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°�,1._l.. .. , -- ' - .n�v�•.� _ <br /> a�u, __ �_. � �.:1._...� r ...r� ._ _ �� <br /> - 4 ,`.) ■■'I �I�.A/� 1 � .. . - � �My�r�.^:�IL <br /> •i+ '�,�Jka,����.F �f ,w..... 1 <br /> � �� <br /> � �'� ' � ... . �. . a.�.rr�vw�..�..��...��-.�r r� -.� • —_-_ . . <br /> - �.l�.dJr.....i _ - rL4:��.._.. ._ ... <br /> -. . .:ri'.-��.'`:W.�'�tiu:,' .. _ _. _-r <br />�-� - .1bj6,rta.nyd.t�. ..i � .. -_ - – .. <br /> , �. • . _.._._..—. <br /> 0 92... ; 102348 <br /> a � . - •.�i,:. <br /> „� 17.Trwnster ot the Prnperty or o Bcnetfclul lnteresl in A��rrnwer.If ull��r uny pan ui thc Prapc�y or any intcres� in it <br /> ' , is wild or t�unrferred lor il'u t�ciuliciul inicrctit in R��nuwcr is�ald or tran,fcrnd und&�rrowcr iti nut u nuturul{krum)withnut p <br /> ,. .�.,..•.: I.ender's prior wriucn run�ent. L.cixlc� muy. •rt i�� up�ion, rcyuire imni�Kliutc paymcnt in full ��f all ,um. urureJ hy this �__ <br /> ' ��w� µ ticcurit Imtrurnent. Hawever.�hia aptiun xhull nut he rxerciu�d by I.ender if exerri+c iti pr��hihitc�l by i'eJeral Inw a.r of Ihc dute <br /> 1 �,::;.. ,t` nf Ihin Securily In.rtrumcnt. _ <br /> � • " If l.ender exercitieti�hir uption, l.�:nder�hull give Borr��wer notice of uccclerLtian. Tlic nrnire.hall Pruvide u�+�ri��l�►i no� �. <br /> ���. „ , • Ics, thun 3U duyti frum �hc dutc the notice i.r Jrlivered i�r muilcJ within which Hurriiwcr n�uyt pay +�II .rwn. .rcurcd hy tbi.r G�� <br /> , . <br /> Scrurity Ins�rununt. If Borrower fuily�o puy�hek sum�prii►r tu thc cxpiruti�m of'this peri�xi.l.rndcr nwy invnke uny rem�.�Jica <br /> �-=--n- "_ -- -�__ .. perniiu��l hy ihi,Security In�trumcnt with��w furthcr naticc ar dcmanJ on parruwer <br /> d, . I8. Hurrnwer's Right tu Relnstale. If I��R��wer m�wtr ccr�u�n cunditiun.. [i��rruwcr �bull ha�•e the right tu ha�•c ;� - - �-__� _-- . <br /> �, ,���� cnfi�rccment of thiti S��urity In��rument di.rontinucJ ul uny timc priur lo th¢evrlier ��I'; lul S Juys I��r tiuch uther �xri�nl a+ r' <br /> , o �PPlicuble law nmy ��xcil'y ti�r��mcm1 t+cfiirc +ul< <�f �hr Pru{xny pur.uunt to uny pi►wcr ul' +alc rumain��l in Ihi� <br /> — �� Security Instrument:�►r lh1 entry��f u juJgment enforcing thi,Serurity Intitrument.Thu.�c��ndiiiun.r are thut 13��rrower:Ial puy+ �•,.:= <br /> 7". J „ Lendcr ull +um.which thcn woulJ t+e duc under thi+ Serurit�� In�trumrm unJ�hr !Vote uti if ne�urreleru�iun hud �xcurred; (hl � <br /> � � curer uny defuuU of uny uther rovenunts or agrccment+; (r1 pay+ all expentie, incurrcd in enfiircing this Securiry Imtrumem. _ <br /> ; " includinF. bul nut IimilrJ to. rcuwnuble:�Uorney�' fcc+:ami IJl�uker�uch ucliun u. Lender muy rcuwnably reyuirc to ussure _ <br /> � . ' thnt thc licn ot'thi, Security Inuniment. l.en�ier'+ right�in�he Propeny unJ &�rrower'ti ubligatinn t��pay thc tiumti tierurecl hy <br /> �� thi+ Secucity In��rument shuU rontinue unchanged. Upan rein�tatement hy &�rruw�r, thiti Security In��rument uixi the �„�.'== <br /> obligotions ucureJ Ikrehy +huU rcmuin fully cflcrtivc'no acrcic�ution hud�xrurrcJ. Howcvcr, ihiti right�u rcim�utc�hall ' <br /> , , , no�apply in�hc ra�c uf arrclrra�ion undcr paragruph 17. --- <br /> . " ' 19. S�Ie ai Nute: Chan�e of I.oan �ervlcer. Thc N�uc ur u puniul imerc�l in the N��tc U.�gcthcr with thiti Security <br /> � , In.rtrumcntl may l+c��old une ur mnre timc�without priix n�riice to&�rrower. A sulc muy rc+uU i�a rhange in thc entiry Ikn��wn �.-_�l_ _ ' <br /> +'� •'�h' ''' ' us the"L.oan Scrvirer"1 thut r��llect+nxmthly payments due undcr the Note unJ this Securiry Insttument. Thcre ulao muy be une `;-�-__ ----- <br /> A,`,��� ' —_•. <br /> - . or mure rhanueti��f thc L.nun Servirer unr�lated to u�ule oF Um Note. If thcre is a rhungr uf thc Li�an Serviccr, &irr��wcr wi �__._�,___ <br /> given wriuen n��ticc uf►;t:chungc in arcorJanrc wi�h purugraph I� ahove and upplicable law. The nutice w•ill xtate the nwn�auJ � �•• <br /> uddm»ol'�he new l.�wn �rvicer und the uddrexti to which puyments should be mudc. The n��tice N•ill uh��cantuin uny ather �.;:�;M� <br /> .� infurmati�m nyuircJ hy upplirublc law. ,,` '4� -- <br /> 20. Huzardnuti SubRtances. Bnrruwcr �hull not rau+c ur permit the pre�ence. ux, di�p�i.ral. ,torugr. or relcu�e uf'uny ~ ;*= -- <br /> H;��rdou. Subs�unres im or in Ihc Pro n Bunower shall n�i� do, nar u0ow unyrnu: el�r tu do. anything al'fecting the .���'�•�'�_'-:- <br /> I� Y• .:fi-"'.��•�.. <br /> Pmp�ny thut is in vi�>lutiun uf any Enviromrmmal Luw. Thc prccc�Jing �wo scntcncc+�h•rll �x�t appl�• to thc prc+cnrc. u.c. or <br /> . � starugc on thc Property��f timull quantitic�af H:u.urdous Sub�wnc�:s tha�ure gencrully recognizcd u�be•rppropriu�c to n��rm•rl ,.;�-�.,w„_.__'� <br /> ° _..�'- - . rcsiJcntial u,es and to maimenunrc�H thc Properl�•. -- _ - <br /> � Borrowcr shull prumpdy givc l.enJcr wriuen noticc of uny investigatiun.clLim. Jemand. luw�uit or other uctiun by uny ,.,,>�,,•-�-- <br /> g�wernmentul ur rc�eulutory ugency nr private p•rny involving thr Pruperty und uny H•rrrrdiiu.Sub+tunrc ar Environmrmal• <br /> � of which &►rruwer ha�urtuul knuwlcdge. If B�►rrow•cr Icurn�. or i,n�►tificd by uny guvcrnn�ntul i�r rcgulutury uulh��rity. that � • <br /> uny remnval or other remcdiutii►n of rny Hu•rurdouti Suh,tunrr uffcc�ing the Pn�pcny iti ncres,ar�,B��rruwer shull promp�ly�ukc .. •�!-� = <br /> ' :�?'�:.::. <br /> -�--- -- . nll ncrcc.��ry remcdiul urtion�in uccardunce with Environmcntul l.uw. ' �ff', <br /> � .' As u�eJ in Ihix paragraph 20. "Har.�rd��u+ Substunrr�" urc tlx��c �uh�tunrc�dchncd u�u�x�c or h�uarduu.r wb�iunrr� hy ,�?,x,,: �, <br /> � - Enviromnenwl lrw uixi thr f��Ui�wing tiub��uncc.: ga+��line. kcro�cnc. �►thcr Il�nmiai►Ir ��r tuxic petr��lcunt pnxlur��. tuxir +,_ �.�.-- ' � <br /> ' , ' pcslicide.und hcrbiridc�, vnlu�ilc�olvent+.matcriul.cunluining a.hc.w.ur ti�rmulJrhydr, •rnJ ruJiorctivc malcrial+. Ati u,eJ m '� "f <br /> thi, parugraph 20, .,Envir�mnxmal Luw" mcun, li�lerul luw� unJ luw.ol' thc ju�i.Jictii�n whrre �hc Pri�peny ix I�xut�ni tlw[ ,.,:;,A.�. � <br /> ' � . relAtc ia hcullh.safrty or envin►nnumul pnHcc�ion. �'�;�."c;;�`•. r <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVF.NANTS. Barrowcr aikt L�nJrr funhcr ru��enurn anJ ugrrc u�ii�U��wti: • 1, <br /> 21. Acceleration; Rem�di�w. I.ender shull kl��c notice to Bnrro�ver prior lo accelerallon Follow•ins Bnrruurr'x breuch • •'"'•: <br /> � ot' any rovenant or a�rarment in this S��curit�• Inytrument Ihul not prior lu acceleruUun under pura�raph 17 unlesc .,;�,,��, <br /> appli��uble luw pro��id��othen�ise).The notice xhull xp�rifj: (al 1hr defuult; (b) the actinn r��yuired tu cun thr defeult: ;, , <br /> • � lc)a date,not les,thun 30 du��y Prom the dute the �wtice i��iven lu Bnrrower,by«�Mch the default mu�t he cured;and ..�,4•,.. ` <br /> (d) that fuilure to rure the dciault on ur 1►efi�re the dale sp�Yifi�d in the nu�ice mu�� rexult in ucceleration nf the sums " ��;.J=�� <br /> �ured b�• this ti��aurit� Inxlrument and tiule of the Propert�. The n��tice.hall further infi►rm Borrowrr uf thc rl{�ht to <br /> , reinstute afkr ucccleration and thc ri};ht to b�in�! u c�wrt uctinn tn u+xerl the non-c�i�lence of u defauU or any �►ther ���„ <br /> ' defensc oF Rorro��•er to acrcicrution and sale. If'thc dePuult is nu: :ured on or ixforc the datc xp�Yificd in the notice. . _�;�};.._ <br /> I.ender. ut itti option, n�a� rcyuim imm�Kliate pu�ment in full of s�ll ruu�.,.rurcd In this ti�tiurit}• Imtrument uithout • �,�T,:_ <br /> Purther demund und muy invoke Ihe power ol'�ule und an� othcr remcdi�w permiucd In upplicuble lu��. Lender xh�ll Ik ;,_ Y <br /> entitled to cullect all expcns��incurrcd in punuin�;thc rem��diiy pnnlded in thi.r puru�;raph 21.includin}!,t►ut not limit�d l :.:__��._-�,,,� <br /> to.reaw►nable attorne��s' i'��w und rn�tx oP title c�idence. � � <br /> If thcp�►���cr oP sulc is im•okcd. Trustcti vhull r�YOrd u notirc uf defuull in cuch ci�unl� in ���hich um� purt of'thc 1 �'`= <br />