i; . �-/ ,n i! "►�:�S �,'7�!��.7i�3j{; a t�?7r.rii.:dl�j;.�...;,;.i��� '� iT��„1`.�'r7.: r�,��.;• .:N1i`C.! ����x•- i �n�..�
<br /> 4� � t v.�' �tt � k 'J d':ti ,1: - i K`r,`����p..."r.� . _ I t� 5 li`.lrilCU �s��,.�a_
<br /> .� �I _' .4�� :•,�L'rd. f;'�y• � .y�. i '.,�¢��) �.i��' t..:1�:..�Q:,::. etiou+�:JtW..:�... rt. .. _. .�.. � ... �1� �'r:��'�_��, y � - - �
<br /> '. [` , ' - �,. 5-• � Jt:. - .. _ ,'i. �9'33'.NrC. ffaL.Ai11..a}�'..deu��- -
<br /> , � IY \!!.�'i�..- ;.,7_�� �., 1 r'A,Y�� ,('�IT'�.�FJ.��!iW_'I!"L„ii��I,'V{1�t1"yA�I�}�YW�a.tS:�s'�7►rt„7tM^jt�+w Mr`A; y.rn�.t���N�1•1Al�i�'{.�f'�'��AYitrti44�1`r __�1�� .
<br /> . i .. ��N.�" � .f�'.t,;Rkj�l.?^3�i�A`�� �t�t^�A"_'�•,r F.w.rtr�-tr...-e..+ � .'. I:P� _-.._
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<br /> ' ' ' IP I.ender required mo�tguge inaurunce us o conditiun af mukmg �hr luun xerured hy�hix Srcurity lastrumem, ' "t '''-' °—
<br /> ., Horrower shull puy the premiuma required 1��muintuin thn inaur�ncc in clfcci unhl rurh umca+ the �equirement Por the .,.?:,Y,�- - ;�
<br /> ' � �� insurance terminates in ixcordunce with&��mwcr'�and Lender'ti written ugrcemenl��r rrpflcuhle luw. ::;;,'�
<br /> . . __ .. ° 8. Inspectlon. Lrndrr or it�ngcnt mny mnke rem��nnblP�n�nr,u�m and ror�xcli.mr nf�he Pr.�perty. L�nder �.�:;:- ' _t�
<br /> ' ahall iveBorrowernotirentthe�imcufor riar�oan�ns ctiun� cif m rruxonubluruunefi�rthein� ction. ���•;;�ti;`i:n�-°
<br /> � I' 1� Ix Y B � w.�.:•y,�.
<br /> 9, Condemnation. The prcxerd+uf any uwnrd ar cluim R�r dumag�w,direct�►r rnmcquential,in connection with �.�� .�r�_-
<br /> _ .,'. any condemnation ur uthcr tAking of uny pnrt��f the Pro�rty,nr Par conveyuncc in licu��f condemnaticm,are hereby ,;�';::.�::�� -;�c�,�!:_
<br /> assigned and shall be paid ti�L.endcr. ''' . �l �� '
<br /> '�� In the event aP u latul tuking ol'thr Pr�qxrly, thc pn+ceed�zhull hc npplirJ �u th�sums�ured by this Security ������� • �"`'� -
<br /> J�,,..;,� �; .•. � :
<br /> }.:•...:: , ... _
<br /> �:.�::� lnsvument,whsther or not thcn due,wiih+�ny cxc�ti puid to 8orn�wcr. In the evrm af a puniul �aking af Ihe Property�, :�,f:�.,:.:�..; � . t�:�_:�
<br /> �` <;�::+.�,:. ,,.,,�:• unless Horrawer nnd Lender���herwise ngree in writing,the+umh�+ecurcJ My tlii�Sr�urity In+trammt yhull tx reduced by i;���''�'.r":.:, , ,,
<br /> •i%", ;.: �.:.;:;;';.: ::�.. �.�.,, . . . .
<br /> . r.,::.�,.. =�.�• � the umount nf the proceeds multiplied hy thr fi�llawing frur�i�m:(a)thu�ntul umuum uf Ih�surnz xcrured immediately �•;�:�• .
<br /> �: -•'������'�••'�` � before the taking,divided by(b)thc fair marke�vrlue of tha Pm�+¢rly immediutcly txforr ihe tuku�g.Any bAluncc shall he ���`:``
<br /> �..�..',,�ti� paid to Borrower. ,'..`.`•: ;� ; �
<br /> IP the Praperty is abundoned by Borrower,ar if,uP�er n�tiec by LcnJcr ta 13�irrawcr thut the condemnor offers�o . , ,
<br /> make an award or settle a claim for damuges.&+rrower fuila to res�x�nd la Lender within JU duyti uf icr t he dpte th�notice is •''
<br /> ,.,,:.,.: ,. :....,.._ _
<br /> , . giver►,Lender is authorized to callect und upply the prcxceda,n�its opti�m,either ta rrvloru�k�n or repuir of the Properry or +..:r .; •��r�_�
<br /> . to thc sums secured by thia Security lnstrument,whe�heror not then dur. ��'�'` �:�..,' 'I-��'.
<br /> �}..�'. ' ' Unless Lender und Borrower othcrwise ugree in writing,uny upplicu�ion��Ppnx:eedti�a prinrip:►I�hc�ll nrn extend or -;'::•; '. '
<br /> � postpune the du�date of tha monthly paymems referred to w purugruphti I und 2 or rhange th�urr�ount of xuch payments. '''�•:�`�• � . ^�.,
<br /> � 10. Borrower ;Vot Relensed; ForbeArance By Lender Not a Walver. �x�ension of thc timc for puyment or �� ���� "'� �• '"'-�-�
<br /> modiflcation of amortization of the sums secured by this Securily Instrumenl grunted hy Lender ta uny �urres.cor in . -��-
<br /> interest of Aurrower shall not operate lo relense the IiAbility of Ihc ariginul li��rrowrr or Horc��wer'+�ucc��sti��rs in interest. ����,'`'• � `'4°`�
<br /> �; Lender shall nut be required to commenee proceedings uguinst uny zucc�w+��r in �n�erc�s� cir rcfu+e ti�extend time for �� - • .- �•__
<br /> 1.;.,c;;•,: . ,'s�;;•s-.—
<br /> � : • pa��men1�r otherwice mnciify amartira�tion of the sum�secureJ by thi�Security Intit�umenl by rcu�on uf nny drmund mnde ��• .:,•. . ,. _
<br /> , by Ihe nriginul Horrower ar Barrower's succes+orc in inlrr��t.Any fittlxurunr�by I.endc��n exerc�xmg�+ny nght ar remedy , ,_:�,;;�
<br /> shall nol be a waiver of or preclude thc exercise of Any right or remedy. �' ,•�.�,:� . '�u�+,�.� �
<br /> 11. Succeavors and Asslgns Bound;Jolnt and SeverAl I.Iobillty;Co��ipncrs. Thc r�rvenuntti und ugrecments of �•-� • �.•
<br /> r• .�' ��;• •- �;;,:�f��=
<br /> ' • this Securily Instrument tihAll bind and bene8t thc succesrorti und utitiign+�N'l.endcr und Ni�rruwcr.�uhjcc�t��thc provitiinns :,, . •.ti.•;:;�•��: , ,
<br /> _,:_ -__ nf�,aragraph 17.Bormwer's eovennnts�►nd agreements shi►II br I�int and Kvrrul.Any Hnrmwer whocc,•sign+�his Securi�y �'�..;,.....:. . ' `� ::_�_..y� �
<br /> Inatrument but d�s not execute the Note:(a)is co•signing this Srcurity Inslrumcm only w mortgagc,grunt und canvcy , '''�� '
<br /> that Borrower's inlerest in the Pro�xrry under the terms uPthiti Security hi��rumrn�;(b)ir ncu�xrumt�lly��hligulcd tu pay .� �'.',;.. �� . �
<br /> the tiums secured by this Security lnstrument;nnd(r)uFrec�that I.cnder nnd any u�hrr I��rtaw�r n�ny aRrcc w catenJ, � •
<br /> ' , madify,forbear or make nny accommcxl��tionc with regard in the tcrm�of th�x kruri�y In�t rumrnl c�r�hc Noic wub��ut '
<br /> � thul Bnrruwcr's consent, ���''
<br /> 12. Loan Charges. If the loun ticcurcJ by�hi,Sccurity In+irum�nt is.ubjrc�tu a I:iw which ui�mox�mum luun ! .'���
<br /> � , ehnrges, �nd thnt Iaw is finully interpreted so thut the in�en�t or other loun churgc+ collec�cd ar t�� br rullrrtrd in � � • �
<br /> connection with the loan exceed �he �rmitted limits,then: Ia)any ,uch lo�n rharge shull he redurrd hy thr am�wnt s ,. . • .
<br /> necessary to reduce the char6e�o the permit�ed limit; and(h)uny,umti alres�dy callcctcd frorn He�rrower wh�rh exrecdrJ ( � ' �
<br /> permitled limits wiD hc refunded a� Horruwcr. Lender muy cho�isc iu m.�ke Ihi+rcl'und by reducmg �hr rrinrir:d�►wcd ' � _
<br /> under thr Note or by making a dircrt puyment 1��I�cirrawrr.lf u rrfund reduces prinripal,Iha reducli��n will Ix Irettl�Y1 us a
<br /> partiul prepayment without uny prepuymcni chnrge under the Notc. ' • �
<br /> 13. LeRislation ABectinR I.ender's Ri�thts. If enuctmeul ur rxpiratiim uf upph�uMe law�h;�. Uic rtPrc� af ,
<br /> rendering uny provisian oP the Nute ur this Securi�y In,�rumcnt unenlirrr�ahlc arr��rdmg�o n�icrrnti,!.rndcr,ai u�upti�m. , .
<br /> moy require immediatc puymrnt in I'uU of ull.um�secureJ by ihis 5ecuri�y Intitrununt and ma��nvul�r :u►y rrmcdie. l
<br /> � • permitted by parngraph 19.IP Lcnder cxerciz�h this��ptian,LenJer shull takc thc slep��peri0rd m thr tiec�md p;iri�gruph of �
<br /> pnragruph I7.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nolicc t��Ilc,rcowrr providrJ ti,r�n thiti Scrurity Instru�ncnl�h:dl t,cgivcn hy dcli�rnup n��r hy . . .
<br /> . . mailing it hy tirtit class mail unlc,ti i►ppGruhlr luw�requires u,r af un��thcr mrlh�xl. 7'h�n�.ucr ,h��l) Ix d�rcrlrtl t�� �hc �
<br /> Property Addre,ti��r any��thcr�iddre,ti I�arruw•rr de�ignute.by nu�irr t�,Lendrr. Any nuurc w I.en�irr.hull Ix•Knrn hy � �
<br /> first cl�+tis mail to Lcndcr's uddresti st:ucd hcrein i,r an�•�,Ihcr addreti+Lrndrr dc.�gtc�tr+hy n��tirr t��Burruw��r An�n��lrcr �
<br /> providcd far in thi�Security Instrumenl+hull he dremcJ��i hsrvc hrcn�i�•rn tu li��rr��w•cr ur LenJcr��hrn g�vcn u+�,rm ided ..
<br /> in this purugraph.
<br /> 1S. GovcrninR I.aw;ticverability. I hu 5c�urn� hi�trumrnt�h:�ll hr�;���crnrd h}li•drr.tl IaN an�l Ihr lua��1 ihr
<br /> jurisdiction in whirh thc 1'mperty i.I��catrd. In thr c�rnt th:u am•prue��iim�,r�•I:�u�r„f ih�.tir�•un�y lu�l rumciu�a ihr
<br /> N�itc canFlict�with applicahlc la��•,tiuch ran(lic� ,hall nut:dTc�t nthrr��m���u,o,nl thi,ticrtui�t hititrwnr��l ui tlic I�n�r
<br /> �vhich�an he given etTect wnh�rot �hc c�,n0irtinF pru�i.um. Ib Ihi.rnd�hr rr�,��tiiou.of Ilu. ticiunt� In�n�umcn� ;m.l thc
<br /> Nnte urc dcclarcd In hc srvcr:�hlc.
<br /> 16. liorrower's('opy. Hurr�,�ccr.hall hr�;i�rn�,nr:�,nl�,nnrJ r„��� �,f thr 1„�r.in�1�dt lu.\erurn� In.t iwnrnt
<br /> 17. Transfcr of thc Yrnperty or a lieneticiul Intemst in Hurrowcr. If:ill ��r ,im par� ��i ihr Ih����rii� �n .in� �
<br /> intcrr.l in il i+wIJ„r�ran.fcrred(�,r�I'��hen�liru�l iutrrc.t in H��rr����rr i.,�,IJ��r ir:ui.tci rrJ:�nd liarr�,uri iti n���.�n,itui.�l
<br /> per+un)��uhuut LrnJcr'.�,n��r��•rnt.n roi�sent. I rn.lrr ma�.:d il.npu��n.rr�µur.•inunr�li.il r p;��mrni m IuU��t .dl.uw.
<br /> • �rrurcJ hc th�ti tie�unl� In+�rutninL Il����r�cr. tln�upu�+n .h.ill n��l hr r�rr.��rd ht I rndr� d'a•�rr.•i�r i. �,t��hil,�lr,l b�
<br /> fid�rall:���:�,ufthrdutcnl'ihititicrunt� Intiinimrnt.
<br /> If Lcn�lcrc�rfrl�c�thl.npnun.Lrnilrl �hall�:It,•li,a•n�arr m�lirr��I':i:irlrr:�Inm I hr w�ti�r.h.�ll��i.��iJr.�p��i��J
<br /> afnulk�tilh�ut30Ja)�.I'r��rothed:itethrnnU�ei�drh�crrilnrnuulyd��ilhmahi:hH„ii��ari nuntp,�� ,�ll.um.,r, wr�ll,�
<br /> �hi�S��urit}�In�trumrni.11'13urn,��rr(ml.t�,p:i� thr•.r.um,�,nrr t��Uic r��aiau�,n��1�hi,�,r����d. I�•nd�i �n.�� n�.,,l,.�.�u�
<br /> rcmcuic.rcrmincii n��tin��ccun�� imirumcm�cniii,ui iinii�c� n���icc��i�icm:u��i�m ii�������„•� -
<br /> IR.liorrowcr'ti Itiahl to Rcinst�+lc. If H�,rr����rr mrrt,crrt.uu r��uJiu��u.. H��ii,���r� .h,�ll h.��� ih.• ���•!�i i�• 1�.��,
<br /> rnliirremrnl„f thir Sccurit} �tl�If11t11Cllf��I�Ctt�111111IC��:11:111\ IIIIIC�+rn�r�����li'i'.11�It9 ��j 1.11 S ��.i�� �,�i �U����•I h�t �•ni�•J i.
<br /> appliraihlr I:��c m:q�+prrif� titt rcmtitatrmrnU hrf�,tr .:dc nfthr I'i�,��r�i� ��ui.u,ini t��.ui� ���•���� ,�t..�l� „�nie���.,I��, il��.
<br /> �cruril�� In+lrununt:ia•Ihlrnln U�:1 �Ul��!IflClll cll�itPi711}!1�lI�tiC�Ufll\ �IItiIfU�lt�•UI ��b��i'..�Ih�tfb�u�.u� Il�.il ��..n ���i
<br /> (:il p:�)•� i.cndrr all �untr ��►urh It�cn �c��uld he dur uu�lrr Ihi. tiriurti� In.uumri�l .inJ il�r♦,•i, I�.�,I ��„ �. I,� ��, .�
<br /> „r�urred: lhl l'llfl`� :Ill\ l�l'I:Ill�l it� :111\" OI�1Cf C���C�I:1111� i�l d�!li•i'lllt'lll� li I ��1\� .1�� i'\��rli.i•.�u.n�i,�I in ,nl..�. n�,' ih•
<br /> tirrurih l::,trunu•nt. mrludu�E. hu� unt 6nu�cd 1�,. rea.nu:�hlr:�n��rnr�•.' trr� .�n,l ��li �.��.��. ,��, h �, i�„�� �•. I,�, �.� .,���
<br /> r�a+unanl)• rcyuire I�t :I��U�I' I�l:ll (�It' �Il'll �l� 1�11� 1l`CU�11\ �IItiIf11�I1C111. � �•Il��t'I � Ill'��1� Ili 1�n ��I���•�'ll� .il��� �I.•i� u��
<br /> _ �th�ILAh��ll I�t �:1� rh�• .nm� .rrurc�l h� (�11� tiC�:11C11\ �Ilti�l'UIIICIII ��I.��� .�mlll��lr Ul�i(I.ilii•�,I 1 �,.�h 1�il�.l-�I.��u.��� i..
<br /> I���rrrn►cr.ihi�ticru►•it� In,irumcnl:111(�I�ll'�1h�I�;:111itI1��ii1lfCi��li'tC��\ .�1.1��ii i1L�li�����I� �1�r, li�r .r,i1 n.� �� ..L� ,��.� 1,�.i
<br /> ��crurreJ. H�mc�rr.thi�rightl��rcmtitatc�halln��l:��ri��„�n�•.:��r�,(,i�crki.i�i,mimJr� ��n.�ri.q�h, I �„i I '
<br /> ��I �
<br /> f
<br />