tern�s desi,gnated in titie notice ot
<br /> sak ta.one or more parcels sn�3 in any order Trustce determioes. Tnutee�naY P�P�sale of all or rny pan�el of tlie
<br /> �Y bY iwblic announcement at the time aud plx�e af any previously schedc�ied sale. I.ender or its�ms�y
<br /> pu�,�ce the Property at Any sa�e.
<br /> Fwen 3028 9/90
<br /> Pp�5 018
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