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<br /> 'ft�t:ErHF.R WITH ull the in�pru�•cnxnic�x�w o�t►errxfter erocta!uu ttu{�r��perty,atti:�•rll e.�anunty. {K
<br /> tixwres now ur itrrwilcr a (urt uf the pniperly. AU repla:em�nts and acklitions .iult ulw tk r.��erd by� thi, St+:urity
<br /> iu►iru��:.��t. R11 nf sh:fur:golno i�re�'rrral tu ii�thlx S�xu�ity Insteumcnt�s thc"Pn�pcny•"
<br /> 6CIRROW�R COYENANTS�hat Be�rruweo ic law'f�ti11Y se�sed uf'the est•rte tkrcb�• con��ey�ed u�xl i�:�.tiw�i�;�t ac��rc«�t;�`.:3
<br /> com•ey �he Pr��z�ty at�3 th;it the Property is uneikunlhcral, exce}u fur eruumbr.uuc+ uf rcYard. &,re��wer aan:u�t. atxl will
<br /> �.('�i generally tBe title to tft=['n�pcn�:�ai�ut all dain►s a:x!den�,vxia.�ubj�rt to;►uy cixunlhr:ukis uf r��ard.
<br /> TMS SECUR(TY INSTRUht�N 1 cun�irus uniil�+�ti�:;��:r.antc: fur natianal use :uxl Ik�il•U111I��Nii1 C+►►'�n:►►us��itli limita-1
<br /> variations by,juris{iiction to conuitutc•r unifarm sccuriry ia�tnmunt cavcrin�;rcal pru�x��y.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'�S. Borr��w�cr:uul LcndCr co�•cn�uil:uu1 agr�e as f�tluw•�:
<br /> 1. i'ay�ueat of 1'rincipjt! and Iatcrest; 1'reppY►ucut �utid I.�te Ch+►r�es. Borcau�er �hall prumptlY paY N•hen duc �hc
<br /> principal af arul intcreu a�thc dcbt evidenced by the Ncxe mid uny prepayment and I�te charbes duc undcr tlic Nute.
<br /> 2. Funds f'or Taxes and 7nsuranra Subject to applicable law or ta a w'ritten wai�•er by E.cnder, Bottower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthiy payments urc due uiuicr the Not�,until thc Note is paid in full, a s.:ati�"Fu�uis")foc: (a)y'car�Y tazes
<br /> and assessments which n�ay attain priority u��er this Securiry Inctrument as a licr,on the Property;(b)yeatly Icasehold p�yments
<br /> or g�ound rents on Ihe Property, if any;(c)yearly haztu�l or property insur.ance prenuums; (d1 yearly ticwd�nsurance premiums,
<br /> if any: (e)ye.vly mortgage inwrance p�rmiums, if any: and(fl any sums p�yab:e by Borrower to Leneler. in:iccardance with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the paynu:nt of nwrtgage in�ur;uice premiums.Thrse ite:ns are called "Escrow Itenu."
<br /> Lender may, at �ny t+me• eo��ect and hold Funds in an anwunt cwt to exceed tha:mauimum smount a le�der for a foderaliy
<br /> rPlar�i nx�rt¢a¢e loan maY �e9u���for Borrow'er's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlenunt Proczdures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended fram titne ta time, 12 U.S.C. Section 26u� er seq. i'�c�r�+'1, u;ue�w.�:1'.:: :ase =h=t?�'!'?c ro titie Funds
<br /> sets a lesser e�te the amoum of Funds due on th�basis�of c�u entddat tand reaco,iable estimates of cxpend'uuresrof fu ure
<br /> Lender may
<br /> fiscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depusits a►e inss:.d by a f�ersl a;er!cy, incwmentality. or entity
<br /> (incluling Lender,if Lender is such an ins:itutioN or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lendcr shal�aPP�Y�e Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lender m;►}not charge Borrower for holdi��and applying d�e Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Horrow•er interest on the Funds and applicable law permits�ca�ier to m�k�such
<br /> a eharge.However, LenJer may require Borrower to pay •r one-time charge for an independent mal estate tac reporting s�:tti+ice
<br /> u.,ed by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an a�reement is made or
<br />- applicable law requires interest to be paid, l.ender shall not be required to pay 6ortower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and L.ender rn�y agtee in writing,however,that intere�t shall be paid on Uu Funds. lander shaU give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an anm�al accounting rf the Funds, siwwinB credits and debits to the Fun�s 3nd tt,e purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds w�s made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all swns secured by this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,i,erider shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremenis of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lx,nder at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.L..nder may so naify Borrower in writing,and,en such case Borrower
<br /> sl�all p�y to Leruler the a�nount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sNall make up the deficiencV in no more ihan
<br /> . tweive mnnchly payments.at i.er�er's sote uisc��u�,.. � �y
<br /> Upon payment in fuU of all sums setured by this Security Inswment. Lender�l�ll ►0 1 rafar.d to Bot-���='-'anY
<br /> g�ds}�eld by L,ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,L.ender,prior to ti�e acquisitiaa��sale
<br /> of the PrupertY. sha1�aPP�Y anY Funds held by Lendcr at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agai�dae sums secured bY
<br /> this Security Instrumxnt.
<br /> i,Applicatl�a o{pay�nents,Unless applicable law provides otherwisc.all paymeaus received by I.ender under pardgraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 sha11 be applied:first, to any prepayment cl�rges due under the Note;second,to amoun�s payable undcr paragraph 2:
<br /> third.to interest due:four�h,co principal due:arul last.to any late ciiarges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges; Ueas.Bonower shall pay all taaes.assessmenu. charga. fines and impositions attrib�ble to the Properry
<br /> which may zttaio priority over this Securiry Instrument, and leacehold payro�:ks or ground renu, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner pro�i�d in paragraph 2.ar if aot paid in that marutier.Boirow•er shall pay them on time directly
<br /> . w the persc�n nwed oayment.Borrower sft�ll promptly fumisU to Qxnder all notices of amounu to be paid under this pac�raph.
<br /> If licrrowar makes these payme�ts directly.Sorcow�er shall promptly furnish co txnder recxiExs evidexi:,g ti�:.�a���.^-fs•
<br /> Borrower shall pt+�mpt1Y dischar8e any lien which has prioriry over this Security instrument unless E£c�crower: (a)agrces in
<br /> writing to the paymeau of the obligation secured by the lien in a r�anner acccE��e to Lender: (b)contescs ise good faith the��en
<br /> by, or defends agaiost enforcemeat of the lien in, legal proc�.�ings which in the Lender s opinion operate to pre�-eat the
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agre,�ment satisfactory to Lender subordinating t[ie tien to
<br /> this Security instrument. If Lender determines that az►Y Part of the Pcoperty is subjecc to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument,L,ender may give Sorrower a notice identifying thee Ii,�.Borrower sha1�satisfy cEc lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actions sec forth zbove within 10 days of the giving of notice. _
<br /> Fonn 3G� 91�0
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