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<br /> � 9b,- g��;� -
<br /> 1S.srcceron.�ra AW��Bo�ud:Ja.c a.a se,ra�a!t.t�0{�y:co�s�.ea,. 'Ib� wvas�nts ,�na a,�toan�aus of csls =
<br /> Saciuit�+ Iauruu�ent sh�il biod ard bene!'a tb►;wccwors and assi�w ot' Lrn�da and Barowes. suDject to tAe provislnt�s of
<br /> poragrapd 9.b. Borrow�r'a covr.a�vua aud a�neemcats shail t�c joLU aad sevcral. Aay Botr�owcr wM co-sigtu tAL- Socuriiy
<br /> Insawna�t but d� aot exacule tbe IVote: (�ic oo-r�yai.�t�dis Socurity Ie�spwneat only to ai��c,gruu�od convey thit -
<br /> Buriuwzr'y u�i�awi� id�Rrv��y w�t+�ia�ru�+�.`4'i:�S�.uiw'3r��,�r+u:.,�t; ib) �i c,u¢pas�.�:iiy aY,iy�:�;i��:i :'�:�:.:a:
<br /> socurod by this Socuricy Instrumeat:and(c)�groc.s Uw i.eader wd�ny otlser Bortower a�y a�oe ta extend.modii'y�fixbcar or
<br />. m�e ar,y�ccam�aodaiions witb re�r�W tho tams oi t3is Sa�uit}t insi�uaacai or tAe Noo,:witaotat tis�c Bcxr�vvrr's oot�ut.
<br /> 13.P1otk�. Any tattoe io w�er pcovidod fot ia this Soctuity Iastrumesu sttall be Qivea by ddivcriag i!ar Dy mailin�it
<br /> by Cuu cJass mW w�kss aPPlieabie�lti�v m4u�r�uce of�not�er p�alfod.'Ibe aoiice st�1!be diroctei W t�Propr�ty AdCres�s ar
<br /> Aay other addmss Borrower �desigiti�res by oatloe�o L�ea�ler.My isotice to L�endv sh�l1 be Qivw by first class enail a l.ender's
<br /> address st�ttd ltiadn or�ay address L.aula desi�natcs by aotiee to Bociowcs.My aotioe provi�iod for ia ihis Socurity Instnut�tnt
<br /> sl�U be dow�ed w havo bea�givan to Batmwa a l.aula wha��iven as providod in this parnignph.
<br /> 10.Govenic�l.aw;Sevetabiiit�. This Socwity Ins�uuent sh�ll be govat�od by fedetal 4w asd tbe law of the
<br />. juri►scticdon ia ahich tbo�nopaty is located. In the eveat tl�t wy provision ar clau�e oi this Socarity Iastcument or the Note
<br /> ooatlicts with applicabie law,weh ooaflct shall aot af�'c�ct other pravisions of t�is Secwity Instrumast or tbe Note whic6 caa be
<br /> giveA etioa witbout tr,e�oafl,cang prov�s6oa.�in ais eaa ae pmvisions oi chis �ocnriry insmuna�c�ad titie riote are deciarod�o
<br /> be seve�abk.
<br /> 15.Barro�rer'�Copy. Bomower s�ll be�ivea one canfonned oopy of this Socurity Iastn�ment
<br /> ii.Aicigamest d Resa Barowa�ncanditionally acsigns � tc�nsfas co Leada sll tbe raus aad revenues of d,e
<br /> Ptnpaty.BaRnwer autharizes I.�nder or l.eader's ageuts to colloct t�o reats wsd revwues aad 6ereby dirocta r�h teaaat of ttae
<br /> �Y�P�Y tbe rr,�ts to I.aider or I�eader's�gcucs.Kowevu.Prior to I.ar3er's notice W B�rowa of Boarower's 6cracl�ot
<br /> �►y a�venant or�yreeaaene in tlise Security Instrw'ueat.Bamwer shall collxt aod roceive aU reuts aad r�veau�,s Qf c�fe Propaty as
<br /> tru�tee fat tLe beaef'u ot'I.e�odtr aod Batuwer.Ttiis assiQntnettt of rents oot�pit+es w absolute ass�maot aod�oc�o a�iQnmeat
<br /> for aaclitioo�l seavity auy.
<br /> If I�sda gives aotioe af brtacD co Barower:(a)�11 raus raoeived by Bo�nower s1vU be�dd by Bormv�a as CnuL�e f�or
<br /> bm�"�t of I.e,ader anly.to be apglied tQ th�sums secured by t2je Sacunty tas •�r(D)I.eadet s1�71 be asatk�w colbct aod
<br /> rxdve ill of tbe reats of tbe Pra�paty:aad(c)eac6 iemmt of�he Pcopestyr sball pay aGll�sat9 due aad uop�i3 w Lcai�r ae I.eoder's
<br /> �eat w I.esider's writka deauod w tbe teaant
<br /> Baro�ra'6as not a�ecuted aaY P►iar assig�t of tbe nats�6is not aad will not perfacm any act th�t wouid prevt,nt
<br /> T'�J__L��� -1w��J�.i:���-��L�L .
<br /> a.w�a a+vu cwciti�ia�w i�uu•••�--•uaa i��tyiu aV. .
<br /> I.t�l Shill d0[bC tOQill[Ed OD CGfti Up00.f�1CC Ca0tt010f Of m�lOfila tbC Pi'OQCt[y IfCEOR+G 0[�ff!!BlVltl$OOtiCC Of bl'lACb t0
<br /> ' Bart+oa+er.Hoar�vv.I.eades ar a judicL�llY apQoinud reoeiver mry do to at my time thae is a brtacb.Any�of r�
<br /> s�il aot cure or waive�ay d�fwlt a iavaiiclate any otlxr right or ranedy of I.mder.'1Lis�meet of reats of tbe�q�
<br /> :hal�te�am�oe whea tbe debt�ocured by tbe Saa�rity In�uuineat is piid in fu1L
<br /> NO�i-tJIVII�ORM OOVENANTS.Bon�wa aad I.eader fiud�coven�ot aod�ae as foilows:
<br /> 17.Fo�+eeioare Prooedara I�l.esder reqoi�a i�aal�iste gaysoat i llo�uatkr parajrapi 9�LRSder�a�i�voke t�e�
<br /> pa�wes d stle a�d aa�otlw�re�edjes Perwitfed by�ppiiabie(�:l.e�fa sWY be aotitied to coSed aH ar�e�es i�c�'red
<br /> i��sa�tie reaedies�tii�paratrayi 1T,i�ciudi■s,�nnt�ot 'Lited tq rea�o�wbl�e st�Eoc�e�s'tea ad eoN�d _
<br /> tidle eyide�te.
<br /> It tie po�w�er ot tve i�irvok�d, Tr�t�e�aY reooerl s�ot�oe ot dlfiyit io d�di ooaaty i�rvliieti ai�part of tLe
<br /> Pro�ert�i�bcated sad tiall�oopies o�s��ntix i�tie sa�aer pre�ibed 6�appiieiQie�1aw/o Borrawer a�d to tie
<br /> �P���P�b1 appirabf�e bw.Af�er He tae req�+ed e�appitaMe law,'I�ft�e sIW�ire prWic�otioe d
<br /> n1e b tle per�o�s afd i�t�e aauer prexr�ed b�appiieabie Mtw.Tr�wit�ort de,�ad oi B�rrawir,��ei t�e
<br /> Propal�at p�biic sa��tio��o tLe�Iwt bidder at tie ti�e a�d p�ate aad nader t�e ter�desi�oat�i�tbe�otioe of iak
<br /> i� o�t or �or+e par+oel� aid i�� o�er 71r�tee dete�iks.Tnt�oe w pa�t�o�e a�ie at all ar n� p�+od ar t�e
<br /> �-�R(ME� cKO6J va�.iof� inrrls•
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