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<br /> � _.......• ..r......:.��.. �-_' .-�--- . -_ -_—___-
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<br /> ' _ _-' " 1. _ _ _ _ —'_'—�.��aa..u�;' "" _ _ . . _ �. .. -"""_.__-. .
<br /> ' �oax �, 000sssio�s
<br /> � - ����i:�
<br /> I axsst�. M e�xass pcocoeds orrerr nn�rnount r�eq�uired a pyy�11 uu+�w�r+++y�
<br /> p�ra,�rsph 2,cx ch�a�a tbe �cwunt of such pry Y
<br /> iadc�odnGSS uttdcr ttte Note ana dus Socuriry It►strument s?�U bc p�ici to tho eaiitY le�,ai19 eaiilkd thac++�.
<br /> 8.F�. [.on�r m�Y c�ikct focs aarl cL�'�es suL'ro.-iz�.�l 3y th;,SecrewY•
<br /> 9.Grouo�s for A�d�atbo ot Oebt.
<br /> (�)De�t. I.cluier rcay�eacccpt a3 limited by reguWio«s issuod by tbe Sacsctaty in tAo casc of prymeai defw1is.
<br /> roquira immocllrto Paymcnt ia fuA of eL swns socurod by dus SecwitY Iasnvrneat iS:
<br /> (i)Bonnwer deftuIts by failing to pay it�fuli aay taoottJY P�Y�at toqu3red by this SauriW Ia�eai p�1�m a
<br /> oa the due cWe of the ue�ct motiYhlY PoY�a �iw tAis
<br /> (ii) Bomower def�uilro by ftilina,fot a period of thirty days,to pafotm any oitur obli8�lorss
<br /> Socutity Insauttwnt
<br /> (b)Snle WitL�ut CrodiQ Approval. Leatkr si�ll. if Pamiucd bY a�ptics�bk ls►w�atl wiTh tho pr�ior aQp��ov�l of the
<br /> Soa�ary,require immodiva PaYment ia full of all sums 9ecu:+ed by this Sacurity Insttutneat if:
<br /> (i)All or pwrt of�he Fmpet4',or e bcnefzcial i�ua^esY m a trusi�wa:a��ii a�-t of�.:°r^..,�at1,��'°�^V..�!°' '�^�''�
<br /> tc�nsfared(otbe7 tbsa by de�ise ot desceat)bY tbe Bocrower.aad
<br /> (i�'Tt�Prc�pescY ic not aa;�pied by the purchasci or gtaatx as 6is car der priacipal raideaoe.a tbe p�crcAt�r or
<br /> �aaseO doa so oocupy the Pmpesty uut his«ha cxodic has not oeea�r�provea in acoaaam wite tb�teqairemcats
<br /> of ibe Satxeacy
<br /> (c)IVc W+Iver. If circumstaoccs oa;�r tt�xt would puaut�sder tn requice immedWe pwymeat i�full,but L�eadx does
<br /> na roq�ire such p�ymeats.Leodes aoes na.�s�ive irs righu with nspoct to subsequeat evea�.
<br /> (d)R�f�tio�s of HUD Secretsry. Ia many circum�naoes cegulstions iss�od by the Scci'GarY ws�l limit Ia�dar's
<br /> tig�s ia d�a a�e of paymes�t d�f'wulcs tp raquue ir.�medie�paYmeai iA full aod fnsecbse if aot prid..'Ibis SaauitY
<br /> laseeuerea�das not authodze�x:a�tioa a faocio�u+e if oxyc pamitted by rr�utations of tLo Soaerasy.
<br /> (e)114Oet�e 1Vot iaWU�e�1. Borrower agroes d,at sl�a�3d d�is Securicy Iaun�mait�ed tbe Note sxured th�eDy not be
<br /> eli�ie fot�noe�ncia t�e NatboalliousiaB Act aitEin 6'3 days 5o�m the dste het�oof,Lentler msy,at its oQtbu wd
<br /> noqvi�tio,� aaythiag ia p�raghpb 9. raluire immedl�te P�Yma�t in fu11 of�Ei x�ros soau+ed by tha SecuritY
<br /> � lnsttumeat. A�vritka s�nmt of aay �iud r+�au of t8e Se�Y d�d s�+bso4ant to 60 d�ys fcvm tbe dsoe
<br /> haeo�f,aec}iam��o�ure rbla socurity Ia�uaeac aod tde rrae�ecured 3�arby,shau be aoemea con�aasive p�oof d'
<br /> ' ��l�ity,rfotw�o�dtie farga�ia�.this cpim maY cot bc w�acised bY L.eader wEeo ihe uatva�biliq►of
<br /> _ ��._,_...._....,�.......,u�
<br /> _ �l00$�ICiy OYC 1D L�COOe[s ptut�C ai tuiui i a`nuii�v r..�.r�.w p.w.—...—�•••�..�....� . ... .. ._.. ..
<br /> � 1Q�. BOti+OW�!bi4 a tight i0 11C�OSS�tOd!f I,.l��9 IbQ{� l�bit111C�1ji�EOt�G fllu bOC�11�0 Of
<br /> • $0[l�ONlt'f�f��C 1D�jr 9D YI110lQU aUC I�1S�'!111C NOfC O[�115$OQ1�7ty Tnefnnw��„�,,,+ �yj��(�]jq CVG'1!i�l f0[EC�qU�C
<br /> .'s pe�ncoediqRs�e inftibubd.'Ib�ri�e�e Saauity Instnuoeat.Ba�roara sh�ll tea�,��s i�a 3ua�p sum tll amoaat�nequaed 1�hl�
<br /> Baeower's�000uat c�areat mchdia�.oo t�e ex�ent tb�y�re ob�ioas of Bar:o�a undar this Saaai�ty Inst�ummt.farev+o�ue
<br /> : eors aod is�o�o�bie �nd cusooa�rY �lae�eYs' fees aad e:peme�P�aIY as�oei�oed wit6 tbe fac+eclosia+e pe+eoeedia,�. Uiwn
<br /> �mt by BoaoMet,dds Seaaity le�naaait aod tLe obaiptic�as tt�t ii sepms s�tl re�ti�iu e8ect ss if i�eader had not
<br /> . roqoi�ed immedi�le py�aeat in f�11. However. L�ader is not ra�cand on pennin rr�ier�t i� (i) L.eodtt Im �oce�oed
<br /> reiu�t�tfer the commmoaawt of fcrec]aaure Q�roaodiags widiio tao yar�immedi�lY Pceoed�t��� �
<br /> a cuenat fa+xlaQne Prnoadi�. (u� reia� w�l t�� fae+eciosucr oa di�etmt groutxls ia tbe fiwm, as C�
<br /> � �lemeat w�l dvr�Y�ffacx d�e prioriry of tltie liea aeated by ti�is Soc�icy iawrum�i+.-
<br /> ' 1L Ea�rowa Not asia�ed:Faria*+we B7 i.s�der Nat�Waiver. Futeasioa of t�e cisae af pry�eat a�
<br /> af amocd�on ot d�e wms secured Dy d�is Sa�n'iry Instrumeat grrated�y L,erder ro�y su�s�or in iala�st of Barroaer slull
<br /> .s not oQexale w r�kara the Ii�bilitY of the ari�l Barower or Bacrowa's suxessoc in intarst I.eadet sh�ll aot be requind�o
<br /> oammeooe Procxedia,�a�anY�ia iaierest a refase w e�d tLae for p�ymeat ae otbawiie modifY�oao�tianoo of
<br /> the�ms secueed by thi�Sa�rity Ias�amt by re�oa of any demaod m�de by the aigia�l BEx+s+owes a Bamwer's suooes�o�s
<br /> n�iaiaest.My fabdtaoce f►Y L�eader ia�sio�avY ri�st a r�Y shall not be a waivet Of ot p�+och�de tbe pca+cise of any
<br /> : �a�y-
<br /> ' �w4p(Nky l�1 Pap�sa• ���
<br /> F
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