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�3�. ��.��J- .r � ��.I{r�l',i::1t: ';�e.+sr�����:vr7Wy�:..:r_„�;� .Z� •r i�rp , 1. ,r�. . .,. 1_ ...... - �_��.�._.._... <br /> .. . . _ <br /> , . , . , . <br /> , <br /> �eL_.. L'.1� .� .}i_ _ 3 L 1�rtIS -=.�_--13.i>'i...:�_ _ :�t <br /> ,. , <br /> � <br /> `��,�in . �•� � — . . ,.�, . . . �,.•w+•°�.. -� - � —;: —�- .__ .� _ —_— — --_--- - ---- -- <br /> _ � � �.;."' .r.1w.•1� <br /> • . , . . , . . � nt.s.4l':Y.-!y �: •-�- _ ... <br /> � :. ., � .. . . <br /> _._ � <br /> .:� <br /> .,���•� N�-.i n .�,�. . t ._ _ ��. <br /> ���:��_� 'A, � . ._..�...�___ ' ' ...� _.� __ . ' - -'�—_' <br /> . ' I,'.1�!�1.�"�.��,i�, .. � _�_-____ <br /> 1 - <br /> � '.. ._.__ ____ — ``_a.� <br /> � 92� 142343 --� <br /> - . �.: _.._. <br /> �1 � TOd�THER WffH uU �hc impnwemcm�now on c�naf'tcr crcrted un�hc pru�ny.urd ull ca,�mrnt�.uppunen•rnccs. - -- <br /> ti � �rc <br /> � ;..� and fixtums now an c�rcuftcr u p•rn of�hc propeny. All rcpinccmcnl+unJ addili�Mx �twll ulw►t+c covcrcJ by thi�S��urity ��-`�_���' ` <br /> ' . " Inxlrumem. All of ihc 1'�rcguing ir,rcfcrred[o m Ihi�Sccun�y Inti�runxnt u�thc"Nn►p�ny," ��=_ <br /> ° BORROWER COV�NAN7'S thut Burrowcr i�lawfully KiKd uf thc e.tatr hereby convcycJ and ha+Ihc righl w grunt �=-� - <br /> _ ,o o, and canvcy�he Propeny und thut thr Pru�Ny i�unrnruml+ered,cacept for rnrumbrunce.uf r.rord. Horn►wcr wurrunlw and �,;,a,,,�:. <br /> - � =: wi11 def'end generally�he tide�o the Propeny againxt ull claims and�1�manJs.wbjrrl U�uny eikwnbrunc��.of rerorJ. <br /> - � � THIS SECURITY INSTRItMF.NT cumbinc, uniform rnvcnant+ for n�tional u�� anJ non-uniiomi covenum. with �-_ -_ _ T__-^- <br /> � , , �� limited vurfalions by juri.diction���contlitute u uniform security in�trument covering reul prupcny. _ <br /> � ,. „ .. -- <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr und L.eixicrcovcnunt und ugrcc su fulluws: �-,.�„�--- <br /> R<• „ �• � . 1, Payment uf Prlacipal�i�d Interesh Prepaymeat and Late ChArges. Burn�wcr.hall pr��mpUy pay whrn Juc the � �'�" � <br /> •� principal af und intemst on thr JeSt evidcnced by the Notr and any prcp•rymrnl and IAtc churFe.duc unJer�he Nu��. � " � � <br /> • " 2. F�unds tor'Ibxeg And Insurance. Subject to�pplicublc luw or lo u wriuen wuivcr by Lrndcr,SoROwcr+hull pay w ':�:,:,,�_,^R��^,_� <br /> �� l.ender on�he duy monthly paymcnt,urc duc under�hc Nutc.unti l i he Nate ir�pai J in full.•r+um 1"FunJti'1 1'or: la1 yca�ly .=:.�=�-- <br /> ��zes and assessment�which muy uttuin priurity uver�his Securiry Instrument a.,a lien an the Pruperly: Ib1 ycarly Ieu+eholJ ' `�'='`����-n�� _ <br /> v •� paymerns or ground renl. an the Pmperty, if any: (cl yearly hazurd ar praperty innurunce premium.: Idl ycurly flax! �.�a::•���-�-u-:.�.- <br /> • � insurancc r�m�ums, ii un • Ie1 yr+ul murt a e in.rur+u�ce r�miums,if an�; and lfl uny +ums payublc by Bormwe� w '`���°�'^ <br /> p ' Y• Y �'!i P ' Y �",s'�p�;',•,: <br /> � �• " accordance wi�h the provi�ion+of paragraph 8,in lieu of the puyment of mortRage in.urancc premiums. These �-. �+n��;�.�` <br /> .�.i�s.+.-.•, , <br /> items ase called"�scmw Ucm�' Lcndcr may,ut any timc,collect nnd hold Fundx in an umount not to excecd�hc muximum "'�,�LL <br /> � umount a lender for a fedc�ully rclu�eJ mongagc lo:ui may require for Borrower's eurow uccoum undcr the fcJerul Real ?�'.,"<__� �� � <br /> t_;• : <br /> �stnle Setdement Pnxedureti Act af 1974 ux amended from lime to timc,1?U.S.C.�26(11 e•r seq.l"RESPA"1.unlc�s uoothcr ,a•;.°-� <br /> _ luw th�t applics to the Funds set+a letiyer amount. If u►.Lender may.ut uny lime,callecl ond hold Funds in an umaunl nut to �;:�;;�=_ <br /> excecd the le�xr umount. Lcndcr muy estirnutc the umount of' Funds due on �he basis af currrnt Ju�u •rnd ro�sanuble • ., _ _ <br /> e5timetes oi eapendiwres of fwure Escrow Items or othenvise in accordunce with applicublc luw. ' ...�'!' <br /> The Fundti shAll 6e hcld in un inrtilution whose deposils sfrc insured by u Pedc�ul ugency, inslrumenwlity, ar cntity '� •�_�' <br /> (including Lender,if Lender is+uch un imtitution)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender tih•rll apply Ihe Funds lo puy ._ • _�-- <br /> ' �he Escrow Items. LenJer may not churge Borrawer for holding and applying �he Funds,annually unalyzing the�scrow `�..,_:.,; �,�` <br /> ucrnum,or verifying the Excrow Items,unless Lender pay� Borrower interest on the Fumis and applicublc luw penni�� , -".'� <br /> •. Lender to make such�churge. Huwever, Lender may reyuire Borruwer to puy u one-time churgc for an indepe�dent real , , �. <br /> ,• eslate tax repcming•ervice used by Lender in connection with this loan,unleti+npplicuble law pruviJc+�thcn�i�r. Unles,an ••• - <br /> agreement i�made or upplicublc law requires interesl to be paid,Lender shull not be reyuircd lo pay Borrower uny intcrcrt vr •t-:.� <br /> " e:unings on the Funds. Borcower und L.crxler muy ugree in writing,however,thut interest rhall be puid on Ihe Fundx. Len�irr . �,�„p� <br /> �. • shall Five lo Borrawer,wi�hout chargc,un unnuul uccounting of the Fundz,showing credit,�nd debit�to ihc Fund.and thc ' �?���_ <br /> purpose for which each debit lo the Funds wus mude. The Fund.+ue pledged as additiunul security 1'or ull sum.xcwured by �..-��._•"° <br /> ------ - — this Sezurity lnstrnment. '� � <br /> If the Funds held by Lender excrcd thr umounu permitteJ to be held by applicuble law. l.ender tihull u�rount to •- .�.�, <br /> Borrower for Ihe excetis Funds in accordanre wilh the reyuircments of Applicuble law. If the umount of the Funds held by Y,,�a��� <br /> " '' � � Lender ut any�ime is not sufficient �o pay Ihe E,cmw Items when due,Lender muy w nwify Bormwer in writin�,und,in ���. <br /> ��:- <br /> � such cu+e Borrower�hull puy to Lender the umount ne:cessury to muke up the deiiciency. E3orrower shull make up the �• <br /> deficiency in no more than twclve monlhly paymems,ut Lender:+ole discretion. �--� <br /> Upon puyment in full of all .ums scrurcd by thi.Security Inslrument,l.ender shall prompdy refunJ to Borrowcr uny ;Y`�.� <br /> Funds held by Lcnikr. IG undcr p•rragruph?I. Lender shall uryuire or sell tlk Property, LcnJer,prior to the acyuisition or '��-•° <br /> sule of Ihe Pruperty, ,h•rll upply uny Fund+hcld by Lender ut the time of acyuisiiion or sale us a credit •rgain�t the sum� <br /> � secured by�his Securiry Instrument. , <br /> 3. Application oP Ps�ymenls. Unlr.ti upplicublc law providc+othcrwise,ull puyment, received by Lender under , <br /> paragr�phs 1 unJ 2 shflll lx:upplied:fin1,tn any pn payment churge.r due und�r thr Nate: ticcund,to amoun[s payuble undrr t .,,..�: <br /> � � paragraph 2;third,�o intcre+t due;f�wnh,tci principal dur;and last,lo uny laie churgeti due under thr Note. � �S'`;;-- <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shull puy all luxes, vti.c.timeni�, rharges, fineti und impotiitiom attributuble to thc .�';�. <br /> �'� Propeny which may attuin prioriry over thix Securiry In�tn�ment,and Ieasehold puyments ur grounJ rent�.if uny. Borrower t . ,-_ <br /> shull pay�hrsc abligations in thr m•rnnrr providcJ in paragruph?.or if not paid in thut manner. Borrower xhall pay them on <br /> time direcUy�o the Exrson awed puymrnl. Bnrrower+hull prompdy furni.h to Lrnder ull notice.of umoums to he puid under ; , <br /> ' �his paragrnph. If Borrower muke.thexe puymcm� dircrdy.Borrox•er tihall prumqly fumish to LcnJer reccipts evidencing � . , <br /> �.,,�.,: <br /> the payments. � _ <br /> Bom►wcr xhall promptly di+chargc any licn which hu+priority ovcr thix Srcurity In.trumcnt unle+�Borruwer:lul agrce+ i . _-`.* <br /> in writing tu thc payment oi'thr obligulii�n +crurcJ by the lien in a mannrr ac�rptaMr tu Lrndrr;Ib)cuntc+t+in gaxl fuith 1he �-`=-- <br /> lien by.or defcnds u�!uin+t rnforcrmrnt uf the licn pr�xrcding+��•hirh in�hr l.cndrr+opinion uperate u�prevent the „=���:+`°t`'- <br /> enforccment uf thc lirn;ar trl�ccure+frnrn�Ix Ix�ld�r ot'thr lien an •r�rrcmcnt +ati+facwry w LenJr�.uix�rdinuling�he lien ; - <br /> ° , to this Securiry Inztrumen�. If L�ndcr dctcm�inc�tha�uny pan ut'thr Pro�xny i.+uhjcrt tu a li�n whirh may uttain prioriry � <br /> over thi�5cruriry Instrument.Lrnder muy givr Borrua•�r a mHire iJentifyioE Ihe lien. Hi�rri►wer sh•rll saiisl'y the lien or tuke , <br /> one or more of thr acti�ms.�t tixth aM�ve within 10 day.of�hr givinE of nuurr. <br /> 5. Hau�rd or Pruperly Intiuruntr. Burtuwrr.hall{,rcp 1hr impr�n•«��xistin�:or hereafler crccted on thr <br /> � prx�p�rly imurcd uEain+t lu..b�•lirr.har.ard>includrJ��•i�hin thc Icmi"celrnJrd cuv�ragr"and;im•athcr hvriirds.including <br /> flixxl�i�r fl�xxling. ti�r which Lrnder reyuirc� in+urance. Thi. inwranr� �hall tx maintuinrJ in the umounts und for the <br /> Fbrml02lt V�91) r�rier?�qn/N�.�r�� <br /> I <br /> � � <br /> � � _ _ _ <br />