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<br /> �+iyn�rus nu�y iw�iw�cr t+e rcyuiral, at ftu��ticHi„f l.e►xirr, if nx►ng�r inwrwxe rn�•eru1e(in tt►c�ixwnt wal tbr thc periai
<br /> liuN Le�xkt retit�irtK)pn�vi.kvl i►y�n inwne rp�n�val hy l�rwl�r�Kain hcconies a�,dlabl^wxi ia obWnes. kk�rr�w�r�ll prY _
<br /> th�pre�*►i►+nn rcquircc!co r�wlivain nxxt�:�e i�uunukti in eftat,ur tu pruviJr�luas R�scivr,wuil the requir�n�u for nx�c�t��tye `
<br /> �nw,�nn�10 in rmmiaxY with rnv writtrn r,e►txritent brtw�Cr��6orn�w�e��uxJ l.�ndc��u st�plkablc law. `
<br /> 9.lac�xr�ti�a. Leixler��r its uYent nwy nule rwu�nable ent�iea upan uixl iit�pertiu�u�,f thr Pt��+erty. l.�txkr shall �i�•e
<br /> Barrowe�noti�e,t�he Nntie of or pri��r ta aui ii�.�{�ecti�s(�cif'yiny�rwtsaul�le c:tuse fur the i�t�pc�tiai,
<br /> t0.Candriw�atia+i. The proceevls �►f rny Aw�►nl��r rlain� G�r Jrnwye�, dir�t ��r.vui.�ea{ucntul. i�i cunnectiun with su�}� _
<br /> cwxiemn;wuuz or wher u3kit�01:w� pzrt of the Propetty.or fnr conveyunce i��lieu ui�viukuu�►tiw►. �r�(tv�tby�i�nc-t;ani --
<br /> sts�ll he pa:d ta lxstider. _
<br /> In thc cvcnt of s�tWa! uking af ihe Propert�•,thc proccaect�:slwl!bc upplicd ta tPtc wn��recurcd b� this Sccurily In.urwnetu, —
<br /> whether ar iwt then duc. ++►�th:u�y rx�rsa paiJ w kiurruw•er. lu the e�uu uf+�p;utiul tt�kirtg��t thc['rop�.rty in which tn: iair =
<br /> n�arket valuc of'the Property imnxdiately brfore the tai;ing is eqw+! to ur grcater ttun thc su�wunt of the sun�s sccun�by this
<br /> Seeuriry Instcumen:inu�uxliately before the tzling,unle�s&�rrow�cr:uxl l.ender otherwise a�ree in u•ritinr,the sun�c securad by
<br /> this Securiry instrunxnt sl�all be rccluced by the;unount of'the procecxls �twltiplied by the fullow•ing fractian: (al the tnta!
<br /> a�ncwnt af thc sums securetit inmxdiately bcfore the tr,kin�. di��ided by (b) lt�fuir nu+rket value uf thc Propecty i�tu»ediately _
<br /> befare the taling. Any ba:snce shall be paid to Basmwer. Cn the event of a Fxtrtiuf takias af the Propeny in which the f�ir
<br /> n�r{cet value of Ihe Property inu�x�diate:E G�fora thc tnl:ing is less than thc ar��,+,��t of U�e sums sccured inm�li:�tely before the
<br /> wking, unless Borrowes and l.ender ot,�-+►�ise agrc�e irs writing or unless upplicable law othcrwise provides, �he pruiaxls sftall
<br /> be�pplied tn the sums secared by this Security Inurumeiu wheiher or not the sums are then due.
<br /> if tho Property is ab�zn�a�od by Borrower,or if,after notice by l.ender to Borrower thut the concienutior oft'en to m�l:c w
<br /> award or setNe� claim for dan�es, Borrow�er f�ils to respond ta Lencter within 30 days after ttie datte the rwtice is grven, _
<br /> L.ender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at itc optiaa,either to restoration or re�air of the Property or to tGe sums
<br /> secured by this Security l�strument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unlcss Lendcr and Borrower otherwisc agroe in writing, uny applicatian of proceeds to principa! shall not extend or
<br /> pastpaae the due�ate of the monthly p�yments referred co in par.�r,�piu l and 2 or change the a�naunt af such paymenis.
<br /> 1l.Borrow•er Not Rdeased;Forbes�roaoe By I.euder 1\ui A Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or rnodification
<br /> of anwrtization of the sunu secural by this Security Instrument gr.utited by Lender to any sucoessor in interest of Borrower s1�11
<br /> not opet�te to release ttie liability of the original Borrower or Borrowu's successon in interesi. Lernieer shall not be required w
<br /> cc�ctunetue ptoceedings�gainst any successor in intereu or refuse to extend time for payment ar atherwise modify unwttizutia�
<br /> of the uuns secured by this Security Inswment by reason of any demarxi made by tt�e originzl Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> suocessors in interest. My forbc�ram by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not bt a waiver of or proclttdt the
<br /> exetcise of any right or remady.
<br /> 22. Suocessors aad Assi�ns Bound;Joial sad Severa! Liabillty; Co-tigners. The covenvus a�tid agra;ments of tuis
<br /> Security Iastrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigas of Ixnder and Borrower, subject W the provisions of
<br /> parigraph 17. Botrower's oovenu�is and agreeme�us shall be joint and several. My Bomav►•er who ca-signs this Securiry
<br />. Insttuatuu but does not czecuu t!►e Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrume�t only to mortgage. gtant and oonvey that
<br /> Botrowu's interest in the Pr�peny ut�der the ternic of this Security Instruarnr,(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> . so�w�ed by this Securiry Instnuneat:w��c)a8rees tt�at I.ender wd uny other Borrow�er may agree to ext�nd.modify.foibear or
<br /> maie aay aaa�cmnodatioas with ngazJ w the tercns of this Security Itumnnesu or the Nae with�wt that Borrower'r consent.
<br /> . .- ---i3.L�l.ml�6.%[il1C 1(AD .S"'.�L17LK Oy 1[I1S JCC{Llly lILSlIUIQiA IS SLLO�Ol3 W i1/YW N"ilAYl SCIS�IIi74tiWI�t�Vill{;�fi[�1,
<br /> � sad th�t law is fic�lly interpreted so th�t the interest or other loan charges oollo��ted or to be oollatod in oonnection with the
<br /> loan exooed the pemuued limits.chen: (a)�ny such lou�clsarge slnl!be reducod by the ar►wunt neoessary w roduce the charge
<br /> ' w the pemuttod limit:�nd lb)�ny sums�lready�llected from Boaower which exceeded pertnitied limiu will be refundod W
<br /> Borcowa. I.�nder may d�oose to m�ice dris riefund by rodueing the prineipal awed unda the Note or by cnaking a din��t
<br /> PaYmcnt to Borrower. If a refund roduas priacipal, the redu�xioa will be tratad zs a n�rtial P�aYmaot without aay
<br /> � prepaytnesn chuge undei tIu Nate.
<br /> 14.Notins.Any qoti�:ao Borrower provided for in this Security Instn�mear st�all be given by deliveriqg it or by mailing
<br /> it by fuu clast mail unless,pplipble law requires use of�aother method. TE�e ootia sl�ll be directed to the Property Addras
<br /> or�ny other address Borrowu c{aigaates by notice to Lender. Any notioe W L,ender shall be given by fitst c�ss m� to
<br /> .. I�der's address st�ted herein or any c+tAer address Lender desiRn�te�by notia to Borrowa. Any notice nrovidcd for in thi�
<br /> S�ocurity Inu�nt sh�ll be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender w�hea given as provided in this paragrip�h.
<br /> � 15.Govauiag I.aw; Scwerability. This Security Insuume�u sl�Il be gar�emod by federr! law aud the !aw of tbe
<br /> `jwisdidioa in which the Property is Iocated. In the event tt�t�ny provision or c�:wse of this Security Inst�ument or the Note
<br /> conflixs witlx applicabk law,such oonflict st�ll tat affoct othor ptavisions af this Security Inscrument or the Note which csn 6e
<br /> giivea effxt�rithout the ooaflictiug provlsion. To this end the provi.siuns of this Saurity Iast�s�mwt siad We Note are dxlaiod
<br /> w be sevenbfe.
<br /> 1S.Borrower's Copy.Bo�rower shall be given one confom�ed copy of the IKote and of this Security In� �**+rnr,
<br /> Fom�3oT8 9180
<br /> v.o.sas
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