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�I` .�i� '��.r _ ;�l ! :6Sl�l�.4:�A! ' ' ,:Il;.: :'� .4. � ..�fi_�.�.��Y ___ — .�_ <br /> - ��' ,x�y i1 u{•�r,�. �i$' ,� .i�t�j��.it �•-- .. __ — - <br /> YR+''k e+L.�aL tal:.. .:�..,..r. . . �— . � .�_ —� <br /> �.. .� ,�.... � � _. <br /> `:.r�T. .....�•- Ya J i��l 4.. - . <br /> ...r..n.y� . • - __,- __—_. _�_._.. <br /> � '�- <br /> � � � IiY�^na. <br /> 1 • <br /> . . -��a�.r 1W �'� iY..r� . ..___ — . .. —_——____" <br /> . . . �77291 92- 1�234 8 FNAFt — <br /> ^ ''"� ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER � '�`�` <br /> ��.- <br /> , , �' ' 11 YeAr Trc�rury Index—Rptc Caps—Fixed Rute C.'anvQ�wiun Uptlanl _ <br /> ., -o a,, . � —. <br /> ° THIS A[)JUSTABI.� RAT�RIDFR iti mude thi�23RD day of MARCH . �y y2 .und ic _ <br /> . inaorporuted inta und�hul 1 he aecmed to umend unJ+upplem��nt thr Mortgugc. DceJ uf Tru,���r Scrurity� DceJ � <br /> �'f'�''� , Ithe "Security In+�rument"1��f ihe tiumc dulc given by�he undertiigneJ Ithe"�orrnwer"�to�ecure 8ormwer w <br /> " �-- Adjustable Rute Note uhr "Nu�e' ► to NORWE3T MORT6A�E, INC. , A MI NNESOTA — <br /> � . � __—'.,_,- _. <br /> P �. ' � ' CORPOkAT I ON Ithe"Lende�"�uf the sume Ju[e and cavrrin�s the pruprrty dccrribed in _ <br /> �� � . �, [he 5ecurity Instrumen�und Icxu�ed a�: — <br />� , . <br /> 1316 C�RAI�D AVENUE ORAND ISLAND, NE 68841 <br /> . . (Pruperty AJJro„) — <br /> THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONC ALLOWING FOR CHANCiES IN THE INTEREST RATE _ <br /> � � AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT.THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'3 <br /> " ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGiE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM <br /> �� " RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. THE NOTE AL80 CONTAINS THE <br /> � OPTION TO CONVERTTHE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> ADQITIONAI.CO'.�NA NTS.In uddition to the covenants unJ agrermem�n�aJe in the Secu�ity Instrument. �- <br /> . � Bormwer and Lender further covenunt und aSree a�follows: <br /> , �,;-_,___ <br /> A.ADJUSTABLE RATE AN DMONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES : <br /> The Note pmvides(or an iniliul interest r�te ot�5.62S r/r.The Nate providc�the chunges in the uJjustable � �nt;` <br /> " °' � • — interest rute and the monthly puymentx,uti follows: ` <br /> 1- <br /> ' Y � 4.ADJU�TABLE INTEREST RATE ANU MUNTHI.Y PAYMENT CNANGES � •��°;i� <br /> ` , IAl Ghan�e Dates - <br /> ''� The adjustable intcre.t rnte I will puy m�y chun�r on thc Pirst Jay of pPFc Il. • �y'7s • � .�. <br /> And on thnt duy every I?th month thereafter. Euch date on which my adjustuble interr.t rute could chAnge ir � - <br /> called u"ChAnge Dnte." �� ;,;,- <br /> ' (B1Thclndex • <br /> Beginning with the fi�st Changr udju�tablc intcre�t rate u�ill he huseJ c�n un Index.Thc "In�lex' i� � <br /> � � the weekly averuge yicld on Unilcu State,Trruvury.ccuritie�udjutitrd to u a�n�tant muturity of I yeur,us mudc <br /> � � � . . uvailnble by the Federal Re�crvc Bourd.The ma,t recent Index t'igure u�•uilAble as of the date 4S days befor�each ��• i <br /> � � , � Chunge Dute is called�he "Current Indcx.' r.' � '• ' <br /> • � . If the index is no lon�cr u�uiluhlc, thc Nu�e Huldrr will rhootir a new index thut i, huxed upun rumpurpbk �,,'�''' <br /> � ' <br /> '' '"•� intormntion.Thr Notc Hc�ldcr �ti•ilI givc mr notice ut thi.rhoic�. `,�, <br /> lC!Calcu{ation of Chun�cs t �� _ <br /> . � ,,�_. <br /> Bef��rc rach Chung� Uu�c,thc Notr Hulder�eill calrulatc m�• nr��•intcrr�t rute hy udding e^,7`�4 <br /> , 75�� ',f �a,thr Currcnt Indr!c. Thr Nntr HulJcr ti�ill thcn round thr re�ult of thi�udJition : � '��-n � <br /> . prrcenta�.e point�• ' --_ <br /> to thr nearr.t one-�i�hth ui��nr prrcrntagc point�0.1'_'S'•:1.Subjert t��thr limit.,tatc:d in Section 4iD1 below.thi� �,• , , . ,_ <br /> rounded�mowu will lx iny n��v iiu�rc.t ratc until thr nr�t Changr putr. t _�„ <br /> The Notc Holder wil l thrn d�t�rmine 1he am<�unt ��t'�hr munthl�� payment tha� µould br sufficient t��rrpuy _: . ,, ' ',;,,,�.- <br /> , the unpuid prinripal that I am expectcd a►u�vr at thr Chan�r Datr in full�,n thr Maturity Date at my nr�v in�erest ti;�:. '• '� ^��= <br /> rUte in substantiully eyual paymentti. Thr rr+ult ot thi.culcul•rtion will he di� nc�r umuunt of my monthly pay- � ,_ ___" <br /> , � ,�,:', _... <br /> . • ment. . ''� w-_-:,,. <br /> IDI Limitson Interest Ratc Chan�qes -- :-___ <br /> The interc�t ratc 1 ai»re��uirrd to pa�•at the fir.t ('han�:� 1):i�r��ill not Ik �:rcat�r�han 7.b2� `,; ��r leti• <br /> „ than3.b�5 !�. TheRaf'tcr.rny��;u.tuhlr int�rc.t ratr��ill n��rr tk incna.ed ar derm:�,ed un any,ingle Chungc Datr . <br /> by mnre thanTWO penentagr pnint�•R. ':�►frum thr rat<<,i intrrr,�I ha�r Fk�n�,a��ii�g ti,r thr prcreJing 12 mc�nth.. , • <br /> � My intrre,� rate aill n����r Ik grr�tcr th:�h1.625 ':. ���hirhnrallcdth�"�ta�imumRu�r." <br /> II:)Effectivc Uatc of Chang�w • , <br /> My ne«• interetit ratc ��ill Ikruuir rffrctic��m earh ('h:mgr I)a��. I ��ill��:►� ihr am�,unl uf m� ne�� monthl�� <br /> p�ymrnt Ixginning un the lir.i numihl� pa�mrn� Jatr al�rr thr Ch:u��e l)atr unul ih� amuunt ul' my nu,nthly ,� <br /> . ,. . puymcnt changr,ugain. • <br /> '' 1�1 N�Nice of Chan�rti <br /> Thc Nutc H��IJer��ifl Jcli�cr �,r m:i�l i„ mr :i n���i�e „t an� rh:ui�:r. in m� ad.�u.taNlc interr.t r.uc :m�l ih� . <br /> amaunl of n» m„n�hl�� ��a�nicnt hrl„rr ih�• rllr.•ti�r.laic ��1 an� �h:in�.r. Th� natirr ��ill inrluJc infurmati„n <br /> � rrquircd h}•lu��•tu he�i�rn m�an�l:il.0 th�utlr and t.lrph�,nr numhrr ul a prr,un ��h�� ��ill an.��cr an} yue,Uun <br /> ' I tna� huve rc�urJin�;the ii�xiir. <br /> B.FIXEI)INTI:RF.ti'P 12A1'H:OP'1'IUN <br /> � -fhc Natr pru�iJr. t�q'Ihr H�,rra��rr'� �,�uiun 1�� :�,mrr� tr��m an a�l�u.lahl�utl�r�.l ralc a�lh inl►rc�t ratc <br /> limil.ti�a fi��J intrre�l r,Uc.:i.tnl�����•: <br /> 5.HU►EU IN'1'EItMti'I'IZ.CI'I�:l'()N1'N:RtiI()'�i(11''I'll)1 <br /> IAI Oplion to('umrrt to M'ixed Rutc <br /> I ha�e a C'umcr�i�,n �)p��on th;n I ran ��r��i•� unlr.• I :�m in �klault��i ihi• lritu,n Si:\► ��ill nnl �irimit <br /> tnr tu Jn �o. Th� "C'umrr.i��n Ortian" i• m� ���,nun i�� :um.ii �hc intrre.l iat�• I.uii rr.�nnr�l t�� �,,�� h� ihi. \nl� <br /> fmm an a�ju�tahlr ralc��ith ntt�m�t r.ur iinm•ta�hr fi�rd ra�r r:►Irul:ur�l wutcr tir�twn 5�li�txl�,��. <br /> The camrr,i�,n ran i,nl� ta{,e �,la�e�+n a Jalr�•� +pr�ilirJ h� Ihr \��ir H�d�lri�IurmL ihr��eriud I,r�:imun����� <br /> thr fir�t C'hungc I):u�and cnJin� �,n Ihr lifth ('h:m�:r I)atr. f•..�.h.I.ia• �m ��h�:h ni� .al�u•1.�h1� �n�.i�•.i i,�tr .a�i <br /> ' <br /> r��mrrt a,thr nc��ti�rd rut�i.r,dl��l thr"('��m�r.�un h:il�." <br /> 11AULTISTATHCONVERTIBLEADJUSTABLERATERIOER—ARMPLAH57—�•��a���� -• 1YUOrTraasuryinderFennieMaoUndo+m�nstrumentFOrm3NEt•B9 <br /> I NMFC�U6A3 A9A <br />