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<br /> rY"''"`""""" ot sAle.and the swle�Including the payment of the 71�ustee's feex�ctuwlly incurred.nuf tu eKCe��d 2.0 �oP
<br /> �:":`Q;���=�„�^.•�, the priociptil Amount o�ihe note at Ihe time uf tbe declwrAtbn of defAUll.�nd rensanAble sltaraeyx'fecw nx permitted
<br /> �-�:-_��---
<br /> • • by lawi Ibl to All sums secured by thl�9ecurity Inotrumenh t�nd Icl any eza�esc to Ihe person or persom�la�p��y e�d�kd - --
<br /> •- '� to(b
<br /> ` .. ' ° 22. ReconveyAnce. Upun paymem af all sums �urv:d by thiti Securiiy Intitrumwn6 l.cndcr shull rcyucst 'IFu+tcc to —
<br /> - � reconvey Ihe Property und shull .rurrender tbia Security Inxiniment und ull nuteti eviJencing debt �ecurrd hy�his Security —
<br /> " • '��•��" ,� Inslrumenl to 7Fustee. 'Itustcc shall reconvey the Praperty without wunanty and wi�houl charge to the per.wn or per�on+ ""'�
<br /> _ _-.__^.. • . . legnlly entit{ed to it. Such person ar�ersnna shall pay uny�ecurdation cnslx. e��'-_�=- -_=-�Y
<br /> ^ ;'� Z3. Substltute'Irustee. Lender,at its optian.muy from time to time n:muvc'Itustce wKi uppoim u succc+u�r iru,�e�tu
<br /> "'� � any 7tustee nppoittted hereunder by un in�trument recorded in the caunty in which�hi+S��uriiy Intitrument i+ rea�rded.
<br /> — � .,. , Without canveyance of�he Propeny,the succexwr truwlee shull succ�ed to ull Ihe IiQe, p��we�und Jutiex conYerred upon r y__
<br />`'r . ,'• 'IYustee herejn and by upplicuble law. ��«*'.~'.'„"'_-"��. _
<br /> ,,�'• 24, Requeat Par Notices. Borrower reyuests�hat copies of the noticrs of deiault und sulc be unt to Banower's ucidrexs
<br /> ' � which is�he Property Address. �:---
<br /> 25. Ridera ta this Security Instrument. If anc ar more riders urc executed by Barruwrr:uid �Gardcd logclhcr with ���
<br /> ,,. .....�.,�..:�—
<br /> ' • this Security Instrument.Ihe covenants and agreementti of euch such ridcr shall br incorporated inln and shull umend nnd ��;:��;:.���"- -L' �
<br /> , . . supplement the cavenamx und i►greement�of this Security Insuument us if the rider(�)weTe a pw�of thi�Security In�trument. _
<br /> (Check upplicable box(cs1J
<br /> � . -
<br /> . . ;�; __
<br /> . � �Adjustable Rnte Rider �Condominium Rider �1�4 Fumily Rider = __
<br /> .�,�.� �z:.���.
<br /> �-- �- Ciruduated Paymrnt Rider �Planned Unit Develapment Ridar �8iweckly Puyment Rider �:-"�--
<br /> �... .
<br /> �' �•�. � ' �t-;
<br /> . Rute Im mvement Rider Second Home Rider e.•�j• , : ���
<br /> ,;•;�' �Balloon Rider � P � .�.•�-
<br /> . �Otherltil lspecify� .;:,:r��r.
<br /> I��F�f 1H''"
<br /> �+r•�� °r��w�
<br /> ._ • ��.:� .. HY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower uccepu und ngree�ro the tarmx und cavenams contained in[his Security lnstrument ��-�t�._�-
<br /> �� .� and in nny riderls)executed by Borrower and recarded with it. ��?✓t_:�•�'{: ;;��
<br /> �. '. �:,�f�!�Y,�tr�r.
<br /> ��,�j.I,p m�s-
<br /> --- Witnesses: �__��-
<br /> ,ti - / � A-,/)C�� lSeul) ;.. ,
<br /> a,;. .;�,�j_�
<br /> -B�Htowc� _:_,: — — "
<br /> � Joseph Ri.cherd S epanek �—����
<br /> � Sociul Scwrity umber 505 92_.Z25.4 �;,�: ., .., �
<br /> . �„ � �. ti . ,.. ,�� :�
<br /> (Seul) � ` _
<br /> a y n epan -s��N�►
<br /> , SociulSecurityNum6er 505 74_�fi6fl ��'' .
<br /> 4' °i`
<br /> , � f,:,^, .a.sa���
<br /> ,•�.0�.'.}'...=:"{:`��
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. He 11 Caumy s.: , �
<br /> . ' .'.i'.._._.
<br /> On this 19th Jay of MarCh� 1992 ,beforc me,the undersigned,a Notury Public � -
<br />