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<br /> �nsOL'.�wa•.-�a�� +AYlw� �-_-_..
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<br /> iltie ia n�«nxnts iw;+v or turwRet erocted un the pm�xrty.wxl al!ea�nxnt.,up{w�te��x.�ur�tv —
<br /> T(K3El'Nkiit Wll'H a!{ tp .
<br /> fiztures �x�w ur her�iter u �rt of tt� pn►pzny. Ail rtplacc�ncnts and wdcliiiw�v ,tull .�lu� ix �u�•ireJ hy t __
<br /> in►t��unxul.All uf tl'w fi,teFnin�es rcf�rrnl tu in t�is Se�urity insuunxnt u`tt►c"Nn�n}'.'
<br /> 1it)RR(�Wl:lt COVF.NANTS�tut tiarn�v��er i�I�wiully a�i�e.i of thr tuate hcrct+y.y���+'���++�i�+�ttk cibfit ta Lrun¢rnd -_
<br /> tr.nv�ty�iti�H�tux�c� wxl�h:u ctee Pn�xny i: unci clan u wxi dcawow 1>��iu:t t s;a►y rrrf u:e�t+�Y&uf�ti.rd�r.u�t�.uul will __
<br /> J�f�sxl grixrall}•thc title tu thc Pn�c�sy a8�unst all
<br /> THIS S�C'URIT'1f'INSTRl1h9EhT a,mbit�cs unitbnn cu�•enanu fur iutiw�r! uk :���1�K�n-unifurm c+��•eiuuas with Ii�niteJ
<br /> variation�h.:jucisui�tii»�ti�rmitititute a unifann xxurity��utrum.ent ru�'e•in�real pr:��r�y. _
<br /> UNIF()RP1 CflYENANI'S. Barre3�Yti�+x1 lcndeiratui��erC b�+f�'•,Bcxn�uer sh:ill �rt�ntiy 11� �r:►y when Juc the �
<br /> 1. P�cuunt ot Prla�lp:�l und 1aterrsi: i'iYW.' �, m:nt:uxl I:►tc cluegc�dur undcr ttk N►xc. —
<br /> principal of acul ir�terest an the Jelu evidcnce�i by the Nocc;uxl w�y p�Wy _
<br /> 2. Funds fos�'stxes and Ituw�. Subjcct tu upp{i�ab{� lzw ur to n v�rittrn Kri��cr by Lcixkr. BaRUNCr �I�all pa}• to
<br /> Lcndc�on the day nwnthlY paYmcnts w�c due under the Notc,until the N�KC is{uid in full,a wm l"F'ucxl."1 fur: (a1�•curly wxcs L
<br /> and usscs.u�tients w•hich n�ay�+ttain prioricy aver thic Se:urity Instrunxnt:u a licn un Qw Fr.�rty: lb►yelrly Ie:�uMdd{+:�ynxius
<br /> or ground n:nts on the Praperty, if uny:(cl yetu{y haz�,-�d ar praperty iiuuratue prcmiums:ldl}•early Ilcxxl insuc�ance pr�miun�s,
<br /> if any; te)Yearly mortgu�e insurance premiunu. if any:and (tl suiy sunu payable by &�rruw•cr tu Leixier.in acmrdar�ce with
<br /> the provisions of psu's►gr�Ph 8. in lieu af the payment of uwr¢gagc insur.uur premiutttc. The�e itemt�re ca11a1 "E�crow lte�u."
<br /> Lender may, at any tin�c, collect snd hold Funcis in un amow►t iwt tu exceed the max�mum a��xwnt u laxter for a feclerally
<br /> rclatal nwrtguge loan maY n9uire for Borcower's esctvw �ccount u�uler the fader.+! Itea� Euate Sculen'ent Proce�iu�es Act of —
<br /> l974 us amended frcm time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").untess another law that s;�;u:bes to the Funds
<br /> sets a leuer unwunt. If so. Lender may, at any time, collect a�d hold Fundc in an :+nbunt nat to exceed th�lesser anwunt.
<br /> Lender cnay estitnate ch.. anwwu oi Fw�us 3�u.��tt�»b�:is of r�!r*r�u dat�a aacl reau'u�b� ��t�of expencliture�of future _
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordsnce with applicable law. �tc are insured bX � foderal a8ency. insttumentality. or entiry
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depos� • 1 tGe Funds to thc
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an iactiwtionl or in any Federal Home Loan Ban3c.Lende�'sh�11 app y P�Y
<br /> Escrow Itemc. l.ender maY cw��'�'�z�0i''°u•er far raldin�and upplying the Funds. annually analyzing ehe escrow account.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Itetns.unless Lender p�ays Bortou•er interest on the Funds and t+pplicable law pemtits 1.eadtr tu u►a1:e sucDs
<br /> a chu�e.However,I.ender may re9u�re B°tT°�"'zr to pay a one-tiroe charge for�n independent real estate t�x reporting serv►ce
<br /> used tsy L,ender in connectian with this laan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless aa a�reenxnt is m��+de os
<br /> applicable Iaw requires interesc to be ptid. Lender shall��1�required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ��w����may agrec in wridng. however.that intecest s1�a11 be paid on the Funds. Lender s1�a11 givf�Borro�
<br /> without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds. slwwinB credits and debiu to the�u�ds and t�P��P°�
<br /> debit to the Fw�ds was made.The Funds are pledged as s�ddition�l security for a11 licable�la I.ender shall��aceow�t to Bomawer
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendet excecd the anwunts permitted to be held by app�
<br /> for the excess�unds in aecordance with tl�e requirements of applicable law. if the amounc of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not safficient to pay the Escrow Iten�s wtsen due.L�ler may so notify Borrower in writing.and.in such c.ase Bor�wu
<br /> shall pay to Lendu tlse amount necessarY to n�ke up die deficieacy. Borrowu shall male up the def'�cieacy in no rnore than
<br /> twelve monthlY pzYments.���s sole discretion. re� to Bom��vcr any
<br /> Upon paymeni in fuU of �ll szrtn� secured by this Secusity lnstrumeni. l.eader shiJ pron�xlY uisitian or sstle
<br /> Funds held by l.onder.If.under par.�traph 21.I.ender sh311 acquire or se11 the Froperty.L.ets�kr.Prior ta the aoq
<br /> .. :�a o � r.mr of ' 'tion or sak as a a�edit at�anst the wms secured by
<br /> - �j��piy�y Fu,;�;s;a:v Sy Ls....t..s.�__.... �►s+ . . . . _ . _
<br /> _ of thc PropertY•
<br />- �his Security Inswmet►t.
<br /> 3.Applicatbn of Paymes�ts.Ualess applicable law provides otherwise.all payments rac..ived by�nderu���2.
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be�ppliad• first. w ar►9 PT�P�Yment charges due under the Note: second.to�mounts PaY •
<br /> thitd.to inurest due:fourth,to principal due:and Lact.to any late charges dae under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cbw�+T.iws. Borrower sl�ll pay all t�xes,zssessments.chuges. fines and impositions attributab2e to the PropertY
<br /> which may attain priority over this Secwiry Instrument. aad leazehoW payments os gcound rents,if any. Borrower st�all PaY
<br /> tlxse obligations in the ittivu�er pro�ided in pti'agraph 2.ot if not paid in that manner.Bonower st�ll pay tlt�m on time diraxly
<br /> to the person owed paymeai. Borrower shall promptly fumish ta I�ender all twtices of u�s to be Paid under this par'a8npb•
<br /> If Borrower m�lces tliese PaYm�cs directly,Boaawer shall promptly fumish to Lender rece�.Gts evidencing the paymaus.
<br /> - g�rrower shall prwr►pt1Y discharge wy lien wtiich has prioriry over this Security Instrua�t un1���ower:(a)agras in
<br /> le io l,essder:(b)mntests in good ftith the lsea
<br /> writing to the paymau of the oWigation secvred'uy ti,e iien in a ss�u�.rr axeg�ab inion operau to prevau the
<br /> by, ��f�s agynst enforc�anent of the lien in, lega! prooeedinss which in the Letder's op'
<br /> enfora,ment of the lien• or(c)sxures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subo*d�natin8 the lien xo
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrume�t. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject tm a iien wlrich may attain priority ova
<br /> this Saurity Ittsuumenc,Lendu maY S��e Bo�TOwer a notice icietuifying the[iea.Borrowu st�)1 satisfy the lien or take otK or
<br /> roore of the actions set fwtb abaye w'thin 1Q days of the giving of nocice.
<br /> Fo�m 302s 9180
<br /> wp.�ae .
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